[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 3df15084eeaacb2326ffb66ecf74216e950f3060

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Thu Apr 28 22:02:08 PDT 2016

The branch, master has been updated
       via  3df15084eeaacb2326ffb66ecf74216e950f3060 (commit)
      from  2eb1e959493a77e061243df03a474edf4eb24db9 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 3df15084eeaacb2326ffb66ecf74216e950f3060
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Thu Apr 28 21:47:49 2016 -0700

    script to force rating of non-billed CDRs, #40479

diff --git a/bin/cdr-manual-rate b/bin/cdr-manual-rate
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..14099d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/cdr-manual-rate
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+use FS::Misc::Getopt;
+use FS::cdr;
+use FS::Cursor;
+our %opt;
+unless ($opt{f}) {
+  die "
+  Usage:
+  cdr-manual-rate -f freesidestatus [ -s startdate ] [ -e enddate ] user
+$FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1; # because partial completion of this is useful
+my $where_date;
+if ($opt{start}) {
+  $where_date = " AND startdate >= $opt{start} ";
+if ($opt{end}) {
+  $where_date .= " AND startdate < $opt{end} ";
+my $cursor = FS::Cursor->new({
+    'table'     => 'cdr',
+    'hashref'   => { freesidestatus => $opt{f} },
+    'extra_sql' => $where_date,
+our %svc_phone = (); # phonenum => svc_phone
+our %pkgnum = ();    # phonenum => pkgnum
+our %cust_pkg = ();  # pkgnum   => cust_pkg
+our %pkgpart = ();   # phonenum => pkgpart
+our %part_pkg = ();  # pkgpart  => part_pkg
+# some stats
+my $total = 0;
+my $success = 0;
+my $notfound = 0;
+my $failed = 0;
+while (my $cdr = $cursor->fetch) {
+    $total++;
+    my $cdrdesc = "CDR ". $cdr->acctid.", ".$cdr->src." -> ".$cdr->dst;
+    # borrow CDR-to-package matching code from cdrrated...
+    my $number = $cdr->charged_party || $cdr->src;
+    # strip the prefix from the number
+    my $prefix = '+1'; #$options{'default_prefix'};
+    $number = substr($number, length($prefix))
+      if $prefix eq substr($number, 0, length($prefix));
+    if ( $prefix && $prefix =~ /^\+(\d+)$/ ) {
+      $prefix = $1;
+      $number = substr($number, length($prefix))
+        if $prefix eq substr($number, 0, length($prefix));
+    }
+    # find a svc_phone that matches it
+    unless ( $svc_phone{$number} ) {
+      #only phone number matching supported right now
+      my $svc_phone = qsearchs('svc_phone', { 'phonenum' => $number } );
+      unless ( $svc_phone ) {
+        warn "can't find a phone service for $cdrdesc\n";
+        $notfound++;
+        next;
+      }
+      $svc_phone{$number} = $svc_phone;
+    }
+    # find the pkgnum
+    unless ( $pkgnum{$number} ) {
+      my $cust_pkg = $svc_phone{$number}->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
+      if (!$cust_pkg) {
+        warn "can't find a package for $cdrdesc\n";
+        $notfound++;
+        next;
+      }
+      $pkgnum{$number} = $cust_pkg->pkgnum;
+      $cust_pkg{$cust_pkg->pkgnum} ||= $cust_pkg;
+    }
+    unless ( $pkgpart{$number} ) {
+      #get the package, search through the part_pkg and linked for a voip_cdr def w/matching cdrtypenum (or no use_cdrtypenum)
+      my $cust_pkg = $cust_pkg{$pkgnum{$number}};
+      my @part_pkg;
+      foreach ($cust_pkg->part_pkg->self_and_bill_linked) {
+        if ($_->plan eq 'voip_cdr'
+                 && ( ! length($_->option_cacheable('use_cdrtypenum'))
+                      || $_->option_cacheable('use_cdrtypenum')
+                           eq $cdr->cdrtypenum #eq otherwise 0 matches ''
+                    )
+                 && ( ! length($_->option_cacheable('ignore_cdrtypenum'))
+                      || $_->option_cacheable('ignore_cdrtypenum')
+                           ne $cdr->cdrtypenum #ne otherwise 0 matches ''
+                    )
+        ) {
+          push @part_pkg, $_;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!@part_pkg) {
+        warn "can't find a voip_cdr package definition for $cdrdesc\n";
+        $notfound++;
+        next;
+      } elsif (scalar(@part_pkg) > 1) {
+        warn "found more than one package that could rate $cdrdesc\n";
+        $notfound++;
+        next;
+      }
+      $pkgpart{$number} = $part_pkg[0]->pkgpart;
+      $part_pkg{ $part_pkg[0]->pkgpart } ||= $part_pkg[0];
+    } # unless $pkgpart{$number}
+    # now actually rate the call. ignore included minutes, since that's a
+    # property of the billing cycle and this call isn't part of a billing
+    # cycle.
+    my $error = $cdr->rate(
+      'part_pkg'  => $part_pkg{ $pkgpart{$number} },
+      'cust_pkg'  => $cust_pkg{ $pkgnum{$number} },
+      'svcnum'    => $svc_phone{$number}->svcnum,
+    );
+    if ( $error ) {
+      warn "can't rate $cdrdesc: $error\n";
+      $failed++;
+      next;
+    }
+    $error = $cdr->set_status('done');
+    if ( $error ) {
+      # don't know how this would happen...
+      warn "can't set status on $cdrdesc: $error\n";
+      $failed++;
+      next;
+    }
+    $success++;
+print "
+Total CDRs:             $total
+Incomplete information: $notfound
+Failed rating:          $failed
+Successfully rated:     $success


Summary of changes:
 bin/cdr-manual-rate |  158 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 158 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 bin/cdr-manual-rate

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