[freeside-commits] branch master updated. d397c0135075feca088abf09e801ceb18d425f10

Mitch Jackson mitch at freeside.biz
Sun May 26 12:36:07 PDT 2019

The branch, master has been updated
       via  d397c0135075feca088abf09e801ceb18d425f10 (commit)
      from  6b5dda03831aef0cb5689cf2acf3fac47e4b12cb (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d397c0135075feca088abf09e801ceb18d425f10
Author: Mitch Jackson <mitch at freeside.biz>
Date:   Sun May 26 15:29:16 2019 -0400

    RT# 83402 CLI tool to repair wa state tax tables

diff --git a/FS/FS/Cron/tax_rate_update.pm b/FS/FS/Cron/tax_rate_update.pm
index bb9d4d13d..4383bc501 100755
--- a/FS/FS/Cron/tax_rate_update.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Cron/tax_rate_update.pm
@@ -294,6 +294,11 @@ sub wa_sales_update_tax_table {
+  # The checks themselves will fully log details about the problem,
+  # so simple error message is sufficient here
+  log_error_and_die('abort tax table update, sanity checks failed')
+    unless wa_sales_update_tax_table_sanity_check();
   $args->{temp_dir} ||= tempdir();
   $args->{filename} ||= wa_sales_fetch_xlsx_file( $args );
@@ -635,6 +640,26 @@ sub wa_sales_fetch_xlsx_file {
+=head2 wa_sales_update_tax_table_sanity_check
+There should be no duplicate tax table entries in the tax table,
+with the same district value, within a tax class, where source=wa_sales.
+If there are, custome taxes may have been user-entered in the
+freeside UI, and incorrectly labelled as source=wa_sales.  Or, the
+dupe record may have been created by issues with older wa_sales code.
+If these dupes exist, the sysadmin must solve the problem by hand
+with the freeeside-wa-tax-table-resolve script
+Returns 1 unless problem sales tax entries are detected
+sub wa_sales_update_tax_table_sanity_check {
+  FS::cust_main_county->find_wa_tax_dupes ? 0 : 1;
 sub log {
   state $log = FS::Log->new('tax_rate_update');
@@ -655,6 +680,7 @@ sub log_warn_and_warn {
 sub log_error_and_die {
   my $log_message = shift;
   &log()->error( $log_message );
+  warn( "$log_message\n" );
   die( "$log_message\n" );
diff --git a/FS/FS/cust_main_county.pm b/FS/FS/cust_main_county.pm
index 2bd7342ca..958233440 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cust_main_county.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cust_main_county.pm
@@ -562,6 +562,40 @@ sub taxline {
   return $tax_item;
+=head1 find_wa_tax_dupes
+Return a list of cust_main_county Record objects that are detected
+as duplicate washington state sales tax rows (source=wa_state)
+within their respective tax classes
+sub find_wa_tax_dupes {
+  my %cust_main_county;
+  my @dupes;
+  for my $row ( qsearch( cust_main_county => { source => 'wa_sales' } ) ) {
+    my $taxclass = $row->taxclass || 'none';
+    $cust_main_county{$taxclass} ||= {};
+    my $district = $row->district || 'none';
+    $cust_main_county{$taxclass}->{$district} ||= [];
+    push @{ $cust_main_county{$taxclass}->{$district} }, $row;
+  }
+  for my $taxclass ( keys %cust_main_county ) {
+    for my $district ( keys %{ $cust_main_county{$taxclass} } ) {
+      my $tax_rows = $cust_main_county{$taxclass}->{$district};
+      if ( scalar @$tax_rows > 1 ) {
+        push @dupes, @$tax_rows;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  @dupes;
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-wa-tax-table-resolve b/FS/bin/freeside-wa-tax-table-resolve
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fa6db3e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-wa-tax-table-resolve
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use v5.10;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '1.0';
+use Data::Dumper;
+use FS::cust_main_county;
+use FS::Log;
+use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
+use FS::UID qw( adminsuidsetup );
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+# Begin transaction
+local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+  $dbh,
+  $freeside_user,
+  $opt_check,
+  @opt_merge,
+  @opt_set_source_null,
+  'check'             => \$opt_check,
+  'merge=s'           => \@opt_merge,
+  'set-source-null=s' => \@opt_set_source_null,
+ at opt_merge = split(',',join(',', at opt_merge));
+ at opt_set_source_null = split(',',join(',', at opt_set_source_null));
+# say Dumper({
+#   check => $opt_check,
+#   merge => \@opt_merge,
+#   set_source_numm => \@opt_set_source_null,
+# });
+$dbh = adminsuidsetup( $freeside_user )
+  or die "Bad  username: $freeside_user\n";
+my $log = FS::Log->new('freeside-wa-tax-table-resolve');
+if ( $opt_check ) {
+  check();
+} elsif ( @opt_merge ) {
+  merge();
+} elsif ( @opt_set_source_null ) {
+  set_source_null();
+} else {
+  error_and_help('No options selected');
+# Commit transaction
+local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1;
+sub set_source_null {
+  my @cust_main_county;
+  for my $taxnum ( @opt_set_source_null ) {
+    my $row = qsearchs( cust_main_county => { taxnum => $taxnum } );
+    if ( $row ) {
+      push @cust_main_county, $row;
+    } else {
+      error_and_help("Invalid taxnum specified: $taxnum");
+    }
+  }
+  say "=== Specified tax rows ===";
+  print_taxnum($_) for @cust_main_county;
+  confirm_to_continue("
+    The source column will be set to NULL for each of the
+    tax rows listed.  The tax row will no longer be managed
+    by the washington state sales tax table update utilities.
+    The listed taxes should be manually created taxes, that
+    were never intended to be managed by the auto updater.
+  ");
+  for my $row ( @cust_main_county ) {
+    $row->setfield( source => undef );
+    my $error = $row->replace;
+    if ( $error ) {
+      $dbh->rollback;
+      my $message = sprintf 'Error setting source=null taxnum %s: %s',
+          $row->taxnum, $error;
+      $log->error( $message );
+      say $message;
+      return;
+    }
+    my $message = sprintf 'Source column set to null for taxnum %s',
+      $row->taxnum;
+    $log->warn( $message );
+    say $message;
+  }
+sub merge {
+  my $source = qsearchs( cust_main_county => { taxnum => $opt_merge[0] });
+  my $target = qsearchs( cust_main_county => { taxnum => $opt_merge[1] });
+  error_and_help("Invalid source taxnum: $opt_merge[0]")
+    unless $source;
+  error_and_help("Invalid target taxnum: $opt_merge[1]")
+    unless $target;
+  local $| = 1; # disable output buffering
+  say '==== source row ====';
+  print_taxnum( $source );
+  say '==== target row ====';
+  print_taxnum( $target );
+  confirm_to_continue("
+    The source tax will be merged into the target tax.
+    All references to the source tax on customer invoices
+    will be replaced with references to the target tax.
+    The source tax will be removed from the tax tables.
+  ");
+  local $@;
+  eval { $source->_merge_into( $target, { identical_record_check => 0 } ) };
+  if ( $@ ) {
+    $dbh->rollback;
+    my $message = sprintf 'Failed to merge wa sales tax %s into %s: %s',
+        $source->taxnum, $target->taxnum, $@;
+    say $message;
+    $log->error( $message );
+  } else {
+    my $message = sprintf 'Merged wa sales tax %s into %s - success',
+        $source->taxnum, $target->taxnum;
+    say $message;
+    $log->warn( $message );
+  }
+sub validate_opts {
+  $freeside_user = shift @ARGV
+    or error_and_help('freeside_user parameter required');
+  if ( @opt_merge ) {
+    error_and_help(( '--merge requires a comma separated list of two taxnums'))
+      unless scalar(@opt_merge) == 2
+          && $opt_merge[0] =~ /^\d+$/
+          && $opt_merge[1] =~ /^\d+$/;
+  }
+  for my $taxnum ( @opt_set_source_null ) {
+    if ( $taxnum =~ /\D/ ) {
+      error_and_help( "Invalid taxnum ($taxnum)" );
+    }
+  }
+sub check {
+  my @dupes = FS::cust_main_county->find_wa_tax_dupes;
+  unless ( @dupes ) {
+    say 'No duplicate tax rows detected for WA sales tax districts';
+    return;
+  }
+  say sprintf '=== Detected %s duplicate tax rows ===', scalar @dupes;
+  print_taxnum($_) for @dupes;
+  $log->error(
+    sprintf 'Detected %s duplicate wa sales tax rows: %s',
+      scalar( @dupes ),
+      join( ',', map{ $_->taxnum } @dupes )
+  );
+sub print_taxnum {
+  my $taxnum = shift;
+  die unless ref $taxnum;
+  say 'taxnum: '.$taxnum->taxnum;
+  say join "\n" => (
+    map { sprintf('  %s:%s', $_, $taxnum->$_ ) }
+    qw/district city county state tax taxname taxclass source/
+  );
+  print "\n";
+sub confirm_to_continue {
+  say shift;
+  print "Confirm: [y/N]: ";
+  my $yn = <STDIN>;
+  chomp $yn;
+  if ( lc $yn ne 'y' ) {
+    say "\nAborted\n";
+    exit;
+  }
+sub error_and_help {
+  pod2usage({
+    -message => sprintf( "\n\nError:\n\t%s\n\n", shift ),
+    -exitval => 2,
+    verbose => 1,
+  });
+  exit;
+=head1 name
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums --help
+freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums --check [freeside_user]
+freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums --merge 123,234 [freeside_user]
+freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums --set-source-null 1337,6553 [freeside_user]
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--help>
+Display help and exit
+=item B<--check>
+Display info on any taxnums considered blocking duplicates
+=item B<--merge> [source-taxnum],[target-taxnum]
+Update all records referring to [source-taxnum], so they now
+refer to [target-taxnum].  [source-taxnum] is deleted.
+Used to merge duplicate taxnums
+=item B<--set-source-null> [taxnum],[taxnum],...
+Update all records for the given taxnums, by setting the
+I<source> column to NULL.
+Used for manually entered tax entries, incorrectly labelled
+as created and managed for Washington State Sales Taxes
+Tool to resolve tax table issues for customer using Washington state
+sales tax districts.
+If Freeside detects duplicate rows within the wa sales tax tables,
+tax table updates are blocked, and a log message directs the
+sysadmin to this tool.
+Duplicate rows may be manually entered taxes, not related
+to WA sales tax.  Or duplicate rows may have been manually entered
+into freeside for other tax purposes.
+Use --check to display which tax entries were detected as dupes.
+For each tax entry, decide if it is a duplicate wa sales tax entry,
+or some other manually entered tax.
+if the row is a duplicate, merge the duplicates with the --merge
+option of this script
+If the row is a manually entered tax, not for WA state sales taxes,
+keep the tax but remove the flag incorrectly labeling it as WA state
+sales taxes with the --set-source-null option of this script
+Once --check no longer returns problematic tax entries, the
+wa state tax tables will be able to complete their automatic
+tax rate updates


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/Cron/tax_rate_update.pm        |  26 +++
 FS/FS/cust_main_county.pm            |  34 ++++
 FS/bin/freeside-wa-tax-table-resolve | 304 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 364 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 FS/bin/freeside-wa-tax-table-resolve

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