[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 07df8db4a07137e678a36b37070721566955295c

Ivan ivan at 420.am
Mon Jul 24 20:33:06 PDT 2017

The branch, master has been updated
       via  07df8db4a07137e678a36b37070721566955295c (commit)
      from  67d171a04ecbccbfd7d5fc2f1be2810299008c15 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 07df8db4a07137e678a36b37070721566955295c
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date:   Mon Jul 24 20:33:01 2017 -0700

    compliance solutions integration: import and use produce/service code catalog, RT#75262

diff --git a/FS/FS/Mason.pm b/FS/FS/Mason.pm
index da2f582..956ea62 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Mason.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Mason.pm
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ if ( -e $addl_handler_use_file ) {
   use strict;
   use vars qw( %session );
-  use CGI 3.39 qw(-private_tempfiles); #3.39 for cpan#37365
+  use CGI 4.08 qw(-private_tempfiles); #4.08 for multi_param
   #use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
   use CGI::Cookie;
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-compliance_solutions-import b/FS/bin/freeside-compliance_solutions-import
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..faa7f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-compliance_solutions-import
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FS::UID qw( adminsuidsetup );
+use Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX;
+use FS::part_pkg_taxproduct;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+my $filename = shift or die &usage;
+my $dbh = adminsuidsetup($user);
+$FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+$FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX->new;
+my $workbook = $parser->parse($filename);
+# Import Product Codes
+my %category = (
+  'C' => 'COMPUTER',
+  'S' => 'SATELLITE',
+  'T' => 'TELECOM',
+  'V' => 'VOIP',
+  'W' => 'WIRELESS',
+my $num_prodcode = 0;
+my %prodcode2desc = ();
+my $product_sheet = $workbook->worksheet('Product Codes');
+my( $prod_min, $prod_max ) = $product_sheet->row_range();
+foreach my $prod_rownum ( $prod_min+1 .. $prod_max ) {
+  my $product_code = $product_sheet->get_cell($prod_rownum, 0)->value;
+  my $product_desc = $product_sheet->get_cell($prod_rownum, 1)->value;
+  #print "$product_code: $product_desc\n";
+  my $part_pkg_taxproduct = new FS::part_pkg_taxproduct {
+    data_vendor => 'compliance_solutions',
+    taxproduct  => $product_code,
+    description => join(' : ', $category{ substr($product_code,0,1) },
+                               $product_desc,
+                       ),
+  };
+  my $error = $part_pkg_taxproduct->insert;
+  if ( $error ) {
+    $dbh->rollback;# or die dbh->errstr;
+    die $error;
+  }
+  $prodcode2desc{ $product_code } = $part_pkg_taxproduct->description;
+  $num_prodcode++;
+# Import Service Codes
+my $num_servcode = 0;
+my $service_sheet = $workbook->worksheet('Service Codes');
+my( $serv_min, $serv_max ) = $service_sheet->row_range();
+foreach my $serv_rownum ( $serv_min+1 .. $serv_max ) {
+  my $product_code = $service_sheet->get_cell($serv_rownum, 0)->value;
+  my $service_code = $service_sheet->get_cell($serv_rownum, 1)->value;
+  my $service_desc = $service_sheet->get_cell($serv_rownum, 2)->value;
+  my $part_pkg_taxproduct = new FS::part_pkg_taxproduct {
+    data_vendor => 'compliance_solutions',
+    taxproduct  => $product_code. sprintf('%03d', $service_code),
+    description => join(' : ', $prodcode2desc{ $product_code },
+                               $service_desc,
+                       ),
+  };
+  my $error = $part_pkg_taxproduct->insert;
+  if ( $error ) {
+    $dbh->rollback;# or die dbh->errstr;
+    die $error;
+  }
+  $num_servcode++;
+print "Imported $num_prodcode product codes and $num_servcode service codes\n";
+sub usage {
+  "Usage: \n  freeside-compliance_solutions-import username \"products and services.xlsx\"\n"
diff --git a/httemplate/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct.html b/httemplate/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0fd57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<& elements/browse.html,
+  'name_singular'  => 'tax product',
+  #'html_form'      => include('.form', $category_code),
+  'query'          => {
+                        'table'     => 'part_pkg_taxproduct',
+                        'hashref'   => $hashref,
+                        'order_by'  => 'ORDER BY taxproduct',
+                      },
+  'count_query'    => $count_query,
+  'header'         => \@header,
+  'fields'         => \@fields,
+  'align'          => $align,
+die "access denied"
+  unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');
+my $hashref = {};
+my $taxproduct = '%';
+$hashref->{taxproduct} = { op => 'LIKE', value => $taxproduct };
+my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM part_pkg_taxproduct ".
+                  "WHERE data_vendor = 'compliance_solutions' AND ".
+                  "taxproduct LIKE '$taxproduct'";
+my @fields = (
+  'data_vendor',
+  'taxproduct',
+  'description',
+#  'note'
+my @header = (
+  'Vendor',
+  'Code',
+  'Description',
+#  '',
+my $align = 'lll';
diff --git a/httemplate/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct/compliance_solutions.html b/httemplate/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct/compliance_solutions.html
index cf07b31..78c1b0a 100644
--- a/httemplate/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct/compliance_solutions.html
+++ b/httemplate/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct/compliance_solutions.html
@@ -1,115 +1,153 @@
-<& /elements/header-popup.html, $title &>
-<& /browse/elements/browse.html,
-  'name_singular'  => 'tax product',
-  #'html_form'      => include('.form', $category_code),
-  'query'          => {
-                        'table'     => 'part_pkg_taxproduct',
-                        'hashref'   => $hashref,
-                        'order_by'  => 'ORDER BY taxproduct',
-                      },
-  'count_query'    => $count_query,
-  'header'         => \@header,
-  'fields'         => \@fields,
-  'align'          => $align,
-  'links'          => [],
-  'link_onclicks'  => \@link_onclicks,
-  'nohtmlheader'   => 1,
-  'disable_total'  => 1,
+<& /elements/header-popup.html, 'Select tax product' &>
+<& '/elements/xmlhttp.html',
+     'url'  => $fsurl.'misc/xmlhttp-part_pkg_taxproduct.html',
+     'subs' => [ 'get_part_pkg_taxproduct'] &>
 $().ready(function() {
-  var new_taxproduct = $('#new_taxproduct');
-  var new_taxproduct2 = $('#new_taxproduct2');
-//  var new_category_desc = $('#new_category_desc');
-  var new_taxproduct_desc = $('#new_taxproduct_desc');
-  var new_taxproduct_submit = $('#new_taxproduct_submit');
-//  new_taxproduct.on('keyup', function() {
-//    var curr_value = this.value || '';
-//    if (curr_value.match(/^\d{7}$/)) {
-//      new_taxproduct_submit.prop('disabled', false);
-//    } else {
-//      new_taxproduct_submit.prop('disabled', true);
-//    }
-//  });
-  new_taxproduct_submit.on('click', function() {
-    select_taxproduct( -1,
-                       new_taxproduct.val() + new_taxproduct2.val()
-                          + ' '
-//                          + new_category_desc.val()
-//                          + ':'
-                          + new_taxproduct_desc.val()
-                     );
+  $('#taxproduct_submit').on('click', function() {
+    select_taxproduct(
+      $('#service_code').val(),
+      $('#service_code').val() + ' ' + $('#service_code :selected').text()
+    );
 // post the values back to the parent form
 function select_taxproduct(taxproductnum, description) {
   parent.document.getElementById('<% $id %>').value = taxproductnum;
   parent.document.getElementById('<% $id %>_description').value = description;
-Please contact <a href="http://csilongwood.com/" target="_blank">Compliance Solutions</a> for a full list of your product and service codes.<BR><BR>
+function jopt(what,value,text) {
+  var optionName = new Option(text, value, false, false);
+  what.append(optionName);
+function category_changed(what) {
+  var category = what.options[what.selectedIndex].value;
+  if ( category.length == 0 ) {
+    $('#product_code').empty();
+    $('#service_code').empty();
+    $('#taxproduct_submit').prop('disabled', true);
+    return;
+  }
+  get_part_pkg_taxproduct(
+    'data_vendor', 'compliance_solutions', 'category', category,
+    function (data) {
+      $('#product_code').empty();
+      $('#service_code').empty();
+      $('#taxproduct_submit').prop('disabled', true);
+      var reply = JSON.parse(data);
+      jopt( $('#product_code'), '', 'Select product code' );
+      var part_pkg_taxproduct = reply.part_pkg_taxproduct;
+      for ( var s = 0; s < part_pkg_taxproduct.length; s=s+2 ) {
+        var product_code = part_pkg_taxproduct[s];
+        var description = part_pkg_taxproduct[s+1];
+        jopt( $('#product_code'), product_code, description );
+      }
+    },
+  );
+function product_code_changed(what) {
+  var product_code = what.options[what.selectedIndex].value;
+  if ( product_code.length == 0 ) {
+    $('#service_code').empty();
+    $('#taxproduct_submit').prop('disabled', true);
+    return;
+  }
+  get_part_pkg_taxproduct(
+    'data_vendor', 'compliance_solutions', 'product_code', product_code,
+    function (data) {
+      $('#service_code').empty();
+      $('#taxproduct_submit').prop('disabled', true);
+      jopt( $('#service_code'), '', 'Select service code' );
-<FORM NAME="myform">
-  <FONT SIZE="+1"><B><% emt('Add tax product') %></B></FONT>
+      var reply = JSON.parse(data);
+      var part_pkg_taxproduct = reply.part_pkg_taxproduct;
+      for ( var s = 0; s < part_pkg_taxproduct.length; s=s+2 ) {
+        var product_service_code = part_pkg_taxproduct[s];
+        var description = part_pkg_taxproduct[s+1];
+        jopt( $('#service_code'), product_service_code, description );
+      }
+    },
+  );
+function service_code_changed(what) {
+  var service_code = what.options[what.selectedIndex].value;
+  if ( service_code.length > 0 ) {
+    $('#taxproduct_submit').prop('disabled', false);
+  } else {
+    $('#taxproduct_submit').prop('disabled', true);
+  }
   <% ntable('#cccccc', 2) %>
-    <& /elements/tr-input-text.html,
-      'label'     => emt('Product code'),
-      'field'     => 'new_taxproduct',
-      'id'        => 'new_taxproduct',
-      'size'      => 4,
-      'maxlength' => 4,
+    <& /elements/tr-select.html,
+         label   => emt('Category'),
+         field   => 'category',
+         id      => 'category',
+         options => [ '', qw( C G N S T V W )],
+         labels  => {
+                      ''  => 'Select category',
+                      'C' => 'COMPUTER',
+                      'G' => 'GENERAL MERCHANDISE',
+                      'N' => 'NON-TAXABLE AND EXEMPT',
+                      'S' => 'SATELLITE',
+                      'T' => 'TELECOM',
+                      'V' => 'VOIP',
+                      'W' => 'WIRELESS',
+                    },
+        onchange => 'category_changed(what);',
-    <& /elements/tr-input-text.html,
-      'label'     => emt('Service code'),
-      'field'     => 'new_taxproduct2',
-      'id'        => 'new_taxproduct2',
-      'size'      => 3,
-      'maxlength' => 3,
+    <& /elements/tr-select.html,
+        label    => emt('Product code'),
+        field    => 'product_code',
+        id       => 'product_code',
+        onchange => 'product_code_changed(what);',
-    <& /elements/tr-input-text.html,
-      'label'     => emt('Product name'),
-      'field'     => 'new_taxproduct_desc',
-      'id'        => 'new_taxproduct_desc',
+    <& /elements/tr-select.html,
+        label    => emt('Service code'),
+        field    => 'service_code',
+        id       => 'service_code',
+        onchange => 'service_code_changed(what);',
-%#  <input type="button" id="new_taxproduct_submit" disabled=1 value="Add">
-  <input type="button" id="new_taxproduct_submit" value="Add">
+  <BR>
+  <input type="button" id="taxproduct_submit" value="Select Product" DISABLED>
 <& /elements/footer-popup.html &>
-# populate dropdown
-#taxproduct is 7 digits: 4-digit (well, alpha) productcode + 3-digit servicecode
-# Description is also two parts, corresponding to those codes, separated with
-# a :.
-my (@productcodes, @servicecodes);
-foreach my $row ( qsearch({
-  table   => 'part_pkg_taxproduct',
-  select  => 'DISTINCT substr(taxproduct, 1, 4) AS productcode ',
-  hashref => { data_vendor => 'compliance_solutions' },
-  }))
-  push @productcodes, $row->{productcode};
-foreach my $row ( qsearch({
-  table   => 'part_pkg_taxproduct',
-  select  => 'DISTINCT substr(taxproduct, 4, 3) AS servicecode ',
-  hashref => { data_vendor => 'compliance_solutions' },
-  }))
-  push @servicecodes, $row->{servicecode};
 die "access denied"
@@ -118,46 +156,6 @@ die "access denied"
 $cgi->param('id') =~ /^\w+$/ or die "missing id parameter";
 my $id = $cgi->param('id');
-my $select_onclick = sub {
-  my $row = shift;
-  my $taxnum = $row->taxproductnum;
-  my $desc = $row->taxproduct . ' ' . $row->description;
-  "select_taxproduct('$taxnum', '$desc')";
-my @menubar;
-my $title = 'Tax Products';
 my $hashref = { data_vendor => 'compliance_solutions' };
-#my ($category_code, $taxproduct);
-#if ( $cgi->param('category_code') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
-#  $category_code = $1;
-#  $taxproduct = $category_code . '%';
-#} else {
-#  $taxproduct = '%';
-my $taxproduct = '%';
-$hashref->{taxproduct} = { op => 'LIKE', value => $taxproduct };
-my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM part_pkg_taxproduct ".
-                  "WHERE data_vendor = 'compliance_solutions' AND ".
-                  "taxproduct LIKE '$taxproduct'";
-my @fields = (
-  'taxproduct',
-  'description',
-#  'note'
-my @header = (
-  'Code',
-  'Description',
-#  '',
-my $align = 'lll';
-my @link_onclicks = ( $select_onclick, $select_onclick );
diff --git a/httemplate/misc/taxproduct.cgi b/httemplate/misc/taxproduct.cgi
index 1533e88..a397f23 100644
--- a/httemplate/misc/taxproduct.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/misc/taxproduct.cgi
@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
+<% encode_json(\@results) %>\
 my $conf = FS::Conf->new;
 my $vendor = $conf->config('tax_data_vendor');
 my $term = $cgi->param('term');
-warn "taxproduct.cgi?$term"; # XXX debug
+#warn "taxproduct.cgi?$term"; # XXX debug
 my $search = {
   table => 'part_pkg_taxproduct',
   hashref => { 'data_vendor' => $vendor }
-if ( $term =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
-  $search->{extra_sql} = " AND taxproduct LIKE '$term%'";
+if ( $term =~ /^[A-Z]?\d+$/ ) {
+  $search->{extra_sql} = " AND taxproduct ILIKE '$term%'";
   $search->{order_by} = " ORDER BY taxproduct ASC";
 } elsif ( length($term) ) {
   $term = dbh->quote( lc($term) ); # protect against bad strings
@@ -18,10 +22,14 @@ if ( $term =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
   # and sort by how close to the beginning of the string it is
   $search->{order_by} = " ORDER BY POSITION($term IN LOWER(description)) ASC, LOWER(description) ASC, taxproduct ASC";
+$search->{extra_sql} .= ' AND length(taxproduct) > 4'
+  if $vendor eq 'compliance_solutions';
 my @taxproducts = qsearch($search);
 my @results = map {
   { label => $_->taxproduct . ' ' . $_->description,
     value => $_->taxproductnum } 
 } @taxproducts;
-<% encode_json(\@results) %>\
diff --git a/httemplate/misc/xmlhttp-part_pkg_taxproduct.html b/httemplate/misc/xmlhttp-part_pkg_taxproduct.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e22dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/misc/xmlhttp-part_pkg_taxproduct.html
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<% encode_json({ part_pkg_taxproduct => [ map { $_->taxproduct => $_->description } @part_pkg_taxproduct ] }) %>\
+#compliance solutions specific for now, since they asked for a multi-level
+# select
+#my $sub = $cgi->param('sub');
+warn join(', ', $cgi->param);
+my( %args ) = $cgi->multi_param('arg');
+my $hashref = { 'data_vendor' => $args{'data_vendor'} };
+my @part_pkg_taxproduct;
+if ( $args{category} =~ /^(\w)$/ ) {
+  my $category = $1;
+  @part_pkg_taxproduct = qsearch({
+    table     => 'part_pkg_taxproduct',
+    hashref   => $hashref,
+    extra_sql => " AND taxproduct LIKE '$category%' AND length(taxproduct) = 4 ",
+  });
+} elsif ( $args{product_code} =~ /^([A-Z]\d+)$/ ) {
+  my $product_code = $1;
+  @part_pkg_taxproduct = qsearch({
+    table     => 'part_pkg_taxproduct',
+    hashref   => $hashref,
+    extra_sql => " AND taxproduct LIKE '$product_code%' AND length(taxproduct) > 4 ",
+  });
+} else {
+  die 'neither category nor product_code specified';


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/Mason.pm                                     |    2 +-
 FS/bin/freeside-compliance_solutions-import        |  102 ++++++++
 httemplate/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct.html         |   48 ++++
 .../part_pkg_taxproduct/compliance_solutions.html  |  262 ++++++++++----------
 httemplate/misc/taxproduct.cgi                     |   16 +-
 httemplate/misc/xmlhttp-part_pkg_taxproduct.html   |   36 +++
 6 files changed, 329 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 FS/bin/freeside-compliance_solutions-import
 create mode 100644 httemplate/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct.html
 create mode 100644 httemplate/misc/xmlhttp-part_pkg_taxproduct.html

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