[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 39501b4ff6c6cd9ac3cfe7ad313affe049e18994

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Tue Jun 30 12:15:19 PDT 2015

The branch, master has been updated
       via  39501b4ff6c6cd9ac3cfe7ad313affe049e18994 (commit)
      from  a8bdd6bf5d005af9dff6b53047ba378ef6912302 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 39501b4ff6c6cd9ac3cfe7ad313affe049e18994
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Tue Jun 30 12:14:19 2015 -0700

    include discounts in gross sales reports, #25943

diff --git a/FS/FS/Report/Table.pm b/FS/FS/Report/Table.pm
index 4797473..eef983d 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Report/Table.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Report/Table.pm
@@ -266,6 +266,36 @@ sub netrefunds {
+=item discounted: The sum of discounts on invoices in the period.
+sub discounted {
+  my( $self, $speriod, $eperiod, $agentnum, %opt) = @_;
+  $self->scalar_sql('SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg_discount.amount)
+    FROM cust_bill_pkg_discount
+      JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING  ( billpkgnum )
+      JOIN cust_bill     USING  ( invnum )
+      JOIN cust_main     USING  ( custnum )
+    WHERE '. $self->in_time_period_and_agent( $speriod,
+                                              $eperiod,
+                                              $agentnum,
+                                              'cust_bill._date'
+                                            ).
+              $self->for_opts(%opt)
+  );
+=item gross: invoiced + discounted
+sub gross {
+  my( $self, $speriod, $eperiod, $agentnum, %opt) = @_;
+    $self->invoiced(   $speriod, $eperiod, $agentnum, %opt)
+  + $self->discounted( $speriod, $eperiod, $agentnum, %opt);
 #XXX docs
 #these should be auto-generated or $AUTOLOADed or something
diff --git a/FS/FS/cust_bill/Search.pm b/FS/FS/cust_bill/Search.pm
index 2a67529..62c55d6 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cust_bill/Search.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cust_bill/Search.pm
@@ -6,14 +6,15 @@ use FS::UI::Web;
 use FS::Record qw( qsearchs dbh );
 use FS::cust_main;
 use FS::access_user;
+use FS::Conf;
 =item search HASHREF                                                            
 (Class method)                                                                  
-Returns a qsearch hash expression to search for parameters specified in HASHREF.
-In addition to all parameters accepted by search_sql_where, the following
-additional parameters valid:
+Returns a qsearch hash expression to search for parameters specified in
+HASHREF.  In addition to all parameters accepted by search_sql_where, the
+following additional parameters valid:
 =over 4                                                                         
@@ -38,35 +39,77 @@ sub search {
   my $join_cust_main = FS::UI::Web::join_cust_main('cust_bill');
+  # get discounted, credited, and paid amounts here, for use in report
+  #
+  # Testing shows that this is by far the most efficient way to do the 
+  # joins. In particular it's almost 100x faster to join to an aggregate
+  # query than to put the subquery in a select expression. It also makes
+  # it more convenient to do arithmetic between columns, use them as sort
+  # keys, etc.
+  #
+  # Each ends with a RIGHT JOIN cust_bill so that it includes all invnums,
+  # even if they have no discounts/credits/payments; the total amount is then
+  # coalesced to zero.
+  my $join = "$join_cust_main
+  JOIN (
+    SELECT COALESCE(SUM(cust_bill_pkg_discount.amount), 0) AS discounted,
+      invnum
+      FROM cust_bill_pkg_discount
+        JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
+        RIGHT JOIN cust_bill USING (invnum)
+      GROUP BY invnum
+    ) AS _discount USING (invnum)
+  JOIN (
+    SELECT COALESCE(SUM(cust_credit_bill.amount), 0) AS credited, invnum
+      FROM cust_credit_bill
+        RIGHT JOIN cust_bill USING (invnum)
+      GROUP BY invnum
+    ) AS _credit USING (invnum)
+  JOIN (
+    SELECT COALESCE(SUM(cust_bill_pay.amount), 0) AS paid, invnum
+      FROM cust_bill_pay
+        RIGHT JOIN cust_bill USING (invnum)
+      GROUP BY invnum
+    ) AS _pay USING (invnum)
+  ";
   unless ( $count_query ) {
+    my $money = (FS::Conf->new->config('money_char') || '$') . '%.2f';
     $count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*), '. join(', ',
                      map "SUM($_)",
-                         ( 'charged',
-                           FS::cust_bill->net_sql,
-                           FS::cust_bill->owed_sql,
+                         ( 'charged + discounted',
+                           'discounted',
+                           'credited',
+                           'charged - credited',
+                           'charged - credited - paid',
-    $count_addl = [ '$%.2f invoiced (gross)',
-                    '$%.2f invoiced (net)',
-                    '$%.2f outstanding balance',
+    $count_addl = [ "$money sales (gross)",
+                    "− $money discounted",
+                    "− $money credited",
+                    "= $money sales (net)",
+                    "$money outstanding balance",
-  $count_query .=  " FROM cust_bill $join_cust_main $extra_sql";
+  $count_query .=  " FROM cust_bill $join $extra_sql";
   #$sql_query =
     'table'     => 'cust_bill',
-    'addl_from' => $join_cust_main,
+    'addl_from' => $join,
     'hashref'   => {},
     'select'    => join(', ',
                      #( map "cust_main.$_", qw(custnum last first company) ),
                      'cust_main.custnum as cust_main_custnum',
-                     #$class->owed_sql. ' AS owed',
-                     #$class->net_sql.  ' AS net',
-                     FS::cust_bill->owed_sql. ' AS owed',
-                     FS::cust_bill->net_sql.  ' AS net',
+                     '(charged + discounted) as gross',
+                     'discounted',
+                     'credited',
+                     '(charged - credited) as net',
+                     '(charged - credited - paid) as owed',
     'extra_sql' => $extra_sql,
     'order_by'  => 'ORDER BY '. ( $params->{'order_by'} || 'cust_bill._date' ),
@@ -179,13 +222,7 @@ sub search_sql_where {
     @classnum = grep /^(\d*)$/, @classnum;
     if ( @classnum ) {
-      push @search, '( '. join(' OR ', map {
-                                             $_ ? "cust_main.classnum = $_"
-                                                : "cust_main.classnum IS NULL"
-                                           }
-                                           @classnum
-                              ).
-                    ' )';
+      push @search, 'COALESCE(cust_main.classnum, 0) IN ('.join(',', @classnum).')';
@@ -206,6 +243,7 @@ sub search_sql_where {
     push @search, "cust_bill.invnum <= $1";
+  # these are from parse_lt_gt, and should already be sanitized
   if ( $param->{charged} ) {
     my @charged = ref($param->{charged})
@@ -216,21 +254,22 @@ sub search_sql_where {
-  my $owed_sql = FS::cust_bill->owed_sql;
+  #my $owed_sql = FS::cust_bill->owed_sql;
+  my $owed_sql = '(cust_bill.charged - credited - paid)';
+  my $net_sql = '(cust_bill.charged - credited)';
   if ( $param->{owed} ) {
     my @owed = ref($param->{owed})
                  ? @{ $param->{owed} }
                  : ($param->{owed});
-    push @search, map { s/^owed/$owed_sql/; $_; }
-                      @owed;
+    push @search, map { s/^owed/$owed_sql/ } @owed;
   #open/net flags
   push @search, "0 != $owed_sql"
     if $param->{'open'};
-  push @search, '0 != '. FS::cust_bill->net_sql
+  push @search, "0 != $net_sql"
     if $param->{'net'};
diff --git a/httemplate/graph/money_time.cgi b/httemplate/graph/money_time.cgi
index 9071fc7..b44adea 100644
--- a/httemplate/graph/money_time.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/graph/money_time.cgi
@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ if ( $cgi->param('refnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
 my $referralname = $part_referral ? $part_referral->referral.' ' : '';
-my @items = qw( invoiced netsales
+# need to clean this up. the false symmetry of "gross" and "net" everything
+# makes it aesthetically hard to make this report more useful.
+my @items = qw( gross    netsales
+                discounted
                 credits  netcredits
                 payments receipts
                 refunds  netrefunds
@@ -51,8 +53,9 @@ if ( $cgi->param('12mo') == 1 ) {
 my %label = (
-  'invoiced'    => 'Gross Sales',
+  'gross'       => 'Gross Sales',
   'netsales'    =>   'Net Sales',
+  'discounted'  => 'Discounts',
   'credits'     => 'Gross Credits',
   'netcredits'  =>   'Net Credits',
   'payments'    => 'Gross Receipts',
@@ -64,8 +67,9 @@ my %label = (
 my %graph_suffix = (
- 'invoiced'    => ' (invoiced)', 
+ 'gross'       => ' (invoiced + discounts)', 
  'netsales'    => ' (invoiced - applied credits)',
+ 'discounted'  => ' (discounts)',
  'credits'     => ' (credited)',
  'netcredits'  => ' (applied credits)',
  'payments'    => ' (payments)',
@@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ $graph_label{$_.'_12mo'} = $graph_label{$_}. " (prev 12 months)"
   foreach keys %graph_label;
 my %color = (
-  'invoiced'    => '9999ff', #light blue
+  'gross'       => '9999ff', #light blue
   'netsales'    => '0000cc', #blue
   'credits'     => 'ff9999', #light red
   'netcredits'  => 'cc0000', #red
@@ -94,6 +98,7 @@ my %color = (
   'netrefunds'  => 'ff9900', #orange
   'cashflow'    => '99cc33', #light olive
   'netcashflow' => '339900', #olive
+  'discounted'  => 'cc33cc', #purple-ish?
 $color{$_.'_12mo'} = $color{$_}
   foreach keys %color;
@@ -102,7 +107,7 @@ my $ar = "agentnum=$agentnum;refnum=$refnum";
 $ar .= ";cust_classnum=$_" foreach @classnums;
 my %link = (
-  'invoiced'   => "${p}search/cust_bill.html?$ar;",
+  'gross'      => "${p}search/cust_bill.html?$ar;",
   'netsales'   => "${p}search/cust_bill.html?$ar;net=1;",
   'credits'    => "${p}search/cust_credit.html?$ar;",
   'netcredits' => "${p}search/cust_credit_bill.html?$ar;",
@@ -110,6 +115,7 @@ my %link = (
   'receipts'   => "${p}search/cust_bill_pay.html?$ar;",
   'refunds'    => "${p}search/cust_refund.html?magic=_date;$ar;",
   'netrefunds' => "${p}search/cust_credit_refund.html?$ar;",
+  'discounted' => "${p}search/cust_bill_pkg_discount.html?$ar;",
 # XXX link 12mo?
diff --git a/httemplate/search/cust_bill.html b/httemplate/search/cust_bill.html
index 0820733..6626736 100755
--- a/httemplate/search/cust_bill.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/cust_bill.html
@@ -1,61 +1,82 @@
 <& elements/search.html,
-                 'title'       => emt('Invoice Search Results'),
-                 'html_init'   => $html_init,
-                 'menubar'     => $menubar,
-                 'name'        => 'invoices',
-                 'query'       => $sql_query,
-                 'count_query' => $count_query,
-                 'count_addl'  => $count_addl,
-                 'redirect'    => $link,
-                 'header'      => [ emt('Invoice #'),
-                                    emt('Balance'),
-                                    emt('Net Amount'),
-                                    emt('Gross Amount'),
-                                    emt('Date'),
-                                    FS::UI::Web::cust_header(),
-                                  ],
-                 'fields'      => [
-                   'display_invnum',
-                   sub { sprintf($money_char.'%.2f', shift->get('owed') ) },
-                   sub { sprintf($money_char.'%.2f', shift->get('net') ) },
-                   sub { sprintf($money_char.'%.2f', shift->charged     ) },
-                   sub { time2str('%b %d %Y', shift->_date ) },
-                   \&FS::UI::Web::cust_fields,
-                 ],
-                 'sort_fields' => [
-                   'COALESCE( agent_invid, invnum )',
-                   FS::cust_bill->owed_sql,
-                   FS::cust_bill->net_sql,
-                   'charged',
-                   '_date',
-                 ],
-                 'align' => 'rrrrl'.FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns(),
-                 'links' => [
-                   $link,
-                   $link,
-                   $link,
-                   $link,
-                   $link,
-                   ( map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $clink : '' }
-                         FS::UI::Web::cust_header()
-                   ),
-                 ],
-                 'color' => [ 
-                              '',
-                              '',
-                              '',
-                              '',
-                              '',
-                              FS::UI::Web::cust_colors(),
-                            ],
-                 'style' => [ 
-                              '',
-                              '',
-                              '',
-                              '',
-                              '',
-                              FS::UI::Web::cust_styles(),
-                            ],
+  'title'       => emt('Invoice Search Results'),
+  'html_init'   => $html_init,
+  'menubar'     => $menubar,
+  'name'        => 'invoices',
+  'query'       => $sql_query,
+  'count_query' => $count_query,
+  'count_addl'  => $count_addl,
+  'redirect'    => $link,
+  'header'      => [ emt('Invoice #'),
+                     emt('Gross Amount'),
+                     emt('Discount'),
+                     emt('Credits'),
+                     emt('Net Amount'),
+                     emt('Balance'),
+                     emt('Date'),
+                     FS::UI::Web::cust_header(),
+                   ],
+  'fields'      => [
+    'display_invnum',
+    'gross',
+    'discounted',
+    'credited',
+    'net',
+    'owed',
+    sub { time2str('%b %d %Y', shift->_date ) },
+    \&FS::UI::Web::cust_fields,
+  ],
+  'sort_fields' => [
+    'COALESCE( agent_invid, invnum )',
+    'gross',
+    'discounted',
+    'credited',
+    'net',
+    'owed',
+    '_date',
+  ],
+  'format' => [
+    '',
+    $money_char.'%.2f',
+    $money_char.'%.2f',
+    $money_char.'%.2f',
+    $money_char.'%.2f',
+    $money_char.'%.2f',
+    '',
+  ],
+  'align' => 'rrrrrrl'.FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns(),
+  'links' => [
+    $link,
+    $link,
+    $link,
+    $link,
+    $link,
+    $link,
+    $link,
+    ( map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $clink : '' }
+          FS::UI::Web::cust_header()
+    ),
+  ],
+  'color' => [ 
+               '',
+               '',
+               '',
+               '',
+               '',
+               '',
+               '',
+               FS::UI::Web::cust_colors(),
+             ],
+  'style' => [ 
+               '',
+               '',
+               '',
+               '',
+               '',
+               '',
+               '',
+               FS::UI::Web::cust_styles(),
+             ],
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/search-html.html b/httemplate/search/elements/search-html.html
index d8ab30a..6121aea 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/search-html.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/elements/search-html.html
@@ -377,9 +377,16 @@ $rows => []
 %     my $sizes    = $opt{'size'}  ? [ @{$opt{'size'}}  ] : [];
 %     my $styles   = $opt{'style'} ? [ @{$opt{'style'}} ] : [];
 %     my $cstyles  = $opt{'cell_style'} ? [ @{$opt{'cell_style'}} ] : [];
+%     my $formats  = $opt{'format'} ? [ @{$opt{'format'}} ] : [];
 %     foreach my $field (
+%       # if the value of the field is an arrayref, then construct a table in
+%       # the cell.
+%       # if it's a (non-empty) scalar, and a format has been specified, then
+%       # format the scalar with that.
+%       # otherwise, just output the value.
+%       # XXX we should also do date formats like this
 %       map {
 %             if ( ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
@@ -443,10 +450,17 @@ $rows => []
 %               '</table>';
 %             } else {
+%               if ( length($_) > 0 and my $format = shift @$formats ) {
+%                 $_ = sprintf($format, $_);
+%               }
 %               $_;
 %             }
 %           }
+%       # get the value of the field spec:
+%       # - if the spec is a coderef, evaluate the coderef
+%       # - if the spec is a string, call that string as a method
+%       # - if the spec is an integer, get the field in that position
 %       map {
 %             if ( ref($_) eq 'CODE' ) {
 %               &{$_}($row);
@@ -491,10 +505,6 @@ $rows => []
 %           $tooltip = &{$tooltip}($row)
 %             if ref($tooltip) eq 'CODE';
 %           $tooltip = qq! title="<% $tooltip |h %>"!;
-%#             qq! onmouseover="return overlib(!.
-%#             $m->interp->apply_escapes($tooltip, 'h', 'js_string').
-%#             qq!, FGCLASS, 'tooltip', REF, 'a$id', !.
-%#             qq!REFC, 'LL', REFP, 'UL')"! if $tooltip;
 %           if ( $link ) {
 %             my( $url, $method ) = @{$link};
diff --git a/httemplate/search/report_cust_bill.html b/httemplate/search/report_cust_bill.html
index 3efe830..e80c6e8 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/report_cust_bill.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/report_cust_bill.html
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
       label         => mt('Customer Class'),
       field         => 'cust_classnum',
       multiple      => 1,
-     'pre_options'  => [ '' => emt('(none)') ],
-     'all_selected' => 1,
+     'pre_options'  => [ 0 => emt('(none)') ],


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/Report/Table.pm                       |   30 ++++++
 FS/FS/cust_bill/Search.pm                   |   91 ++++++++++++------
 httemplate/graph/money_time.cgi             |   18 ++--
 httemplate/search/cust_bill.html            |  135 ++++++++++++++++-----------
 httemplate/search/elements/search-html.html |   18 +++-
 httemplate/search/report_cust_bill.html     |    3 +-
 6 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)

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