[freeside-commits] branch master updated. d860f85d2a4823a040996f9b1055e2d4054b864e

Ivan ivan at 420.am
Mon May 2 15:15:02 PDT 2016

The branch, master has been updated
       via  d860f85d2a4823a040996f9b1055e2d4054b864e (commit)
      from  770d8237cda1b6459962d31f6ae86997ad5843be (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d860f85d2a4823a040996f9b1055e2d4054b864e
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date:   Mon May 2 15:15:01 2016 -0700

    verify credit card changes via $1 auth, RT#37632

diff --git a/FS/FS/Conf.pm b/FS/FS/Conf.pm
index 9a75582..433a9a5 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Conf.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Conf.pm
@@ -975,6 +975,13 @@ my $validate_email = sub { $_[0] =~
+    'key'         => 'business-onlinepayment-verification',
+    'section'     => 'billing',
+    'description' => 'Run a $1 authorization (followed by a void) to verify new credit card information.',
+    'type'        => 'checkbox',
+  },
+  {
     'key'         => 'currency',
     'section'     => 'billing',
     'description' => 'Main accounting currency',
diff --git a/FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_Realtime.pm b/FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_Realtime.pm
index 1cd2aba..b892e97 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_Realtime.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_Realtime.pm
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ sub realtime_cust_payby {
 =item realtime_collect [ OPTION => VALUE ... ]
 Attempt to collect the customer's current balance with a realtime credit 
-card, electronic check, or phone bill transaction (see realtime_bop() below).
+card or electronic check transaction (see realtime_bop() below).
 Returns the result of realtime_bop(): nothing, an error message, or a 
 hashref of state information for a third-party transaction.
 Available options are: I<method>, I<amount>, I<description>, I<invnum>, I<quiet>, I<paynum_ref>, I<payunique>, I<session_id>, I<pkgnum>
-I<method> is one of: I<CC>, I<ECHECK> and I<LEC>.  If none is specified
+I<method> is one of: I<CC> or I<ECHECK>.  If none is specified
 then it is deduced from the customer record.
 If no I<amount> is specified, then the customer balance is used.
@@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ sub realtime_collect {
 =item realtime_bop { [ ARG => VALUE ... ] }
-Runs a realtime credit card, ACH (electronic check) or phone bill transaction
+Runs a realtime credit card or ACH (electronic check) transaction
 via a Business::OnlinePayment realtime gateway.  See
 L<http://420.am/business-onlinepayment> for supported gateways.
 Required arguments in the hashref are I<method>, and I<amount>
-Available methods are: I<CC>, I<ECHECK>, I<LEC>, and I<PAYPAL>
+Available methods are: I<CC>, I<ECHECK>, or I<PAYPAL>
 Available optional arguments are: I<description>, I<invnum>, I<apply>, I<quiet>, I<paynum_ref>, I<payunique>, I<session_id>
@@ -358,7 +358,6 @@ sub _bop_content {
 my %bop_method2payby = (
   'CC'     => 'CARD',
   'ECHECK' => 'CHEK',
-  'LEC'    => 'LECB',
   'PAYPAL' => 'PPAL',
@@ -575,8 +574,6 @@ sub realtime_bop {
                                  ? $options{'ss'}
                                  : $self->ss;
-    } elsif ( $options{method} eq 'LEC' ) {
-      $content{phone} = $options{payinfo};
     } else {
       die "unknown method ". $options{method};
@@ -870,8 +867,8 @@ sub fake_bop {
 # item _realtime_bop_result CUST_PAY_PENDING, BOP_OBJECT [ OPTION => VALUE ... ]
-# Wraps up processing of a realtime credit card, ACH (electronic check) or
-# phone bill transaction.
+# Wraps up processing of a realtime credit card or ACH (electronic check)
+# transaction.
 sub _realtime_bop_result {
   my( $self, $cust_pay_pending, $transaction, %options ) = @_;
@@ -1167,8 +1164,8 @@ sub _realtime_bop_result {
 =item realtime_botpp_capture CUST_PAY_PENDING [ OPTION => VALUE ... ]
-Verifies successful third party processing of a realtime credit card,
-ACH (electronic check) or phone bill transaction via a
+Verifies successful third party processing of a realtime credit card or
+ACH (electronic check) transaction via a
 Business::OnlineThirdPartyPayment realtime gateway.  See
 L<http://420.am/business-onlinethirdpartypayment> for supported gateways.
@@ -1325,11 +1322,11 @@ sub default_payment_gateway {
 =item realtime_refund_bop METHOD [ OPTION => VALUE ... ]
-Refunds a realtime credit card, ACH (electronic check) or phone bill transaction
+Refunds a realtime credit card or ACH (electronic check) transaction
 via a Business::OnlinePayment realtime gateway.  See
 L<http://420.am/business-onlinepayment> for supported gateways.
-Available methods are: I<CC>, I<ECHECK> and I<LEC>
+Available methods are: I<CC> or I<ECHECK>
 Available options are: I<amount>, I<reasonnum>, I<paynum>, I<paydate>
@@ -1623,8 +1620,7 @@ sub realtime_refund_bop {
     $content{account_name} = $payname;
     $content{customer_org} = $self->company ? 'B' : 'I';
     $content{customer_ssn} = $self->ss;
-  } elsif ( $options{method} eq 'LEC' ) {
-    $content{phone} = $payinfo = $self->payinfo;
   #then try refund
@@ -1698,6 +1694,301 @@ sub realtime_refund_bop {
+=item realtime_verify_bop [ OPTION => VALUE ... ]
+Runs an authorization-only transaction for $1 against this credit card (if
+successful, immediatly reverses the authorization).
+Returns the empty string if the authorization was sucessful, or an error
+message otherwise.
+I<paydate> specifies the expiration date for a credit card overriding the
+value from the customer record or the payment record. Specified as yyyy-mm-dd
+#The additional options I<address1>, I<address2>, I<city>, I<state>,
+#I<zip> are also available.  Any of these options,
+#if set, will override the value from the customer record.
+#Available methods are: I<CC> or I<ECHECK>
+#some false laziness w/realtime_bop and realtime_refund_bop, not enough to make
+#it worth merging but some useful small subs should be pulled out
+sub realtime_verify_bop {
+  my $self = shift;
+  local($DEBUG) = $FS::cust_main::DEBUG if $FS::cust_main::DEBUG > $DEBUG;
+  my %options = ();
+  if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
+    %options = %{$_[0]};
+  } else {
+    %options = @_;
+  }
+  if ( $DEBUG ) {
+    warn "$me realtime_verify_bop\n";
+    warn "  $_ => $options{$_}\n" foreach keys %options;
+  }
+  ###
+  # select a gateway
+  ###
+  my $payment_gateway =  $self->_payment_gateway( \%options );
+  my $namespace = $payment_gateway->gateway_namespace;
+  eval "use $namespace";  
+  die $@ if $@;
+  ###
+  # check for banned credit card/ACH
+  ###
+  my $ban = FS::banned_pay->ban_search(
+    'payby'   => $bop_method2payby{'CC'},
+    'payinfo' => $options{payinfo},
+  );
+  return "Banned credit card" if $ban && $ban->bantype ne 'warn';
+  ###
+  # massage data
+  ###
+  my $bop_content = $self->_bop_content(\%options);
+  return $bop_content unless ref($bop_content);
+  my @invoicing_list = $self->invoicing_list_emailonly;
+  if ( $conf->exists('emailinvoiceautoalways')
+       || $conf->exists('emailinvoiceauto') && ! @invoicing_list
+       || ( $conf->exists('emailinvoiceonly') && ! @invoicing_list ) ) {
+    push @invoicing_list, $self->all_emails;
+  }
+  my $email = ($conf->exists('business-onlinepayment-email-override'))
+              ? $conf->config('business-onlinepayment-email-override')
+              : $invoicing_list[0];
+  my $paydate = '';
+  my %content = ();
+  if ( $namespace eq 'Business::OnlinePayment' ) {
+    if ( $options{method} eq 'CC' ) {
+      $content{card_number} = $options{payinfo};
+      $paydate = exists($options{'paydate'})
+                      ? $options{'paydate'}
+                      : $self->paydate;
+      $paydate =~ /^\d{2}(\d{2})[\/\-](\d+)[\/\-]\d+$/;
+      $content{expiration} = "$2/$1";
+      my $paycvv = exists($options{'paycvv'})
+                     ? $options{'paycvv'}
+                     : $self->paycvv;
+      $content{cvv2} = $paycvv
+        if length($paycvv);
+      my $paystart_month = exists($options{'paystart_month'})
+                             ? $options{'paystart_month'}
+                             : $self->paystart_month;
+      my $paystart_year  = exists($options{'paystart_year'})
+                             ? $options{'paystart_year'}
+                             : $self->paystart_year;
+      $content{card_start} = "$paystart_month/$paystart_year"
+        if $paystart_month && $paystart_year;
+      my $payissue       = exists($options{'payissue'})
+                             ? $options{'payissue'}
+                             : $self->payissue;
+      $content{issue_number} = $payissue if $payissue;
+    } elsif ( $options{method} eq 'ECHECK' ){
+      #nop for checks (though it shouldn't be called...)
+    } else {
+      die "unknown method ". $options{method};
+    }
+  } elsif ( $namespace eq 'Business::OnlineThirdPartyPayment' ) {
+    #move along
+  } else {
+    die "unknown namespace $namespace";
+  }
+  ###
+  # run transaction(s)
+  ###
+  warn "claiming mutex on customer ". $self->custnum. "\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
+  $self->select_for_update; #mutex ... just until we get our pending record in
+  warn "obtained mutex on customer ". $self->custnum. "\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
+  #the checks here are intended to catch concurrent payments
+  #double-form-submission prevention is taken care of in cust_pay_pending::check
+  #also check and make sure there aren't *other* pending payments for this cust
+  my @pending = qsearch('cust_pay_pending', {
+    'custnum' => $self->custnum,
+    'status'  => { op=>'!=', value=>'done' } 
+  });
+  return "A payment is already being processed for this customer (".
+         join(', ', map 'paypendingnum '. $_->paypendingnum, @pending ).
+         "); verification transaction aborted."
+    if scalar(@pending);
+  #okay, good to go, if we're a duplicate, cust_pay_pending will kick us out
+  my $cust_pay_pending = new FS::cust_pay_pending {
+    'custnum'           => $self->custnum,
+    'paid'              => '1.00',
+    '_date'             => '',
+    'payby'             => $bop_method2payby{'CC'},
+    'payinfo'           => $options{payinfo},
+    'paymask'           => $options{paymask},
+    'paydate'           => $paydate,
+    #'recurring_billing' => $content{recurring_billing},
+    'pkgnum'            => $options{'pkgnum'},
+    'status'            => 'new',
+    'gatewaynum'        => $payment_gateway->gatewaynum || '',
+    'session_id'        => $options{session_id} || '',
+    #'jobnum'            => $options{depend_jobnum} || '',
+  };
+  $cust_pay_pending->payunique( $options{payunique} )
+    if defined($options{payunique}) && length($options{payunique});
+  warn "inserting cust_pay_pending record for customer ". $self->custnum. "\n"
+    if $DEBUG > 1;
+  my $cpp_new_err = $cust_pay_pending->insert; #mutex lost when this is inserted
+  return $cpp_new_err if $cpp_new_err;
+  warn "inserted cust_pay_pending record for customer ". $self->custnum. "\n"
+    if $DEBUG > 1;
+  warn Dumper($cust_pay_pending) if $DEBUG > 2;
+  my $transaction = new $namespace( $payment_gateway->gateway_module,
+                                    $self->_bop_options(\%options),
+                                  );
+  $transaction->content(
+    'type'           => 'CC',
+    $self->_bop_auth(\%options),          
+    'action'         => 'Authorization Only',
+    'description'    => $options{'description'},
+    'amount'         => '1.00',
+    #'invoice_number' => $options{'invnum'},
+    'customer_id'    => $self->custnum,
+    %$bop_content,
+    'reference'      => $cust_pay_pending->paypendingnum, #for now
+    'callback_url'   => $payment_gateway->gateway_callback_url,
+    'cancel_url'     => $payment_gateway->gateway_cancel_url,
+    'email'          => $email,
+    %content, #after
+  );
+  $cust_pay_pending->status('pending');
+  my $cpp_pending_err = $cust_pay_pending->replace;
+  return $cpp_pending_err if $cpp_pending_err;
+  warn Dumper($transaction) if $DEBUG > 2;
+  unless ( $BOP_TESTING ) {
+    $transaction->test_transaction(1)
+      if $conf->exists('business-onlinepayment-test_transaction');
+    $transaction->submit();
+  } else {
+    if ( $BOP_TESTING_SUCCESS ) {
+      $transaction->is_success(1);
+      $transaction->authorization('fake auth');
+    } else {
+      $transaction->is_success(0);
+      $transaction->error_message('fake failure');
+    }
+  }
+  if ( $transaction->is_success() ) {
+    $cust_pay_pending->status('authorized');
+    my $cpp_authorized_err = $cust_pay_pending->replace;
+    return $cpp_authorized_err if $cpp_authorized_err;
+    my $auth = $transaction->authorization;
+    my $ordernum = $transaction->can('order_number')
+                   ? $transaction->order_number
+                   : '';
+    my $reverse = new $namespace( $payment_gateway->gateway_module,
+                                  $self->_bop_options(\%options),
+                                );
+    $reverse->content( 'action'        => 'Reverse Authorization',
+                       # B:OP
+                       'authorization' => $transaction->authorization,
+                       'order_number'  => $ordernum,
+                       # vsecure
+                       'result_code'   => $transaction->result_code,
+                       'txn_date'      => $transaction->txn_date,
+                       %content,
+                     );
+    $reverse->test_transaction(1)
+      if $conf->exists('business-onlinepayment-test_transaction');
+    $reverse->submit();
+    if ( $reverse->is_success ) {
+      $cust_pay_pending->status('done');
+      my $cpp_authorized_err = $cust_pay_pending->replace;
+      return $cpp_authorized_err if $cpp_authorized_err;
+    } else {
+      my $e = "Authorization successful but reversal failed, custnum #".
+              $self->custnum. ': '.  $reverse->result_code.
+              ": ". $reverse->error_message;
+      warn $e;
+      return $e;
+    }
+  }
+  ###
+  # Tokenize
+  ###
+  if ( $transaction->can('card_token') && $transaction->card_token ) {
+    if ( $options{'payinfo'} eq $self->payinfo ) {
+      $self->payinfo($transaction->card_token);
+      my $error = $self->replace;
+      if ( $error ) {
+        warn "WARNING: error storing token: $error, but proceeding anyway\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ###
+  # result handling
+  ###
+  $transaction->is_success() ? '' : $transaction->error_message();
 =head1 BUGS


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/Conf.pm                       |    7 +
 FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_Realtime.pm |  321 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

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