Anybody here yet?

Scott Nelson drenalin at
Mon Aug 30 19:21:31 PDT 1999

Hi Ivan,

Did you see the news bit about a version of MySQL being GPL'ed?  cool eh.

Is there a TODO file for the project yet?

Maybe we can start a list...

* Interface redesign - (scott/ultima networks)
	- possibly using javascript/frames as tools
	- need to keep fully HTML compliant
	- hopefully develop a version which degrades 'nicely' to Lynx

* redoing 'Domain' concept
	- potentially using Critical Path as an example

* Postscript printing for bills
	- including ease of importing logo for ISP's

* Documentation
	- has anyone ever considered asking a College Technical Writing
class to do Open Source documentation?  I know there is a class at Univ. or
Oregon that I went to...I'll do some digging and see if I can find someone
to get in touch with...this might be a really cool source of documentation.

there is a brief start.


 Scott Nelson - President / Network Admin - Ultima Networks
 >>> scott at >>> >>>
      (888) 600-8665 << (831) 771-1230 << (831) 771-1473 fax

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