[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 83a6052bc16ed5cff28e32613f20dc4b1156bac6
Mitch Jackson
mitch at freeside.biz
Sat Dec 22 00:39:00 PST 2018
The branch, master has been updated
via 83a6052bc16ed5cff28e32613f20dc4b1156bac6 (commit)
from c213fdbabc178985a93996aac33a907465b31007 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 83a6052bc16ed5cff28e32613f20dc4b1156bac6
Author: Mitch Jackson <mitch at freeside.biz>
Date: Sat Dec 22 03:27:22 2018 -0500
RT# 80488 WA tax tables maintained with Cron
* Some re-work for WA tax tables when using tax classes
* Relocated functions from wa_tax_rate_update utility script
into FS::Cron::wa_tax_rate_update library
* Cron downloads tax database monthly instead of daily
* Cron populates entire WA tax table, instead of piecemeal
for existing customer locations
* Cron will attempt to classify cust_location in WA without
a determined district, and generate system log errors
upon failure
diff --git a/FS/FS/Cron/tax_rate_update.pm b/FS/FS/Cron/tax_rate_update.pm
index fec696fbb..b0745e409 100755
--- a/FS/FS/Cron/tax_rate_update.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Cron/tax_rate_update.pm
@@ -9,106 +9,593 @@ FS::Cron::tax_rate_update
Cron routine to update city/district sales tax rates in I<cust_main_county>.
Currently supports sales tax in the state of Washington.
+=head2 wa_sales
+=item Tax Rate Download
+Once each month, update the tax tables from the WA DOR website.
+=item Customer Address Rate Classification
+Find cust_location rows in WA with no tax district. Try to determine
+a tax district. Otherwise, generate a log error that address needs
+to be correctd.
use strict;
use warnings;
-use FS::Conf;
-use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh);
-use FS::cust_main_county;
-use FS::part_pkg_taxclass;
+use feature 'state';
+use Exporter;
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ tax_rate_update
+ wa_sales_update_tax_table
+ wa_sales_log_customer_without_tax_district
+use Carp qw(croak);
use DateTime;
-use LWP::UserAgent;
use File::Temp 'tempdir';
use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file);
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Spreadsheet::XLSX;
use Text::CSV;
-use Exporter;
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(tax_rate_update);
+use FS::Conf;
+use FS::cust_main;
+use FS::cust_main_county;
+use FS::geocode_Mixin;
+use FS::Log;
+use FS::part_pkg_taxclass;
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh);
+use FS::upgrade_journal;
our $DEBUG = 0;
+=head2 tax_rate_update
+Cron routine for freeside_daily.
+Run one of the available cron functions based on conf value tax_district_method
sub tax_rate_update {
- my %opt = @_;
- my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
- local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
- my $dbh = dbh;
- my $conf = FS::Conf->new;
- my $method = $conf->config('tax_district_method');
- return if !$method;
- my $taxname = $conf->config('tax_district_taxname') || '';
- FS::cust_main_county->lock_table;
- if ($method eq 'wa_sales') {
- # download the update file
- my $now = DateTime->now;
- my $yr = $now->year;
- my $qt = $now->quarter;
- my $file = "Rates${yr}Q${qt}.zip";
- my $url = 'http://dor.wa.gov/downloads/Add_Data/'.$file;
- my $dir = tempdir();
- chdir($dir);
- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
- warn "Downloading $url...\n" if $DEBUG;
- my $response = $ua->get($url);
- if ( ! $response->is_success ) {
- die $response->status_line;
- }
- write_file($file, $response->decoded_content);
+ # Currently only wa_sales is supported
+ my $tax_district_method = conf_tax_district_method();
+ return unless $tax_district_method;
+ if ( exists &{$tax_district_method} ) {
+ my $func = \&{$tax_district_method};
+ $func->();
+ } else {
+ my $log = FS::Log->new('tax_rate_update');
+ $log->error( "Unhandled tax_district_method($tax_district_method)" );
+ }
+=head2 wa_sales
+Monthly: Update the complete WA state tax tables
+Every Run: Log errors for cust_location records without a district
+sub wa_sales {
+ return
+ unless conf_tax_district_method()
+ && conf_tax_district_method() eq 'wa_sales';
+ my $dt_now = DateTime->now;
+ my $year = $dt_now->year;
+ my $quarter = $dt_now->quarter;
+ my $journal_label =
+ sprintf 'wa_sales_update_tax_table_%sQ%s', $year, $quarter;
+ unless ( FS::upgrade_journal->is_done( $journal_label ) ) {
+ local $@;
+ eval{ wa_sales_update_tax_table(); };
+ log_error_and_die( "Error updating tax tables: $@" )
+ if $@;
+ FS::upgrade_journal->set_done( $journal_label );
+ }
+ wa_sales_log_customer_without_tax_district();
+ '';
- # parse it
- system('unzip', $file);
- $file =~ s/\.zip$/.csv/;
- if (! -f $file) {
- die "$file not found in zip archive.\n";
+=head2 wa_sales_log_customer_without_tax_district
+For any active customers with cust_location records in WA state,
+if a cust_location record has no tax district, find the correct
+district using WA DOR API, or if not possible, generate an error
+message into system log so address can be corrected
+sub wa_sales_log_customer_without_tax_district {
+ return
+ unless conf_tax_district_method()
+ && conf_tax_district_method() eq 'wa_sales';
+ my %qsearch_cust_location = (
+ table => 'cust_location',
+ select => '
+ cust_location.locationnum,
+ cust_location.custnum,
+ cust_location.address1,
+ cust_location.city,
+ cust_location.state,
+ cust_location.zip
+ ',
+ hashref => {
+ state => 'WA',
+ district => undef,
+ },
+ addl_from => 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING (custnum)',
+ extra_sql => sprintf 'AND ( %s ) ', FS::cust_main->active_sql,
+ );
+ for my $cust_location ( qsearch( \%qsearch_cust_location )) {
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ FS::geocode_Mixin::process_district_update(
+ 'FS::cust_location',
+ $cust_location->locationnum
+ );
+ };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ log_error_and_warn(
+ sprintf "Failed to classify district for cust_location(%s): %s",
+ $cust_location->locationnum,
+ $@
+ );
+ } else {
+ log_info_and_warn(
+ sprintf "Classified district for cust_location(%s)",
+ $cust_location->locationnum
+ );
- open my $fh, '<', $file
- or die "couldn't open $file: $!\n";
- my $csv = Text::CSV->new;
- my $header = $csv->getline($fh);
- $csv->column_names(@$header);
- # columns we care about are headed 'Code' and 'Rate'
- my $total_changed = 0;
- my $total_skipped = 0;
- while ( !$csv->eof ) {
- my $line = $csv->getline_hr($fh);
- my $district = $line->{Code} or next;
- $district = sprintf('%04d', $district);
- my $tax = sprintf('%.1f', $line->{Rate} * 100);
- my $changed = 0;
- my $skipped = 0;
- # find rate(s) in this country+state+district+taxclass that have the
- # wa_sales flag and the configured taxname, and haven't been disabled.
- my @rates = qsearch('cust_main_county', {
- country => 'US',
- state => 'WA', # this is specific to WA
- district => $district,
- taxname => $taxname,
- source => 'wa_sales',
- tax => { op => '>', value => '0' },
- });
- foreach my $rate (@rates) {
- if ( $rate->tax == $tax ) {
- $skipped++;
- } else {
- $rate->set('tax', $tax);
- my $error = $rate->replace;
- die "error updating district $district: $error\n" if $error;
- $changed++;
+ sleep 1; # Be polite to WA DOR API
+ }
+ for my $cust_location ( qsearch( \%qsearch_cust_location )) {
+ log_error_and_warn(
+ sprintf
+ "Customer address in WA lacking tax district classification. ".
+ "custnum(%s) ".
+ "locationnum(%s) ".
+ "address(%s, %s %s, %s) ".
+ "[https://webgis.dor.wa.gov/taxratelookup/SalesTax.aspx]",
+ map { $cust_location->$_ }
+ qw( custnum locationnum address1 city state zip )
+ );
+ }
+=head2 wa_sales_update_tax_table \%args
+Update city/district sales tax rates in L<FS::cust_main_county> from the
+Washington State Department of Revenue published data files.
+Creates, or updates, a L<FS::cust_main_county> row for every tax district
+in Washington state. Some cities have different tax rates based on the
+address, within the city. Because of this, some cities have multiple
+If tax classes are enabled, a row is created in every tax class for
+every district.
+Customer addresses aren't classified into districts here. Instead,
+when a Washington state address is inserted or changed in L<FS::cust_location>,
+a job is queued for FS::geocode_Mixin::process_district_update, to ask the
+Washington state API which tax district to use for this address.
+All arguments are optional:
+ filename: Skip file download, and process the specified filename instead
+ taxname: Updated or created records will be set to the given tax name.
+ If not specified, conf value 'tax_district_taxname' is used
+ year: Specify year for tax table download. Defaults to current year
+ quarter: Specify quarter for tax table download. Defaults to current quarter
+=head3 Washington State Department of Revenue Resources
+The state of Washington makes data files available via their public website.
+It's possible the availability or format of these files may change. As of now,
+the only data file that contains both city and county names is published in
+XLSX format.
+=over 4
+=item WA Dept of Revenue
+=item Data file downloads
+=item XLSX file example
+=item CSV file example
+=item Address lookup API tool
+http://webgis.dor.wa.gov/webapi/AddressRates.aspx?output=xml&addr=410 Terry Ave. North&city=&zip=98100
+sub wa_sales_update_tax_table {
+ my $args = shift;
+ croak 'wa_sales_update_tax_table requires \$args hashref'
+ if $args && !ref $args;
+ return
+ unless conf_tax_district_method()
+ && conf_tax_district_method() eq 'wa_sales';
+ $args->{taxname} ||= FS::Conf->new->config('tax_district_taxname');
+ $args->{year} ||= DateTime->now->year;
+ $args->{quarter} ||= DateTime->now->quarter;
+ log_info_and_warn(
+ "Begin wa_sales_update_tax_table() ".
+ join ', ' => (
+ map{ "$_ => ". ( $args->{$_} || 'undef' ) }
+ sort keys %$args
+ )
+ );
+ $args->{temp_dir} ||= tempdir();
+ $args->{filename} ||= wa_sales_fetch_xlsx_file( $args );
+ $args->{tax_districts} = wa_sales_parse_xlsx_file( $args );
+ wa_sales_update_cust_main_county( $args );
+ log_info_and_warn( 'Finished wa_sales_update_tax_table()' );
+=head2 wa_sales_update_cust_main_county \%args
+Create or update the L<FS::cust_main_county> records with new data
+sub wa_sales_update_cust_main_county {
+ my $args = shift;
+ return
+ unless conf_tax_district_method()
+ && conf_tax_district_method() eq 'wa_sales';
+ croak 'wa_sales_update_cust_main_county requires $args hashref'
+ unless ref $args
+ && ref $args->{tax_districts};
+ my $insert_count = 0;
+ my $update_count = 0;
+ my $same_count = 0;
+ # Work within a SQL transaction
+ local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+ for my $taxclass ( FS::part_pkg_taxclass->taxclass_names ) {
+ $taxclass ||= undef; # trap empty string when taxclasses are disabled
+ my %cust_main_county =
+ map { $_->district => $_ }
+ qsearch(
+ cust_main_county => {
+ district => { op => '!=', value => undef },
+ state => 'WA',
+ country => 'US',
+ source => 'wa_sales',
+ taxclass => $taxclass,
- } # foreach $taxclass
- print "$district: updated $changed, skipped $skipped\n"
- if $DEBUG and ($changed or $skipped);
- $total_changed += $changed;
- $total_skipped += $skipped;
+ );
+ for my $district ( @{ $args->{tax_districts} } ) {
+ if ( my $row = $cust_main_county{ $district->{district} } ) {
+ # District already exists in this taxclass, update if necessary
+ #
+ # If admin updates value of conf tax_district_taxname, instead of
+ # creating an entire separate set of tax rows with
+ # the new taxname, update the taxname on existing records
+ if (
+ $row->tax == ( $district->{tax_combined} * 100 )
+ && $row->taxname eq $args->{taxname}
+ ) {
+ $same_count++;
+ next;
+ }
+ $row->city( uc $district->{city} );
+ $row->county( uc $district->{county} );
+ $row->taxclass( $taxclass );
+ $row->taxname( $args->{taxname} || undef );
+ $row->tax( $district->{tax_combined} * 100 );
+ if ( my $error = $row->replace ) {
+ dbh->rollback;
+ local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1;
+ log_error_and_die(
+ sprintf
+ "Error updating cust_main_county row %s for district %s: %s",
+ $row->taxnum,
+ $district->{district},
+ $error
+ );
+ }
+ $update_count++;
+ } else {
+ # District doesn't exist, create row
+ my $row = FS::cust_main_county->new({
+ district => $district->{district},
+ city => uc $district->{city},
+ county => uc $district->{county},
+ state => 'WA',
+ country => 'US',
+ taxclass => $taxclass,
+ taxname => $args->{taxname} || undef,
+ tax => $district->{tax_combined} * 100,
+ source => 'wa_sales',
+ });
+ if ( my $error = $row->insert ) {
+ dbh->rollback;
+ local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1;
+ log_error_and_die(
+ sprintf
+ "Error inserting cust_main_county row for district %s: %s",
+ $district->{district},
+ $error
+ );
+ }
+ $cust_main_county{ $district->{district} } = $row;
+ $insert_count++;
+ }
+ } # /foreach $district
+ } # /foreach $taxclass
+ dbh->commit;
+ local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1;
+ log_info_and_warn(
+ sprintf
+ "WA tax table update completed. ".
+ "Inserted %s rows, updated %s rows, identical %s rows",
+ $insert_count,
+ $update_count,
+ $same_count
+ );
+=head2 wa_sales_parse_xlsx_file \%args
+Parse given XLSX file for tax district information
+Return an arrayref of district information hashrefs
+sub wa_sales_parse_xlsx_file {
+ my $args = shift;
+ croak 'wa_sales_parse_xlsx_file requires $args hashref containing a filename'
+ unless ref $args
+ && $args->{filename};
+ # About the file format:
+ #
+ # The current spreadsheet contains the following @columns.
+ # Rows 1 and 2 are a marquee header
+ # Row 3 is the column labels. We will test these to detect
+ # changes in the data format
+ # Rows 4+ are the tax district data
+ #
+ # The "city" column is being parsed from "Location"
+ my @columns = qw( city county district tax_local tax_state tax_combined );
+ log_error_and_die( "Unable to access XLSX file: $args->{filename}" )
+ unless -r $args->{filename};
+ my $xls_parser = Spreadsheet::XLSX->new( $args->{filename} )
+ or log_error_and_die( "Error parsing XLSX file: $!" );
+ my $sheet = $xls_parser->{Worksheet}->[0]
+ or log_error_and_die(" Unable to access worksheet 1 in XLSX file" );
+ my $cells = $sheet->{Cells}
+ or log_error_and_die( "Unable to read cells in XLSX file" );
+ # Read the column labels and verify
+ my %labels =
+ map{ $columns[$_] => $cells->[2][$_]->{Val} }
+ 0 .. scalar(@columns)-1;
+ my %expected_labels = (
+ city => 'Location',
+ county => 'County',
+ district => 'Location Code',
+ tax_local => 'Local Rate',
+ tax_state => 'State Rate',
+ tax_combined => 'Combined Sales Tax',
+ );
+ if (
+ my @error_labels =
+ grep { lc $labels{$_} ne lc $expected_labels{$_} }
+ @columns
+ ) {
+ my $error = "Error parsing XLS file - ".
+ "Data format may have been updated with WA DOR! ";
+ $error .= "Expected column $expected_labels{$_}, found $labels{$_}! "
+ for @error_labels;
+ log_error_and_die( $error );
+ }
+ # Parse the rows into an array of hashes
+ my @districts;
+ for my $row ( 3..$sheet->{MaxRow} ) {
+ my %district = (
+ map { $columns[$_] => $cells->[$row][$_]->{Val} }
+ 0 .. scalar(@columns)-1
+ );
+ if (
+ $district{city}
+ && $district{county}
+ && $district{district} =~ /^\d+$/
+ && $district{tax_local} =~ /^\d?\.\d+$/
+ && $district{tax_state} =~ /^\d?\.\d+$/
+ && $district{tax_combined} =~ /^\d?\.\d+$/
+ ) {
+ # For some reason, city may contain line breaks!
+ $district{city} =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
+ push @districts, \%district;
+ } else {
+ log_warn_and_warn(
+ "Non-usable row found in spreadsheet:\n" . Dumper( \%district )
+ );
- print "Updated $total_changed tax rates.\nSkipped $total_skipped unchanged rates.\n" if $DEBUG;
- dbh->commit;
- } # else $method isn't wa_sales, no other methods exist yet
- '';
+ }
+ log_error_and_die( "No \@districts found in data file!" )
+ unless @districts;
+ log_info_and_warn(
+ sprintf "Parsed %s districts from data file", scalar @districts
+ );
+ \@districts;
+=head2 wa_sales_fetch_xlsx_file \%args
+Download data file from WA state DOR to temporary storage,
+return filename
+sub wa_sales_fetch_xlsx_file {
+ my $args = shift;
+ return
+ unless conf_tax_district_method()
+ && conf_tax_district_method() eq 'wa_sales';
+ croak 'wa_sales_fetch_xlsx_file requires \$args hashref'
+ unless ref $args
+ && $args->{temp_dir};
+ my $url_base = 'https://dor.wa.gov'.
+ '/sites/default/files/legacy/Docs/forms/ExcsTx/LocSalUseTx';
+ my $year = $args->{year} || DateTime->now->year;
+ my $quarter = $args->{quarter} || DateTime->now->quarter;
+ $year = substr( $year, 2, 2 ) if $year >= 1000;
+ my $fn = sprintf( 'ExcelLocalSlsUserates_%s_Q%s.xlsx', $year, $quarter );
+ my $url = "$url_base/$fn";
+ my $write_fn = "$args->{temp_dir}/$fn";
+ log_info_and_warn( "Begin download from url: $url" );
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ my $res = $ua->get( $url );
+ log_error_and_die( "Download error: ".$res->status_line )
+ unless $res->is_success;
+ local $@;
+ eval { write_file( $write_fn, $res->decoded_content ); };
+ log_error_and_die( "Problem writing download to disk: $@" )
+ if $@;
+ log_info_and_warn( "Temporary file: $write_fn" );
+ $write_fn;
+sub log {
+ state $log = FS::Log->new('tax_rate_update');
+ $log;
+sub log_info_and_warn {
+ my $log_message = shift;
+ warn "$log_message\n";
+ &log()->info( $log_message );
+sub log_warn_and_warn {
+ my $log_message = shift;
+ warn "$log_message\n";
+ &log()->warn( $log_message );
+sub log_error_and_die {
+ my $log_message = shift;
+ &log()->error( $log_message );
+ die( "$log_message\n" );
+sub log_error_and_warn {
+ my $log_message = shift;
+ warn "$log_message\n";
+ &log()->error( $log_message );
+sub conf_tax_district_method {
+ state $tax_district_method = FS::Conf->new->config('tax_district_method');
+ $tax_district_method;
diff --git a/bin/wa_tax_rate_update b/bin/wa_tax_rate_update
index c50a77771..fef126d34 100644
--- a/bin/wa_tax_rate_update
+++ b/bin/wa_tax_rate_update
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
=head1 NAME
@@ -10,27 +10,32 @@ Tool to update city/district sales tax rates in I<cust_main_county> from
the Washington State Department of Revenue website.
Creates, or updates, a L<FS::cust_main_county> row for every tax district
-in Washington state. Some cities have different tax rates based on the
-address, within the city. Because of this, some cities may have multiple
-rows defined.
+in Washington state. Some cities have different tax rates based on the
+address, within the city. Because of this, some cities have
-When a Washington state address is inserted or changed in L<FS::cust_location>,
+If tax classes are enabled, a row is created in every tax class for
+every district.
+Customer addresses aren't classified into districts here. Instead,
+when a Washington state address is inserted or changed in L<FS::cust_location>,
a job is queued for FS::geocode_Mixin::process_district_update, to ask the
Washington state API which tax district to use for this address.
--f <filename>: Skip downloading, and process the given excel file
+ -f <filename>: Skip downloading, and process the given excel file
--c <taxclass>: Updated or create records within given tax class,
- If not specified, taxclass will be set as NULL
+ -t <taxname>: Updated or created records will be set to the given tax name.
+ If not specified, conf value 'tax_district_taxname' will be used
--t <taxname>: Updated or created records will be set to the given tax name.
- If not specified, conf value 'tax_district_taxname' will be used
+ -y <year>: Specify year for tax table - defaults to current year
--y <year>: Specify year for tax table - defaults to current year
+ -q <quarter>: Specify quarter for tax table - defaults to current quarter
--q <quarter>: Specify quarter for tax table - defaults to current quarter
+ -l <lookup>: Attempt to look up the tax district classification for
+ unclassified cust_location records in Washington. Will
+ notify of records that cannot be classified
=head1 Washington State Department of Revenue Resources
@@ -67,297 +72,76 @@ use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.02'; # Make Getopt:Std happy
-use Data::Dumper;
-use DateTime;
-use File::Temp 'tempdir';
-use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file);
use Getopt::Std;
-use LWP::UserAgent;
-use Spreadsheet::XLSX;
-use FS::cust_main_county;
+use FS::Cron::tax_rate_update qw(
+ wa_sales_update_tax_table
+ wa_sales_log_customer_without_tax_district
use FS::Log;
-use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh);
use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
my %opts;
-getopts( 'c:t:y:q:f:', \%opts );
+getopts( 't:y:q:f:l', \%opts );
my $user = shift
or die HELP_MESSAGE();
adminsuidsetup( $user )
or die "bad username '$user'\n";
-my $temp_dir = tempdir();
my $log = FS::Log->new('wa_tax_rate_update');
-$opts{t} ||= FS::Conf->new->config('tax_district_taxname');
-log_info_and_warn( "Set taxclass=$opts{c}" ) if $opts{c};
-log_info_and_warn( "Set taxname=$opts{t}" ) if $opts{t};
-my $xls_fn = $opts{f} || fetch_xlsx_file();
-my $tax_districts = parse_xlsx_file( $xls_fn );
-update_cust_main_county( $tax_districts );
-# print Dumper( \%opts );
-# for ( 0..5 ) {
-# print Dumper( $tax_districts->[$_] );
-# }
-log_info_and_warn( "Finished" );
-sub update_cust_main_county {
- my $tax_districts = shift;
- #
- # Working from an assumption tax tables may be loaded multiple times,
- # each with a different tax class,
- # re: comments on FS::geocode_Mixin::process_district_update
- #
- my %cust_main_county =
- map { $_->district => $_ }
- qsearch(
- cust_main_county => {
- district => { op => '!=', value => undef },
- state => 'WA',
- source => 'wa_sales',
- taxclass => $opts{c},
- }
- );
- # Work within a SQL transaction
- local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
- my $insert_count = 0;
- my $update_count = 0;
- for my $district ( @$tax_districts ) {
- if ( my $row = $cust_main_county{ $district->{district} } ) {
- $row->city( uc $district->{city} );
- $row->county( uc $district->{county} );
- $row->taxclass( $opts{c} || undef );
- $row->taxname( $opts{t} || undef );
- $row->tax( $district->{tax_combined} * 100 );
- if ( my $error = $row->replace ) {
- dbh->rollback;
- local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1;
- log_error_and_die(
- sprintf
- "Error updating cust_main_county row %s for district %s: %s",
- $row->taxnum,
- $district->{district},
- $error
- );
- }
- $update_count++;
- } else {
- my $row = FS::cust_main_county->new({
- district => $district->{district},
- city => uc $district->{city},
- county => uc $district->{county},
- state => 'WA',
- country => 'US',
- taxclass => $opts{c} || undef,
- taxname => $opts{t} || undef,
- tax => $district->{tax_combined} * 100,
- source => 'wa_sales',
- });
- if ( my $error = $row->insert ) {
- dbh->rollback;
- local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1;
- log_error_and_die(
- sprintf
- "Error inserting cust_main_county row for district %s: %s",
- $district->{district},
- $error
- );
- }
- $cust_main_county{ $district->{district} } = $row;
- $insert_count++;
- }
- }
- dbh->commit;
- local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1;
- log_info_and_warn(
- sprintf
- "WA tax table update completed. Inserted %s rows, updated %s rows",
- $insert_count,
- $update_count
- );
-sub parse_xlsx_file {
- my $parse_fn = shift;
- # About the file format:
- #
- # The current spreadsheet contains the following @columns.
- # Rows 1 and 2 are a marquee header
- # Row 3 is the column labels. We will test these to detect
- # changes in the data format
- # Rows 4+ are the tax district data
- #
- # The "city" column is being parsed from "Location"
- my @columns = qw( city county district tax_local tax_state tax_combined );
- log_error_and_die( "Unable to access XLSX file: $parse_fn" )
- unless -r $parse_fn;
- my $xls_parser = Spreadsheet::XLSX->new( $parse_fn )
- or log_error_and_die( "Error parsing XLSX file: $!" );
- my $sheet = $xls_parser->{Worksheet}->[0]
- or log_error_and_die(" Unable to access worksheet 1 in XLSX file" );
- my $cells = $sheet->{Cells}
- or log_error_and_die( "Unable to read cells in XLSX file" );
- # Read the column labels and verify
- my %labels =
- map{ $columns[$_] => $cells->[2][$_]->{Val} }
- 0 .. scalar(@columns)-1;
- my %expected_labels = (
- city => 'Location',
- county => 'County',
- district => 'Location Code',
- tax_local => 'Local Rate',
- tax_state => 'State Rate',
- tax_combined => 'Combined Sales Tax',
- );
- if (
- my @error_labels =
- grep { lc $labels{$_} ne lc $expected_labels{$_} }
- @columns
- ) {
- my $error = "Error parsing XLS file - ".
- "Data format may have been updated with WA DOR! ";
- $error .= "Expected column $expected_labels{$_}, found $labels{$_}! "
- for @error_labels;
- log_error_and_die( $error );
- }
- # Parse the rows into an array of hashes
- my @districts;
- for my $row ( 3..$sheet->{MaxRow} ) {
- my %district = (
- map { $columns[$_] => $cells->[$row][$_]->{Val} }
- 0 .. scalar(@columns)-1
- );
- if (
- $district{city}
- && $district{county}
- && $district{district} =~ /^\d+$/
- && $district{tax_local} =~ /^\d?\.\d+$/
- && $district{tax_state} =~ /^\d?\.\d+$/
- && $district{tax_combined} =~ /^\d?\.\d+$/
- ) {
- # For some reason, city may contain line breaks!
- $district{city} =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
- push @districts, \%district;
- } else {
- log_warn_and_warn(
- "Non-usable row found in spreadsheet:\n" . Dumper( \%district )
- );
- }
+$log->info('Begin wa_tax_rate_update');
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ wa_sales_update_tax_table({
+ $opts{f} ? ( filename => $opts{f} ) : (),
+ $opts{t} ? ( taxname => $opts{t} ) : (),
+ $opts{y} ? ( year => $opts{y} ) : (),
+ $opts{q} ? ( quarter => $opts{q} ) : (),
+ });
+ };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ $log->error( "Error: $@" );
+ warn "Error: $@\n";
+ } else {
+ $log->info( 'Finished wa_tax_rate_update' );
+ warn "Finished wa_tax_rate_update\n";
- log_error_and_die( "No \@districts found in data file!" )
- unless @districts;
- log_info_and_warn(
- sprintf "Parsed %s districts from data file", scalar @districts
- );
- \@districts;
-sub fetch_xlsx_file {
- # Download file to temporary storage, return filename
- my $url_base = 'https://dor.wa.gov'.
- '/sites/default/files/legacy/Docs/forms/ExcsTx/LocSalUseTx';
- my $year = $opts{y} || DateTime->now->year;
- my $quarter = $opts{q} || DateTime->now->quarter;
- $year = substr( $year, 2, 2 ) if $year >= 1000;
- my $fn = sprintf( 'ExcelLocalSlsUserates_%s_Q%s.xlsx', $year, $quarter );
- my $url = "$url_base/$fn";
- my $write_fn = "$temp_dir/$fn";
- log_info_and_warn( "Begin download from url: $url" );
- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
- my $res = $ua->get( $url );
+if ( $opts{l} ) {
+ $log->info( 'Begin wa_sales_log_customer_without_tax_district' );
- log_error_and_die( "Download error: ".$res->status_line )
- unless $res->is_success;
+ wa_sales_log_customer_without_tax_district();
- local $@;
- eval { write_file( $write_fn, $res->decoded_content ); };
- log_error_and_die( "Problem writing download to disk: $@" )
- if $@;
- log_info_and_warn( "Temporary file: $write_fn" );
- $write_fn;
+ $log->info( 'Finished wa_sales_log_customer_without_tax_district' );
+ warn "Finished wa_sales_log_customer_without_tax_district\n";
print "
Tool to update city/district sales tax rates in I<cust_main_county> from
the Washington State Department of Revenue website.
- Usage: [-f filename] [-c taxclass] [-t taxname] [-y year] [-q quarter]
+ Usage: [-f filename] [-t taxname] [-y year] [-q quarter] [-l] freeside_username
Optional Options:
-f filename Skip download, and process the specified filename
- -c taxclass Update or create records within this taxclass
- defaults as NULL
-t taxname Apply tax name value to created or updated records
defaults as conf value 'tax_district_taxname'
-y year Year for data file download
-q quarter Quarter of data file to download
+ -t lookup Try to fix cust_location records without a district
-sub log_info_and_warn {
- my $log_message = shift;
- warn "$log_message\n";
- $log->info( $log_message );
-sub log_warn_and_warn {
- my $log_message = shift;
- warn "$log_message\n";
- $log->warn( $log_message );
-sub log_error_and_die {
- my $log_message = shift;
- $log->error( $log_message );
- die( "$log_message\n" );
Summary of changes:
FS/FS/Cron/tax_rate_update.pm | 653 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
bin/wa_tax_rate_update | 314 ++++----------------
2 files changed, 619 insertions(+), 348 deletions(-)
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