
ivan at 420.am ivan at 420.am
Fri Sep 6 19:41:49 PDT 2002

1.4.1beta1 (test for 1.4.1 release)

This is intended to be a maintenance release and should be a drop-in
replacement for 1.4.0.

- Web UI:
  - "Unprovision" option for individual accounts
  - UI HTML table ROWSPAN fix in Package Search
  - HTML escape comments in Customer View
  - Don't substitute default values for empty options when editing

- compatible with Business::OnlinePayment::VitualNet for VITAL/VisaNet

- Web-based CSV customer and charge import

- New "FTP upload" invoice event

- Accounts (svc_acct): 
  - fix small bugs in duplicate username checking edge cases
  - fix static IP address export
  - don't require uid for finger and quota (shell relics)
  - fix md5 import
  - make username/domain for unexported services conflict at least with
    same svcpart

- Exports:
  - shellcommands export: default commands now update GECOS also, FreeBSD
    userdel command removes homedirs
  - new export: domain_shellcommands
  - vpopmail export update

- Various other bug fixes, spelling corrections and assorted nits.


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