1.4 Program Report

Dave Burgess burgess at neonramp.com
Thu Nov 15 14:42:36 PST 2001

I've just started to work with FreeSide.  I'm going to try and help out
with code and other stuff.  Specifically, I'm interested in writing a
"C" program that produces a PDF invoice that can be E-Mailed, printed,
and sent back which include customer barcode information.  This also
implies that I'm going to be trying to hook in a barcode reader service.

Beta Report for 15 November, 2001:

1)  pre5 works well with MySQL using InnoDB from the base install - no
need for additional software.  Getting the innodb part working was
counterintuitive because I had the wrong mysql-dbd loaded.  Once I fixed
that, it worked.

2)  There is a mis-spelling on the index.html.  "Job schedule" shouldn't
be "Joe Scheduling".

3)  I'm using the "ship to" additions.  I have the default state set to
Nebraska (NE).  When I update  a record in "edit/cust_main.cgi"  and
click the 'same as billing address' check mark, the State/Country gets
changed from "NE/US" to "NV/US".  If I change it back to "NE/US" and
update the record, the state stay correct.  If I don't change it, it
remains incorrect. At first, I thought it was an 'off by one' error, but
NV and NE are separated by four entries.   I haven't looked into the
code yet so see if I can spot the suspect code.

Note:  Clearing and clicking the check box repeatedly doesn't make the
problem worse.

4)  There seem to be several routines missing: specifically, the
svc_www.cgi scripts.  I'm sure it's been asked this a million times,
but am I missing something simple on getting this additional

I'm having a lot of trouble getting the data loaded into the database
from our old, home-grown application.  I'm slogging through it now: I've
finished up the last of the domains, and am now at the point where our
old system had no data.  The hardest part I've found yet is keeping the
svc_acct and cust_main tables connected.  I'm slowly getting my head
around the schema, and am getting more and more impressed every day.

In the matter of protocol:  what is the proper protocol for letting Ivan
know about problems/updates/suggestions/weirdnesses?


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