[freeside-devel] texas tax

Rick Eicher II rick at pbol.net
Thu Mar 14 06:40:37 PST 2002

Here is a tail -30 of error_log.

[debug][FS::Record] SELECT * FROM part_pkg WHERE pkgpart = ?
setuptax:  at part_pkg.cgi line 26.
recurtax:  at part_pkg.cgi line 27.
[debug][FS::Record] SELECT * FROM part_svc
[debug][FS::Record] FS::part_pkg=HASH(0x8cedec4) ->replace
[debug][FS::Record] UPDATE part_pkg SET taxclass = 'access' WHERE pkgpart =
11 AND pkg = 'Flat Rate Dail-Up' AND comment = 'For Old Customers' AND setup
= 0 AND freq = 1 AND recur = 16.95 AND setuptax IS NULL AND recurtax IS NULL
AND plan = 'flat' AND plandata = 'setup_fee=0
' AND disabled IS NULL AND taxclass IS NULL
[debug][FS::Record] INSERT INTO h_part_pkg ( history_date, history_user,
history_action, pkgpart, pkg, comment, setup, freq, recur, plan, plandata)
VALUES (1016097258, 'rick', 'replace_old', 11, 'Flat Rate Dail-Up', 'For Old
Customers', 0, 1, 16.95, 'flat', 'setup_fee=0
[debug][FS::Record] INSERT INTO h_part_pkg ( history_date, history_user,
history_action, pkgpart, pkg, comment, setup, freq, recur, plan, plandata,
taxclass) VALUES (1016097258, 'rick', 'replace_new', 11, 'Flat Rate
Dail-Up', 'For Old Customers', 0, 1, 16.95, 'flat', 'setup_fee=0
', 'access')
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  Unable to identify an operator '=' for
types 'text' and 'int4' at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/FS/Record.pm
line 662.
[debug][FS::Record] SELECT * FROM part_svc WHERE ( disabled IS NULL OR
disabled = '' )
[debug][FS::Record] SELECT * FROM pkg_svc WHERE pkgpart = ? AND svcpart = ?
[debug][FS::Record] SELECT * FROM pkg_svc WHERE pkgpart = ? AND svcpart = ?
[debug][FS::Record] SELECT * FROM pkg_svc WHERE pkgpart = ? AND svcpart = ?
[debug][FS::Record] SELECT * FROM part_pkg WHERE ( disabled IS NULL OR
disabled = '' )


I assume it is haveing a problem with the h_part_pkg table.

Here is the definition of the h_part_pkg.

CREATE TABLE "h_part_pkg" (
  "historynum" int4,
  "history_date" int4,
  "history_user" varchar(80),
  "history_action" varchar(80),
  "pkgpart" int4,
  "pkg" varchar(80),
  "comment" varchar(80),
  "setup" text,
  "freq" int4,
  "recur" text,
  "setuptax" char(1),
  "recurtax" char(1),
  "plan" varchar(80),
  "plandata" text,
  "disabled" char(1),
  "taxclass" varchar(80)

Nothing jumps out at me. Any have an idea?

Thanks Ivan,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ivan [mailto:ivan at 420.am]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 8:04 PM
> To: ivan-freeside-devel at sisd.com
> Subject: Re: [freeside-devel] texas tax
> Turn on query debugging:
>   $FS::Record::DEBUG = 1;
> and post the exact statement that's causing the error.
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 05:05:29PM -0600, Rick Eicher II wrote:
> > Having to redo texas tax. Now have a select box on the part_pkg.cgi page
> > that sets the "taxclass" to one of two objects. But when I hit submit
> > changes it says this:
> >
> > DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  Unable to identify an
> operator '=' for
> > types 'text' and 'int4' at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/FS/Record.pm
> > line 662.
> >
> > Since the new column taxclass is set to varchar I have no idea
> where this
> > error comeing from.
> >
> > Any ideas? Or does any one have any idea how to add a column to
> a table and
> > get freeside to populate it?
> >
> > Ivan I would love to get this working before your deal in
> Dallas. But I have
> > hit a wall.
> >
> > frustrated,
> > rick
> >
> >
> --
> _ivan

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