[freeside-commits] branch FREESIDE_3_BRANCH updated. f3f8837205c382550f540d8cf0e0bd53f80263cd

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Wed Oct 26 14:22:46 PDT 2016

The branch, FREESIDE_3_BRANCH has been updated
       via  f3f8837205c382550f540d8cf0e0bd53f80263cd (commit)
       via  5166db343d41a430e89e51682274d6c572ee59ee (commit)
      from  b327fcd3e29dfcb203920dc3c819fb86d0c19a5e (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit f3f8837205c382550f540d8cf0e0bd53f80263cd
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Wed Oct 26 14:22:22 2016 -0700

    fix package link

diff --git a/httemplate/search/sqlradius_usage.html b/httemplate/search/sqlradius_usage.html
index be4cb30..ca77149 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/sqlradius_usage.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/sqlradius_usage.html
@@ -272,11 +272,7 @@ my $order_by_sql = {
 my $link_pkg = sub {
   my $self = shift;
-  my $frag = 'cust_pkg'. $self->pkgnum; #hack for IE ignoring real #fragment
-  [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?custnum=".$self->custnum.
-                           "show=packages;fragment=$frag#cust_pkg",
-    'pkgnum'
-  ];
+  [ "${p}view/cust_pkg.cgi?", 'real_pkgnum' ];
 my $link_svc = sub {

commit 5166db343d41a430e89e51682274d6c572ee59ee
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Wed Oct 26 13:44:27 2016 -0700

    improve RADIUS data usage report: multiple export selection, optionally group by package, #73093 and #73049

diff --git a/httemplate/search/report_sqlradius_usage-custnum.html b/httemplate/search/report_sqlradius_usage-custnum.html
index a71012d..276deaa 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/report_sqlradius_usage-custnum.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/report_sqlradius_usage-custnum.html
@@ -22,11 +22,21 @@
   'name_col'      => 'label',
   'value_col'     => 'exportnum',
   'records'       => \@exports,
-  'disable_empty' => 1,
+  'multiple'      => 1,
 % }
 <& /elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html &>
+<& /elements/tr-radio.html,
+  'field'         => 'combine_svcs',
+  'options'       => [ 0, 1 ],
+  'curr_value'    => 0,
+  'labels'        => { 0 => 'Per service',
+                       1 => 'Per package',
+                     },
diff --git a/httemplate/search/report_sqlradius_usage.html b/httemplate/search/report_sqlradius_usage.html
index 38d52e5..3f94f29 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/report_sqlradius_usage.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/report_sqlradius_usage.html
@@ -23,12 +23,21 @@
   'extra_sql'     => ' WHERE exporttype IN ( '.
                                             join(',', map "'$_'", @exporttypes).
-  'disable_empty' => 1,
+  'multiple'      => 1,
   'order_by'      => 'ORDER BY exportnum',
 <& /elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html &>
+<& /elements/tr-radio.html,
+  'field'         => 'combine_svcs',
+  'options'       => [ 0, 1 ],
+  'labels'        => { 0 => 'Per service',
+                       1 => 'Per package',
+                     },
+  'curr_value'    => 0,
diff --git a/httemplate/search/sqlradius_usage.html b/httemplate/search/sqlradius_usage.html
index 648f784..be4cb30 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/sqlradius_usage.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/sqlradius_usage.html
@@ -5,11 +5,10 @@
 % $cgi->param('agentnum', $agent->agentnum); #for download links
 <DIV WIDTH="100%" STYLE="page-break-after: always">
 <FONT SIZE=6><% $agent->agent %></FONT><BR><BR>
-  <& sqlradius_usage.html, 
-      export            => $export,
+  <& cust_pkg_sqlradius_usage.html, 
+      exports           => @exports,
       agentnum          => $agent->agentnum,
       nohtmlheader      => 1,
-      usage_by_username => \%usage_by_username,
       download_label    => 'Download this section',
@@ -19,14 +18,14 @@
 % } else {
 <& elements/search.html,
   'title'       => $title,
-  'name'        => 'services',
+  'name'        => $combine_svcs ? 'packages' : 'services',
   'query'       => $sql_query,
-  'count_query' => $sql_query->{'count_query'},
+  'count_query' => $count_query,
   'header'      => [ #FS::UI::Web::cust_header(),
-                     @svc_header,
+                     'User',
                      'Upload (GB)',
                      'Download (GB)',
                      'Total (GB)',
@@ -36,22 +35,20 @@
-                     @svc_fields,
-                     @svc_usage,
+                     @pkg_usage, # username, upload, download, total
   'order_by_sql' => $order_by_sql,
   'links'       => [ #( map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $link_cust : '' }
                      #  FS::UI::Web::cust_header() ),
-                     '', #package
-                     ( map { $link_svc } @svc_header ),
-                     '',
+                     $link_pkg,
+                     $link_svc,
   'align'       => #FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns() .
-                   'rlc' . ('l' x scalar(@svc_header)) . 'rrr' ,
+                   'rlcrrr',
   'nohtmlheader'    => ($opt{'nohtmlheader'} || 0),
   'download_label'  => $opt{'download_label'},
@@ -61,12 +58,14 @@
 my %opt = @_;
 my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-die "access denied" unless $curuser->access_right('List services');
+die "access denied" unless $curuser->access_right('List packages');
 my $title = 'Data Usage Report - '; 
 my $agentnum = '';
 my @include_agents = ();
+my $combine_svcs = $cgi->param('combine_svcs') ? 1 : 0;
 if ( $opt{'agentnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
   $agentnum = $opt{'agentnum'};
 } else {
@@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ if ( $ending == 4294967295 ) {
 # can also show a specific customer / service. the main query will handle
 # agent restrictions, but we need a list of the services to ask the export
 # for usage data.
-my ($cust_main, @svc_x);
+my $cust_main;
 if ( $cgi->param('custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
   $cust_main = qsearchs( {
     'table'     => 'cust_main',
@@ -125,148 +124,128 @@ if ( $cgi->param('custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
   @include_agents = ();
   # and announce that we're doing it
   $title .= ' - ' . $cust_main->name_short;
-  # yes, we'll query the database once for each service the customer has,
-  # even non-radacct'd services. probably less bad than a single query that
-  # pulls records for every service for every customer.
-  foreach my $cust_pkg ($cust_main->all_pkgs) {
-    foreach my $cust_svc ($cust_pkg->cust_svc) {
-      push @svc_x, $cust_svc->svc_x;
-    }
-  }
-foreach ($cgi->param('svcnum')) {
-  if (/^(\d+)$/) {
-    my $cust_svc = FS::cust_svc->by_key($1)
-      or die "service #$1 not found."; # or continue?
-    push @svc_x, $cust_svc->svc_x;
-  }
-my $export;
-my %usage_by_username;
-if ( exists($opt{usage_by_username}) ) {
-  # There's no agent separation in the radacct data.  So in the jumbo report
-  # do this procedure once, and pass the hash into all the per-agent sections.
-  %usage_by_username = %{ $opt{usage_by_username} };
-  $export  = $opt{export};
+my @exports;
+if ( $opt{exports} ) {
+  @exports = @{ $opt{exports} };
+} elsif ( $cgi->param('exportnum') ) {
+  foreach my $exportnum ($cgi->param('exportnum')) {
+    $exportnum =~ /^(\d+)$/
+      or die "illegal export: '".$cgi->param('exportnum')."'";
+    my $export = FS::part_export->by_key($1)
+      or die "exportnum $1 not found";
+    $export->exporttype =~ /sqlradius/
+      or die "exportnum ".$export->exportnum." is type ".$export->exporttype.
+             ", not sqlradius";
+    push @exports, $export;
+  }
+  die "exportnum required" unless @exports;
 } else {
+  # do something sensible if no exports were selected
+  @exports = FS::part_export::sqlradius->all_sqlradius;
-  $cgi->param('exportnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/
-    or die "illegal export: '".$cgi->param('exportnum')."'";
-  $export = FS::part_export->by_key($1)
-    or die "exportnum $1 not found";
-  $export->exporttype =~ /sqlradius/
-    or die "exportnum ".$export->exportnum." is type ".$export->exporttype.
-           ", not sqlradius";
+my %usage_param = (
+  stoptime_start  => $beginning,
+  stoptime_end    => $ending,
+  summarize       => 1
-  my %usage_param = (
-      stoptime_start  => $beginning,
-      stoptime_end    => $ending,
-      summarize       => 1
-  );
-  # usage_sessions() returns an arrayref of hashrefs of
-  # (username, acctsessiontime, acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets)
-  # (XXX needs to include 'realm' for sqlradius_withdomain)
-  my $usage;
-  if ( @svc_x ) {
-    # then query once per service
-    $usage = [];
-    foreach my $svc ( @svc_x ) {
-      $usage_param{'svc'} = $svc;
-      push @$usage, @{ $export->usage_sessions(\%usage_param) };
+my @total_usage = ('', 0, 0, 0); # username, input, output, input + output
+# a single sub to collect data for each package, aggregated across both
+# services and exports.  when we add per-service breakdown, this should also
+# keep the per-service data, but not needed yet
+my $cust_pkg_stats_sub = sub {
+  my $cust_pkg = shift;
+  if (! $cust_pkg->get('_stats') ) {
+    my ($upbytes, $downbytes, $totalbytes) = (0, 0, 0);
+    my $display_username;
+    foreach my $svcnum ( split(',', $cust_pkg->get('svcnums_concat')) ) {
+      foreach my $export (@exports) {
+        my $svc = FS::cust_svc->by_key($svcnum)->svc_x;
+        my $username = $export->export_username($svc);
+        my $usage = $export->usage_sessions({ %usage_param, 'svc' => $svc });
+        # returns arrayref with one row
+        $upbytes += $usage->[0]->{'acctinputoctets'};
+        $downbytes += $usage->[0]->{'acctoutputoctets'};
+        # in combined services mode with multiple users/MAC addresses per
+        # package, this will just show one of them arbitrarily.
+        $display_username ||= $username;
+      }
-  } else {
-    # one query, get everyone's data
-    $usage = $export->usage_sessions(\%usage_param);
-  }
-  # rearrange to be indexed by username.
-  foreach (@$usage) {
-    my $username = $_->{'username'};
-    my @row = (
-      $_->{'acctinputoctets'},
-      $_->{'acctoutputoctets'},
-      $_->{'acctinputoctets'} + $_->{'acctoutputoctets'}
-    );
-    $usage_by_username{$username} = \@row;
-  }
-my @total_usage = (0, 0, 0, 0); # session time, input, output, input + output
-my @svc_usage = map {
-  my $i = $_;
-  sub {
-    my $username = $export->export_username(shift);
-    return '' if !exists($usage_by_username{$username});
-    my $value = $usage_by_username{ $username }->[$i];
-    $total_usage[$i] += $value;
-    # for now, always show in GB, rounded to 3 digits
-    bytes_to_gb($value);
+    $total_usage[1] += $upbytes;
+    $total_usage[2] += $downbytes;
+    $total_usage[3] += $upbytes + $downbytes;
+    $cust_pkg->set('_stats', [ $display_username,
+                               $upbytes,
+                               $downbytes,
+                               $upbytes + $downbytes ]);
-} (0,1,2);
-# set up svcdb-specific stuff
-my $export_username = sub {
-  $export->export_username(shift); # countrycode + phone, formatted MAC, etc.
+  return $cust_pkg->get('_stats');
-my %svc_header = (
-  svc_acct      => [ 'Username' ],
-  svc_broadband => [ 'MAC address', 'IP address' ],
-#  svc_phone     => [ 'Phone' ], #not yet supported, no search method
-                                 # (not sure input/output octets is relevant)
-my %svc_fields = (
-  svc_acct      => [ $export_username ],
-  svc_broadband => [ $export_username, 'ip_addr' ],
-#  svc_phone     => [ $export_username ],
-# what kind of service we're operating on
-my $svcdb = FS::part_export::export_info()->{$export->exporttype}->{'svc'};
-my $class = "FS::$svcdb";
-my @svc_header = @{ $svc_header{$svcdb} };
-my @svc_fields = @{ $svc_fields{$svcdb} };
+my @pkg_usage;
+$pkg_usage[0] = sub { # username
+ return &{ $cust_pkg_stats_sub }(shift)->[0];
+foreach my $i (1, 2, 3) { # numeric fields
+  $pkg_usage[$i] = sub { # cust_pkg arg
+    my $value = &{ $cust_pkg_stats_sub }(shift)->[$i];
+    # for now, always show in GB, rounded to 3 digits
+    $value ? bytes_to_gb($value) : '';
+  };
-# svc_x search params
-my %search_hash = ( 'agentnum' => $agentnum,
-                    'exportnum' => $export->exportnum );
+my $link_cust = [ $p.'view/cust_main.cgi?', 'custnum' ];
+# cust_pkg search params
+my %search_hash = ( 'agentnum' => $agentnum );
 if ($cust_main) {
   $search_hash{'custnum'} = $cust_main->custnum;
-if (@svc_x) {
-  $search_hash{'svcnum'} = [ map { $_->get('svcnum') } @svc_x ];
-my $sql_query = $class->search(\%search_hash);
-$sql_query->{'select'}    .= ', part_pkg.pkg';
-$sql_query->{'addl_from'} .= ' LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING (pkgpart)';
+# construct a subquery for services/packages with relevant exports
-if ( @svc_x ) {
-  my $svcnums = join(',', map { $_->get('svcnum') } @svc_x);
-  $sql_query->{'extra_sql'} .= ' AND svcnum IN('.$svcnums.')';
+my $group_by = ' GROUP BY pkgnum';
+if ( !$combine_svcs ) {
+  $group_by .= ', svcnum';
-my $link_svc = [ $p.'view/cust_svc.cgi?', 'svcnum' ];
-my $link_cust = [ $p.'view/cust_main.cgi?', 'custnum' ];
-# columns between the customer name and the usage fields
-my $skip_cols = 1 + scalar(@svc_header);
-my $num_rows = FS::Record->scalar_sql($sql_query->{count_query});
+my $exportnums = join(',', map { $_->get('exportnum') } @exports);
+my $svcnums_table = 'SELECT pkgnum, ' .  FS::Record::group_concat_sql('DISTINCT svcnum', ',') . ' AS svcnums_concat
+FROM cust_svc
+  JOIN part_svc USING (svcpart)
+  JOIN export_svc USING (svcpart)
+WHERE exportnum IN(' . $exportnums . ')' . $group_by;
+my $sql_query = FS::cust_pkg->search( \%search_hash );
+# also get the svcnum-list column
+$sql_query->{'select'}    .= ', svcnums_concat' .
+# and a workaround for the implicit DISTINCTing that happens in qsearch
+                             ', NULL AS pkgnum, pkgnum AS real_pkgnum';
+$sql_query->{'addl_from'} .= " JOIN ($svcnums_table) AS svcnums
+USING (pkgnum)";
+$sql_query->{'order_by'}  = ' ORDER BY cust_pkg.pkgnum, svcnums_concat'; # for stability
+my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg ".
+  $sql_query->{addl_from} .
+  $sql_query->{extra_sql};
+my $num_rows = FS::Record->scalar_sql($count_query);
+my $itemname = $combine_svcs ? 'package' : 'service';
 my @footer = (
-  emt('[quant,_1,service]', $num_rows), 
-  ('') x $skip_cols,
+  emt("[quant,_1,$itemname]", $num_rows), 
+  '', #pkg label
+  '', #username
   map {
     my $i = $_;
     sub { # defer this until the rows have been processed
-  } (0,1,2)
+  } (1,2,3)
 sub bytes_to_gb {
@@ -291,6 +270,21 @@ my $order_by_sql = {
                        : "custnum",
-#warn Dumper \%usage_by_username;
+my $link_pkg = sub {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $frag = 'cust_pkg'. $self->pkgnum; #hack for IE ignoring real #fragment
+  [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?custnum=".$self->custnum.
+                           "show=packages;fragment=$frag#cust_pkg",
+    'pkgnum'
+  ];
+my $link_svc = sub {
+  my $self = shift;
+  if ($self->svcnums_concat =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
+    return [ $p.'view/cust_svc.cgi?' . $1 ];
+  } else {
+    return '';
+  }
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
index 958a061..c191961 100755
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
+++ b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ if ( el ) el.scrollIntoView(true);
                  'cust_main'   => $cust_main,
                  'actionlabel' => emt('Data usage report'),
                  'width'       => 480,
-                 'height'      => 245,
+                 'height'      => 345,
 %      }


Summary of changes:
 .../search/report_sqlradius_usage-custnum.html     |   12 +-
 httemplate/search/report_sqlradius_usage.html      |   11 +-
 httemplate/search/sqlradius_usage.html             |  254 ++++++++++----------
 httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html            |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-)

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