[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 30890c2f8f7c5b53cdd80aac5a6d40b35287105f
Mark Wells
mark at 420.am
Wed Feb 24 11:34:01 PST 2016
The branch, master has been updated
via 30890c2f8f7c5b53cdd80aac5a6d40b35287105f (commit)
via f5373e9488901577259b96ced0c606dddc9714e2 (commit)
via fc951f6ed5fab5c3b36f79f9f413556f76e75e0c (commit)
from 6a8cfb9dfdc9a48b840623fdf878cd4001482a57 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 30890c2f8f7c5b53cdd80aac5a6d40b35287105f
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date: Tue Feb 23 12:23:54 2016 -0800
add index on cdr.detailnum, #32043
diff --git a/FS/FS/Schema.pm b/FS/FS/Schema.pm
index ff6a924..36418ac 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Schema.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Schema.pm
@@ -5521,6 +5521,7 @@ sub tables_hashref {
[ 'freesidestatus' ], [ 'freesiderewritestatus' ],
[ 'cdrbatch' ], [ 'cdrbatchnum' ],
[ 'src_ip_addr' ], [ 'dst_ip_addr' ], [ 'dst_term' ],
+ [ 'detailnum' ],
#no FKs on cdr table... choosing not to throw errors no matter what's
# thrown in here. better to have the data.
commit f5373e9488901577259b96ced0c606dddc9714e2
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date: Mon Feb 22 18:43:57 2016 -0800
sipwise export, part 1
diff --git a/FS/FS/part_export/sipwise.pm b/FS/FS/part_export/sipwise.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..690a14c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/part_export/sipwise.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+package FS::part_export::sipwise;
+use base qw( FS::part_export );
+use strict;
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh);
+use Tie::IxHash;
+use Carp;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use URI;
+use Cpanel::JSON::XS;
+use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET POST PUT DELETE);
+use FS::Misc::DateTime qw(parse_datetime);
+use DateTime;
+use Number::Phone;
+our $me = '[sipwise]';
+our $DEBUG = 2;
+tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash',
+ 'port' => { label => 'Port' },
+ 'username' => { label => 'API username', },
+ 'password' => { label => 'API password', },
+ 'debug' => { label => 'Enable debugging', type => 'checkbox', value => 1 },
+ 'billing_profile' => {
+ label => 'Billing profile',
+ default => 'default', # that's what it's called
+ },
+ 'reseller_id' => { label => 'Reseller ID' },
+ 'ssl_no_verify' => { label => 'Skip SSL certificate validation',
+ type => 'checkbox',
+ },
+tie my %roles, 'Tie::IxHash',
+ 'subscriber' => { label => 'Subscriber',
+ svcdb => 'svc_phone',
+ multiple => 1,
+ },
+ 'did' => { label => 'DID',
+ svcdb => 'svc_phone',
+ multiple => 1,
+ },
+our %info = (
+ 'svc' => [qw( svc_phone )],
+ 'desc' => 'Provision to a Sipwise sip:provider server',
+ 'options' => \%options,
+ 'roles' => \%roles,
+ 'notes' => <<'END'
+<P>Export to a <b>sip:provider</b> server.</P>
+<P>This requires two service definitions to be configured on the same package:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>A phone service for a SIP client account ("subscriber"). The
+ <i>phonenum</i> will be the SIP username. The <i>domsvc</i> should point
+ to a domain service to use as the SIP domain name.</LI>
+ <LI>A phone service for a DID. The <i>phonenum</i> here will be a PSTN
+ number. The <i>forwarddst</i> field should be set to the SIP username
+ of the subscriber who should receive calls directed to this number.</LI>
+ </OL>
+<P>Export options:
+sub export_insert {
+ my($self, $svc_x) = (shift, shift);
+ local $@;
+ my $role = $self->svc_role($svc_x);
+ if ( $role eq 'subscriber' ) {
+ eval { $self->insert_subscriber($svc_x) };
+ return "$me $@" if $@;
+ } elsif ( $role eq 'did' ) {
+ # only export the DID if it's set to forward to somewhere...
+ return if $svc_x->forwarddst eq '';
+ my $subscriber = qsearchs('svc_phone', { phonenum => $svc_x->forwarddst });
+ # and there is a service for the forwarding destination...
+ return if !$subscriber;
+ # and that service is managed by this export.
+ return if !$self->svc_role($subscriber);
+ eval { $self->replace_subscriber($subscriber) };
+ return "$me $@" if $@;
+ }
+ '';
+sub export_replace {
+ my ($self, $svc_new, $svc_old) = @_;
+ my $role = $self->svc_role($svc_new);
+ local $@;
+ if ( $role eq 'subscriber' ) {
+ eval { $self->replace_subscriber($svc_new, $svc_old) };
+ } elsif ( $role eq 'did' ) {
+ eval { $self->replace_did($svc_new, $svc_old) };
+ }
+ return "$me $@" if $@;
+ '';
+sub export_delete {
+ my ($self, $svc_x) = (shift, shift);
+ my $role = $self->svc_role($svc_x);
+ local $@;
+ if ( $role eq 'subscriber' ) {
+ # no need to remove DIDs from it, just drop the subscriber record
+ eval { $self->delete_subscriber($svc_x) };
+ } elsif ( $role eq 'did' ) {
+ return if !$svc_x->forwarddst;
+ my $subscriber = qsearchs('svc_phone', { phonenum => $svc_x->forwarddst });
+ return if !$subscriber;
+ return if !$self->svc_role($subscriber);
+ eval { $self->delete_did($svc_x, $subscriber) };
+ }
+ return "$me $@" if $@;
+ '';
+sub export_suspend {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $svc_x = shift;
+ my $role = $self->svc_role($svc_x);
+ return if $role ne 'subacct'; # can't suspend DIDs directly
+ my $error = $self->replace_subacct($svc_x, $svc_x); # will disable it
+ return "$me $error" if $error;
+ '';
+sub export_unsuspend {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $svc_x = shift;
+ my $role = $self->svc_role($svc_x);
+ return if $role ne 'subacct'; # can't suspend DIDs directly
+ $svc_x->set('unsuspended', 1); # hack to tell replace_subacct to do it
+ my $error = $self->replace_subacct($svc_x, $svc_x); #same
+ return "$me $error" if $error;
+ '';
+=item get_customer SERVICE
+Returns the Sipwise customer record that should belong to SERVICE. This is
+based on the pkgnum field.
+sub get_customer {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $svc = shift;
+ my $pkgnum = $svc->cust_svc->pkgnum;
+ my $custid = "cust_pkg#$pkgnum";
+ my @cust = $self->api_query('customers', [ external_id => $custid ]);
+ warn "$me multiple customers for external_id $custid.\n" if scalar(@cust) > 1;
+ $cust[0];
+sub find_or_create_customer {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $svc = shift;
+ my $cust = $self->get_customer($svc);
+ return $cust if $cust;
+ my $cust_pkg = $svc->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
+ my $cust_main = $cust_pkg->cust_main;
+ my $cust_location = $cust_pkg->cust_location;
+ my ($email) = $cust_main->invoicing_list_emailonly;
+ my $custid = 'cust_pkg#' . $cust_pkg->pkgnum;
+ # find the billing profile
+ my ($billing_profile) = $self->api_query('billingprofiles',
+ [
+ 'handle' => $self->option('billing_profile'),
+ 'reseller_id' => $self->option('reseller_id'),
+ ]
+ );
+ if (!$billing_profile) {
+ croak "can't find billing profile '". $self->option('billing_profile') . "'";
+ }
+ my $bpid = $billing_profile->{id};
+ # contacts unfortunately have no searchable external_id or other field
+ # like that, so we can't go location -> package -> service
+ my $contact = $self->api_create('customercontacts',
+ {
+ 'city' => $cust_location->city,
+ 'company' => $cust_main->company,
+ 'country' => $cust_location->country,
+ 'email' => $email,
+ 'faxnumber' => $cust_main->fax,
+ 'firstname' => $cust_main->first,
+ 'lastname' => $cust_main->last,
+ 'mobilenumber' => $cust_main->mobile,
+ 'phonenumber' => ($cust_main->daytime || $cust_main->night),
+ 'postcode' => $cust_location->zip,
+ 'reseller_id' => $self->option('reseller_id'),
+ 'street' => $cust_location->address1,
+ }
+ );
+ $cust = $self->api_create('customers',
+ {
+ 'status' => 'active',
+ 'type' => 'sipaccount',
+ 'contact_id' => $contact->{id},
+ 'external_id' => $custid,
+ 'billing_profile_id' => $bpid,
+ }
+ );
+ $cust;
+=item find_or_create_domain DOMAIN
+Returns the record for the domain object named DOMAIN. If necessary, will
+create it first.
+sub find_or_create_domain {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $domainname = shift;
+ my ($domain) = $self->api_query('domains', [ 'domain' => $domainname ]);
+ return $domain if $domain;
+ $self->api_create('domains',
+ {
+ 'domain' => $domainname,
+ 'reseller_id' => $self->option('reseller_id'),
+ }
+ );
+=item get_subscriber SVC
+Gets the subscriber record for SVC, if there is one.
+sub get_subscriber {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $svc = shift;
+ my $svcnum = $svc->svcnum;
+ my $svcid = "svc_phone#$svcnum";
+ my $pkgnum = $svc->cust_svc->pkgnum;
+ my $custid = "cust_pkg#$pkgnum";
+ my @subscribers = grep { $_->{external_id} eq $svcid }
+ $self->api_query('subscribers',
+ [ 'customer_external_id' => $custid ]
+ );
+ warn "$me multiple subscribers for external_id $svcid.\n"
+ if scalar(@subscribers) > 1;
+ $subscribers[0];
+# internal method: find DIDs that forward to this service
+sub did_numbers_for_svc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $svc = shift;
+ my @numbers;
+ my @possible_dids = qsearch({
+ 'table' => 'svc_phone',
+ 'hashref' => { 'forwarddst' => $svc->phonenum },
+ 'order_by' => ' ORDER BY phonenum'
+ });
+ foreach my $did (@possible_dids) {
+ # only include them if they're interesting to this export
+ if ( $self->svc_role($did) eq 'did' ) {
+ my $phonenum;
+ if ($did->countrycode) {
+ $phonenum = Number::Phone->new('+' . $did->countrycode . $did->phonenum);
+ } else {
+ # the long way
+ my $country = $did->cust_svc->cust_pkg->cust_location->country;
+ $phonenum = Number::Phone->new($country, $did->phonenum);
+ }
+ if (!$phonenum) {
+ croak "Can't process phonenum ".$did->countrycode . $did->phonenum;
+ }
+ push @numbers,
+ { 'cc' => $phonenum->country_code,
+ 'ac' => $phonenum->areacode,
+ 'sn' => $phonenum->subscriber
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ @numbers;
+sub insert_subscriber {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $svc = shift;
+ my $cust = $self->find_or_create_customer($svc);
+ my $svcid = "svc_phone#" . $svc->svcnum;
+ my $status = $svc->cust_svc->cust_pkg->susp ? 'locked' : 'active';
+ my $domain = $self->find_or_create_domain($svc->domain);
+ my @numbers = $self->did_numbers_for_svc($svc);
+ my $first_number = shift @numbers;
+ my $subscriber = $self->api_create('subscribers',
+ {
+ 'alias_numbers' => \@numbers,
+ 'customer_id' => $cust->{id},
+ 'display_name' => $svc->phone_name,
+ 'domain_id' => $domain->{id},
+ 'email' => $svc->email,
+ 'external_id' => $svcid,
+ 'password' => $svc->sip_password,
+ 'primary_number' => $first_number,
+ 'status' => $status,
+ 'username' => $svc->phonenum,
+ }
+ );
+sub replace_subscriber {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $svc = shift;
+ my $old = shift;
+ my $svcid = "svc_phone#" . $svc->svcnum;
+ my $cust = $self->find_or_create_customer($svc);
+ my $status = $svc->cust_svc->cust_pkg->susp ? 'locked' : 'active';
+ my $domain = $self->find_or_create_domain($svc->domain);
+ my @numbers = $self->did_numbers_for_svc($svc);
+ my $first_number = shift @numbers;
+ my $subscriber = $self->get_subscriber($svc);
+ if ( $subscriber ) {
+ my $id = $subscriber->{id};
+ if ( $svc->phonenum ne $old->phonenum ) {
+ # have to delete and recreate
+ $self->api_delete("subscribers/$id");
+ $self->insert_subscriber($svc);
+ } else {
+ $self->api_update("subscribers/$id",
+ {
+ 'alias_numbers' => \@numbers,
+ 'customer_id' => $cust->{id},
+ 'display_name' => $svc->phone_name,
+ 'domain_id' => $domain->{id},
+ 'email' => $svc->email,
+ 'external_id' => $svcid,
+ 'password' => $svc->sip_password,
+ 'primary_number' => $first_number,
+ 'status' => $status,
+ 'username' => $svc->phonenum,
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn "$me subscriber not found for $svcid; creating new\n";
+ $self->insert_subscriber($svc);
+ }
+sub delete_subscriber {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $svc = shift;
+ my $svcid = "svc_phone#" . $svc->svcnum;
+ my $pkgnum = $svc->cust_svc->pkgnum;
+ my $custid = "cust_pkg#$pkgnum";
+ my $subscriber = $self->get_subscriber($svc);
+ if ( $subscriber ) {
+ my $id = $subscriber->{id};
+ $self->api_delete("subscribers/$id");
+ } else {
+ warn "$me subscriber not found for $svcid (would be deleted)\n";
+ }
+ my (@other_subs) = $self->api_query('subscribers',
+ [ 'customer_external_id' => $custid ]
+ );
+ if (! @other_subs) {
+ # then it's safe to remove the customer
+ my ($cust) = $self->api_query('customers', [ 'external_id' => $custid ]);
+ if (!$cust) {
+ warn "$me customer not found for $custid\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $id = $cust->{id};
+ my $contact_id = $cust->{contact_id};
+ if ( $cust->{'status'} ne 'terminated' ) {
+ # can't delete customers, have to cancel them
+ $cust->{'status'} = 'terminated';
+ $cust->{'external_id'} = ""; # dissociate it from this pkgnum
+ $cust->{'contact_id'} = 1; # set to the system default contact
+ $self->api_update("customers/$id", $cust);
+ }
+ # can and should delete contacts though
+ $self->api_delete("customercontacts/$contact_id");
+ }
+=item api_query RESOURCE, CONTENT
+Makes a GET request to RESOURCE, the name of a resource type (like
+'customers'), with query parameters in CONTENT, unpacks the embedded search
+results, and returns them as a list.
+Sipwise ignores invalid query parameters rather than throwing an error, so if
+the parameters are misspelled or make no sense for this type of query, it will
+probably return all of the objects.
+sub api_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($resource, $content) = @_;
+ if ( ref $content eq 'HASH' ) {
+ $content = [ %$content ];
+ }
+ my $result = $self->api_request('GET', $resource, $content);
+ my @records;
+ # depaginate
+ while ( my $things = $result->{_embedded}{"ngcp:$resource"} ) {
+ if ( ref($things) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ push @records, @$things;
+ } else {
+ push @records, $things;
+ }
+ if ( my $linknext = $result->{_links}{next} ) {
+ warn "$me continued at $linknext\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $result = $self->api_request('GET', $linknext);
+ } else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return @records;
+=item api_create RESOURCE, CONTENT
+Makes a POST request to RESOURCE, the name of a resource type (like
+'customers'), to create a new object of that type. CONTENT must be a hashref of
+the object's fields.
+On success, will then fetch and return the newly created object. On failure,
+will throw the "message" parameter from the request as an exception.
+sub api_create {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($resource, $content) = @_;
+ my $result = $self->api_request('POST', $resource, $content);
+ if ( $result->{location} ) {
+ return $self->api_request('GET', $result->{location});
+ } else {
+ croak $result->{message};
+ }
+=item api_update ENDPOINT, CONTENT
+Makes a PUT request to ENDPOINT, the name of a specific record (like
+'customers/11'), to replace it with the data in CONTENT (a hashref of the
+object's fields). On failure, will throw an exception. On success,
+returns nothing.
+sub api_update {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($endpoint, $content) = @_;
+ my $result = $self->api_request('PUT', $endpoint, $content);
+ if ( $result->{message} ) {
+ croak $result->{message};
+ }
+ return;
+=item api_delete ENDPOINT
+Makes a DELETE request to ENDPOINT. On failure, will throw an exception.
+sub api_delete {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $endpoint = shift;
+ my $result = $self->api_request('DELETE', $endpoint);
+ if ( $result->{code} and $result->{code} eq '404' ) {
+ # special case: this is harmless. we tried to delete something and it
+ # was already gone.
+ warn "$me api_delete $endpoint: does not exist\n";
+ return;
+ } elsif ( $result->{message} ) {
+ croak $result->{message};
+ }
+ return;
+=item api_request METHOD, ENDPOINT, CONTENT
+Makes a REST request with HTTP method METHOD, to path ENDPOINT, with content
+CONTENT. If METHOD is GET, the content can be an arrayref or hashref to append
+as the query argument. If it's POST or PUT, the content will be JSON-serialized
+and sent as the request body. If it's DELETE, content will be ignored.
+sub api_request {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($method, $endpoint, $content) = @_;
+ $DEBUG ||= 1 if $self->option('debug');
+ my $url;
+ if ($endpoint =~ /^http/) {
+ # allow directly using URLs returned from the API
+ $url = $endpoint;
+ } else {
+ $endpoint =~ s[/api/][]; # allow using paths returned in Location headers
+ $url = 'https://' . $self->host . '/api/' . $endpoint;
+ $url .= '/' unless $url =~ m[/$];
+ }
+ my $request;
+ if ( lc($method) eq 'get' ) {
+ $url = URI->new($url);
+ $url->query_form($content);
+ $request = GET($url,
+ 'Accept' => 'application/json'
+ );
+ } elsif ( lc($method) eq 'post' ) {
+ $request = POST($url,
+ 'Accept' => 'application/json',
+ 'Content' => encode_json($content),
+ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
+ );
+ } elsif ( lc($method) eq 'put' ) {
+ $request = PUT($url,
+ 'Accept' => 'application/json',
+ 'Content' => encode_json($content),
+ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
+ );
+ } elsif ( lc($method) eq 'delete' ) {
+ $request = DELETE($url);
+ }
+ warn "$me $method $endpoint\n" if $DEBUG;
+ warn $request->as_string ."\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
+ my $response = $self->ua->request($request);
+ warn "$me received\n" . $response->as_string ."\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
+ my $decoded_response = {};
+ if ( $response->content ) {
+ local $@;
+ $decoded_response = eval { decode_json($response->content) };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ # then it can't be parsed; probably a low-level error of some kind.
+ warn "$me Parse error.\n".$response->content."\n\n";
+ croak $response->content;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $response->header('Location') ) {
+ $decoded_response->{location} = $response->header('Location');
+ }
+ return $decoded_response;
+# a little false laziness with aradial.pm
+sub host {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $port = $self->option('port') || 1443;
+ $self->machine . ":$port";
+sub ua {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{_ua} ||= do {
+ my @opt;
+ if ( $self->option('ssl_no_verify') ) {
+ push @opt, ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 };
+ }
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(@opt);
+ $ua->credentials(
+ $self->host,
+ 'api_admin_http',
+ $self->option('username'),
+ $self->option('password')
+ );
+ $ua;
+ }
commit fc951f6ed5fab5c3b36f79f9f413556f76e75e0c
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date: Fri Feb 19 13:44:54 2016 -0800
clean up dangling cust_svc records, related to #32043
diff --git a/FS/FS/cust_svc.pm b/FS/FS/cust_svc.pm
index 0223f93..13e2e0f 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cust_svc.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cust_svc.pm
@@ -1300,13 +1300,19 @@ sub _upgrade_data {
my $svcdb = $cust_svc->part_svc->svcdb;
$h_search{'hashref'}{'svcnum'} = $svcnum;
$h_search{'table'} = "h_$svcdb";
- my $h_svc_x = qsearchs(\%h_search)
- or next;
- my $class = "FS::$svcdb";
- my $new_svc_x = $class->new({ $h_svc_x->hash });
- my $error = $new_svc_x->insert;
- warn "error repairing svcnum $svcnum ($svcdb) from history:\n$error\n"
- if $error;
+ my $h_svc_x = qsearchs(\%h_search);
+ if ( $h_svc_x ) {
+ my $class = "FS::$svcdb";
+ my $new_svc_x = $class->new({ $h_svc_x->hash });
+ my $error = $new_svc_x->insert;
+ warn "error repairing svcnum $svcnum ($svcdb) from history:\n$error\n"
+ if $error;
+ } else {
+ # can't be fixed, so remove the dangling cust_svc to avoid breaking
+ # stuff
+ my $error = $cust_svc->delete;
+ warn "error cleaning up missing svcnum $svcnum ($svcdb):\n$error\n";
+ }
Summary of changes:
FS/FS/Schema.pm | 1 +
FS/FS/cust_svc.pm | 20 +-
FS/FS/part_export/sipwise.pm | 629 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 643 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 FS/FS/part_export/sipwise.pm
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