[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 697515200e6e405272bd2d1cdf9784a990057334

Mitch Jackson mitch at freeside.biz
Thu Jan 18 23:36:15 PST 2018

The branch, master has been updated
       via  697515200e6e405272bd2d1cdf9784a990057334 (commit)
      from  7668262421ea253ffaf95e0233e037f2857f7071 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 697515200e6e405272bd2d1cdf9784a990057334
Author: Mitch Jackson <mitch at freeside.biz>
Date:   Fri Jan 19 01:34:48 2018 -0600

    rt# 78547 Implement report listing future auto-bill charges

diff --git a/httemplate/elements/menu.html b/httemplate/elements/menu.html
index 0a73d71a6..9b8b2cd1e 100644
--- a/httemplate/elements/menu.html
+++ b/httemplate/elements/menu.html
@@ -418,6 +418,8 @@ if( $curuser->access_right('Financial reports') ) {
   $report_financial{'Customer Accounting Summary'} = [ $fsurl.'search/report_customer_accounting_summary.html', 'Customer accounting summary report' ];
+  $report_financial{'Upcoming Auto-Bill Transactions'} = [ $fsurl.'search/report_future_autobill.html', 'Upcoming auto-bill transactions' ];
 } elsif($curuser->access_right('Receivables report')) {
   $report_financial{'A/R Aging'} = [ $fsurl.'search/report_receivables.html', 'Accounts Receivable Aging report' ];
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/grid-report.html b/httemplate/search/elements/grid-report.html
index 98e81785f..b1e543012 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/grid-report.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/elements/grid-report.html
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ as <A HREF="<% "$myself;_type=xls" %>">Excel spreadsheet</A><BR>
 .shaded { background-color: #c8c8c8; }
 .totalshaded { background-color: #bfc094; }
-<table class="report" width="100%" cellspacing=0>
+<table class="<% $table_class %>" width="<% $table_width %>" cellspacing=0>
 % foreach my $rowinfo (@rows) {
   <tr<% $rowinfo->{class} ? ' class="'.$rowinfo->{class}.'"' : ''%>>
 %   my $thisrow = shift @cells;
@@ -172,7 +172,11 @@ as <A HREF="<% "$myself;_type=xls" %>">Excel spreadsheet</A><BR>
 %     $style .= " rowspan=".$cell->{rowspan} if $cell->{rowspan} > 1;
 %     $style .= " colspan=".$cell->{colspan} if $cell->{colspan} > 1;
 %     $style .= ' class="' . $cell->{class} . '"' if $cell->{class};
+% if ($cell->{bypass_filter}) {
+      <<%$td%><%$style%>><% $cell->{value} %></<%$td%>>
+% } else {
       <<%$td%><%$style%>><% $cell->{value} |h %></<%$td%>>
+% }
 %   }
 % }
@@ -186,4 +190,6 @@ $title
 $head => ''
 $foot => ''
+$table_width => "100%"
+$table_class => "report"
diff --git a/httemplate/search/future_autobill.html b/httemplate/search/future_autobill.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..711a25f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/search/future_autobill.html
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+Report listing upcoming auto-bill transactions
+Spec requested the ability to run this report with a longer date range,
+and see which charges will process on which day.  Checkbox multiple_billing_dates
+enables this functionality.
+This is a dynamically generated report.  The time this report takes to run
+will depends on the number of customers.  Installations with a high number
+of auto-bill customers may find themselves unable to run this report
+because of browser timeout.  Report could be implemented as a queued job if
+necessary, to solve the performance problem.
+<& elements/grid-report.html,
+  title => 'Upcoming auto-bill transactions',
+  rows => \@rows,
+  cells => \@cells,
+  table_width => "",
+  table_class => 'gridreport',
+  head => '
+    <style type="text/css">
+      table.gridreport { margin: .5em; border: solid 1px #aaa; }
+      th.gridreport { background-color: #ccc; }
+      tr.gridreport:nth-child(even) { background-color: #eee; }
+      tr.gridreport:nth-child(odd)  { background-color: #fff; }
+      td.gridreport { margin: 0 .2em; padding: 0 .4em; }
+    </style>
+  ',
+use FS::UID qw( dbh myconnect );
+die "access denied"
+  unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports');
+  my $target_dt;
+  my @target_dates;
+  # Work with all date/time operations @ 12 noon
+  my %noon = (
+    hour   => 12,
+    minute => 0,
+    second => 0
+  );
+  my $now_dt = DateTime->now;
+  $now_dt = DateTime->new(
+    month => $now_dt->month,
+    day   => $now_dt->day,
+    year  => $now_dt->year,
+    %noon,
+  );
+  # Get target date from form
+  if ($cgi->param('target_date')) {
+    my ($mm, $dd, $yy) = split /[\-\/]/,$cgi->param('target_date');
+    $target_dt = DateTime->new(
+      month => $mm,
+      day   => $dd,
+      year  => $yy,
+      %noon,
+    ) if $mm && $dd & $yy;
+    # Catch a date from the past: time only travels in one direction
+    $target_dt = undef if $target_dt->epoch < $now_dt->epoch;
+  }
+  # without a target date, default to tomorrow
+  unless ($target_dt) {
+    $target_dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => time() + 86400) ;
+    $target_dt = DateTime->new(
+      month => $target_dt->month,
+      day   => $target_dt->day,
+      year  => $target_dt->year,
+      %noon
+    );
+  }
+  # If multiple_billing_dates checkbox selected, create a range of dates
+  # from today until the given report date.  Otherwise, use target date only.
+  if ($cgi->param('multiple_billing_dates')) {
+    my $walking_dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $now_dt->epoch);
+    until ($walking_dt->epoch > $target_dt->epoch) {
+     push @target_dates, $walking_dt->epoch;
+     $walking_dt->add(days => 1);
+    }
+  } else {
+    push @target_dates, $target_dt->epoch;
+  }
+  # List all customers with an auto-bill method
+  #
+  # my %cust_payby = map {$_->custnum => $_} qsearch({
+  #   table => 'cust_payby',
+  #   hashref => {
+  #     weight  => { op => '>', value => '0' },
+  #     paydate => { op => '>', value => $target_dt->ymd },
+  #   },
+  #   order_by => " ORDER BY weight DESC ",
+  # });
+  # List all customers with an auto-bill method that's not expired
+  my %cust_payby = map {$_->custnum => $_} qsearch({
+    table => 'cust_payby',
+    hashref => {
+      weight  => { op => '>', value => '0' },
+    },
+    order_by => " ORDER BY weight DESC ",
+    extra_sql => " AND ( payby = 'CHEK' OR ( paydate > '".$target_dt->ymd."')) ",
+  });
+  my %abreport;
+  my @rows;
+  local $@;
+  local $SIG{__DIE__};
+  my $temp_dbh = myconnect();
+  eval { # Creating sandbox dbh where all connections are to be rolled back
+    local $FS::UID::dbh = $temp_dbh;
+    local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+    # Generate report data into @rows
+    for my $custnum (keys %cust_payby) {
+      my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', {custnum => $custnum});
+      # walk forward through billing dates
+      for my $query_epoch (@target_dates) {
+        my $return_bill = [];
+        eval { # Don't let an error on one customer crash the report
+          my $error = $cust_main->bill(
+            time           => $query_epoch,
+            return_bill    => $return_bill,
+            no_usage_reset => 1,
+          );
+          die "$error (simulating future billing)" if $error;
+        };
+        warn ("$@: (future_autobill custnum:$custnum)");
+        if (@{$return_bill}) {
+          my $inv = $return_bill->[0];
+          push @rows,{
+            name => $cust_main->name,
+            _date => $inv->_date,
+            cells => [
+              { class => 'gridreport', value => $custnum },
+              { class => 'gridreport',
+                value => '<a href="/view/cust_main.cgi?"'.$custnum.'">'.$cust_main->name.'</a>',
+                bypass_filter => 1,
+              },
+              { class => 'gridreport', value => $inv->charged, format => 'money' },
+              { class => 'gridreport', value => DateTime->from_epoch(epoch=>$inv->_date)->ymd },
+              { class => 'gridreport', value => ($cust_payby{$custnum}->payby || $cust_payby{$custnum}->paytype) },
+              { class => 'gridreport', value => $cust_payby{$custnum}->paymask },
+            ]
+          };
+        }
+      }
+      $temp_dbh->rollback;
+    } # /foreach $custnum
+  }; # /eval
+  warn("$@") if $@;
+  # Sort output by date, and format for output to grid-report.html
+  my @cells = [
+      # header row
+      { class => 'gridreport', value => '#',       header => 1 },
+      { class => 'gridreport', value => 'Name',    header => 1 },
+      { class => 'gridreport', value => 'Amount',  header => 1 },
+      { class => 'gridreport', value => 'Date',    header => 1 },
+      { class => 'gridreport', value => 'Type',    header => 1 },
+      { class => 'gridreport', value => 'Account', header => 1 },
+    ];
+  push @cells,
+    map  { $_->{cells} }
+    sort { $a->{_date} <=> $b->{_date} || $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} }
+    @rows;
+  # grid-report.html requires a parallel @rows parameter to accompany @cells
+  @rows = map { {class => 'gridreport'} } 1..scalar(@cells);
diff --git a/httemplate/search/report_future_autobill.html b/httemplate/search/report_future_autobill.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a0c9f48a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/search/report_future_autobill.html
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Display date selector for the future_autobill.html report
+<% include('/elements/header.html', 'Future Auto-Bill Transactions' ) %>
+<FORM ACTION="future_autobill.html" METHOD="GET">
+<& /elements/tr-input-date-field.html,
+  {
+    name     => 'target_date',
+    value    => $target_date,
+    label    => emt('Target billing date').': ',
+    required => 1
+  }
+<& /elements/tr-checkbox.html,
+     'label' => emt('Multiple billing dates (slow)').': ',
+     'field' => 'multiple_billing_dates',
+     'value' => '1',
+<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="<% mt('Get Report') |h %>">
+<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
+die "access denied"
+  unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports');
+my $target_date = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch=>(time()+86400))->mdy('/');


Summary of changes:
 httemplate/elements/menu.html                 |   2 +
 httemplate/search/elements/grid-report.html   |   8 +-
 httemplate/search/future_autobill.html        | 189 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 httemplate/search/report_future_autobill.html |  42 ++++++
 4 files changed, 240 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 httemplate/search/future_autobill.html
 create mode 100644 httemplate/search/report_future_autobill.html

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