[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 85d0dbbdb844857f17192c5f0740f63c9681b9e6
Mark Wells
mark at 420.am
Wed Nov 30 22:41:45 PST 2016
The branch, master has been updated
via 85d0dbbdb844857f17192c5f0740f63c9681b9e6 (commit)
from fb4d406cbc74ea6abac58770f81570b4f20d6cb9 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 85d0dbbdb844857f17192c5f0740f63c9681b9e6
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date: Wed Nov 30 22:40:30 2016 -0800
rework Billsoft interface for new Avalara data format, fix many things, #73063
diff --git a/FS/FS/Conf.pm b/FS/FS/Conf.pm
index 1b6deec..50df3dd 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Conf.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Conf.pm
@@ -2449,11 +2449,18 @@ and customer address. Include units.',
'key' => 'billsoft-company_code',
'section' => 'taxation',
- 'description' => 'Billsoft tax service company code (3 letters)',
+ 'description' => 'Billsoft (AvaTax for Communications) tax service company code (3 letters)',
'type' => 'text',
+ 'key' => 'billsoft-taxconfig',
+ 'section' => 'taxation',
+ 'description' => 'Billsoft tax configuration flags. Four lines: Facilities, Franchise, Regulated, Business Class. See the Avalara documentation for instructions on setting these flags.',
+ 'type' => 'textarea',
+ },
+ {
'key' => 'avalara-taxconfig',
'section' => 'taxation',
'description' => 'Avalara tax service configuration. Four lines: company code, account number, license key, test mode (1 to enable).',
diff --git a/FS/FS/TaxEngine/billsoft.pm b/FS/FS/TaxEngine/billsoft.pm
index 6bda8db..69717a2 100644
--- a/FS/FS/TaxEngine/billsoft.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/TaxEngine/billsoft.pm
@@ -11,9 +11,51 @@ use FS::upload_target;
use Date::Format qw( time2str );
use File::chdir;
use File::Copy qw(move);
-use Parse::FixedLength;
-$DEBUG = 1;
+use Text::CSV_XS;
+use Locale::Country qw(country_code2code);
+# "use constant" this, for performance?
+our @input_cols = qw(
+ RequestType
+ BillToCountryISO
+ BillToZipCode
+ BillToZipP4
+ BillToPCode
+ BillToNpaNxx
+ OriginationCountryISO
+ OriginationZipCode
+ OriginationZipP4
+ OriginationNpaNxx
+ TerminationCountryISO
+ TerminationZipCode
+ TerminationZipP4
+ TerminationPCode
+ TerminationNpaNxx
+ TransactionType
+ ServiceType
+ Date
+ Charge
+ CustomerType
+ Lines
+ Sale
+ Regulated
+ Minutes
+ Debit
+ ServiceClass
+ Lifeline
+ Facilities
+ Franchise
+ BusinessClass
+ CompanyIdentifier
+ CustomerNumber
+ InvoiceNumber
+ DiscountType
+ ExemptionType
+ AdjustmentMethod
+ Optional
+$DEBUG = 2;
$TIMEOUT = 86400; # absolute time limit on waiting for a response file.
@@ -34,192 +76,238 @@ sub spooldir {
sub spoolname {
my $self = shift;
- my $conf = FS::Conf->new;;
my $spooldir = $self->spooldir;
mkdir $spooldir, 0700 unless -d $spooldir;
- my $basename = $conf->config('billsoft-company_code') .
+ my $upload = $self->spooldir . '/upload';
+ mkdir $upload, 0700 unless -d $upload;
+ my $basename = $self->conf->config('billsoft-company_code') .
time2str('%Y%m%d', time); # use the real clock time here
my $uniq = 'AA';
- while ( -e "$spooldir/$basename$uniq.CDF" ) {
+ while ( -e "$upload/$basename$uniq.CSV" ) {
# these two letters must be unique within each day
- "$basename$uniq.CDF";
+ "$basename$uniq.CSV";
+=item part_pkg_taxproduct PART_PKG, CLASSNUM
+Returns the taxproduct string (T-code and S-code concatenated) for
+PART_PKG with usage class CLASSNUM. CLASSNUM can be a numeric classnum,
+an empty string (for the package's base taxproduct), 'setup', or 'recur'.
+Returns undef if the package doesn't have a taxproduct.
+sub part_pkg_taxproduct {
+ my ($self, $part_pkg, $classnum) = @_;
+ my $pkgpart = $part_pkg->get('pkgpart');
+ # all taxproducts
+ $self->{_taxproduct} ||= {};
+ # taxproduct(s) that are relevant to this package
+ my $pkg_taxproduct = $self->{_taxproduct}{$pkgpart} ||= {};
+ my $taxproduct; # return this
+ $classnum ||= '';
+ if (exists($pkg_taxproduct->{$classnum})) {
+ $taxproduct = $pkg_taxproduct->{$classnum};
+ } else {
+ my $part_pkg_taxproduct = $part_pkg->taxproduct($classnum);
+ $taxproduct = $pkg_taxproduct->{$classnum} = (
+ $part_pkg_taxproduct ? $part_pkg_taxproduct->taxproduct : undef
+ );
+ if (!$taxproduct) {
+ $self->log->error("part_pkg $pkgpart, class $_: taxproduct not found");
+ if ( !$self->conf->exists('ignore_incalculable_taxes') ) {
+ die "part_pkg $pkgpart, class $_: taxproduct not found\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ warn "part_pkg $pkgpart, class $classnum: ".
+ ($taxproduct ?
+ "using taxproduct $taxproduct\n" :
+ "taxproduct not found\n")
+ if $DEBUG;
+ return $taxproduct;
-my $format =
- '%10s' . # Origination
- '%1s' . # Origination Flag (NPA-NXX)
- '%10s' . # Termination
- '%1s' . # Termination Flag (NPA-NXX)
- '%10s' . # Service Location
- '%1s' . # Service Location Flag (Pcode)
- '%1s' . # Customer Type ('B'usiness or 'R'esidential)
- '%8s' . # Invoice Date
- '+' . # Taxable Amount Sign
- '%011d' . # Taxable Amount (5 decimal places)
- '%6d' . # Lines
- '%6d' . # Locations
- '%12s' . # Transaction Type + Service Type
- '%1s' . # Client Resale Flag ('S'ale or 'R'esale)
- '%1s' . # Inc-Code ('I'n an incorporated city, or 'O'utside)
- ' ' . # Fed/State/County/Local Exempt
- '%1s' . # Primary Output Key, flag (our field)
- '%019d' . # Primary Output Key, numeric (our field)
- 'R' . # 'R'egulated (or 'U'nregulated)
- '%011d' . # Call Duration (tenths of minutes)
- 'C' . # Telecom Type ('C'alls, other things)
- '%1s' . # Service Class ('L'ocal, Long 'D'istance)
- ' NNC' . # non-lifeline, non-facilities based,
- # non-franchise, CLEC
- # (gross assumptions, may need a config option
- "\r\n"; # at least that's what was in the samples
+sub log {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{_log} ||= FS::Log->new('FS::TaxEngine::billsoft');
+sub conf {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{_conf} ||= FS::Conf->new;
sub create_batch {
my ($self, %opt) = @_;
+ my @invoices = qsearch('cust_bill', { pending => 'Y' });
+ $self->log->info(scalar(@invoices)." pending invoice(s) found.");
+ return if @invoices == 0;
$DB::single=1; # XXX
my $spooldir = $self->spooldir;
my $spoolname = $self->spoolname;
my $fh = IO::File->new();
- $fh->open("$spooldir/$spoolname", '>>');
+ $self->log->info("Starting batch in $spooldir/upload/$spoolname");
+ $fh->open("$spooldir/upload/$spoolname", '>');
$self->{fh} = $fh;
+ my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({ binary => 1, eol => "\r\n" });
+ $csv->print($fh, \@input_cols);
+ $csv->column_names(\@input_cols);
# XXX limit based on freeside-daily custnum/agentnum options
# and maybe invoice date
- my @invoices = qsearch('cust_bill', { pending => 'Y' });
- warn scalar(@invoices)." pending invoice(s) found.\n";
foreach my $cust_bill (@invoices) {
my $invnum = $cust_bill->invnum;
my $cust_main = $cust_bill->cust_main;
- my $cust_type = $cust_main->company ? 'B' : 'R';
+ my $cust_type = $cust_main->taxstatus;
my $invoice_date = time2str('%Y%m%d', $cust_bill->_date);
+ my %bill_to = do {
+ my $location = $cust_main->bill_location;
+ my $zip = $location->zip;
+ my $plus4 = '';
+ if ($location->country eq 'US') {
+ ($zip, $plus4) = split(/-/, $zip);
+ }
+ ( BillToCountryISO => uc(country_code2code($location->country,
+ 'alpha-2' => 'alpha-3')),
+ BillToPCode => $location->geocode,
+ BillToZipCode => $zip,
+ BillToZipP4 => $plus4,
+ )
+ };
# cache some things
my (%cust_pkg, %part_pkg, %cust_location, %classname);
# keys are transaction codes (the first part of the taxproduct string)
# and then locationnums; for per-location taxes
my %sales;
+ my @options = $self->conf->config('billsoft-taxconfig');
+ my %bill_properties = (
+ %bill_to,
+ Date => $invoice_date,
+ CustomerType => $cust_type,
+ CustomerNumber => $cust_bill->custnum,
+ InvoiceNumber => $invnum,
+ Facilities => ($options[0] || ''),
+ Franchise => ($options[1] || ''),
+ Regulated => ($options[2] || ''),
+ BusinessClass => ($options[3] || ''),
+ );
foreach my $cust_bill_pkg ( $cust_bill->cust_bill_pkg ) {
-$DB::single = 1;
my $cust_pkg = $cust_pkg{$cust_bill_pkg->pkgnum}
||= $cust_bill_pkg->cust_pkg;
my $pkgpart = $cust_bill_pkg->pkgpart_override || $cust_pkg->pkgpart;
my $part_pkg = $part_pkg{$pkgpart} ||= FS::part_pkg->by_key($pkgpart);
- my $resale_mode = ($part_pkg->option('wholesale',1) ? 'R' : 'S');
- my $locationnum = $cust_pkg->locationnum;
- my $location = $cust_location{$locationnum} ||= $cust_pkg->cust_location;
- my %taxproduct; # CDR rated_classnum => taxproduct
+ my $resale_mode = ($part_pkg->option('wholesale',1) ? 'Resale' : 'Sale');
+ my %pkg_properties = (
+ %bill_properties,
+ Sale => $resale_mode,
+ Optional => $cust_bill_pkg->billpkgnum, # will be echoed
+ # others at this level? Lifeline?
+ # DiscountType may be relevant...
+ # and Proration
+ );
my $usage_total = 0;
- # go back to the original call details
- my $detailnums = FS::Record->scalar_sql(
- "SELECT array_to_string(array_agg(detailnum), ',') ".
- "FROM cust_bill_pkg_detail WHERE billpkgnum = ".
- $cust_bill_pkg->billpkgnum
- );
- # With summary details, even the number of CDRs returned from a single
- # invoice detail could be scary large. Avoid running out of memory.
- if (length $detailnums > 0) {
- my $cdr_search = FS::Cursor->new({
- 'table' => 'cdr',
- 'hashref' => { freesidestatus => 'done' },
- 'extra_sql' => "AND detailnum IN($detailnums)",
+ # cursorized joined search on the invoice details, for memory efficiency
+ my $cdr_search = FS::Cursor->new({
+ 'table' => 'cdr',
+ 'hashref' => { freesidestatus => 'done' },
+ 'addl_from' => ' JOIN cust_bill_pkg_detail USING (detailnum)',
+ 'extra_sql' => "AND cust_bill_pkg_detail.billpkgnum = ".
+ $cust_bill_pkg->billpkgnum
+ });
+ while (my $cdr = $cdr_search->fetch) {
+ my $classnum = $cdr->rated_classnum;
+ if ( $classnum ) {
+ $classname{$classnum} ||= FS::usage_class->by_key($classnum)->classname;
+ }
+ my $taxproduct = $self->part_pkg_taxproduct($part_pkg, $classnum)
+ or next;
+ my $tcode = substr($taxproduct, 0, 6);
+ my $scode = substr($taxproduct, 6, 6);
+ # For CDRs, use the call termination site rather than setting
+ # Termination fields to the service address.
+ $csv->print_hr($fh, {
+ %pkg_properties,
+ RequestType => 'CalcTaxes',
+ OriginationNpaNxx => substr($cdr->src_lrn || $cdr->src, 0, 6),
+ TerminationNpaNxx => substr($cdr->dst_lrn || $cdr->dst, 0, 6),
+ TransactionType => $tcode,
+ ServiceType => $scode,
+ Charge => $cdr->rated_price,
+ Minutes => ($cdr->duration / 60.0), # floating point
- while (my $cdr = $cdr_search->fetch) {
- my $classnum = $cdr->rated_classnum;
- $classname{$classnum} ||= FS::usage_class->by_key($classnum)->classname
- if $classnum;
- $taxproduct{$classnum} ||= $part_pkg->taxproduct($classnum);
- if (!$taxproduct{$classnum}) {
- warn "part_pkg $pkgpart, class $classnum: ".
- ($taxproduct{$classnum} ?
- "using taxproduct ".$taxproduct{$classnum}->description."\n" :
- "taxproduct not found\n")
- if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- my $line = sprintf($format,
- substr($cdr->src, 0, 6), 'N',
- substr($cdr->dst, 0, 6), 'N',
- $location->geocode, 'P',
- $cust_type,
- $invoice_date,
- 100000 * $cdr->rated_price, # price (5 decimal places)
- 0, # lines
- 0, # locations
- $taxproduct{$classnum}->taxproduct,
- $resale_mode,
- ($location->incorporated ? 'I' : 'O'),
- 'C', # for Call
- $cdr->acctid,
- # Call duration (tenths of minutes)
- $cdr->duration / 6,
- # Service class indicator ('L'ocal, Long 'D'istance)
- # stupid hack
- (lc($classname{$classnum}) eq 'local' ? 'L' : 'D'),
- );
- print $fh $line;
- $usage_total += $cdr->rated_price;
- } # while $cdr = $cdr_search->fetch
- } # if @$detailnums; otherwise there are no usage details for this line
+ $usage_total += $cdr->rated_price;
+ } # while $cdr = $cdr_search->fetch
my $recur_tcode;
# now write lines for the non-CDR portion of the charges
+ my $locationnum = $cust_pkg->locationnum;
+ # use termination address for the service location
+ my %termination = do {
+ my $location = $cust_location{$locationnum} ||= $cust_pkg->cust_location;
+ my $zip = $location->zip;
+ my $plus4 = '';
+ if ($location->country eq 'US') {
+ ($zip, $plus4) = split(/-/, $zip);
+ }
+ ( TerminationCountryISO => uc(country_code2code($location->country,
+ 'alpha-2' => 'alpha-3')),
+ TerminationPCode => $location->geocode,
+ TerminationZipCode => $zip,
+ TerminationZipP4 => $plus4,
+ )
+ };
foreach (qw(setup recur)) {
- my $taxproduct = $part_pkg->taxproduct($_);
- warn "part_pkg $pkgpart, class $_: ".
- ($taxproduct ?
- "using taxproduct ".$taxproduct->description."\n" :
- "taxproduct not found\n")
- if $DEBUG;
+ my $taxproduct = $self->part_pkg_taxproduct($part_pkg, $_);
next unless $taxproduct;
- my ($tcode) = $taxproduct->taxproduct =~ /^(\d{6})/;
- $sales{$tcode} ||= {};
- $sales{$tcode}{$location->locationnum} ||= 0;
+ my $tcode = substr($taxproduct, 0, 6);
+ my $scode = substr($taxproduct, 6, 6);
+ $sales{$tcode} ||= 0;
$recur_tcode = $tcode if $_ eq 'recur';
my $price = $cust_bill_pkg->get($_);
- $sales{$tcode}{$location->locationnum} += $price;
+ $sales{$tcode} += $price;
$price -= $usage_total if $_ eq 'recur';
- my $line = sprintf($format,
- $location->geocode, 'P', # all 3 locations the same
- $location->geocode, 'P',
- $location->geocode, 'P',
- $cust_type,
- $invoice_date,
- 100000 * $price, # price (5 decimal places)
- 0, # lines
- 0, # locations
- $taxproduct->taxproduct,
- $resale_mode,
- ($location->incorporated ? 'I' : 'O'),
- substr(uc($_), 0, 1), # 'S'etup or 'R'ecur
- $cust_bill_pkg->billpkgnum,
- 0, # call duration
- 'D' # service class indicator
- );
- print $fh $line;
+ $csv->print_hr($fh, {
+ %pkg_properties,
+ %termination,
+ RequestType => 'CalcTaxes',
+ TransactionType => $tcode,
+ ServiceType => $scode,
+ Charge => $price,
+ } );
} # foreach (setup, recur)
- # S-code 23: taxes based on number of lines (E911, mostly)
+ # S-code 21: taxes based on number of lines (E911, mostly)
# voip_cdr and voip_inbound packages know how to report this. Not all
- # T-codes are eligible for this; only report it if the /23 taxproduct
+ # T-codes are eligible for this; only report it if the /21 taxproduct
# exists.
# (note: the nomenclature of "service" and "transaction" codes is
@@ -229,93 +317,49 @@ $DB::single = 1;
# reverse. I recommend calling them "S" and "T" codes internally just
# to avoid confusion.)
- my $lines_taxproduct = qsearchs('part_pkg_taxproduct', {
- 'taxproduct' => sprintf('%06d%06d', $recur_tcode, 21)
- });
- my $lines = $cust_bill_pkg->units;
- if ( $lines_taxproduct and $lines ) {
- my $line = sprintf($format,
- $location->geocode, 'P', # all 3 locations the same
- $location->geocode, 'P',
- $location->geocode, 'P',
- $cust_type,
- $invoice_date,
- 0, # price (5 decimal places)
- $lines, # lines
- 0, # locations
- $lines_taxproduct->taxproduct,
- $resale_mode,
- ($location->incorporated ? 'I' : 'O'),
- 'L', # 'L'ines
- $cust_bill_pkg->billpkgnum,
- 0, # call duration
- 'D' # service class indicator
+ # XXX cache me
+ # XXX this isn't precisely correct. Local exchange service on
+ # high-capacity trunks, Centrex, and PBX trunks are supposed to be
+ # reported as three separate implicit transactions: number of trunks,
+ # of outbound channels, of extensions.
+ # This is also true for VoIP PBX trunks. Come back to this.
+ if ( $recur_tcode ) {
+ my $lines_taxproduct = FS::part_pkg_taxproduct->count(
+ 'data_vendor = \'billsoft\' and taxproduct = ?',
+ sprintf('%06d%06d', $recur_tcode, 21)
+ my $lines = $cust_bill_pkg->units;
+ if ( $lines_taxproduct and $lines ) {
+ $csv->print_hr($fh, {
+ %pkg_properties,
+ %termination,
+ RequestType => 'CalcTaxes',
+ TransactionType => $recur_tcode,
+ ServiceType => 21,
+ Charge => 0,
+ Lines => $lines,
+ } );
+ }
} # foreach my $cust_bill_pkg
- # Implicit transactions
foreach my $tcode (keys %sales) {
- # S-code 23: number of locations (rare)
- my $locations_taxproduct =
- qsearchs('part_pkg_taxproduct', {
- 'taxproduct' => sprintf('%06d%06d', $tcode, 23)
- });
- if ( $locations_taxproduct and keys %{ $sales{$tcode} } > 0 ) {
- my $location = $cust_main->bill_location;
- my $line = sprintf($format,
- $location->geocode, 'P', # all 3 locations the same
- $location->geocode, 'P',
- $location->geocode, 'P',
- $cust_type,
- $invoice_date,
- 0, # price (5 decimal places)
- 0, # lines
- keys(%{ $sales{$tcode} }),# locations
- $locations_taxproduct->taxproduct,
- 'S',
- ($location->incorporated ? 'I' : 'O'),
- 'O', # l'O'cations
- sprintf('%07d%06d%06d', $invnum, $tcode, 0),
- 0, # call duration
- 'D' # service class indicator
- );
- print $fh $line;
- }
# S-code 43: per-invoice tax (apparently this is a thing)
- my $invoice_taxproduct =
- qsearchs('part_pkg_taxproduct', {
- 'taxproduct' => sprintf('%06d%06d', $tcode, 43)
- });
+ my $invoice_taxproduct = FS::part_pkg_taxproduct->count(
+ 'data_vendor = \'billsoft\' and taxproduct = ?',
+ sprintf('%06d%06d', $tcode, 43)
+ );
if ( $invoice_taxproduct ) {
- my $location = $cust_main->bill_location;
- my $line = sprintf($format,
- $location->geocode, 'P', # all 3 locations the same
- $location->geocode, 'P',
- $location->geocode, 'P',
- $cust_type,
- $invoice_date,
- 0, # price (5 decimal places)
- 0, # lines
- 0, # locations
- $invoice_taxproduct->taxproduct,
- 'S', # resale mode
- ($location->incorporated ? 'I' : 'O'),
- 'I', # 'I'nvoice tax
- sprintf('%07d%06d%06d', $invnum, $tcode, 0),
- 0, # call duration
- 'D' # service class indicator
- );
- print $fh $line;
+ $csv->print_hr($fh, {
+ RequestType => 'CalcTaxes',
+ %bill_properties,
+ TransactionType => $tcode,
+ ServiceType => 43,
+ Charge => 0,
+ } );
} # foreach $tcode
} # foreach $cust_bill
@@ -332,6 +376,7 @@ sub cust_tax_locations {
my $zip = $location->zip;
return () unless $location->country eq 'US';
+ return () unless $zip;
# currently the only one supported
if ( $zip =~ /^(\d{5})(-\d{4})?$/ ) {
$zip = $1;
@@ -363,8 +408,12 @@ sub transfer_batch {
my $target = qsearchs('upload_target', { hostname => 'ftp.billsoft.com' })
or die "No Billsoft upload target defined.\n";
+ local $CWD = $self->spooldir . '/upload';
# create the batch
- my $upload = $self->create_batch(%opt);
+ my $upload = $self->create_batch(%opt); # name of the CSV file
+ # returns undef if there were no pending invoices; in that case
+ # skip the rest of this procedure
+ return if !$upload;
# upload it
my $ftp = $target->connect;
@@ -372,28 +421,33 @@ sub transfer_batch {
die "Error connecting to Billsoft FTP server:\n$ftp\n";
my $fh = IO::File->new();
- warn "Processing: $upload\n";
+ $self->log->info("Processing: $upload");
+ if ( stat('FTP.ZIP') ) {
+ unlink('FTP.ZIP') or die "Failed to remove old tax batch:\n$!\n";
+ }
my $error = system("zip -j -o FTP.ZIP $upload");
die "Failed to compress tax batch\n$!\n" if $error;
- warn "Uploading file...\n";
+ $self->log->debug("Uploading file");
+ unlink('FTP.ZIP');
+ local $CWD = $self->spooldir;
my $download = $upload;
- # naming convention for these is: same as the CDF contained in the
+ # naming convention for these is: same as the CSV contained in the
# zip file, but with an "R" inserted after the company ID prefix
- $download =~ s/^(...)(\d{8}..).CDF/$1R$2.ZIP/;
- warn "Waiting for output file ($download)...\n";
+ $download =~ s/^(...)(\d{8}..).CSV/$1R$2.ZIP/;
+ $self->log->debug("Waiting for output file ($download)");
my $starttime = time;
my $downloaded = 0;
while ( time - $starttime < $TIMEOUT ) {
my @ls = $ftp->ls($download);
if ( @ls ) {
if ($ftp->get($download, "download/$download")) {
- warn "Downloaded '$download'.\n";
+ $self->log->debug("Downloaded '$download'");
$downloaded = 1;
} else {
- warn "Failed to download '$download': ".$ftp->message."\n";
+ $self->log->warn("Failed to download '$download': ".$ftp->message);
# We know the file exists, so continue trying to download it.
# Maybe the problem will get fixed.
@@ -401,21 +455,21 @@ sub transfer_batch {
sleep 30;
if (!$downloaded) {
- warn "No output file received.\n";
+ $self->log->error("No output file received.");
next BATCH;
- warn "Decompressing...\n";
+ $self->log->debug("Decompressing...");
system("unzip -o download/$download");
- foreach my $csf (glob "*.CSF") {
- warn "Processing '$csf'...\n";
- $fh->open($csf, '<') or die "failed to open downloaded file $csf";
+ my $output = $upload;
+ $output =~ s/.CSV$/_dtl.rpt.csv/i;
+ if ([ -f $output ]) {
+ $self->log->info("Processing '$output'");
+ $fh->open($output, '<') or die "failed to open downloaded file $output";
$self->batch_import($fh); # dies on error
- unlink $csf unless $DEBUG;
+ unlink $output unless $DEBUG;
unlink 'FTP.ZIP';
- move($upload, "upload/$upload");
- warn "Finished.\n";
$dbh->commit if $oldAutoCommit;
@@ -433,91 +487,93 @@ sub batch_import {
my $href;
- my $parser = Parse::FixedLength->new(
- [
- # key => 20, # for our purposes we split it up
- flag => 1,
- pkey => 19,
- taxtype => 6,
- authority => 1,
- sign => 1,
- amount => 11,
- pcode => 9,
- ],
- );
- # start parsing the input file
+ my $parser = Text::CSV_XS->new({binary => 1});
+ # set column names from header row
+ $parser->column_names($parser->getline($fh));
+ # start parsing the file
my $errors = 0;
my $row = 1;
- foreach my $line (<$fh>) {
- warn $line if $DEBUG > 1;
- %$href = ();
- $href = $parser->parse($line);
- # convert some of these to integers
- $href->{$_} += 0 foreach(qw(pkey taxtype amount pcode));
- next if $href->{amount} == 0; # then nobody cares
- my $flag = $href->{flag};
- my $pkey = $href->{pkey};
+ # the file is functionally a left join of submitted line items with their
+ # taxes; if a line item has no taxes then it will produce an output row
+ # with all the tax fields empty.
+ while ($href = $parser->getline_hr($fh)) {
+ next if $href->{TaxTypeID} eq ''; # then this row has no taxes
+ next if $href->{TaxAmount} == 0; # then the calculated tax is zero
+ my $billpkgnum = $href->{Optional};
+ my $invnum = $href->{InvoiceNumber};
my $cust_bill_pkg; # the line item that this tax applies to
- # resolve the taxable object
- if ( $flag eq 'C' ) {
- # this line represents a CDR.
- my $cdr = FS::cdr->by_key($pkey);
- if (!$cdr) {
- warn "[$row]\tCDR #$pkey not found.\n";
- } elsif (!$cdr->detailnum) {
- warn "[$row]\tCDR #$pkey has not been billed.\n";
+ if ( !exists($self->{cust_bill}->{$invnum}) ) {
+ $self->log->error("invoice #$invnum invoice not in pending state");
+ $errors++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $billpkgnum ) {
+ $cust_bill_pkg = FS::cust_bill_pkg->by_key($billpkgnum);
+ if ( $cust_bill_pkg->invnum != $invnum ) {
+ $self->log->error("invoice #$invnum invoice number mismatch");
- } else {
- my $detail = FS::cust_bill_pkg_detail->by_key($cdr->detailnum);
- $cust_bill_pkg = $detail->cust_bill_pkg;
- }
- } elsif ( $flag =~ /S|R|L/ ) {
- # this line represents a setup or recur fee, or a number of lines.
- $cust_bill_pkg = FS::cust_bill_pkg->by_key($pkey);
- if (!$cust_bill_pkg) {
- warn "[$row]\tLine item #$pkey not found.\n";
- } elsif ( $flag =~ /O|I/ ) {
- warn "Per-invoice taxes are not implemented.\n";
} else {
- warn "[$row]\tFlag '$flag' not recognized.\n";
- }
- if (!$cust_bill_pkg) {
- $errors++; # this will trigger a rollback of the transaction
- next;
+ $cust_bill_pkg = ($self->{cust_bill}->{$invnum}->cust_bill_pkg)[0];
+ $billpkgnum = $cust_bill_pkg->billpkgnum;
# resolve the tax definition
# base name of the tax type (like "Sales Tax" or "Universal Lifeline
# Telephone Service Charge").
- my $tax_class = $TAX_CLASSES{ $href->{taxtype} + 0 };
+ my $tax_class = $TAX_CLASSES{ $href->{TaxTypeID} };
if (!$tax_class) {
- warn "[$row]\tUnknown tax type $href->{taxtype}.\n";
- $errors++;
- next;
+ $self->log->warn("Unknown tax type $href->{TaxTypeID}");
+ $tax_class = FS::tax_class->new({
+ 'data_vendor' => 'billsoft',
+ 'taxclass' => $href->{TaxTypeID},
+ 'description' => $href->{TaxType}
+ });
+ my $error = $tax_class->insert;
+ if ($error) {
+ $self->log->error("Failed to insert tax_class record: $error");
+ $errors++;
+ next;
+ }
+ $TAX_CLASSES{ $href->{TaxTypeID} } = $tax_class;
my $itemdesc = uc($tax_class->description);
- my $location = qsearchs('tax_rate_location',
- { geocode => $href->{pcode} }
- );
+ my $location = qsearchs('tax_rate_location', {
+ data_vendor => 'billsoft',
+ disabled => '',
+ geocode => $href->{PCode}
+ });
if (!$location) {
- warn "Unknown tax authority location ".$href->{pcode}."\n";
- $errors++;
- next;
+ $location = FS::tax_rate_location->new({
+ 'data_vendor' => 'billsoft',
+ 'geocode' => $href->{PCode},
+ 'country' => uc(country_code2code($href->{CountryISO},
+ 'alpha-3' => 'alpha-2')),
+ 'state' => $href->{State},
+ 'county' => $href->{County},
+ 'city' => $href->{Locality},
+ });
+ my $error = $location->insert;
+ if ($error) {
+ $self->log->error("Failed to insert tax_class record: $error");
+ $errors++;
+ next;
+ }
# jurisdiction name
my $prefix = '';
- if ( $href->{authority} == 0 ) { # national-level tax
+ if ( $href->{TaxLevelID} == 0 ) { # national-level tax
# do nothing
- } elsif ( $href->{authority} == 1 ) {
+ } elsif ( $href->{TaxLevelID} == 1 ) {
$prefix = $location->state;
- } elsif ( $href->{authority} == 2 ) {
+ } elsif ( $href->{TaxLevelID} == 2 ) {
$prefix = $location->county . ' COUNTY';
- } elsif ( $href->{authority} == 3 ) {
+ } elsif ( $href->{TaxLevelID} == 3 ) {
$prefix = $location->city;
- } elsif ( $href->{authority} == 4 ) { # unincorporated area ta
+ } elsif ( $href->{TaxLevelID} == 4 ) { # unincorporated area ta
# do nothing
# Some itemdescs start with the jurisdiction name; otherwise, prepend
@@ -528,15 +584,14 @@ sub batch_import {
# Create or locate a tax_rate record, because we need one to foreign-key
# the cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location record.
my $tax_rate = $self->find_or_insert_tax_rate(
- geocode => $href->{pcode},
+ geocode => $href->{PCode},
taxclassnum => $tax_class->taxclassnum,
taxname => $itemdesc,
- # Convert amount from 10^-5 dollars to dollars/cents
- my $amount = sprintf('%.2f', $href->{amount} / 100000);
+ my $amount = sprintf('%.2f', $href->{TaxAmount});
# and add it to the tax under this name
my $tax_item = $self->add_tax_item(
- invnum => $cust_bill_pkg->invnum,
+ invnum => $invnum,
itemdesc => $itemdesc,
amount => $amount,
@@ -547,7 +602,7 @@ sub batch_import {
taxtype => 'FS::tax_rate',
taxratelocationnum => $location->taxratelocationnum,
amount => $amount,
- taxable_billpkgnum => $cust_bill_pkg->billpkgnum,
+ taxable_billpkgnum => $billpkgnum,
my $error = $subitem->insert;
die "Error linking tax to taxable item: $error\n" if $error;
diff --git a/FS/FS/log_context.pm b/FS/FS/log_context.pm
index a41d3c8..387883b 100644
--- a/FS/FS/log_context.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/log_context.pm
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ my @contexts = ( qw(
+ FS::TaxEngine::billsoft
) );
=head1 NAME
diff --git a/FS/FS/tax_status.pm b/FS/FS/tax_status.pm
index 5f7b50f..2dbcdfa 100644
--- a/FS/FS/tax_status.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/tax_status.pm
@@ -155,6 +155,12 @@ sub _upgrade_data {
'I' => 'Industrial',
'L' => 'Lifeline',
+ billsoft => {
+ 'Residential' => 'Residential',
+ 'Business' => 'Business',
+ 'Industrial' => 'Industrial',
+ 'Senior Citizen' => 'Senior Citizen',
+ },
diff --git a/httemplate/misc/taxproduct.cgi b/httemplate/misc/taxproduct.cgi
index b228493..1533e88 100644
--- a/httemplate/misc/taxproduct.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/misc/taxproduct.cgi
@@ -5,13 +5,16 @@ my $vendor = $conf->config('tax_data_vendor');
my $term = $cgi->param('term');
warn "taxproduct.cgi?$term"; # XXX debug
-my $search = { table => 'part_pkg_taxproduct' };
+my $search = {
+ table => 'part_pkg_taxproduct',
+ hashref => { 'data_vendor' => $vendor }
if ( $term =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
- $search->{extra_sql} = " WHERE taxproduct LIKE '$term%'";
+ $search->{extra_sql} = " AND taxproduct LIKE '$term%'";
$search->{order_by} = " ORDER BY taxproduct ASC";
} elsif ( length($term) ) {
$term = dbh->quote( lc($term) ); # protect against bad strings
- $search->{extra_sql} = " WHERE POSITION($term IN LOWER(description)) > 0";
+ $search->{extra_sql} = " AND POSITION($term IN LOWER(description)) > 0";
# and sort by how close to the beginning of the string it is
$search->{order_by} = " ORDER BY POSITION($term IN LOWER(description)) ASC, LOWER(description) ASC, taxproduct ASC";
Summary of changes:
FS/FS/Conf.pm | 9 +-
FS/FS/TaxEngine/billsoft.pm | 635 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
FS/FS/log_context.pm | 1 +
FS/FS/tax_status.pm | 6 +
httemplate/misc/taxproduct.cgi | 9 +-
5 files changed, 366 insertions(+), 294 deletions(-)
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