[freeside-commits] branch master updated. fcd077e54f251a44e1643e9824e6cd8f33a04da2

Mitch Jackson mitch at freeside.biz
Tue Jul 10 21:31:12 PDT 2018

The branch, master has been updated
       via  fcd077e54f251a44e1643e9824e6cd8f33a04da2 (commit)
      from  5670336b1b0105e6551b571837d6b1519e497528 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit fcd077e54f251a44e1643e9824e6cd8f33a04da2
Author: Mitch Jackson <mitch at freeside.biz>
Date:   Tue Jul 10 23:30:48 2018 -0500

    RT# 80555 freeside_upgrade for invalid ip addresses

diff --git a/FS/FS/Misc/FixIPFormat.pm b/FS/FS/Misc/FixIPFormat.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f9a19bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/Misc/FixIPFormat.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+package FS::Misc::FixIPFormat;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FS::Record qw(dbh qsearchs);
+use FS::upgrade_journal;
+=head1 NAME
+FS::Misc::FixIPFormat - Functions to repair bad IP address input
+Provides functions for freeside_upgrade to check IP address storage for
+user-entered leading 0's in IP addresses.  When read from database, NetAddr::IP
+would treat the number as octal isntead of decimal.  If a user entered
+, this may get invisibly translated to when exported.
+Base8:52 = Base0:42
+Tied to freeside_upgrade with journal name TABLE__fixipformat
+see: RT# 80555
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    # require, not use - this module is only run once
+    require FS::Misc::FixIPFormat;
+    my $error = FS::Misc::FixIPFormat::fix_bad_addresses_in_table(
+      'svc_broadband', 'svcnum', 'ip_addr'
+    );
+    die "oh no!" if $error;
+=head2 fix_bad_addresses_in_table TABLE, ID_COLUMN, IP_COLUMN
+$error = fix_bad_addresses_in_table( 'svc_broadband', 'svcnum', 'ip_addr' );
+sub fix_bad_addresses_in_table {
+  my ( $table ) = @_;
+  return if FS::upgrade_journal->is_done("${table}__fixipformat");
+  for my $id ( find_bad_addresses_in_table( @_ )) {
+    if ( my $error = fix_ip_for_record( $id, @_ )) {
+      die "fix_bad_addresses_in_table(): $error";
+    }
+  }
+  FS::upgrade_journal->set_done("${table}__fixipformat");
+  0;
+=head2 find_bad_addresses_in_table TABLE, ID_COLUMN, IP_COLUMN
+ at id = find_bad_addresses_in_table( 'svc_broadband', 'svcnum', 'ip_addr' );
+sub find_bad_addresses_in_table {
+  my ( $table, $id_col, $ip_col ) = @_;
+  my @fix_ids;
+  # using DBI directly for performance
+  my $sql_statement = "
+    SELECT $id_col, $ip_col
+    FROM $table
+    WHERE $ip_col IS NOT NULL
+  ";
+  my $sth = dbh->prepare( $sql_statement ) || die "SQL ERROR ".dbh->errstr;
+  $sth->execute || die "SQL ERROR ".dbh->errstr;
+  while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
+    push @fix_ids, $row->{ $id_col }
+      if $row->{ $ip_col } =~ /[\.^]0\d/;
+  }
+  @fix_ids;
+=head2 fix_ip_for_record ID, TABLE, ID_COLUMN, IP_COLUMN
+Attempt to strip the leading 0 from a stored IP address record.  If
+the corrected IP address would be a duplicate of another record in the
+same table, thow an exception.
+$error = fix_ip_for_record( 1001, 'svc_broadband', 'svcnum', 'ip_addr', );
+sub fix_ip_for_record {
+  my ( $id, $table, $id_col, $ip_col ) = @_;
+  my $row = qsearchs($table, {$id_col => $id})
+    || die "Error finding $table record for id $id";
+  my $ip = $row->getfield( $ip_col );
+  my $fixed_ip = join( '.',
+    map{ int($_) }
+    split( /\./, $ip )
+  );
+  return undef unless $ip ne $fixed_ip;
+  if ( my $dupe_row = qsearchs( $table, {$ip_col => $fixed_ip} )) {
+    if ( $dupe_row->getfield( $id_col ) != $row->getfield( $id_col )) {
+      # Another record in the table has this IP address
+      # Eg one ip is provisioned as and another is
+      # provisioned as  Cannot auto-correct by simply
+      # trimming leading 0.  Die, let support decide how to fix.
+      die "Invalid IP address could not be auto-corrected - ".
+          "($table - $id_col = $id, $ip_col = $ip) ".
+           "colission with another reocrd - ".
+           "($table - $id_col = ".$dupe_row->getfield( $id_col )." ".
+           "$ip_col = ",$dupe_row->getfield( $ip_col )." ) - ".
+         "The entry must be corrected to continue";
+    }
+  }
+  warn "Autocorrecting IP address problem for ".
+       "($table - $id_col = $id, $ip_col = $ip) $fixed_ip\n";
+  $row->setfield( $ip_col, $fixed_ip );
+  $row->replace;


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/Misc/FixIPFormat.pm | 124 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 124 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 FS/FS/Misc/FixIPFormat.pm

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