[freeside-commits] branch master updated. d10a3e73a1c3e46f2c784d2aa4e7b3e621c336e2

Ivan ivan at 420.am
Mon Jul 17 20:21:10 PDT 2017

The branch, master has been updated
       via  d10a3e73a1c3e46f2c784d2aa4e7b3e621c336e2 (commit)
      from  249bad71904f776d6cc58a9f94cfd25ee10c2834 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d10a3e73a1c3e46f2c784d2aa4e7b3e621c336e2
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date:   Mon Jul 17 20:21:07 2017 -0700

    search for payments by customer location, RT#76691

diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html b/httemplate/search/elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html
index 187fc83..99f9ba0 100755
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ if ( $cgi->param('magic') ) {
   #check for customer tags
   my @tags;
-  foreach my $p (keys $cgi->Vars) {
+  foreach my $p ($cgi->param) {
     if ($p =~ /^tagnum(\d+)/ && $1) {
       $addl_from .= " LEFT JOIN cust_tag ON (cust_tag.custnum = cust_pay.custnum)" unless @tags;
       push @tags, $1;
@@ -498,6 +498,113 @@ if ( $cgi->param('magic') ) {
+  #customer location... total false laziness w/cust_main/Search.pm
+  my $current = '';
+  unless ( $cgi->param('location_history') ) {
+    $current = '
+      AND (    cust_location.locationnum IN ( cust_main.bill_locationnum,
+                                              cust_main.ship_locationnum
+                                            )
+            OR cust_location.locationnum IN (
+                 SELECT locationnum FROM cust_pkg
+                  WHERE cust_pkg.custnum = cust_main.custnum
+                    AND locationnum IS NOT NULL
+                    AND '. FS::cust_pkg->ncancelled_recurring_sql.'
+               )
+          )';
+  }
+  ##
+  # address
+  ##
+  if ( $cgi->param('address') ) {
+    my @values = $cgi->param('address');
+    my @orwhere;
+    foreach (grep /\S/, @values) {
+      my $address = dbh->quote('%'. lc($_). '%');
+      push @orwhere,
+        "LOWER(cust_location.address1) LIKE $address",
+        "LOWER(cust_location.address2) LIKE $address";
+    }
+    if (@orwhere) {
+      push @search, "EXISTS(
+        SELECT 1 FROM cust_location 
+        WHERE cust_location.custnum = cust_main.custnum
+          AND (".join(' OR ', at orwhere).")
+          $current
+        )";
+    }
+  }
+  ##
+  # city
+  ##
+  if ( $cgi->param('city') =~ /\S/ ) {
+    my $city = dbh->quote($cgi->param('city'));
+    push @search, "EXISTS(
+      SELECT 1 FROM cust_location
+      WHERE cust_location.custnum = cust_main.custnum
+        AND cust_location.city = $city
+        $current
+    )";
+  }
+  ##
+  # county
+  ##
+  if ( $cgi->param('county') =~ /\S/ ) {
+    my $county = dbh->quote($cgi->param('county'));
+    push @search, "EXISTS(
+      SELECT 1 FROM cust_location
+      WHERE cust_location.custnum = cust_main.custnum
+        AND cust_location.county = $county
+        $current
+    )";
+  }
+  ##
+  # state
+  ##
+  if ( $cgi->param('state') =~ /\S/ ) {
+    my $state = dbh->quote($cgi->param('state'));
+    push @search, "EXISTS(
+      SELECT 1 FROM cust_location
+      WHERE cust_location.custnum = cust_main.custnum
+        AND cust_location.state = $state
+        $current
+    )";
+  }
+  ##
+  # zipcode
+  ##
+  if ( $cgi->param('zip') =~ /\S/ ) {
+    my $zip = dbh->quote($cgi->param('zip') . '%');
+    push @search, "EXISTS(
+      SELECT 1 FROM cust_location
+      WHERE cust_location.custnum = cust_main.custnum
+        AND cust_location.zip LIKE $zip
+        $current
+    )";
+  }
+  ##
+  # country
+  ##
+  if ( $cgi->param('country') =~ /^(\w\w)$/ ) {
+    my $country = uc($1);
+    push @search, "EXISTS(
+      SELECT 1 FROM cust_location
+      WHERE cust_location.custnum = cust_main.custnum
+        AND cust_location.country = '$country'
+        $current
+    )";
+  }
+  #end of false laziness w/cust_main/Search.pm
   my $search = ' WHERE '. join(' AND ', @search);
   $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM($table.$amount_field) ";
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/options_cust_location.html b/httemplate/search/elements/options_cust_location.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ad34a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/search/elements/options_cust_location.html
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+    <TR>
+      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('Address') |h %></TH>
+      <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address" SIZE=54></TD>
+    </TR>
+    <TR>
+      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('City') |h %></TH>
+      <TD>
+        <& /elements/city.html,
+             disable_empty => 0,
+             empty_label   => '(all)',
+             disable_text  => 1,
+        &>
+      </TD>
+    </TR>
+    <TR>
+      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('County') |h %></TH>
+      <TD>
+        <& /elements/select-county.html,
+             disable_empty => 0,
+             empty_label   => '(all)',
+        &>
+      </TD>
+    </TR>
+    <TR>
+      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('State') |h %></TH>
+      <TD>
+        <& /elements/select-state.html,
+             disable_empty => 0,
+             empty_label   => '(all)',
+        &>
+      </TD>
+    </TR>
+    <TR>
+      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('Zip') |h %></TH>
+      <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="zip" SIZE=12></TD>
+    </TR>
+    <TR>
+      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('Country') |h %></TH>
+      <TD>
+        <& /elements/select-country.html,
+             disable_empty       => 0,
+             state_disable_empty => 0,
+             state_empty_label   => '(all)',
+        &>
+      </TD>
+    </TR>
+    <TR>
+      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('Search historical addresses') %></TH>
+      <TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="location_history" VALUE="1"></TD>
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/report_cust_pay_or_refund.html b/httemplate/search/elements/report_cust_pay_or_refund.html
index 728a12f..bff470a 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/report_cust_pay_or_refund.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/elements/report_cust_pay_or_refund.html
@@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ Examples:
        'pre_options'  => [ 0 => emt('(none)') ],
+  <& options_cust_location.html &>
 % if ( $table eq 'cust_pay' ) { 
diff --git a/httemplate/search/report_cust_main.html b/httemplate/search/report_cust_main.html
index 69bbe85..c458bb4 100755
--- a/httemplate/search/report_cust_main.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/report_cust_main.html
@@ -144,63 +144,7 @@
   <FONT CLASS="fsinnerbox-title"><% emt('Location search options') %></FONT>
   <TABLE CLASS="fsinnerbox">
-    <TR>
-      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('Address') |h %></TH>
-      <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address" SIZE=54></TD>
-    </TR>
-    <TR>
-      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('City') |h %></TH>
-      <TD>
-        <& /elements/city.html,
-             disable_empty => 0,
-             empty_label   => '(all)',
-             disable_text  => 1,
-        &>
-      </TD>
-    </TR>
-    <TR>
-      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('County') |h %></TH>
-      <TD>
-        <& /elements/select-county.html,
-             disable_empty => 0,
-             empty_label   => '(all)',
-        &>
-      </TD>
-    </TR>
-    <TR>
-      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('State') |h %></TH>
-      <TD>
-        <& /elements/select-state.html,
-             disable_empty => 0,
-             empty_label   => '(all)',
-        &>
-      </TD>
-    </TR>
-    <TR>
-      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('Zip') |h %></TH>
-      <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="zip" SIZE=12></TD>
-    </TR>
-    <TR>
-      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('Country') |h %></TH>
-      <TD>
-        <& /elements/select-country.html,
-             disable_empty       => 0,
-             state_disable_empty => 0,
-             state_empty_label   => '(all)',
-        &>
-      </TD>
-    </TR>
-    <TR>
-      <TH ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center"><% mt('Search historical addresses') %></TH>
-      <TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="location_history" VALUE="1"></TD>
+    <& elements/options_cust_location.html &>


Summary of changes:
 httemplate/search/elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html |  109 +++++++++++++++++++-
 .../search/elements/options_cust_location.html     |   58 +++++++++++
 .../search/elements/report_cust_pay_or_refund.html |    2 +
 httemplate/search/report_cust_main.html            |   58 +----------
 4 files changed, 169 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 httemplate/search/elements/options_cust_location.html

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