OpenRADIUS support

Emile van Bergen emile at
Tue Dec 14 06:24:35 PST 2004


I would like to establish a good interface between Freeside and

As both are quite flexible in allowing you to adapt to 'the other end',
there are many options to consider. 

Of course I could simply make OpenRADIUS look as much as ICRadius or
FreeRADIUS as possible, but I would like to aim for elegance, and take
advantage of both product's strengths. 

At one extreme, I could write an OpenRADIUS behaviour file that uses
Freesides own database schema directly, in real time.

At the other extreme, Freeside could get an export to tie in to one of
the current example database setups that come with OpenRADIUS.

The best solution will lie somewhere in the middle. However, I'm not
familiar enough with Freeside's design philosophy to make a good choice
in this, and would welcome any comment that could help me with that.

Another question is for a pointer to a reference what Freeside needs at
the minimum from a RADIUS server in order to offer its full
functionality. Eg. other than the flexible exports mechanism to push
accounts to the RADIUS server, what type of mechanisms exist to get
accounting data?

Kind regards,


E-Advies - Emile van Bergen           emile at      
tel. +31 (0)70 3906153     

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