[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 8ddf2ae7b5e02463c87599186f0279b86ddaeaac

Christopher Burger burgerc at freeside.biz
Tue Dec 4 11:42:25 PST 2018

The branch, master has been updated
       via  8ddf2ae7b5e02463c87599186f0279b86ddaeaac (commit)
      from  27bace7e53b5259e4694d8a5aea394fd1d88dc42 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 8ddf2ae7b5e02463c87599186f0279b86ddaeaac
Author: Christopher Burger <burgerc at freeside.biz>
Date:   Tue Dec 4 14:30:07 2018 -0500

    RT# 81822 - Added new config for remittance coupon location, updated invoice_latex and invoice_latexcoupon to use new config

diff --git a/FS/FS/Conf.pm b/FS/FS/Conf.pm
index 5a744510d..393f068e9 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Conf.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Conf.pm
@@ -1480,6 +1480,18 @@ and customer address. Include units.',
+    'key'         => 'invoice_latexcouponlocation',
+    'section'     => 'invoicing',
+    'description' => 'Location of the remittance coupon.Either top or bottom of page, defaults to bottom.',
+    'type'        => 'select',
+    'select_hash' => [
+                       'bottom' => 'Bottom of page (default)',
+                       'top'    => 'Top of page',
+                     ],
+    'per_agent'   => 1,
+  },
+  {
     'key'         => 'invoice_latexsmallfooter',
     'section'     => 'invoice_templates',
     'description' => 'Optional small footer for multi-page LaTeX typeset PostScript invoices.',
diff --git a/FS/FS/Template_Mixin.pm b/FS/FS/Template_Mixin.pm
index 675dcfacb..c6a9b9fd2 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Template_Mixin.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Template_Mixin.pm
@@ -597,6 +597,7 @@ sub print_generic {
     'amountenclosedsep'     => scalar($conf->config('invoice_latexcouponamountenclosedsep', $agentnum)),
     'coupontoaddresssep'    => scalar($conf->config('invoice_latexcoupontoaddresssep', $agentnum)),
     'addcompanytoaddress'   => $conf->exists('invoice_latexcouponaddcompanytoaddress', $agentnum),
+    'couponlocation'        => (scalar($conf->config('invoice_latexcouponlocation', $agentnum)) eq "top") ? 'top' : 'bottom',
     # better hang on to conf_dir for a while (for old templates)
     'conf_dir'        => "$FS::UID::conf_dir/conf.$FS::UID::datasrc",
diff --git a/conf/invoice_latex b/conf/invoice_latex
index 478405ebd..885be3d08 100644
--- a/conf/invoice_latex
+++ b/conf/invoice_latex
@@ -1,519 +1,537 @@
-%% file: Standard Multipage.tex
-%% Purpose: Multipage bill template for e-Bills
-%% Created by Mark Asplen-Taylor
-%% Asplen Management Ltd
-%% www.asplen.co.uk
-%% Modified for Freeside by Kristian Hoffman
-%% Changes
-%% 	0.1	4/12/00	Created
-%%	0.2	18/10/01	More fields added
-%%	1.0	16/11/01	RELEASED
-%%	1.2	16/10/02	Invoice number added
-%%	1.3	2/12/02	Logo graphic added
-%%	1.4	7/2/03	Multipage headers/footers added
-%%      n/a     forked for Freeside; checked into CVS
-\usepackage[breakwords]{truncate} % to avoid overflowing boxes
-\usepackage{graphicx}			% required for logo graphic
-\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}             % multilanguage support
-[@-- if ( length($watermark) ) {
-  $OUT .= '
-  placement=center,
-  opacity=0.25,
-  color=black,
-  angle=0,
-  contents=' . $watermark . '
-  SDict begin [
-    /Title (Invoice \#[@-- $invnum --@])
-    /DOCINFO pdfmark
-  end
-\addtolength{\voffset}{-0.0cm}		% top margin to top of header
-\addtolength{\hoffset}{-0.6cm}		% left margin on page
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-\setlength{\headsep}{[@-- defined($headsep) ? $headsep : '1.0cm' --@]}
-\setlength{\footskip}{1.0cm}		% bottom of footer from bottom of text
-%\addtolength{\textwidth}{2.1in}    	% width of text
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-\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.9cm} 	% odd page left margin
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-  $coupon ? '\ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}' : '';
-  {
-  }
-  {
-    \vbox to 0pt{\rule{\headwidth}{\footrulewidth}\vss}
-  }
-\newcommand{\extracouponspace}{[@-- defined($extracouponspace) ? $extracouponspace : '2.7in' --@]}
-% Adjust the inset of the mailing address
-% Adjust the inset of the return address and logo
-% New command for address lines i.e. skip them if blank
-% Inserts dollar symbol
-% Remove plain style header/footer
-  \fancyhead{}
-% Define fancy header/footer for first and subsequent pages
-  \ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}
-  { % First page
-  if ($coupon) {
-    $OUT .= '\vspace{-\extracouponspace}';
-    $OUT .= '\rule[0.5em]{\textwidth}{\footrulewidth}\\\\';
-    $OUT .= $coupon;
-    $OUT .= '\vspace{'.
-      (defined($couponfootsep) ? $couponfootsep : '0.2in') .
-      '}';
-  }
-  '';
---@] [@-- $smallerfooter ? '\scriptsize{' : '\small{' --@]
-[@-- $footer --@]
-    }[@-- $coupon ? '\vspace{\extracouponspace}' : '' --@]
-  }
-  { % ... pages
-    [@-- $smallerfooter ? '\scriptsize{' : '\small{' --@]
-[@-- $smallfooter --@]
-    }
-  }
-  \ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}
-  { % First page
-  }
-  { % ... pages
-    \small{\thepage~[@-- emt('of') --@]~\pageref{LastPage}}
-  }
-  \ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}
-  { % First page
-    \returninset
-    \makebox{
-      \begin{tabular}{ll}
-        \begin{minipage}[b]{5.5cm}
-[@-- $returnaddress --@]
-        \end{minipage} &
-        \includegraphics{[@-- $logo_file --@]}\\
-      \end{tabular}
-    }
-  }
-  { % ... pages
-    %\includegraphics{[@-- $logo_file --@]}	% Uncomment if you want the logo on all pages.
-  }
-  \ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}
-  { % First page
-    \begin{tabular}{ccc}
-    [@-- join(' & ', ( $no_date   ? '' : emt('Invoice date') ),
-                     ( $no_number ? '' : emt('Invoice #')    ),
-                     emt('Customer #')
-             )
-    --@]\\
-    \vspace{0.2cm}
-    \textbf{[@-- $date --@]} & \textbf{[@-- $invnum --@]} & \textbf{[@-- $custnum --@]} \\\hline
-    \rule{0pt}{5ex} &~~ \huge{\textsc{[@-- emt($notice_name) --@]}} & \\
-    \vspace{-0.2cm}
-     & & \\\hline
-    \end{tabular}
-  }
-  { % ... pages
-    \small{
-      \begin{tabular}{lll}
-      [@-- join(' & ', emt('Invoice date'), emt('Invoice #'), emt('Customer #') ) --@]\\
-      \textbf{[@-- $date --@]} & \textbf{[@-- $invnum --@]} & \textbf{[@-- $custnum --@]}\\
-      \end{tabular}
-    }
-  }
-%% Font options are:
-%%	bch	Bitsream Charter
-%% 	put	Utopia
-%%	phv	Adobe Helvetica
-%%	pnc	New Century Schoolbook
-%%	ptm	Times
-%%	pcr	Courier
-% Commands for freeside table header...
-\newcommand{\FSdescriptionlength} { [@-- $unitprices ? '8.2cm' : '12.8cm' --@] }
-\newcommand{\FSdescriptioncolumncount} { [@-- $unitprices ? '4' : '6' --@] }
-\newcommand{\FSunitcolumns}{ [@-- 
-  $unitprices
-  ? '\makebox[2.5cm][r]{\textbf{~~' . emt('Unit Price') . '}} &' .
-    '\makebox[1.4cm]{\textbf{~' . emt('Quantity') . '}} & ' 
-  : '' --@] }
-  \hline
-  \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}
-  \makebox[1.4cm]{} &
-  \multicolumn{\FSdescriptioncolumncount}{l}{
-    \truncate{\FSdescriptionlength}{\textbf{[@-- emt('Description') --@]}}
-  } &
-  \FSunitcolumns
-  \makebox[1.6cm][r]{\textbf{[@-- emt('Amount') --@]}} \\
-  \hline
-  \hline
-  \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}
-  \makebox[1.4cm]{} &
-  \multicolumn{4}{l}{
-    \truncate{\FSdescriptionlength}{\textbf{[@-- emt('Description') --@]}}
-  } &
-  \textbf{~~[@-- emt('Calls') --@]} &
-  \textbf{~~[@-- emt('Duration') --@]} &
-  \textbf{~~[@-- emt('Amount') --@]} \\
-  \hline
-% ...description...
-  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\textbf{#1}} &
-  \multicolumn{[@-- $unitprices ? '4' : '6' --@]}{l}{
-    \truncate{\FSdescriptionlength}{\textbf{#2}}
-  } &
-[@-- $unitprices ? '  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#3}} &'."\n".
-                   '  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#4}} &'."\n"
-                 : ''
-  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#5}}\\
-% ...extended description...
-  \multicolumn{1}{l}{\rule{0pt}{1.0ex}} &
-  \multicolumn{6}{l}{
-    \truncate{12.8cm}{\small{~~~#1}}
-  } \\
-% ...call detail (multiple columns already)...
-  \multicolumn{1}{l}{\rule{0pt}{1.0ex}} &
-  ~~~#1
-  \\
-% ...and total line items (which use the full 12.8cm length, ignoring
-% unitprice/quantity
-  & \multicolumn{6}{l}{
-    \truncate{12.8cm}{#1}
-  } & #2\\
-% ...usage class summary
-  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}} &
-  \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{#1}} &
-  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#2}} &
-  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#3}} &
-  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#4}}
-  \\
-%	Headers and footers defined for the first page
-\addressinset \rule{0.5cm}{0cm} 
-\vspace{[@-- defined($addresssep) ? $addresssep : '0.25cm' --@]}
-\textbf{[@-- $payname --@]}\\
-\addressline{[@-- $company --@]}
-\addressline{[@-- $address1 --@]}
-\addressline{[@-- $address2 --@]}
-\addressline{[@-- $city --@], [@-- $state --@]~~[@-- $zip --@]}
-\addressline{[@-- $country --@]}
-  if ($ship_enable) {
-    $OUT .= '\textbf{' . emt('Service Address') . '}\\\\';
-    $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_company}";
-    $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_address1}";
-    $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_address2}";
-    $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_city, $ship_state~~$ship_zip}";
-    $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_country}";
-    $OUT .= '~\\\\';
-  }else{
-    $OUT .= '';
-  }
-[@-- $terms ? emt('Terms') . ': ' . emt($terms) : '' --@]\\
-[@-- $po_line --@]\\
-[@-- $summary --@]
-  foreach my $section ( grep { !$summary || $_->{description} ne $finance_section } @sections ) {
-    if ($section->{'pretotal'} && !$summary) {
-      $OUT .= '\begin{flushright}';
-      $OUT .= '\large\textsc{'. $section->{'pretotal'}. '}\\\\';
-      $OUT .= '\\end{flushright}';
-    }
-    $OUT .= '\pagebreak' if $section->{'post_total'};
-    unless ($section->{'summarized'} ) {
-      $OUT .= '\captionsetup{singlelinecheck=false,justification=raggedright,font={Large,sc,bf}}';
-      $OUT .= '\ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}{\setlength{\LTextracouponspace}{\extracouponspace}}{\setlength{\LTextracouponspace}{0pt}}'
-        if $coupon;
-      $OUT .= '\begin{longtable}{cllllllr}';
-      $OUT .= '\caption*{ ';
-      if ($section->{'location'}) {
-        $OUT .= $section->{'location'}{'label_prefix'}. ': '
-          if length($section->{'location'}{'label_prefix'});
-        $OUT .= $section->{'location'}{'address1'};
-        $OUT .= ', ' . $section->{'location'}{'address2'}
-          if length($section->{'location'}{'address2'});
-        $OUT .= ', ' .
-                $section->{'location'}{'city'} . ', ' .
-                $section->{'location'}{'state'} . '~' .
-                $section->{'location'}{'zip'};
-      } elsif ( $section->{'description'} ) {
-        $OUT .= ($section->{'description'});
-      } else {
-        $OUT .= emt('Charges');
-      }
-      $OUT .= '}\\\\';
-      if ($section->{header_generator}) {
-        $OUT .= &{$section->{header_generator}}();
-      } elsif ( $section->{usage_section} ) {
-        $OUT .= '\FSusagehead';
-      } else {
-        $OUT .= '\FShead';
-      }
-      $OUT .= '\endfirsthead';
-      $OUT .= '\multicolumn{7}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}'.emt('Continued from previous page').'}\\\\';
-      if ($section->{header_generator}) {
-        $OUT .= &{$section->{header_generator}}();
-      } elsif ( $section->{usage_section} ) {
-        $OUT .= '\FSusagehead';
-      } else {
-        $OUT .= '\FShead';
-      }
-      $OUT .= '\endhead';
-      $OUT .= '\multicolumn{7}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}'.emt('Continued on next page...').'}\\\\';
-      $OUT .= '\endfoot';
-      $OUT .= '\hline';
-      if (scalar(@sections) > 1 and !$section->{no_subtotal}) {
-        if ($section->{total_generator}) {
-          $OUT .= &{$section->{total_generator}}($section);
-        } else {
-          $OUT .= '\FStotaldesc{' . $section->{'description'} . ' Total}' .
-                  '{' . $section->{'subtotal'} . '}' . "\n";
-        }
-      }
-      #if ($section == $sections[$#sections]) {
-        foreach my $line (grep {$_->{section}->{description} eq $section->{description}} @total_items) {
-          if ($section->{total_line_generator}) {
-            $OUT .= &{$section->{total_line_generator}}($line);
-          } else {
-            $OUT .= '\FStotaldesc{' . $line->{'total_item'} . '}' .
-                    '{' . $line->{'total_amount'} . '}' . "\n";
-          }
-        }
-      #}
-      $OUT .= '\hline';
-      $OUT .= '\endlastfoot';
-      my $lastref = 0;
-      foreach my $line (
-        grep { ( scalar( @sections ) > 1 
-               ? $section->{'description'} eq $_->{'section'}->{'description'}
-               : 1
-             ) }
-        @detail_items )
-      {
-        my $ext_description = $line->{'ext_description'};
-        # Don't break-up small packages.
-        my $rowbreak = @$ext_description < 5 ? '*' : '';
-        $OUT .= "\\hline\n" if (($line->{'ref'} || 0) ne $lastref);
-        if ($section->{description_generator}) {
-          $OUT .= &{$section->{description_generator}}($line);
-        } elsif ($section->{usage_section}) {
-          my $minutes = sprintf('%d', $line->{'duration'} / 60);
-          my $seconds = $line->{'duration'} % 60;
-          $OUT .= '\FSusagedesc
-            {' . $line->{'description'} . '}
-            {' . $line->{'quantity'} . '}
-            {' . $minutes . 'm ' . $seconds . 's' . '}
-            {' . $line->{'amount'} . '}';
-        } else {
-          $OUT .= '\FSdesc'.
-                  '{}'.
-                  '{' . $line->{'description'} . '}' ;
-          if ( $unitprices and length($line->{'unit_amount'}) ) {
-            # then show the unit amount and quantity
-            $OUT .= 
-                '{\\dollar' . $line->{'unit_amount'} . '}'.
-                '{'         . $line->{'quantity'}    . '}';
-          } else {
-            # leave those columns blank
-            $OUT .= '{}{}';
-          }
-          $OUT .= '{\\dollar' . $line->{'amount'} . "}${rowbreak}\n";
-        }
-        $lastref = $line->{'ref'} || 0;
-        foreach my $ext_desc (@$ext_description) {
-          if ($section->{extended_description_generator}) {
-            $OUT .= &{$section->{extended_description_generator}}($ext_desc);
-          } elsif ( $ext_desc !~ /[^\\]&/ ) {
-            $OUT .= '\FSextdesc{' . $ext_desc . "}$rowbreak\n";
-          } else { # call detail
-            $OUT .= '\FScalldetail{' . $ext_desc . "}$rowbreak\n";
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      $OUT .= '\end{longtable}';
-    }
-    if ($section->{'posttotal'}) {
-      $OUT .= '\begin{flushright}';
-      $OUT .= '\normalfont\large\bfseries\textsc{'. $section->{'posttotal'}. '}\\\\';
-      $OUT .= '\\end{flushright}';
-    }
-  }
-  my @location_summary_sections =
-    grep {
-      ref $_->{location}
-      && $_->{locationnum}
-      && $_->{description}
-      && $_->{description} ne $finance_section
-    } @sections;
-  if ( $multisection eq 'location' && scalar(@location_summary_sections) > 1 ) {
-$OUT .= '
-      \hline
-      \section*{}
-      \captionsetup{singlelinecheck=false,justification=raggedright,font={Large,sc,bf}}
-      \ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}{\setlength{\LTextracouponspace}{\extracouponspace}}{\setlength{\LTextracouponspace}{0pt}}
-      \begin{longtable}{cllllllr}
-      \caption*{ '. emt('Summary of New Charges by Location') .' }
-      \\\\
-      \hline
-      \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}
-      \makebox[1.4cm]{} &
-      \multicolumn{6}{l}{
-        \truncate{13.0cm}{\textbf{'. emt('Location') .'}}
-      } &
-      \makebox[1.6cm][r]{\textbf{'. emt('Amount') .'}} \\\\
-      \hline
-      \endfirsthead
-      \multicolumn{7}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}'. emt('Continued from previous page') .'}
-      \\
-      \FShead
-      \endhead
-      \multicolumn{7}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}'. emt('Continued on next page...') .'}
-      \\
-      \endfoot
-      \hline
-      \endlastfoot
-      \hline
-    ';
-    for my $section (@location_summary_sections) {
-      $OUT.= '
-        \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}
-        \makebox[1.4cm]{} &
-        \multicolumn{6}{l}{
-          \truncate{12.0cm}{\textbf{'. $section->{description} .'}}
-        } &
-        \makebox[1.6cm][r]{\textbf{'. $section->{subtotal} .'}} \\\\
-      ';
-    }
-    $OUT .= '\end{longtable}';
-  }
-  [@-- length($summary)
-         ? ''
-        : ( $smallernotes
-              ? '\scriptsize{ '.$notes.' }'
-              : $notes
-          )
-  --@]
-  [@-- $coupon ? '\ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}{\rule{0pt}{\extracouponspace}}{}' : '' --@]
+%% file: Standard Multipage.tex
+%% Purpose: Multipage bill template for e-Bills
+%% Created by Mark Asplen-Taylor
+%% Asplen Management Ltd
+%% www.asplen.co.uk
+%% Modified for Freeside by Kristian Hoffman
+%% Changes
+%% 	0.1	4/12/00	Created
+%%	0.2	18/10/01	More fields added
+%%	1.0	16/11/01	RELEASED
+%%	1.2	16/10/02	Invoice number added
+%%	1.3	2/12/02	Logo graphic added
+%%	1.4	7/2/03	Multipage headers/footers added
+%%      n/a     forked for Freeside; checked into CVS
+%%      12/04/18  added support for coupon placement, top or bottom of page
+\usepackage[breakwords]{truncate} % to avoid overflowing boxes
+\usepackage{graphicx}			% required for logo graphic
+\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}             % multilanguage support
+[@-- if ( length($watermark) ) {
+  $OUT .= '
+  placement=center,
+  opacity=0.25,
+  color=black,
+  angle=0,
+  contents=' . $watermark . '
+  SDict begin [
+    /Title (Invoice \#[@-- $invnum --@])
+    /DOCINFO pdfmark
+  end
+\newcommand{\extracouponspace}{[@-- defined($extracouponspace) ? $extracouponspace : '2.7in' --@]}
+\addtolength{\voffset}{-0.0cm}		% top margin to top of header
+\addtolength{\hoffset}{-0.6cm}		% left margin on page
+\addtolength{\topmargin}{[@-- defined($topmargin) ? $topmargin : '-1.00cm' --@]}
+\setlength{\headheight}{2.0cm} 		% height of header
+[@-- if ($coupon && $couponlocation eq "top") { '\addtolength{\headheight}{\extracouponspace}'; } --@] % add coupon space to header
+\setlength{\headsep}{[@-- defined($headsep) ? $headsep : '1.0cm' --@]}
+\setlength{\footskip}{1.0cm}		% bottom of footer from bottom of text
+%\addtolength{\textwidth}{2.1in}    	% width of text
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+\setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.9cm} 	% even page left margin
+  if ($couponlocation eq "top") {
+   if ($coupon) {
+    '\makeatletter
+     \newcommand\ifpageone{
+      \ifnum\value{page}=1
+       \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+      \else
+       \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+      \fi}
+     \makeatother';
+   }
+  }
+  else {
+   '\renewcommand{\footrule}{\ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}{}{ \vbox to 0pt{\rule{\headwidth}{\footrulewidth}\vss} } }';
+  }
+% Adjust the inset of the mailing address
+% Adjust the inset of the return address and logo
+% New command for address lines i.e. skip them if blank
+% Inserts dollar symbol
+% Remove plain style header/footer
+  \fancyhead{}
+% Define fancy header/footer for first and subsequent pages
+  \ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}
+  { % First page
+  if ($coupon && $couponlocation eq "bottom") {
+    $OUT .= '\vspace{-\extracouponspace}';
+    $OUT .= '\rule[0.5em]{\textwidth}{\footrulewidth}\\\\';
+    $OUT .= $coupon;
+    $OUT .= '\vspace{'.
+      (defined($couponfootsep) ? $couponfootsep : '0.2in') .
+      '}';
+  }
+  '';
+--@] [@-- $smallerfooter ? '\scriptsize{' : '\small{' --@]
+[@-- $footer --@]
+    }[@-- ($coupon && $couponlocation eq "bottom") ? '\vspace{\extracouponspace}' : '' --@]
+  }
+  { % ... pages
+    [@-- $smallerfooter ? '\scriptsize{' : '\small{' --@]
+[@-- $smallfooter --@]
+    }
+  }
+  \ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}
+  { % First page
+  }
+  { % ... pages
+    \small{\thepage~[@-- emt('of') --@]~\pageref{LastPage}}
+  }
+  \ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}
+  { % First page
+  if ($coupon && $couponlocation eq "top") {
+    $OUT .= '\vspace{-\extracouponspace}';
+    $OUT .= $coupon;
+    $OUT .= '\rule[0.5em]{\textwidth}{\footrulewidth}\\\\';
+    $OUT .= '\vspace{'.
+      (defined($couponfootsep) ? $couponfootsep : '0.2in') .
+      '}';
+  }
+    \makebox{
+      \begin{tabular}{ll}
+        \begin{minipage}[b]{5.5cm}
+[@-- $returnaddress --@]
+        \end{minipage} &
+        \includegraphics{[@-- $logo_file --@]}\\
+      \end{tabular}
+    }
+  }
+  { % ... pages
+    %\includegraphics{[@-- $logo_file --@]}	% Uncomment if you want the logo on all pages.
+  }
+  \ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}
+  { % First page
+    \begin{tabular}{ccc}
+    [@-- join(' & ', ( $no_date   ? '' : emt('Invoice date') ),
+                     ( $no_number ? '' : emt('Invoice #')    ),
+                     emt('Customer #')
+             )
+    --@]\\
+    \vspace{0.2cm}
+    \textbf{[@-- $date --@]} & \textbf{[@-- $invnum --@]} & \textbf{[@-- $custnum --@]} \\\hline
+    \rule{0pt}{5ex} &~~ \huge{\textsc{[@-- emt($notice_name) --@]}} & \\
+    \vspace{-0.2cm}
+     & & \\\hline
+    \end{tabular}
+  }
+  { % ... pages
+    \small{
+      \begin{tabular}{lll}
+      [@-- join(' & ', emt('Invoice date'), emt('Invoice #'), emt('Customer #') ) --@]\\
+      \textbf{[@-- $date --@]} & \textbf{[@-- $invnum --@]} & \textbf{[@-- $custnum --@]}\\
+      \end{tabular}
+    }
+  }
+%% Font options are:
+%%	bch	Bitsream Charter
+%% 	put	Utopia
+%%	phv	Adobe Helvetica
+%%	pnc	New Century Schoolbook
+%%	ptm	Times
+%%	pcr	Courier
+% Commands for freeside table header...
+\newcommand{\FSdescriptionlength} { [@-- $unitprices ? '8.2cm' : '12.8cm' --@] }
+\newcommand{\FSdescriptioncolumncount} { [@-- $unitprices ? '4' : '6' --@] }
+\newcommand{\FSunitcolumns}{ [@--
+  $unitprices
+  ? '\makebox[2.5cm][r]{\textbf{~~' . emt('Unit Price') . '}} &' .
+    '\makebox[1.4cm]{\textbf{~' . emt('Quantity') . '}} & '
+  : '' --@] }
+  \hline
+  \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}
+  \makebox[1.4cm]{} &
+  \multicolumn{\FSdescriptioncolumncount}{l}{
+    \truncate{\FSdescriptionlength}{\textbf{[@-- emt('Description') --@]}}
+  } &
+  \FSunitcolumns
+  \makebox[1.6cm][r]{\textbf{[@-- emt('Amount') --@]}} \\
+  \hline
+  \hline
+  \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}
+  \makebox[1.4cm]{} &
+  \multicolumn{4}{l}{
+    \truncate{\FSdescriptionlength}{\textbf{[@-- emt('Description') --@]}}
+  } &
+  \textbf{~~[@-- emt('Calls') --@]} &
+  \textbf{~~[@-- emt('Duration') --@]} &
+  \textbf{~~[@-- emt('Amount') --@]} \\
+  \hline
+% ...description...
+  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\textbf{#1}} &
+  \multicolumn{[@-- $unitprices ? '4' : '6' --@]}{l}{
+    \truncate{\FSdescriptionlength}{\textbf{#2}}
+  } &
+[@-- $unitprices ? '  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#3}} &'."\n".
+                   '  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#4}} &'."\n"
+                 : ''
+  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#5}}\\
+% ...extended description...
+  \multicolumn{1}{l}{\rule{0pt}{1.0ex}} &
+  \multicolumn{6}{l}{
+    \truncate{12.8cm}{\small{~~~#1}}
+  } \\
+% ...call detail (multiple columns already)...
+  \multicolumn{1}{l}{\rule{0pt}{1.0ex}} &
+  ~~~#1
+  \\
+% ...and total line items (which use the full 12.8cm length, ignoring
+% unitprice/quantity
+  & \multicolumn{6}{l}{
+    \truncate{12.8cm}{#1}
+  } & #2\\
+% ...usage class summary
+  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}} &
+  \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{#1}} &
+  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#2}} &
+  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#3}} &
+  \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{#4}}
+  \\
+%	Headers and footers defined for the first page
+\addressinset \rule{0.5cm}{0cm}
+\vspace{[@-- defined($addresssep) ? $addresssep : '0.25cm' --@]}
+\textbf{[@-- $payname --@]}\\
+\addressline{[@-- $company --@]}
+\addressline{[@-- $address1 --@]}
+\addressline{[@-- $address2 --@]}
+\addressline{[@-- $city --@], [@-- $state --@]~~[@-- $zip --@]}
+\addressline{[@-- $country --@]}
+  if ($ship_enable) {
+    $OUT .= '\textbf{' . emt('Service Address') . '}\\\\';
+    $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_company}";
+    $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_address1}";
+    $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_address2}";
+    $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_city, $ship_state~~$ship_zip}";
+    $OUT .= "\\addressline{$ship_country}";
+    $OUT .= '~\\\\';
+  }else{
+    $OUT .= '';
+  }
+[@-- $terms ? emt('Terms') . ': ' . emt($terms) : '' --@]\\
+[@-- $po_line --@]\\
+[@-- $summary --@]
+  foreach my $section ( grep { !$summary || $_->{description} ne $finance_section } @sections ) {
+    if ($section->{'pretotal'} && !$summary) {
+      $OUT .= '\begin{flushright}';
+      $OUT .= '\large\textsc{'. $section->{'pretotal'}. '}\\\\';
+      $OUT .= '\\end{flushright}';
+    }
+    $OUT .= '\pagebreak' if $section->{'post_total'};
+    unless ($section->{'summarized'} ) {
+      $OUT .= '\captionsetup{singlelinecheck=false,justification=raggedright,font={Large,sc,bf}}';
+      $OUT .= '\ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}{\setlength{\LTextracouponspace}{\extracouponspace}}{\setlength{\LTextracouponspace}{0pt}}'
+        if $coupon;
+      $OUT .= '\begin{longtable}{cllllllr}';
+      $OUT .= '\caption*{ ';
+      if ($section->{'location'}) {
+        $OUT .= $section->{'location'}{'label_prefix'}. ': '
+          if length($section->{'location'}{'label_prefix'});
+        $OUT .= $section->{'location'}{'address1'};
+        $OUT .= ', ' . $section->{'location'}{'address2'}
+          if length($section->{'location'}{'address2'});
+        $OUT .= ', ' .
+                $section->{'location'}{'city'} . ', ' .
+                $section->{'location'}{'state'} . '~' .
+                $section->{'location'}{'zip'};
+      } elsif ( $section->{'description'} ) {
+        $OUT .= ($section->{'description'});
+      } else {
+        $OUT .= emt('Charges');
+      }
+      $OUT .= '}\\\\';
+      if ($section->{header_generator}) {
+        $OUT .= &{$section->{header_generator}}();
+      } elsif ( $section->{usage_section} ) {
+        $OUT .= '\FSusagehead';
+      } else {
+        $OUT .= '\FShead';
+      }
+      $OUT .= '\endfirsthead';
+      $OUT .= '\multicolumn{7}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}'.emt('Continued from previous page').'}\\\\';
+      if ($section->{header_generator}) {
+        $OUT .= &{$section->{header_generator}}();
+      } elsif ( $section->{usage_section} ) {
+        $OUT .= '\FSusagehead';
+      } else {
+        $OUT .= '\FShead';
+      }
+      $OUT .= '\endhead';
+      $OUT .= '\multicolumn{7}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}'.emt('Continued on next page...').'}\\\\';
+      $OUT .= '\endfoot';
+      $OUT .= '\hline';
+      if (scalar(@sections) > 1 and !$section->{no_subtotal}) {
+        if ($section->{total_generator}) {
+          $OUT .= &{$section->{total_generator}}($section);
+        } else {
+          $OUT .= '\FStotaldesc{' . $section->{'description'} . ' Total}' .
+                  '{' . $section->{'subtotal'} . '}' . "\n";
+        }
+      }
+      #if ($section == $sections[$#sections]) {
+        foreach my $line (grep {$_->{section}->{description} eq $section->{description}} @total_items) {
+          if ($section->{total_line_generator}) {
+            $OUT .= &{$section->{total_line_generator}}($line);
+          } else {
+            $OUT .= '\FStotaldesc{' . $line->{'total_item'} . '}' .
+                    '{' . $line->{'total_amount'} . '}' . "\n";
+          }
+        }
+      #}
+      $OUT .= '\hline';
+      $OUT .= '\endlastfoot';
+      my $lastref = 0;
+      foreach my $line (
+        grep { ( scalar( @sections ) > 1
+               ? $section->{'description'} eq $_->{'section'}->{'description'}
+               : 1
+             ) }
+        @detail_items )
+      {
+        my $ext_description = $line->{'ext_description'};
+        # Don't break-up small packages.
+        my $rowbreak = @$ext_description < 5 ? '*' : '';
+        $OUT .= "\\hline\n" if (($line->{'ref'} || 0) ne $lastref);
+        if ($section->{description_generator}) {
+          $OUT .= &{$section->{description_generator}}($line);
+        } elsif ($section->{usage_section}) {
+          my $minutes = sprintf('%d', $line->{'duration'} / 60);
+          my $seconds = $line->{'duration'} % 60;
+          $OUT .= '\FSusagedesc
+            {' . $line->{'description'} . '}
+            {' . $line->{'quantity'} . '}
+            {' . $minutes . 'm ' . $seconds . 's' . '}
+            {' . $line->{'amount'} . '}';
+        } else {
+          $OUT .= '\FSdesc'.
+                  '{}'.
+                  '{' . $line->{'description'} . '}' ;
+          if ( $unitprices and length($line->{'unit_amount'}) ) {
+            # then show the unit amount and quantity
+            $OUT .=
+                '{\\dollar' . $line->{'unit_amount'} . '}'.
+                '{'         . $line->{'quantity'}    . '}';
+          } else {
+            # leave those columns blank
+            $OUT .= '{}{}';
+          }
+          $OUT .= '{\\dollar' . $line->{'amount'} . "}${rowbreak}\n";
+        }
+        $lastref = $line->{'ref'} || 0;
+        foreach my $ext_desc (@$ext_description) {
+          if ($section->{extended_description_generator}) {
+            $OUT .= &{$section->{extended_description_generator}}($ext_desc);
+          } elsif ( $ext_desc !~ /[^\\]&/ ) {
+            $OUT .= '\FSextdesc{' . $ext_desc . "}$rowbreak\n";
+          } else { # call detail
+            $OUT .= '\FScalldetail{' . $ext_desc . "}$rowbreak\n";
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      $OUT .= '\end{longtable}';
+    }
+    if ($section->{'posttotal'}) {
+      $OUT .= '\begin{flushright}';
+      $OUT .= '\normalfont\large\bfseries\textsc{'. $section->{'posttotal'}. '}\\\\';
+      $OUT .= '\\end{flushright}';
+    }
+  }
+  my @location_summary_sections =
+    grep {
+      ref $_->{location}
+      && $_->{locationnum}
+      && $_->{description}
+      && $_->{description} ne $finance_section
+    } @sections;
+  if ( $multisection eq 'location' && scalar(@location_summary_sections) > 1 ) {
+$OUT .= '
+      \hline
+      \section*{}
+      \captionsetup{singlelinecheck=false,justification=raggedright,font={Large,sc,bf}}
+      \ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}{\setlength{\LTextracouponspace}{\extracouponspace}}{\setlength{\LTextracouponspace}{0pt}}
+      \begin{longtable}{cllllllr}
+      \caption*{ '. emt('Summary of New Charges by Location') .' }
+      \\\\
+      \hline
+      \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}
+      \makebox[1.4cm]{} &
+      \multicolumn{6}{l}{
+        \truncate{13.0cm}{\textbf{'. emt('Location') .'}}
+      } &
+      \makebox[1.6cm][r]{\textbf{'. emt('Amount') .'}} \\\\
+      \hline
+      \endfirsthead
+      \multicolumn{7}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}'. emt('Continued from previous page') .'}
+      \\
+      \FShead
+      \endhead
+      \multicolumn{7}{r}{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}'. emt('Continued on next page...') .'}
+      \\
+      \endfoot
+      \hline
+      \endlastfoot
+      \hline
+    ';
+    for my $section (@location_summary_sections) {
+      $OUT.= '
+        \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}
+        \makebox[1.4cm]{} &
+        \multicolumn{6}{l}{
+          \truncate{12.0cm}{\textbf{'. $section->{description} .'}}
+        } &
+        \makebox[1.6cm][r]{\textbf{'. $section->{subtotal} .'}} \\\\
+      ';
+    }
+    $OUT .= '\end{longtable}';
+  }
+  [@-- length($summary)
+         ? ''
+        : ( $smallernotes
+              ? '\scriptsize{ '.$notes.' }'
+              : $notes
+          )
+  --@]
+  [@-- $coupon ? '\ifthenelse{\equal{\thepage}{1}}{\rule{0pt}{\extracouponspace}}{}' : '' --@]
diff --git a/conf/invoice_latexcoupon b/conf/invoice_latexcoupon
index 238022680..861648129 100644
--- a/conf/invoice_latexcoupon
+++ b/conf/invoice_latexcoupon
@@ -1,37 +1,38 @@
-Detach and return this remittance form with your payment.\\
-  \makebox{ \includegraphics{[@-- $logo_file --@]}} & [@-- $verticalreturnaddress ? '\\\\' : '' --@]
-  \begin{minipage}[b]{5.5cm}
-[@-- $returnaddress --@]
-    \end{minipage}\\
-\begin{tabular}{r@{: }lr}
-Invoice date & \textbf{[@-- $date --@]} & \multirow{4}*{[@-- $verticalreturnaddress ? '\\rule{1.5cm}{0cm}' : '' --@]
-\textbf{[@-- $payname --@]}\\
-\addressline{[@-- $company --@]}
-\addressline{[@-- $address1 --@]}
-\addressline{[@-- $address2 --@]}
-\addressline{[@-- $city --@], [@-- $state --@]~~[@-- $zip --@]}
-\addressline{[@-- $country --@]}
-[@-- $barcode_file ? '\\\\ \includegraphics{'.$barcode_file.'}' : "\\" --@]
-Customer\#& \textbf{[@-- $custnum --@]} & \\
-Total Due & \textbf{[@-- $balance --@]} & \\
-\rule{0pt}{[@-- defined($amountenclosedsep) ? $amountenclosedsep : '2.25em' --@]}Amount Enclosed & \rule{2cm}{1pt}& \\
-\rule{0pt}{[@-- defined($coupontoaddresssep) ? $coupontoaddresssep : '1in' --@]} &\\
-\addressinset \rule{0.5cm}{0cm} &
-[@-- $addcompanytoaddress ? $company_name. '\\\\' : '' --@][@-- $returnaddress --@]
+[@-- ($couponlocation eq "bottom") ? 'Detach and return this remittance form with your payment.\\' : '' --@]
+  \makebox{ \includegraphics{[@-- $logo_file --@]}} & [@-- $verticalreturnaddress ? '\\\\' : '' --@]
+  \begin{minipage}[b]{5.5cm}
+[@-- $returnaddress --@]
+    \end{minipage}\\
+\begin{tabular}{r@{: }lr}
+Invoice date & \textbf{[@-- $date --@]} & \multirow{4}*{[@-- $verticalreturnaddress ? '\\rule{1.5cm}{0cm}' : '' --@]
+\textbf{[@-- $payname --@]}\\
+\addressline{[@-- $company --@]}
+\addressline{[@-- $address1 --@]}
+\addressline{[@-- $address2 --@]}
+\addressline{[@-- $city --@], [@-- $state --@]~~[@-- $zip --@]}
+\addressline{[@-- $country --@]}
+[@-- $barcode_file ? '\\\\ \includegraphics{'.$barcode_file.'}' : "\\" --@]
+Customer\#& \textbf{[@-- $custnum --@]} & \\
+Total Due & \textbf{[@-- $balance --@]} & \\
+\rule{0pt}{[@-- defined($amountenclosedsep) ? $amountenclosedsep : '2.25em' --@]}Amount Enclosed & \rule{2cm}{1pt}& \\
+\rule{0pt}{[@-- defined($coupontoaddresssep) ? $coupontoaddresssep : '1in' --@]} &\\
+\addressinset \rule{0.5cm}{0cm} &
+[@-- $addcompanytoaddress ? $company_name. '\\\\' : '' --@][@-- $returnaddress --@]
+[@-- ($couponlocation eq "top") ? ' \centerline{Detach and return this remittance form with your payment. }\\\\' : '' --@]
\ No newline at end of file


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/Conf.pm            |   12 +
 FS/FS/Template_Mixin.pm  |    1 +
 conf/invoice_latex       | 1056 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 conf/invoice_latexcoupon |   75 ++--
 4 files changed, 588 insertions(+), 556 deletions(-)

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