[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 88678677483b169d035d623cc1a07606dff6b046

Christopher Burger burgerc at freeside.biz
Tue Dec 11 15:46:30 PST 2018

The branch, master has been updated
       via  88678677483b169d035d623cc1a07606dff6b046 (commit)
      from  639c645c0f00c082a735b40f97a4f830c5e84949 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 88678677483b169d035d623cc1a07606dff6b046
Author: Christopher Burger <burgerc at freeside.biz>
Date:   Tue Dec 11 18:45:36 2018 -0500

    RT# 74693 - Added city select when using tax classes

diff --git a/httemplate/elements/select-city.html b/httemplate/elements/select-city.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09e28dd48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/elements/select-city.html
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ <& /elements/select-city.html,
+    #recommended
+    country    => $current_country,
+    state      => $current_state,
+    county     => $current_county,
+    city       => $current_city,
+    #optional
+    prefix        => $optional_unique_prefix,
+    onchange      => $javascript,
+    disabled      => 0, #bool
+    disable_empty => 1, #defaults to 1, set to 0 to disable the empty option
+    empty_label   => 'all', #label for empty option
+    style         => [ 'attribute:value', 'another:value' ],
+  &>
+% if ( $cityflag ) { 
+  <% include('/elements/xmlhttp.html',
+                'url'  => $p.'misc/cities.cgi',
+                'subs' => [ $pre. 'get_cities' ],
+             )
+  %>
+  <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+    function opt(what,value,text) {
+      var optionName = new Option(text, value, false, false);
+      var length = what.length;
+      what.options[length] = optionName;
+    }
+    function <% $pre %>county_changed(what, callback) {
+      what.form.<% $pre %>city.disabled = 'disabled';
+      county = what.form.<% $pre %>county.options[what.form.<% $pre %>county.selectedIndex].value;
+      state = what.options[what.selectedIndex].value;
+      country = what.form.<% $pre %>country.options[what.form.<% $pre %>country.selectedIndex].value;
+      function <% $pre %>update_cities(cities) {
+        // blank the current city list
+        for ( var i = what.form.<% $pre %>city.length; i >= 0; i-- )
+            what.form.<% $pre %>city.options[i] = null;
+%       unless ( $opt{disable_empty} ) {
+          opt( what.form.<% $pre %>city, '', <% $opt{empty_label} |js_string %> );
+%       }
+        // add the new cities
+        var citiesArray = eval('(' + cities + ')' );
+        for ( var s = 0; s < citiesArray.length; s++ ) {
+            var cityLabel = citiesArray[s];
+            if ( cityLabel == "" )
+                cityLabel = '(n/a)';
+            opt(what.form.<% $pre %>city, citiesArray[s], cityLabel);
+        }
+        var cityFormLabel = document.getElementById('<% $pre %>citylabel');
+        if ( citiesArray.length > 1 ) { 
+          what.form.<% $pre %>city.style.display = '';
+          if ( cityFormLabel )  {
+            //cityFormLabel.style.visibility = 'visible';
+            cityFormLabel.style.display = '';
+          }
+        } else {
+          what.form.<% $pre %>city.style.display = 'none';
+          if ( cityFormLabel ) {
+            //cityFormLabel.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+            cityFormLabel.style.display = 'none';
+          }
+        }
+        what.form.<% $pre %>city.disabled = '';
+        //run the callback
+        if ( callback != null )  {
+          callback();
+        } else {
+          <% $pre %>city_changed(what.form.<% $pre %>city);
+        }
+      }
+      // go get the new cities
+      <% $pre %>get_cities( state, country, <% $pre %>update_cities );
+    }
+  </SCRIPT>
+  <SELECT NAME    = "<% $pre %>city"
+          ID      = "<% $pre %>city"
+          onChange= "<% $onchange %>"
+          <% $opt{'disabled'} %>
+          <% $style %>
+  >
+% unless ( $opt{'disable_empty'} ) {
+  <OPTION VALUE="" <% $opt{county} eq '' ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>><% $opt{empty_label} %>
+% }
+% foreach my $city ( @cities ) {
+    <OPTION VALUE="<% $city |h %>"
+            <% $city eq $opt{'city'} ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>
+    ><% $city eq $opt{'empty_data_value'} ? $opt{'empty_data_label'} : $city %>
+% } 
+  </SELECT>
+% } else { 
+  <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+    function <% $pre %>city_changed(what) {
+    }
+  </SCRIPT>
+  <SELECT NAME  = "<% $pre %>city"
+           ID   = "<% $pre %>city"
+          STYLE = "display:none"
+  >
+    <OPTION SELECTED VALUE="<% $opt{'city'} |h %>">
+  </SELECT>
+% } 
+my %opt = @_;
+foreach my $opt (qw( city county state country prefix onchange disabled
+                     empty_value )) {
+  $opt{$opt} = '' unless exists($opt{$opt}) && defined($opt{$opt});
+$opt{'disable_empty'} = 1 unless exists($opt{'disable_empty'});
+my $pre = $opt{'prefix'};
+my $onchange = $opt{'onchange'};
+my $city_style = $opt{'style'} ? [ @{ $opt{'style'} } ] : [];
+my @cities = ();
+if ( $cityflag ) {
+  @cities = map { length($_) ? $_ : $opt{'empty_data_value'} }
+                  cities( $opt{'county'}, $opt{'state'}, $opt{'country'} );
+  push @$city_style, 'display:none'
+    unless scalar(@cities) > 1;
+my $style =
+  scalar(@$city_style)
+    ? 'STYLE="'. join(';', @$city_style). '"'
+    : '';
+my $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main_county".
+          " WHERE city IS NOT NULL AND city != ''";
+my $sth = dbh->prepare($sql) or die dbh->errstr;
+$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+my $cityflag = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
\ No newline at end of file


Summary of changes:
 httemplate/elements/select-city.html | 176 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 176 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 httemplate/elements/select-city.html

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