[freeside-commits] branch FREESIDE_4_BRANCH updated. 74cd77ff209b2ce296788e29ea7484818122dcba

Ivan ivan at 420.am
Wed Nov 18 16:19:26 PST 2015

The branch, FREESIDE_4_BRANCH has been updated
       via  74cd77ff209b2ce296788e29ea7484818122dcba (commit)
      from  ded0cb9e764cd806a13aaf6ddb8cdfe0f3215999 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 74cd77ff209b2ce296788e29ea7484818122dcba
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date:   Wed Nov 18 16:19:25 2015 -0800

    package import w/locationnum, RT#38764

diff --git a/FS/FS/cust_pkg/Import.pm b/FS/FS/cust_pkg/Import.pm
index 301930c..e8c4427 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cust_pkg/Import.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cust_pkg/Import.pm
@@ -206,6 +206,11 @@ sub batch_import {
     @fields = ( 'custnum' );
+  if ( $format =~ /^(.*)-locationnum$/ ) {
+    $format = $1;
+    push @fields, 'locationnum';
+  }
   push @fields, ( 'pkgpart', 'discountnum' );
   my @date_fields = ();
diff --git a/httemplate/misc/cust_pkg-import.html b/httemplate/misc/cust_pkg-import.html
index c1c1b8b..8784dbb 100644
--- a/httemplate/misc/cust_pkg-import.html
+++ b/httemplate/misc/cust_pkg-import.html
@@ -29,14 +29,19 @@ Import a file containing customer packages.
       <SELECT NAME="format">
         <OPTION VALUE="default" SELECTED>Default
         <OPTION VALUE="default-agent_custid">Default with agent_custid
+        <OPTION VALUE="default-locationnum">Default with existing location
         <OPTION VALUE="all_dates">All dates
         <OPTION VALUE="all_dates-agent_custid">All dates with agent_custid
+        <OPTION VALUE="all_dates-locationnum">All dates with existing location
         <OPTION VALUE="svc_acct">Account service
         <OPTION VALUE="svc_acct-agent_custid">Account service with agent_custid
+        <OPTION VALUE="svc_acct-locationnum">Account service with existing location
         <OPTION VALUE="svc_phone">Phone service
         <OPTION VALUE="svc_phone-agent_custid">Phone service with agent_custid
+        <OPTION VALUE="svc_phone-locationnum">Phone service with existing location
         <OPTION VALUE="svc_external">External service
         <OPTION VALUE="svc_external-agent_custid">External service with agent_custid
+        <OPTION VALUE="svc_external-locationnum">External service with existing location
         <OPTION VALUE="location">Location
         <OPTION VALUE="location-agent_custid">Location with agent_custid
         <OPTION VALUE="location-agent_custid-agent_pkgid">Location with agent_custid and agent_pkgid
@@ -73,30 +78,45 @@ Uploaded files can be CSV (comma-separated value) files or Excel spreadsheets.
 <b>Default with agent_custid</b> format has the following field order: <i>agent_custid<%$req%>, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire</i>
+<b>Default with existing location</b> format has the following field order: <i>custnum<%$req%>, locationnum, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire</i>
 <b>All dates</b> format has the following field order: <i>custnum<%$req%>, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, order_date, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, resume, cancel, expire, contract_end, dundate</i>
 <b>All dates with agent_custid</b> format has the following field order: <i>agent_custid<%$req%>, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, order_date, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, resume, cancel, expire, contract_end, dundate</i>
+<b>All dates with existing location</b> format has the following field order: <i>custnum<%$req%>, locationnum, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, order_date, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, resume, cancel, expire, contract_end, dundate</i>
 <b>Account service</b> format has the following field order: <i>custnum<%$req%>, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire, username, _password, domsvc</i>
 <b>Account service with agent_custid</b> format has the following field order: <i>agent_custid<%$req%>, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire, username, _password, domsvc</i>
+<b>Account service with existing location</b> format has the following field order: <i>custnum<%$req%>, locationnum, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire, username, _password, domsvc</i>
 <b>Phone sevice</b> format has the following field order: <i>custnum<%$req%>, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire, countrycode, phonenum, sip_password, pin</i>
 <b>Phone service with agent_custid</b> format has the following field order: <i>agent_custid<%$req%>, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire, countrycode, phonenum, sip_password, pin</i>
+<b>Phone sevice with existing location</b> format has the following field order: <i>custnum<%$req%>, locationnum, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire, countrycode, phonenum, sip_password, pin</i>
 <b>External sevice</b> format has the following field order: <i>custnum<%$req%>, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire, id, title</i>
 <b>External service with agent_custid</b> format has the following field order: <i>agent_custid<%$req%>, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire, id, title</i>
+<b>External sevice with existing location</b> format has the following field order: <i>custnum<%$req%>, locationnum, pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum, start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire, id, title</i>
 <b>Location</b> format has the following field order: <i>custnum<%$req%>,
 pkgpart<%$req%>, discountnum,
 start_date, setup, bill, last_bill, susp, adjourn, cancel, expire,
@@ -161,6 +181,8 @@ Field information:
   <li><i>title</i>: External service identifier, text
+  <li><i>locationnum</i>: Existing location (cust_location.locationnum)
   <li><i>address1</i>: Service address, number and street, text
   <li><i>address2</i>: Service address, suite/unit/building identifier, text


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/cust_pkg/Import.pm             |    5 +++++
 httemplate/misc/cust_pkg-import.html |   22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+)

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