[freeside-commits] branch master updated. d76c9ec573950fe8c4de29e8087a72b97c81168e

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Wed Nov 9 18:00:31 PST 2016

The branch, master has been updated
       via  d76c9ec573950fe8c4de29e8087a72b97c81168e (commit)
      from  20a2806cd47eb69dc5686cfbffbe3ebfea9768e6 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d76c9ec573950fe8c4de29e8087a72b97c81168e
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Wed Nov 9 17:26:07 2016 -0800

    separate WA sales tax by tax class during upgrade, #73185

diff --git a/FS/FS/cust_main_county.pm b/FS/FS/cust_main_county.pm
index 65fb722..924f9bf 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cust_main_county.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cust_main_county.pm
@@ -777,6 +777,86 @@ sub _upgrade_data {
       die $error if $error;
   } # foreach $record
+  # separate wa_sales taxes by tax class as needed
+  my $district_taxname = $conf->config('tax_district_taxname');
+  $journal = 'cust_main_county__district_taxclass';
+  if (!FS::upgrade_journal->is_done($journal)
+      and $conf->config('enable_taxclasses')) {
+    eval "use FS::part_pkg_taxclass";
+    my @taxes = qsearch({
+        'table'     => 'cust_main_county',
+        'extra_sql' => " WHERE tax > 0 AND country = 'US' AND state = 'WA'".
+                       " AND district IS NOT NULL AND  source = 'wa_sales'".
+                       " AND taxclass IS NULL"
+    });
+    my @classes = FS::part_pkg_taxclass->taxclass_names;
+    if ( @taxes ) {
+      warn "Separating WA sales taxes: ".scalar(@taxes)." records.\n";
+      foreach my $oldtax (@taxes) {
+        my $error;
+        my $taxnum = $oldtax->taxnum;
+        warn "Separating tax #$taxnum into classes\n";
+        foreach my $taxclass (@classes) {
+          # ensure that we end up with a single copy of the tax in this
+          # jurisdiction+class. there may already be one (or more) there.
+          # if so, they all represent the same tax; merge them together.
+          my %newtax_hash = (
+            'country'   => 'US',
+            'state'     => 'WA',
+            'city'      => $oldtax->city,
+            'district'  => $oldtax->district,
+            'taxclass'  => $taxclass,
+            'source'    => 'wa_sales',
+          );
+          my @taxes_in_class = qsearch('cust_main_county', {
+            %newtax_hash,
+            'tax'       => { op => '>', value => 0 },
+            'setuptax'  => '',
+            'recurtax'  => '',
+          });
+          my $newtax = shift @taxes_in_class;
+          if ($newtax) {
+            foreach (@taxes_in_class) {
+              # allow the merge, even if this somehow differs.
+              $_->set('tax', $newtax->tax);
+              $_->_merge_into($newtax);
+            }
+          }
+          $newtax ||= FS::cust_main_county->new(\%newtax_hash);
+          # copy properties from the pre-split tax
+          $newtax->set('tax', $oldtax->tax);
+          $newtax->set('setuptax', $oldtax->setuptax);
+          $newtax->set('recurtax', $oldtax->recurtax);
+          # and assign the defined tax name
+          $newtax->set('taxname', $district_taxname);
+          $error = ($newtax->taxnum ? $newtax->replace : $newtax->insert);
+          die "splitting taxnum ".$oldtax->taxnum.": $error\n" if $error;
+        } # foreach $taxclass
+        $oldtax->set('tax', 0);
+        $error = $oldtax->replace;
+        die "splitting taxnum ".$oldtax->taxnum.": $error\n" if $error;
+      }
+    }
+    FS::upgrade_journal->set_done($journal);
+  }
+  # also ensure they all have the chosen taxname now
+  if ($district_taxname) {
+    my @taxes = qsearch('cust_main_county', {
+      'source'  => 'wa_sales',
+      'taxname' => { op => '!=', value => $district_taxname }
+    });
+    if (@taxes) {
+      warn "Renaming WA sales taxes: ".scalar(@taxes)." records.\n";
+      foreach my $tax (@taxes) {
+        $tax->set('taxname', $district_taxname);
+        my $error = $tax->replace;
+        die "renaming taxnum ".$tax->taxnum.": $error\n" if $error;
+      }   
+    }
+  }


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/cust_main_county.pm |   80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+)

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