[freeside-commits] branch FREESIDE_4_BRANCH updated. 37e986126fa8e061b3e366d855eae067736dda3a
Mitch Jackson
mitch at freeside.biz
Sun May 5 16:03:17 PDT 2019
The branch, FREESIDE_4_BRANCH has been updated
via 37e986126fa8e061b3e366d855eae067736dda3a (commit)
via 421278d970cec6f46ceaeb4074de6d827c9dda9f (commit)
via 7807f22a3eb9d6b82e15d28ab94a0130c803041c (commit)
from 965c7cea322f779a4ab6f37da7ba3f35367212dd (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 37e986126fa8e061b3e366d855eae067736dda3a
Author: Mitch Jackson <mitch at freeside.biz>
Date: Sun May 5 18:46:54 2019 -0400
RT# 83122 Utility to issue credits against taxnums - fix typo
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums b/FS/bin/freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums
index 31de71fc9..8b7a12252 100755
--- a/FS/bin/freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ say "Done - credits written to database";
sub apply_cust_credits {
- my @credits = shift;
+ my @credits = @_;
my $csv_fn = "$csv_dir/cust_credit.csv";
@@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ sub apply_cust_credits {
die $error;
- say $log->info(
- sprintf 'Issued credit to custnum:%s for invnum:%s for amount %s',
+ my $msg = sprintf 'Issued credit to custnum:%s for invnum:%s for amount %s',
- $credit->{amount},
- );
+ $credit->{amount};
+ say $msg;
+ $log->info( $msg );
say $csv_fh join ',' => (
map { $_ =~ /\D/ ? qq["$_"] : $_ } (
@@ -407,11 +407,11 @@ A comma separated list, with no spaces, of taxnums to issue credits for
=item B<--credit-reasonnum> [22]
-The credit num to be attached to issued credits
+The credit reasonnum to be attached to issued credits
=item B<--credit-addlinfo> "[Credits happen for this reason]"
-Comment field attached to issued creits. Enclose text within quotes.
+Comment field attached to issued credits. Enclose text within quotes.
=item B<--insert-credits>
@@ -435,4 +435,4 @@ of customer charges for those taxnums.
When directed, utility will issue a credit to the account of each of those
customers, and generate a CSV report describing those credits for reporting
\ No newline at end of file
commit 421278d970cec6f46ceaeb4074de6d827c9dda9f
Author: Mitch Jackson <mitch at freeside.biz>
Date: Sun May 5 18:12:15 2019 -0400
RT# 83122 Utility to issue credits against taxnums
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums b/FS/bin/freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..31de71fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use v5.10;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '1.0';
+use Data::Dumper;
+use DateTime;
+use DateTime::Format::DateParse;
+use FS::cust_credit;
+use FS::cust_credit_bill;
+use FS::Log;
+use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
+use FS::UID qw( adminsuidsetup );
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+# Begin transaction
+local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+my (
+ $csv_dir,
+ $start_date,
+ $end_date,
+ $taxnums,
+ @taxnums,
+ $credit_reasonnum,
+ $credit_addlinfo,
+ $insert_credits,
+ $apply_credits,
+ $freeside_user,
+ 'csv_dir=s' => \$csv_dir,
+ 'start-date=s' => \$start_date,
+ 'end-date=s' => \$end_date,
+ 'taxnums=s' => \@taxnums,
+ 'credit-reasonnum:s' => \$credit_reasonnum,
+ 'credit-addlinfo:s' => \$credit_addlinfo,
+ 'insert-credits' => \$insert_credits,
+ 'apply-credits' => \$apply_credits,
+my $dbh = adminsuidsetup( $freeside_user )
+ or die "Bad username: $freeside_user\n";
+my $log = FS::Log->new('freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums');
+my @tax_rows = get_tax_rows()
+ or die "No tax rows found matching search criteria\n";
+say sprintf 'Found %s rows from cust_bill_pkg_tax_location', scalar @tax_rows;
+write_tax_rows_csv_file( \@tax_rows );
+my @credits = get_cust_credit_amounts( \@tax_rows );
+# warn Dumper({ credits => \@credits }); exit;
+write_cust_credit_summary_csv_file( @credits );
+unless ( $insert_credits ) {
+ die "
+ Option --apply-credits was not specified, no credits written to customers
+ Please review the generated CSV files, and re-run with --apply-credits
+ to issue credit adjustments
+ \n\n"
+apply_cust_credits( @credits );
+$FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1;
+say "Done - credits written to database";
+sub apply_cust_credits {
+ my @credits = shift;
+ my $csv_fn = "$csv_dir/cust_credit.csv";
+ open my $csv_fh, '>', $csv_fn
+ or die "Unable to write to CSV file $csv_fn: $!";
+ my @csv_cols = qw(
+ crednum
+ invnum
+ custnum
+ _date
+ amount
+ usernum
+ reasonnum
+ addlinfo
+ );
+ say $csv_fh join ',' => @csv_cols;
+ for my $credit ( @credits ) {
+ my $cust_credit = FS::cust_credit->new({
+ custnum => $credit->{custnum},
+ amount => $credit->{amount},
+ reasonnum => $credit_reasonnum,
+ addlinfo => $credit_addlinfo,
+ usernum => 6, # nobody
+ });
+ if ( my $error = $cust_credit->insert ) {
+ die $error;
+ }
+ say $log->info(
+ sprintf 'Issued credit to custnum:%s for invnum:%s for amount %s',
+ $credit->{custnum},
+ $credit->{invnum},
+ $credit->{amount},
+ );
+ say $csv_fh join ',' => (
+ map { $_ =~ /\D/ ? qq["$_"] : $_ } (
+ $cust_credit->crednum,
+ $credit->{invnum},
+ $credit->{custnum},
+ map { $cust_credit->$_ }
+ qw/ _date amount usernum reasonnum addlinfo/
+ )
+ );
+ if ( $apply_credits ) {
+ my $cust_credit_bill = FS::cust_credit_bill->new({
+ crednum => $cust_credit->crednum,
+ invnum => $credit->{invnum},
+ amount => $credit->{amount},
+ });
+ if ( my $error = $cust_credit_bill->insert ) {
+ die $error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close $csv_fh;
+ say sprintf 'Wrote %s customer credits to [%s]', scalar( @credits ), $csv_fn;
+sub write_cust_credit_summary_csv_file {
+ my @credits = @_;
+ my $csv_fn = "$csv_dir/customer_adjustments.csv";
+ open my $csv_fh, '>', $csv_fn
+ or die "Unable to write to CSV file $csv_fn: $!";
+ say $csv_fh join ',' => qw(
+ credit_amount
+ custnum
+ invnum
+ first
+ last
+ address
+ city
+ state
+ zip
+ );
+ for my $credit ( @credits ) {
+ my $cust_main = qsearchs( cust_main => { custnum => $credit->{custnum} })
+ or die "Error finding custnum($credit->{custnum}) in database!";
+ say $csv_fh join ',' => (
+ map { $_ =~ /\D/ ? qq["$_"] : $_ } (
+ sprintf('%.2f', $credit->{amount}),
+ $credit->{custnum},
+ $credit->{invnum},
+ $cust_main->first,
+ $cust_main->last,
+ $cust_main->ship_location->address1,
+ $cust_main->ship_location->city,
+ $cust_main->ship_location->state,
+ $cust_main->ship_location->zip
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ close $csv_fh;
+ say sprintf 'Wrote %s customer credits to [%s]', scalar( @credits ), $csv_fn;
+sub get_cust_credit_amounts {
+ my $tax_rows = shift;
+ my @credits;
+ for my $row (@$tax_rows ) {
+ push @credits, {
+ custnum => $row->cust_bill_pkg->cust_bill->custnum,
+ invnum => $row->cust_bill_pkg->cust_bill->invnum,
+ amount => $row->amount,
+ };
+ }
+ @credits;
+sub write_tax_rows_csv_file {
+ my $tax_rows = shift;
+ my $csv_fn = "$csv_dir/cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.csv";
+ open my $csv_fh, '>', $csv_fn
+ or die "Unable to write to CSV file $csv_fn: $!";
+ my @cols = qw(
+ billpkgtaxlocationnum
+ billpkgnum
+ taxnum
+ taxtype
+ pkgnum
+ locationnum
+ amount
+ currency
+ taxable_billpkgnum
+ custnum
+ invnum
+ );
+ say $csv_fh join ',' => @cols;
+ for my $row ( @$tax_rows ) {
+ say $csv_fh join ',' => (
+ (
+ map { $_ =~ /\D/ ? qq["$_"] : $_ }
+ map { $row->$_ }
+ @cols
+ ),
+ $row->cust_bill_pkg->cust_bill->custnum,
+ $row->cust_bill_pkg->invnum,
+ );
+ }
+ close $csv_fh;
+ say sprintf 'Wrote %s matched rows into [%s]', scalar(@$tax_rows), $csv_fn;
+sub get_tax_rows {
+ my $start_epoch =
+ DateTime::Format::DateParse
+ ->parse_datetime( $start_date )
+ ->set_hour(0)
+ ->set_minute(0)
+ ->set_second(0)
+ ->epoch();
+ my $end_eopch =
+ DateTime::Format::DateParse
+ ->parse_datetime( $end_date )
+ ->set_hour(23)
+ ->set_minute(59)
+ ->set_second(59)
+ ->epoch();
+ return qsearch({
+ table => 'cust_bill_pkg_tax_location',
+ addl_from => "
+ LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
+ LEFT JOIN cust_bill ON cust_bill_pkg.invnum = cust_bill.invnum
+ ",
+ extra_sql => "
+ WHERE cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.taxnum IN (".join(',', at taxnums).")
+ AND taxtype = 'FS::cust_main_county'
+ AND cust_bill._date >= $start_epoch
+ AND cust_bill._date <= $end_eopch
+ "
+ });
+sub validate_opts {
+ $freeside_user = shift @ARGV
+ or error_and_help('freesidee_user parameter required');
+ error_and_help( '--csv_dir is required' )
+ unless $csv_dir;
+ error_and_help( '--start_date is required' )
+ unless $start_date;
+ error_and_help( '--end-date is required' )
+ unless $end_date;
+ error_and_help( '--taxnums is required' )
+ unless @taxnums;
+ error_and_help( '--credit-reasonnum is required with --apply-credits' )
+ if $insert_credits && !$credit_reasonnum;
+ error_and_help( '--credit-addlinfo is required with --apply-credits' )
+ if $insert_credits && !$credit_addlinfo;
+ error_and_help( "csv dir ($csv_dir) is not a writable directoryu" )
+ unless -d $csv_dir && -r $csv_dir;
+ error_and_help( "start_date($start_date) is not a valid date string")
+ unless DateTime::Format::DateParse->parse_datetime( $start_date );
+ error_and_help( "end_date($end_date) is not a valid date string")
+ unless DateTime::Format::DateParse->parse_datetime( $end_date );
+ @taxnums = split(/,/,join(',', at taxnums));
+ error_and_help( "taxnum($_) is not a valid integer" )
+ for grep { $_ =~ /\D/ } @taxnums;
+ error_and_help( "credit-reasonnum($credit_reasonnum) is not a valid integer" )
+ if $credit_reasonnum && $credit_reasonnum =~ /\D/;
+sub print_opts {
+ $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
+ $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+ $Data::Dumper::Varname = 'OPTIONS';
+ say "\nProceeding with options:\n";
+ say Dumper({
+ '--csv_dir' => $csv_dir,
+ '--start-date' => $start_date,
+ '--end_date' => $end_date,
+ '--taxnums' => join(',', at taxnums),
+ '--credit-reasonnum' => $credit_reasonnum || 'undef',
+ '--credit-addlinfo' => $credit_addlinfo || 'undef',
+ '--insert-credits' => $insert_credits ? 'True' : 'False',
+ '--apply-credits' => $apply_credits ? 'True' : 'False',
+ })."\n";
+ if ( $insert_credits ) {
+ print "\nYou have chosed to write credits to the database\n"
+ . "Please review your choices\n\n"
+ . "Continue? [y/N]";
+ my $yn = <STDIN>; chomp $yn;
+ die "ABORT!\n\n" unless lc $yn eq 'y';
+ }
+sub error_and_help {
+ pod2usage({
+ -message => sprintf( "\n\nError:\n\t%s\n\n", shift ),
+ -exitval => 2,
+ verbose => 1,
+ });
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+freeside freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums [options] [freeside_user]
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--help>
+Display help and exit
+=item B<--csv_dir> [directory]
+Directory to save CSV reports into
+=over 4
+=item cust_bill_pkg_location.csv
+Contains a list of all rows from cust_bill_pkg to be credited
+=item cust_adjustments.csv
+Contains a list of all intended customer adjustments amounts
+=item cust_credit.csv
+Contains all rows created in cust_credit to issue customer adjustments
+=item B<--start-date> [yyyy-mm-dd]
+The start of the date range to search for invoices containing taxes to credit
+=item B<--end-date> [yyyy-mm-dd]
+The end of the date range to search for invoices containing taxes to credit
+=item B<--taxnums> [123,124,125,126]
+A comma separated list, with no spaces, of taxnums to issue credits for
+=item B<--credit-reasonnum> [22]
+The credit num to be attached to issued credits
+=item B<--credit-addlinfo> "[Credits happen for this reason]"
+Comment field attached to issued creits. Enclose text within quotes.
+=item B<--insert-credits>
+Unless this flag is set, no changes will be written to customer accounts
+=item B<--apply-credits>
+If this flag is set, created credits will be applied to the original bill
+that created the charge to be refunded. If you want the credit to be
+created as an unapplied credit, do not set this flag
+Tool to issue credit to customers when taxes were charged in error
+Given a list of taxnums, and a date range, utility will compile a CSV report
+of customer charges for those taxnums.
+When directed, utility will issue a credit to the account of each of those
+customers, and generate a CSV report describing those credits for reporting
\ No newline at end of file
commit 7807f22a3eb9d6b82e15d28ab94a0130c803041c
Author: Mitch Jackson <mitch at freeside.biz>
Date: Sat May 4 21:53:28 2019 -0400
RT# 83122 Move wa_tax_rate_update for dist
diff --git a/FS/FS/Misc/Geo.pm b/FS/FS/Misc/Geo.pm
index 2e44364f2..bc020a22d 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Misc/Geo.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Misc/Geo.pm
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ L<https://dor.wa.gov/find-taxes-rates/retail-sales-tax/destination-based-sales-t
This API does not return consistent usable county names, as the county
name may include appreviations or labels referring to PTBA (public transport
benefit area) or CEZ (community empowerment zone). It's recommended to use
-the tool wa_tax_rate_update to fully populate the city/county/districts for
-WA state every financial quarter.
+the tool freeside-wa-tax-table-update to fully populate the
+city/county/districts for WA state every financial quarter.
Returns a hashref with the following keys:
diff --git a/bin/wa_tax_rate_update b/FS/bin/freeside-wa-tax-table-update
similarity index 100%
rename from bin/wa_tax_rate_update
rename to FS/bin/freeside-wa-tax-table-update
Summary of changes:
FS/FS/Misc/Geo.pm | 4 +-
FS/bin/freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums | 438 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../bin/freeside-wa-tax-table-update | 0
3 files changed, 440 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 FS/bin/freeside-issue-credit-for-taxnums
rename bin/wa_tax_rate_update => FS/bin/freeside-wa-tax-table-update (100%)
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