[freeside-commits] branch FREESIDE_4_BRANCH updated. e041838ebeb0112a03fa89450a113f130829757f

Ivan Kohler ivan at freeside.biz
Mon May 23 10:40:07 PDT 2022

The branch, FREESIDE_4_BRANCH has been updated
       via  e041838ebeb0112a03fa89450a113f130829757f (commit)
      from  d4a6bb85f5a3037ba9e5299108db683a70f7ad6d (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit e041838ebeb0112a03fa89450a113f130829757f
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date:   Mon May 23 10:39:16 2022 -0700

    there was no need for a separate "R22" format, RT#81941

diff --git a/FS/FS/cdr/broadsoft.pm b/FS/FS/cdr/broadsoft.pm
index a6f4d01c0..a2c608936 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cdr/broadsoft.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cdr/broadsoft.pm
@@ -1,49 +1,135 @@
 package FS::cdr::broadsoft;
+=head1 NAME
+FS::cdr::broadsoft - CDR parse module for Broadsoft
+Ref: BW-AccountingCDRInterfaceSpec-R22.pdf
 use strict;
 use base qw( FS::cdr );
 use vars qw( %info );
 use FS::cdr qw( _cdr_date_parser_maker _cdr_min_parser_maker );
 %info = (
-  'name'          => 'Broadsoft',
-  'weight'        => 500,
-  'header'        => 1,     #0 default, set to 1 to ignore the first line, or
-                            # to higher numbers to ignore that number of lines
-  'type'          => 'csv',
-  'sep_char'      => ',',   #for csv, defaults to ,
-  'disabled'      => 0,     #0 default, set to 1 to disable
-  #listref of what to do with each field from the CDR, in order
-  'import_fields' => [
+  name     => 'Broadsoft',
+  weight   => 500,
+  header   => 1,
+  type     => 'csv',
+  sep_char => ',',
+  disabled => 0,
+  import_fields => [
+    # 1: recordId
+    # 2: serviceProvider
-    sub { my($cdr, $data, $conf, $param) = @_;
-          $param->{skiprow} = 1 if lc($data) ne 'normal';
-          '' },                                   #  3: type
+    # 3: type
+    sub {
+      my ( $cdr, $data, $conf, $param ) = @_;
+      $param->{skiprow} = 1
+        if lc($data) ne 'normal';
+      '';
+    },
+    # 4: userNumber
+    # 5: groupNumber
-    'dcontext',					  #  6: direction
-    trim('src'),                                  #  7: callingNumber
+    # 6: direction
+    'dcontext',
+    # 7: callingNumber
+    trim('src'),
+    # 8: callingPresentationINdicator
-    trim('dst'),                                  #  9: calledNumber
-    _cdr_date_parser_maker('startdate'),          # 10: startTime
+    # 9: calledNumber
+    trim('dst'),
+    # 10: startTime
+    _cdr_date_parser_maker('startdate'),
+    # 11: userTimeZone
-    sub { my($cdr, $data) = @_;
-          $cdr->disposition(
-            lc($data) eq 'yes' ? 
-            'ANSWERED' : 'NO ANSWER') },          # 12: answerIndicator
-    _cdr_date_parser_maker('answerdate'),         # 13: answerTime
-    _cdr_date_parser_maker('enddate'),            # 14: releaseTime
-    skip(17),
-    sub { my($cdr, $accountcode) = @_;
-    if ($cdr->is_tollfree){
-	my $dst = substr($cdr->dst,0,32);
-        $cdr->set('accountcode', $dst);
-    } else {
-        $cdr->set('accountcode', $accountcode);
-    }},
+    # 12: answerIndicator
+    sub {
+      my( $cdr, $data ) = @_;
+      $cdr->disposition( $data =~ /^yes/i ? 'ANSWERED' : 'NO ANSWER');
+    },
+    # 13: answerTime
+    _cdr_date_parser_maker('answerdate'),
+    # 14: releaseTime
+    _cdr_date_parser_maker('enddate'),
+    # 15: terminationCause
+    # 16: networkType
+    # 17: carrierIdentificationCode
+    # 18: dialedDigits
+    # 19: callCategory
+    # 20: networkCallType
+    # 21: networkTranslatedNumber
+    # 22: networkTranslatedGroup
+    # 23: releasingParty
+    # 24: route
+    skip(10),
+    # 25: networkCallID
+    'sipcallid',
+    # 26: codedc
+    # 27: accessDeviceAddress
+    # 28: accessCallID
+    # 29: spare
+    # 30: failoverCorrelationId
+    # 31: spare
+    # 32: group
+    # 33: department
+    skip(8),
+    # 34: accountCode
+    sub {
+      my( $cdr, $data ) = @_;
+      $cdr->set(
+        'accountcode',
+        $cdr->is_tollfree ? substr( $cdr->dst, 0, 32 ) : $data
+      );
+    },
+    # 35: authorizationCode
+    # 36: originalCalledNumber
+    # 37: originalCalledPresentationIndicator
+    # 38: originalCalledReason
+    # 39: redirectingNumber
+    # 40: redirectingPresentationIndicator
+    # 41: redirectingReason
+    # 42: chargeIndicator
+    # 43: typeOfNetwork
+    # 44: voicePortalCalling.invocationTime
+    # 45: localCallId
+    # 46: remoteCallId
+    # 47: callingPartyCategory
+    #
+    # Also... cols 48 - 448 see Broadsoft documentation
+    skip(87), #35-121 inclusive
+    #122: otherPartyName
+    'clid',
+    skip(23), #123-145 inclusive
+    # 146: chargedNumber
+    'charged_party',
diff --git a/FS/FS/cdr/broadsoft22.pm b/FS/FS/cdr/broadsoft22.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 92a0b9dbf..000000000
--- a/FS/FS/cdr/broadsoft22.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-package FS::cdr::broadsoft22;
-=head1 NAME
-FS::cdr::broadsoft22 - CDR parse module for Broadsoft R22.0
-Ref: BW-AccountingCDRInterfaceSpec-R22.pdf
-use strict;
-use base qw( FS::cdr );
-use vars qw( %info );
-use FS::cdr qw( _cdr_date_parser_maker _cdr_min_parser_maker );
-%info = (
-  name     => 'Broadsoft R22',
-  weight   => 500,
-  header   => 1,
-  type     => 'csv',
-  sep_char => ',',
-  disabled => 0,
-  import_fields => [
-    # 1: recordId
-    # 2: serviceProvider
-    skip(2),
-    # 3: type
-    sub {
-      my ( $cdr, $data, $conf, $param ) = @_;
-      $param->{skiprow} = 1
-        if lc($data) ne 'normal';
-      '';
-    },
-    # 4: userNumber
-    # 5: groupNumber
-    skip(2),
-    # 6: direction
-    'dcontext',
-    # 7: callingNumber
-    trim('src'),
-    # 8: callingPresentationINdicator
-    skip(1),
-    # 9: calledNumber
-    trim('dst'),
-    # 10: startTime
-    _cdr_date_parser_maker('startdate'),
-    # 11: userTimeZone
-    skip(1),
-    # 12: answerIndicator
-    sub {
-      my( $cdr, $data ) = @_;
-      $cdr->disposition( $data =~ /^yes/i ? 'ANSWERED' : 'NO ANSWER');
-    },
-    # 13: answerTime
-    _cdr_date_parser_maker('answerdate'),
-    # 14: releaseTime
-    _cdr_date_parser_maker('enddate'),
-    # 15: terminationCause
-    # 16: networkType
-    # 17: carrierIdentificationCode
-    # 18: dialedDigits
-    # 19: callCategory
-    # 20: networkCallType
-    # 21: networkTranslatedNumber
-    # 22: networkTranslatedGroup
-    # 23: releasingParty
-    # 24: route
-    skip(10),
-    # 25: networkCallID
-    'sipcallid',
-    # 26: codedc
-    # 27: accessDeviceAddress
-    # 28: accessCallID
-    # 29: spare
-    # 30: failoverCorrelationId
-    # 31: spare
-    # 32: group
-    # 33: department
-    skip(8),
-    # 34: accountCode
-    sub {
-      my( $cdr, $data ) = @_;
-      $cdr->set(
-        'accountcode',
-        $cdr->is_tollfree ? substr( $cdr->dst, 0, 32 ) : $data
-      );
-    },
-    # 35: authorizationCode
-    # 36: originalCalledNumber
-    # 37: originalCalledPresentationIndicator
-    # 38: originalCalledReason
-    # 39: redirectingNumber
-    # 40: redirectingPresentationIndicator
-    # 41: redirectingReason
-    # 42: chargeIndicator
-    # 43: typeOfNetwork
-    # 44: voicePortalCalling.invocationTime
-    # 45: localCallId
-    # 46: remoteCallId
-    # 47: callingPartyCategory
-    #
-    # Also... cols 48 - 448 see Broadsoft documentation
-    skip(87), #35-121 inclusive
-    #122: otherPartyName
-    'clid',
-    skip(23), #123-145 inclusive
-    # 146: chargedNumber
-    'charged_party',
-  ],
-sub trim {
-  my $fieldname = shift;
-  return sub {
-    my($cdr, $data) = @_;
-    $data =~ s/^\+1//;
-    $cdr->$fieldname($data);
-    ''
-  }
-sub skip {
-  map { undef } (1..$_[0]);
-list of freeside CDR fields, useful ones marked with *
-           acctid - primary key
-    *[1]   calldate - Call timestamp (SQL timestamp)
-           clid - Caller*ID with text
-7   *      src - Caller*ID number / Source number
-9   *      dst - Destination extension
-           dcontext - Destination context
-           channel - Channel used
-           dstchannel - Destination channel if appropriate
-           lastapp - Last application if appropriate
-           lastdata - Last application data
-10  *      startdate - Start of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
-13         answerdate - Answer time of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
-14  *      enddate - End time of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
-    *      duration - Total time in system, in seconds
-    *      billsec - Total time call is up, in seconds
-12  *[2]   disposition - What happened to the call: ANSWERED, NO ANSWER, BUSY
-           amaflags - What flags to use: BILL, IGNORE etc, specified on a per
-           channel basis like accountcode.
-4   *[3]   accountcode - CDR account number to use: account
-           uniqueid - Unique channel identifier
-           userfield - CDR user-defined field
-           cdr_type - CDR type - see FS::cdr_type (Usage = 1, S&E = 7, OC&C = 8)
-    *[4]   charged_party - Service number to be billed
-           upstream_currency - Wholesale currency from upstream
-    *[5]   upstream_price - Wholesale price from upstream
-           upstream_rateplanid - Upstream rate plan ID
-           rated_price - Rated (or re-rated) price
-           distance - km (need units field?)
-           islocal - Local - 1, Non Local = 0
-    *[6]   calltypenum - Type of call - see FS::cdr_calltype
-           description - Description (cdr_type 7&8 only) (used for
-           cust_bill_pkg.itemdesc)
-           quantity - Number of items (cdr_type 7&8 only)
-           carrierid - Upstream Carrier ID (see FS::cdr_carrier)
-           upstream_rateid - Upstream Rate ID
-           svcnum - Link to customer service (see FS::cust_svc)
-           freesidestatus - NULL, done (or something)
-[1] Auto-populated from startdate if not present
-[2] Package options available to ignore calls without a specific disposition
-[3] When using 'cdr-charged_party-accountcode' config
-[4] Auto-populated from src (normal calls) or dst (toll free calls) if not present
-[5] When using 'upstream_simple' rating method.
-[6] Set to usage class classnum when using pre-rated CDRs and usage class-based
-    taxation (local/intrastate/interstate/international)


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/cdr/broadsoft.pm   | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 FS/FS/cdr/broadsoft22.pm | 201 -----------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 FS/FS/cdr/broadsoft22.pm

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