
Thomas Charron tcharron at
Sun May 21 13:49:27 PDT 2000

  Hello everyone..

  I've recently began to setup freeside for a local ISP using as 
their wholesale provider, and I must thank you all for having a package 
available that I had started to write myself..  :-)  That's what I get for not 
looking hard enough first..

  I do have several questions regarding the system, more along the lines 
of 'Should I implement this' in case no one has already..  :-P

  My first biggie is that apperently the export file will always export to both 
the "users" radius file, and the "passwd" file.  I'd like it to be configurable 
as to where they are exported.  This is becouse we will sell a shell account 
that *DOES NOT INCLUDE DIALUP CAPABILITIES*, and hence, do NOT want it exported 
to the radius file, as they shouldn't be able to auth via radius.  Has anyone 
made changes to allow this yet?  By the same token, we also have PPP users who 
auth off of radius but beyond that, should have no access to the system, aka, 
no entries in the passwd file.  Yes, I know this means they will not be able to 
recieve email (This is a feature, not a bug..  :-}).  Basically, we want to be 
able to have several accounts.

  1) PPP with shell, mail, etc..
    This is possible now simply by have the system export to both the radius 
file, along with the passwd file, with a valid shell and home dir setup..

  2) PPP without anything
    (See question)

  3) Shell with dialin, etc..
    Again, possible with some minor modification to tell radius that it's a 
shell forward.

  4) Shell with nadazilchnothing radius wise
    Simply an entry in the passwd, but nothing going into the radius file.

  I'm asking these for simple thoughts on the matter.  I'm probrably going to 
add a flag stating 'local', 'remote', or 'both' that will get detected by the 
export scripts to tell where it should be exported to.  Easy enough..

  Another note is if wished I can supply a simple perl app that will import 
ziplinks dialup numbers, simular to the one provided that pulls's 
access list.

  Anyway, great job so far, guys!

Thomas Charron
<< Wanted: One decent sig >>
<< Preferably litle used  >>
<< and stored in garage.  ?>>

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