[freeside-commits] branch FREESIDE_4_BRANCH updated. 617d1718dd13e4015d35710ac9d030ad95ca87cd

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Fri Jun 26 16:28:25 PDT 2015

The branch, FREESIDE_4_BRANCH has been updated
       via  617d1718dd13e4015d35710ac9d030ad95ca87cd (commit)
       via  19cf1288ee86c45fd3607cd2ef04f7612f3f6213 (commit)
      from  da3d875e26263e74e8330e6fafa995bf06fa63db (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 617d1718dd13e4015d35710ac9d030ad95ca87cd
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Fri Jun 26 19:26:34 2015 -0400

    more strict limits on tax-on-tax applicability, #36830

diff --git a/FS/FS/TaxEngine/cch.pm b/FS/FS/TaxEngine/cch.pm
index fb34103..ccfb846 100644
--- a/FS/FS/TaxEngine/cch.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/TaxEngine/cch.pm
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ sub make_taxlines {
   my @raw_taxlines;
   my %taxable_location; # taxable billpkgnum => cust_location
-  my %item_has_tax; # taxable billpkgnum => taxnum
+  my %item_has_tax; # taxable billpkgnum => charge class => taxnum
   foreach my $taxnum ( keys %{ $self->{taxes} } ) {
     my $tax_rate = FS::tax_rate->by_key($taxnum);
     my $taxables = $self->{taxes}{$taxnum};
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ sub make_taxlines {
       # store this tax fragment, indexed by taxable item, then by taxnum
       my $billpkgnum = $link->taxable_billpkgnum;
-      $item_has_tax{$billpkgnum} ||= {};
-      my $fragments = $item_has_tax{$billpkgnum}{$taxnum} ||= [];
+      my $fragments = $item_has_tax{$billpkgnum}{$link->taxclass}{$taxnum}
+                      ||= [];
       push @raw_taxlines, $link; # this will go into final consolidation
       push @$fragments, $link; # this will go into a temporary cust_bill_pkg
@@ -156,48 +156,58 @@ sub make_taxlines {
     # taxes that apply to this item
     my $this_has_tax = $item_has_tax{$billpkgnum};
     my $location = $taxable_location{$billpkgnum};
-    foreach my $taxnum (keys %$this_has_tax) {
-      # $this_has_tax->{$taxnum} = an arrayref of the tax links for taxdef 
-      # $taxnum on taxable item $billpkgnum
-      my $tax_rate = FS::tax_rate->by_key($taxnum);
-      # find all taxes that apply to it in this location
-      my @tot = $tax_rate->tax_on_tax( $location );
-      next if !@tot;
-      warn "found possible taxed taxnum $taxnum\n"
-        if $DEBUG > 2;
-      # Calculate ToT separately for each taxable item, and only if _that 
-      # item_ is already taxed under the ToT.  This is counterintuitive.
-      # See RT#5243.
-      my $temp_lineitem;
-      foreach my $tot (@tot) { 
-        my $totnum = $tot->taxnum;
-        warn "checking taxnum ".$tot->taxnum. 
-             " which we call ". $tot->taxname ."\n"
+    foreach my $charge_class (keys %$this_has_tax) {
+      # taxes that apply to this item and charge class
+      my $this_class_has_tax = $this_has_tax->{$charge_class};
+      foreach my $taxnum (keys %$this_class_has_tax) {
+        my $tax_rate = FS::tax_rate->by_key($taxnum);
+        # find all taxes that apply to it in this location
+        my @tot = $tax_rate->tax_on_tax( $location );
+        next if !@tot;
+        warn "found possible taxed taxnum $taxnum\n"
           if $DEBUG > 2;
-        if ( exists $this_has_tax->{ $totnum } ) {
-          warn "calculating tax on tax: taxnum ".$tot->taxnum." on $taxnum\n"
-            if $DEBUG; 
-          # construct a line item to calculate tax on
-          $temp_lineitem ||= FS::cust_bill_pkg->new({
-              'pkgnum'    => 0,
-              'invnum'    => $cust_bill->invnum,
-              'setup'     => sum(map $_->amount, @{ $this_has_tax->{$taxnum} }),
-              'recur'     => 0,
-              'itemdesc'  => $tax_rate->taxname,
-              'cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location' => $this_has_tax->{$taxnum},
-          });
-          my @new_taxlines = $tot->taxline_cch( [ $temp_lineitem ] );
-          next if (!@new_taxlines); # it didn't apply after all
-          if (!ref($new_taxlines[0])) {
-            die "error evaluating TOT ($totnum on $taxnum): $new_taxlines[0]\n";
-          }
-          # add these to the taxline queue
-          push @raw_taxlines, @new_taxlines;
-        } # if $this_has_tax->{$totnum}
-      } # foreach my $tot (tax-on-tax rate definition)
-    } # foreach $taxnum (first-tier rate definition)
+        # Calculate ToT separately for each taxable item and class, and only
+        # if _that class on the item_ is already taxed under the ToT.  This is
+        # counterintuitive.
+        # See RT#5243 and RT#36380.
+        my $temp_lineitem;
+        foreach my $tot (@tot) { 
+          my $totnum = $tot->taxnum;
+          warn "checking taxnum ".$tot->taxnum. 
+               " which we call ". $tot->taxname ."\n"
+            if $DEBUG > 2;
+         # note: if the _null class_ on this item is taxed under the ToT, 
+         # then this specific class is taxed also (because null class 
+         # includes all classes) and so ToT is applicable.
+         if (
+               exists $this_class_has_tax->{ $totnum }
+            or exists $this_has_tax->{''}{ $totnum }
+         ) {
+            warn "calculating tax on tax: taxnum ".$tot->taxnum." on $taxnum\n"
+              if $DEBUG; 
+            # construct a line item to calculate tax on
+            $temp_lineitem ||= FS::cust_bill_pkg->new({
+                'pkgnum'    => 0,
+                'invnum'    => $cust_bill->invnum,
+                'setup'     => sum(map $_->amount, @{ $this_class_has_tax->{$taxnum} }),
+                'recur'     => 0,
+                'itemdesc'  => $tax_rate->taxname,
+                'cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location' => $this_class_has_tax->{$taxnum},
+            });
+            my @new_taxlines = $tot->taxline_cch( [ $temp_lineitem ] );
+            next if (!@new_taxlines); # it didn't apply after all
+            if (!ref($new_taxlines[0])) {
+              die "error evaluating TOT ($totnum on $taxnum): $new_taxlines[0]\n";
+            }
+            # add these to the taxline queue
+            push @raw_taxlines, @new_taxlines;
+          } # if $this_has_tax->{$totnum}
+        } # foreach my $tot (tax-on-tax rate definition)
+      } # foreach $taxnum (first-tier rate definition)
+    } # foreach $charge_class
   } # foreach $taxable_item
   return @raw_taxlines;
diff --git a/FS/FS/tax_rate.pm b/FS/FS/tax_rate.pm
index 67dd40e..1094968 100644
--- a/FS/FS/tax_rate.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/tax_rate.pm
@@ -398,9 +398,6 @@ method together, and NO items from any other invoice should be included.
-# future optimization: it would probably suffice to return only the link
-# records, and let the consolidation routine build the cust_bill_pkgs
 sub taxline_cch {
   my $self = shift;
   # this used to accept a hash of options but none of them did anything
@@ -581,8 +578,10 @@ sub taxline_cch {
           'taxtype'               => ref($self),
           'cents'                 => $this_tax_cents,
           'locationtaxid'         => $self->location,
+          'taxable_billpkgnum'    => $cust_bill_pkg->billpkgnum,
           'taxable_cust_bill_pkg' => $cust_bill_pkg,
           'taxratelocationnum'    => $taxratelocationnum,
+          'taxclass'              => $class,
       push @tax_links, $tax_link;

commit 19cf1288ee86c45fd3607cd2ef04f7612f3f6213
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Fri Jun 26 15:56:06 2015 -0700

    only try to log activity when there's an authenticated user, #36856

diff --git a/FS/FS/access_user_log.pm b/FS/FS/access_user_log.pm
index 884d250..9e7f7a0 100644
--- a/FS/FS/access_user_log.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/access_user_log.pm
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ Adds a log entry for PATH for the current user and timestamp.
 sub insert_new_path {
   my( $class, $path ) = @_;
+  return '' unless defined $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
   my $self = $class->new( {
     'usernum' => $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->usernum,
     'path'    => $path,


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/TaxEngine/cch.pm   |   98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 FS/FS/access_user_log.pm |    2 +
 FS/FS/tax_rate.pm        |    5 +--
 3 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

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