[freeside-devel] Introductions

ivan ivan at 420.am
Fri Jan 16 17:01:37 PST 2004

On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 11:28:09AM -0500, Bowen, Peter wrote:
> Hello,
> 	I've installed freeside and anticipate using it, however I need to
> add a little functionality for our needs.  Specifically, I need to add
> deferred revenue (they paid and now I need to track how much has been used)
> and Cybersource (payment gateway) support.  Whatever I do, I want to do it
> within the framework so that I can contribute my changes back as well as
> keep my system upgradable.  How should I proceed?


I need to work on a deferred revenue report as well; we should compare
the specifics and see if we're looking to do the same thing so we don't
duplicate effort if so.  Please send patches/updates in unified diff
format (diff -u).

With regard to Cybersource payment gateway support, you don't need to
change Freeside itself - just make a
Business::OnlinePayment::Cybersource module that implements the
specifics for that particular payment gateway.  If you would be so kind
as to release this module under a free license and upload to CPAN (or
allow me to upload to CPAN), I'm sure other Cybersource users would
appriciate it.  See http://420.am/business-onlinepayment/


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