[freeside-commits] branch FREESIDE_4_BRANCH updated. 08cd3c70a46c93f72a05c1df99d700c7fc07f768
Mark Wells
mark at 420.am
Thu Aug 18 13:00:34 PDT 2016
The branch, FREESIDE_4_BRANCH has been updated
via 08cd3c70a46c93f72a05c1df99d700c7fc07f768 (commit)
from f0bdc3a22592748f25d4c132b8292da6922008f7 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 08cd3c70a46c93f72a05c1df99d700c7fc07f768
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date: Thu Aug 18 12:42:52 2016 -0700
report on contract end dates, #71964
diff --git a/httemplate/elements/menu.html b/httemplate/elements/menu.html
index 0f98bc9..5b6aa5a 100644
--- a/httemplate/elements/menu.html
+++ b/httemplate/elements/menu.html
@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ $report_packages{'Suspension summary'} = [ $fsurl.'search/cust_pkg_susp.html', '
$report_packages{'Customer packages with unconfigured services'} = [ $fsurl.'search/cust_pkg.cgi?APKG_pkgnum', 'List packages which have provisionable services' ];
$report_packages{'FCC Form 477'} = [ $fsurl.'search/report_477.html' ]
if $conf->exists('part_pkg-show_fcc_options');
+$report_packages{'Contract end dates'} = [ $fsurl.'search/cust_pkg-date.html?date=contract_end', 'Show packages by contract end date' ];
$report_packages{'Advanced package reports'} = [ $fsurl.'search/report_cust_pkg.html', 'by agent, date range, status, package definition' ];
tie my %report_inventory, 'Tie::IxHash',
diff --git a/httemplate/search/cust_pkg-date.html b/httemplate/search/cust_pkg-date.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b93775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/search/cust_pkg-date.html
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
+die 'access denied' unless $curuser->access_right('List packages');
+my %cols = (
+ 'contract_end' => 'Contract end',
+ # We could put any of the date fields in cust_pkg in here, but keep in
+ # mind:
+ # - for start_date, setup, and bill, make sure to include rows where
+ # the field is null, as that's effectively "right now".
+ # - for cancel and susp, and maybe expire, adjourn, and resume, add a
+ # column for the cancel or suspend reason.
+ # - for expire, also figure out if there's a future change scheduled.
+ # - for change_date, should probably show what it was changed from.
+my $col = $cgi->param('date');
+die "invalid date column" unless $cols{$col};
+my $title = 'Packages by ' . lc($cols{$col}) . ' date';
+# second option on the cust_fields_avail list, plus email
+my $cust_fields = 'Cust# | Customer | Day phone | Night phone | Mobile phone | Invoicing email(s)';
+my @header = ( $cols{$col},
+ emt('#'),
+ emt('Quan.'),
+ emt('Package'),
+ # anything else? package status, maybe?
+ );
+my @fields = ( sub { time2str('%b %d %Y', $_[0]->$col) },
+ 'pkgnum',
+ 'quantity',
+ 'pkg_label',
+ );
+my @sort_fields = ( map '', @fields ); # should only ever sort by $col
+push @header, FS::UI::Web::cust_header($cust_fields);
+push @fields, \&FS::UI::Web::cust_fields;
+my $query = {
+ 'table' => 'cust_pkg',
+ 'addl_from' => FS::UI::Web::join_cust_main('cust_pkg', 'cust_pkg'),
+ 'hashref' => {
+ $col => { op => '!=', value => '' },
+ 'cancel' => '',
+ },
+ 'order_by' => "ORDER BY $col",
+my $count_query =
+ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg WHERE $col IS NOT NULL AND cancel IS NULL";
+my $pkg_link = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $frag = 'cust_pkg'. $self->pkgnum;
+ [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?custnum=".$self->custnum.
+ ";show=packages;fragment=$frag#cust_pkg",
+ 'pkgnum'
+ ];
+my @links = ( '', ($pkg_link) x 3,
+ FS::UI::Web::cust_links() );
+my $date_color_sub = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $color;
+ my $interval = ($self->$col - time) / 86400;
+ if ( $interval > 30 ) {
+ $color = 'palegreen';
+ } elsif ( $interval > 0 ) {
+ $color = 'yellow';
+ } else {
+ $color = 'tomato';
+ }
+ "background-color: $color";
+<& elements/search.html,
+ 'title' => $title,
+ 'name' => 'packages',
+ 'query' => $query,
+ 'count_query' => $count_query,
+ 'header' => \@header,
+ 'fields' => \@fields,
+ 'align' => 'rrrl'. FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns(),
+ 'links' => \@links,
+ 'cell_style' => [ $date_color_sub ],
Summary of changes:
httemplate/elements/menu.html | 1 +
httemplate/search/cust_pkg-date.html | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 91 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 httemplate/search/cust_pkg-date.html
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