[freeside-commits] branch master updated. fc37cb7bb9120f7c1dc949948875061579ffd043

Ivan Kohler ivan at freeside.biz
Tue Apr 14 12:25:02 PDT 2020

The branch, master has been updated
       via  fc37cb7bb9120f7c1dc949948875061579ffd043 (commit)
      from  8de3f28d4c12d5348ecebc1bd46a2b810e1e30ed (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit fc37cb7bb9120f7c1dc949948875061579ffd043
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date:   Tue Apr 14 12:25:00 2020 -0700

    remove need for old Locale::SubCountry

diff --git a/FS/FS/state.pm b/FS/FS/state.pm
index 671a93b44..fa8cef5e3 100644
--- a/FS/FS/state.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/state.pm
@@ -76,29 +76,87 @@ sub check {
+our %state2fips = (
+  'AL' => '01',
+  'AK' => '02',
+  'AZ' => '04',
+  'AR' => '05',
+  'CA' => '06',
+  'CO' => '08',
+  'CT' => '09',
+  'DE' => '10',
+  'DC' => '11',
+  'FL' => '12',
+  'GA' => '13',
+  'HI' => '15',
+  'ID' => '16',
+  'IL' => '17',
+  'IN' => '18',
+  'IA' => '19',
+  'KS' => '20',
+  'KY' => '21',
+  'LA' => '22',
+  'ME' => '23',
+  'MD' => '24',
+  'MA' => '25',
+  'MI' => '26',
+  'MN' => '27',
+  'MS' => '28',
+  'MO' => '29',
+  'MT' => '30',
+  'NE' => '31',
+  'NV' => '32',
+  'NH' => '33',
+  'NJ' => '34',
+  'NM' => '35',
+  'NY' => '36',
+  'NC' => '37',
+  'ND' => '38',
+  'OH' => '39',
+  'OK' => '40',
+  'OR' => '41',
+  'PA' => '42',
+  'RI' => '44',
+  'SC' => '45',
+  'SD' => '46',
+  'TN' => '47',
+  'TX' => '48',
+  'UT' => '49',
+  'VT' => '50',
+  'VA' => '51',
+  'WA' => '53',
+  'WV' => '54',
+  'WI' => '55',
+  'WY' => '56',
+  'AS' => '60', #American Samoa
+  'GU' => '66', #Guam
+  'MP' => '69', #Northern Mariana Islands
+  'PR' => '72', #Puerto Rico
+  'VI' => '78', #Virgin Islands
 sub _upgrade_data {
-  warn "Updating state and country codes...\n";
+  # we only need U.S. state codes at this point (for FCC 477 reporting)
+  warn "Updating state FIPS codes...\n";
   my %existing;
-  foreach my $state (qsearch('state')) {
+  foreach my $state ( qsearch('state', {'country'=>'US'}) ) {
     $existing{$state->country} ||= {};
     $existing{$state->country}{$state->state} = $state;
-  my $world = Locale::SubCountry::World->new;
-  foreach my $country_code ($world->all_codes) {
+  foreach my $country_code ('US') {
     my $country = Locale::SubCountry->new($country_code);
     next unless $country->has_sub_countries;
     $existing{$country} ||= {};
     foreach my $state_code ($country->all_codes) {
-      my $fips = $country->FIPS10_4_code($state_code);
-      # we really only need U.S. state codes at this point, so if there's
-      # no FIPS code, ignore it.
-      next if !$fips or $fips eq 'unknown' or $fips =~ /\W/;
+      my $fips = $state2fips{$state_code} || next;
       my $this_state = $existing{$country_code}{$state_code};
       if ($this_state) {
         if ($this_state->fips ne $fips) { # this should never happen...
-          $this_state->set(fips => $fips);
-          my $error = $this_state->replace;
-          die "error updating $country_code/$state_code:\n$error\n" if $error;
+          die "guru meditation #414: State FIPS codes shouldn't change";
+          #$this_state->set(fips => $fips);
+          #my $error = $this_state->replace;
+          #die "error updating $country_code/$state_code:\n$error\n" if $error;
         delete $existing{$country_code}{$state_code};
       } else {
@@ -113,9 +171,10 @@ sub _upgrade_data {
     # clean up states that no longer exist (does this ever happen?)
     foreach my $state (values %{ $existing{$country_code} }) {
-      my $error = $state->delete;
-      die "error removing expired state ".$state->country.'/'.$state->state.
-          "\n$error\n" if $error;
+      die "guru meditation #415: State that no longer exists?";
+      #my $error = $state->delete;
+      #die "error removing expired state ".$state->country.'/'.$state->state.
+      #    "\n$error\n" if $error;
   } # foreach $country_code
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index d751c77e9..c80b3d7fc 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Depends: aspell-en,gnupg,ghostscript,gsfonts,gzip,
- liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl,liblocale-subcountry-perl (<< 2),
+ liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl,liblocale-subcountry-perl,
  libmailtools-perl (>=2.12), libmime-tools-perl (>= 5.504),


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/state.pm | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 debian/control |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

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