[freeside] 1.2.3 released

Tim Jung tjung at igateway.net
Fri Mar 3 09:57:56 PST 2000

I would also love to see Freeside support bandwidth billing by reading the
Cisco NetFlow Accounting data so we and other ISP's could automatically bill
co-located servers and even potentially other virtually hosted sites like
MUD, Palace Chat, IRC Chat, etc based on the bandwidth they use or average
sustained rates or whatever. I'm not much of a programmer so I don't know
what all this entails but I did download a NetFlow client agent/whatever for
Linux though.

It would also be nice to see Freeside be able to read Apache log files and
bill customers for web traffic that way as an option also. Plus an option to
bill for excessive disk usage without having to use quotas if you didn't
want to, would be a nice feature as well. So you could monitor with a script
or something to see how much disk space a user was using then get some
average and charge a certain amount for anything above some preset limit for
that account type. I might be able to hack something like this up, but I'm
not 100% sure where to start or if there is something out there that could
be modified or not.

Do you think that you will ever support the HKS CCVS (Hell's Kitchen
Software Credit Card Verification Software) since Red Hat bought them out
and is going to be including that for credit card processing when you buy
the professional version? What about possibly supporting the OpenCCVS which
is a GNU/GPL version of a credit card program? I haven't had time to comb
through the Freeside code to see how hard it would be to add support for
these as externally called programs.

Also any thoughts on help desk, and knowledge base stuff? Any thoughts on
this stuff, and how possible and what kinds of work or time frame would be

Tim Jung
System Admin
Internet Gateway Inc.
tjung at igateway.net

----- Original Message -----
From: "ivan" <ivan at 420.am>
To: <ivan-freeside at sisd.com>
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 9:02 AM
Subject: [freeside] 1.2.3 released

> Hi there!
> I'm pleased to announce the release of Freeside 1.2.3.
> Freeside is an open-source billing package for Internet Service Providers.
> New features in this version include a signup server with support for IE
> autoconfiguration and pre-paid "phone card" type billing.
> You can download the new version, read the documentation, and play with a
> web demo at <http://www.sisd.com/freeside>.
> --
> meow
> _ivan

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