[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 4b2b65e322f09922513d6d23fc50bfe3b69af36d

Ivan ivan at 420.am
Wed Mar 2 15:03:28 PST 2016

The branch, master has been updated
       via  4b2b65e322f09922513d6d23fc50bfe3b69af36d (commit)
      from  8b70832328eb02dc9253dab7b436c6479b588162 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 4b2b65e322f09922513d6d23fc50bfe3b69af36d
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date:   Wed Mar 2 15:03:27 2016 -0800

    page large customer package lists, RT#39822

diff --git a/FS/FS/cust_main/Packages.pm b/FS/FS/cust_main/Packages.pm
index ead97f2..6a69517 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cust_main/Packages.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cust_main/Packages.pm
@@ -629,29 +629,55 @@ customer.
 sub num_cancelled_pkgs {
-  shift->num_pkgs("cust_pkg.cancel IS NOT NULL AND cust_pkg.cancel != 0");
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $opt = shift || {};
+  $opt->{extra_sql} .= ' AND ' if $opt->{extra_sql};
+  $opt->{extra_sql} .= "cust_pkg.cancel IS NOT NULL AND cust_pkg.cancel != 0";
+  $self->num_pkgs($opt);
 sub num_ncancelled_pkgs {
-  shift->num_pkgs("( cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL OR cust_pkg.cancel = 0 )");
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $opt = shift || {};
+  $opt->{extra_sql} .= ' AND ' if $opt->{extra_sql};
+  $opt->{extra_sql} .= "( cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL OR cust_pkg.cancel = 0 )";
+  $self->num_pkgs($opt);
 sub num_suspended_pkgs {
-  shift->num_pkgs("     ( cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL OR cust_pkg.cancel = 0 )
-                    AND cust_pkg.susp IS NOT NULL AND cust_pkg.susp != 0   ");
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $opt = shift || {};
+  $opt->{extra_sql} .= ' AND ' if $opt->{extra_sql};
+  $opt->{extra_sql} .= "    ( cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL OR cust_pkg.cancel = 0 )
+                        AND cust_pkg.susp IS NOT NULL AND cust_pkg.susp != 0  ";
+  $self->num_pkgs($opt);
 sub num_unsuspended_pkgs {
-  shift->num_pkgs("     ( cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL OR cust_pkg.cancel = 0 )
-                    AND ( cust_pkg.susp   IS NULL OR cust_pkg.susp   = 0 ) ");
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $opt = shift || {};
+  $opt->{extra_sql} .= ' AND ' if $opt->{extra_sql};
+  $opt->{extra_sql} .= "    ( cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL OR cust_pkg.cancel = 0 )
+                        AND ( cust_pkg.susp   IS NULL OR cust_pkg.susp   = 0 )";
+  $self->num_pkgs($opt);
 sub num_pkgs {
   my( $self ) = shift;
-  my $sql = scalar(@_) ? shift : '';
+  my $addl_from = '';
+  my $sql = '';
+  if ( @_ ) {
+    if ( ref($_[0]) ) {
+      my $opt = shift;
+      $sql       = $opt->{extra_sql} if exists($opt->{extra_sql});
+      $addl_from = $opt->{addl_from} if exists($opt->{addl_from});
+    } else {
+      $sql = shift;
+    }
+  }
   $sql = "AND $sql" if $sql && $sql !~ /^\s*$/ && $sql !~ /^\s*AND/i;
   my $sth = dbh->prepare(
-    "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg WHERE custnum = ? $sql"
+    "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg $addl_from WHERE custnum = ? $sql"
   ) or die dbh->errstr;
   $sth->execute($self->custnum) or die $sth->errstr;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
index 0c67843..475e189 100755
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
+++ b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
@@ -102,18 +102,35 @@ if ( el ) el.scrollIntoView(true);
  <% mt('cancelled packages') |h %></a> )
 % } 
-% if ( $num_old_packages ) {
+% if ( $cgi->param('showoldpackages') ) {
+%   $cgi->param('showoldpackages', 0);
+    ( <a href="<% $cgi->self_url %>"><% mt('hide old packages') |h %></a> )
+%   $cgi->param('showoldpackages', 1);
+% } else {
 %   $cgi->param('showoldpackages', 1);
     ( <a href="<% $cgi->self_url %>"><% mt('show old packages') |h %></a> )
-% } elsif ( $cgi->param('showoldpackages') ) {
 %   $cgi->param('showoldpackages', 0);
-    ( <a href="<% $cgi->self_url %>"><% mt('hide old packages') |h %></a> )
 % }
+% my $pager = include('/elements/pager.html',
+%                       offset     => $offset,
+%                       num_rows   => scalar(@packages),
+%                       total      => $num_pkgs,
+%                       maxrecords => $maxrecords,
+%             );
+% if ( $num_pkgs > $maxrecords ) {
+  <TR>
+    <TD COLSPAN=2>
+      <% $pager %>
+    </TD>
+  </TR>
+% }
     <TD COLSPAN=2>
@@ -131,6 +148,14 @@ if ( el ) el.scrollIntoView(true);
+% if ( $num_pkgs > $maxrecords ) {
+  <TR>
+    <TD COLSPAN=2>
+      <% $pager %>
+    </TD>
+  </TR>
+% }
@@ -167,7 +192,31 @@ my $group_by =
 my $num_svcs = '( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_svc '.
                '    WHERE cust_svc.pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum ) AS num_svcs';
-# don't exclude cancelled packages at this stage
+my $extra_sql =
+  ' AND main_pkgnum IS NULL '.      # supplemental package of something else
+  ' AND change_to_pkgnum IS NULL '. # ordered, not-yet-active change target
+  ' AND change_pkgnum IS NULL ';    # canceled package changed into another
+unless ( $cgi->param('showoldpackages') ) {
+  my $years = $conf->config('cust_main-packages-years') || 2;
+  my $then = time - $years * 31556926; #60*60*24*365.2422 is close enough
+  $extra_sql .= " AND (
+       ( part_pkg.freq  =  '0' AND ( setup  IS NULL OR setup  > $then ) )
+    OR ( part_pkg.freq != '0'  AND ( cancel IS NULL OR cancel > $then ) )
+    OR EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM cust_svc WHERE cust_svc.pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum )
+  )";
+my $num_method = $hide_cancelled ? 'ncancelled_pkgs' : 'all_pkgs';
+my $num_pkgs = $cust_main->$num_method({ 
+  'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )',
+  'extra_sql' => $extra_sql,
+my $maxrecords = 10;
+my $offset = $cgi->param('offset') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? $1 : 0;
 my @packages = $cust_main->all_pkgs( {
   'select'    => "$cust_pkg_fields, $part_pkg_fields, $num_svcs",
   'addl_from' => qq{
@@ -179,105 +228,40 @@ my @packages = $cust_main->all_pkgs( {
       ON (     cust_pkg.pkgpart = recur_option.pkgpart
            AND recur_option.optionname = 'recur_fee' )
+  'extra_sql' => $extra_sql,
+  'order_by'  => "ORDER BY pkgnum ASC LIMIT $maxrecords OFFSET $offset",
 } );
-my $is_anything_hidden = 0; # optimization
-my %change_to_from; # target pkgnum => current cust_pkg, for future changes
-my %changed_from; # old pkgnum => new cust_pkg, for past changes
-my %supplementals_of; # main pkgnum => arrayref of supplementals
 foreach my $cust_pkg ( @packages ) {
   my %hash = $cust_pkg->hash;
   my %part_pkg = map  { /^part_pkg_(.+)$/ or die; ( $1 => $hash{$_} ); }
                  grep { /^part_pkg_/ } keys %hash;
   $cust_pkg->{'_pkgpart'} = new FS::part_pkg \%part_pkg;
-  if ( $cust_pkg->change_to_pkgnum ) {
-    $change_to_from{$cust_pkg->change_to_pkgnum} = $cust_pkg;
-    $is_anything_hidden = 1;
-  }
-  if ( $cust_pkg->change_pkgnum ) {
-    $changed_from{$cust_pkg->change_pkgnum} = $cust_pkg;
-    $is_anything_hidden = 1;
-  }
-  if ( $cust_pkg->main_pkgnum ) {
-    $supplementals_of{$cust_pkg->main_pkgnum} ||= [];
-    push @{ $supplementals_of{$cust_pkg->main_pkgnum} }, $cust_pkg;
-    $is_anything_hidden = 1;
-  }
-# filter out hidden package changes
-if ( $is_anything_hidden ) {
-  my @displayable_packages;
-  foreach my $cust_pkg (@packages) {
-    # if this package has any supplemental packages, it should remember them
-    $cust_pkg->set('_supplemental', $supplementals_of{$cust_pkg->pkgnum});
-    if ( $cust_pkg->main_pkgnum ) {
-      # it's a supplemental package of something else, and shouldn't be on the
-      # root list
-    } elsif ( exists( $change_to_from{$cust_pkg->pkgnum} ) ) {
-      # $cust_pkg is an ordered, not-yet-active package change target
-      my $change_from = $change_to_from{ $cust_pkg->pkgnum };
-      $cust_pkg->set('change_from_pkg', $change_from);
-      $change_from->set('change_to_pkg', $cust_pkg);
-    } elsif ( exists( $changed_from{$cust_pkg->pkgnum} ) ) {
-      # $cust_pkg is a canceled package changed into another packge
-      # hide it under the destination package's history
-      my $changed_to = $changed_from{$cust_pkg->pkgnum};
-      $cust_pkg->set('changed_to_pkg', $changed_to);
-      $changed_to->set('changed_from_pkg', $cust_pkg);
-    } else {
-      push @displayable_packages, $cust_pkg;
-    }
+  #arrayref of supplementals
+  $cust_pkg->set('_supplemental', [
+    qsearch('cust_pkg', { main_pkgnum=>$cust_pkg->pkgnum })
+  ] );
+  #for future changes
+  my $change_to =
+    qsearchs('cust_pkg', { change_to_pkgnum=>$cust_pkg->pkgnum });
+  if ( $change_to ) {
+    $change_to->set('change_from_pkg', $cust_pkg);
+    $cust_pkg->set('change_to_pkg', $change_to);
-  @packages = @displayable_packages;
-# filter all cancelled packages if the user wants
-if ( $hide_cancelled ) {
-  @packages = grep { !$_->get('cancel') } @packages;
-# filter out 'old' packages
-my $num_old_packages = scalar(@packages);
-unless ( $cgi->param('showoldpackages') ) {
-  my $years = $conf->config('cust_main-packages-years') || 2;
-  my $then = time - $years * 31556926; #60*60*24*365.2422 is close enough
-  my %hide = ( 'cancelled'       => 'cancel',
-               'one-time charge' => 'setup',
-             );
-  @packages =
-    grep { !exists($hide{$_->status}) or $_->get($hide{$_->status}) > $then
-           or $_->num_svcs #don't hide packages w/services
-         }
-         @packages;
-$num_old_packages -= scalar(@packages);
-# don't include supplemental packages in this list; they'll be found from
-# their main packages
-# (as will change-target packages)
-####@packages = grep !$_->main_pkgnum, @packages;
+  #for past changes
+  my $changed_from =
+    qsearchs('cust_pkg', { change_pkgnum=>$cust_pkg->pkgnum });
+  if ( $changed_from ) {
+    $changed_from->set('changed_to_pkg', $cust_pkg);
+    $cust_pkg->set('changed_from_pkg', $changed_from);
+  }
-foreach my $cust_pkg ( @packages ) {
   $cust_pkg->{'_cust_pkg_discount_active'} =
    [ $cust_pkg->cust_pkg_discount_active ];


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/cust_main/Packages.pm             |   42 ++++++--
 httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html |  164 ++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)

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