[freeside-commits] branch FREESIDE_3_BRANCH updated. 828a9903440fddc74b1014ff7b348d09b383d57b
Mark Wells
mark at 420.am
Sun Jul 26 13:40:42 PDT 2015
The branch, FREESIDE_3_BRANCH has been updated
via 828a9903440fddc74b1014ff7b348d09b383d57b (commit)
from ee0976f9722a87ed6166302dfdc687ed3b2b6a8e (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 828a9903440fddc74b1014ff7b348d09b383d57b
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date: Fri Jul 24 18:19:56 2015 -0700
automate RBC payment batch transfer, #35228
diff --git a/FS/FS/Conf.pm b/FS/FS/Conf.pm
index b5d4be6..2e52db7 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Conf.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Conf.pm
@@ -3970,6 +3970,13 @@ and customer address. Include units.',
+ 'key' => 'batchconfig-RBC-login',
+ 'section' => 'billing',
+ 'description' => 'FTPS login for uploading Royal Bank of Canada batches. Two lines: 1. username, 2. password. If not supplied, batches can still be created but not automatically uploaded.',
+ 'type' => 'textarea',
+ },
+ {
'key' => 'batchconfig-td_eft1464',
'section' => 'billing',
'description' => 'Configuration for TD Bank EFT1464 batching, seven lines: 1. Originator ID, 2. Datacenter Code, 3. Short name, 4. Long name, 5. Returned payment branch number, 6. Returned payment account, 7. Transaction code.',
diff --git a/FS/FS/pay_batch.pm b/FS/FS/pay_batch.pm
index 364e7f6..31bca2b 100644
--- a/FS/FS/pay_batch.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/pay_batch.pm
@@ -223,7 +223,9 @@ foreach my $INC (@INC) {
=item import_results OPTION => VALUE, ...
-Import batch results.
+Import batch results. Can be called as an instance method, if you want to
+automatically adjust status on a specific batch, or a class method, if you
+don't know which batch(es) the results apply to.
Options are:
@@ -294,6 +296,8 @@ sub import_results {
my $declined_condition = $info->{'declined'};
my $close_condition = $info->{'close_condition'};
+ my %target_batches; # batches that had at least one payment updated
my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS;
local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
@@ -307,13 +311,17 @@ sub import_results {
local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
my $dbh = dbh;
- my $reself = $self->select_for_update;
+ if ( ref($self) ) {
+ # if called on a specific pay_batch, check the status of that batch
+ # before continuing
+ my $reself = $self->select_for_update;
- if ( $reself->status ne 'I'
- and !$conf->exists('batch-manual_approval') ) {
- $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
- return "batchnum ". $self->batchnum. "no longer in transit";
- }
+ if ( $reself->status ne 'I'
+ and !$conf->exists('batch-manual_approval') ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return "batchnum ". $self->batchnum. "no longer in transit";
+ }
+ } # otherwise we can't enforce this constraint. sorry.
my $total = 0;
my $line;
@@ -359,6 +367,7 @@ sub import_results {
push @all_values, \@values;
elsif ($filetype eq 'variable') {
+ # no longer used
my @values = ( eval { $parse->($self, $line) } );
if( $@ ) {
$dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
@@ -418,6 +427,9 @@ sub import_results {
unless ( $cust_pay_batch ) {
return "unknown paybatchnum $hash{'paybatchnum'}\n";
+ # remember that we've touched this batch
+ $target_batches{ $cust_pay_batch->batchnum } = 1;
my $custnum = $cust_pay_batch->custnum,
my $payby = $cust_pay_batch->payby,
@@ -457,21 +469,25 @@ sub import_results {
} # foreach (@all_values)
- my $close = 1;
- if ( defined($close_condition) ) {
- # Allow the module to decide whether to close the batch.
- # $close_condition can also die() to abort the whole import.
- $close = eval { $close_condition->($self) };
- if ( $@ ) {
- $dbh->rollback;
- die $@;
+ # decide whether to close batches that had payments posted
+ foreach my $batchnum (keys %target_batches) {
+ my $pay_batch = FS::pay_batch->by_key($batchnum);
+ my $close = 1;
+ if ( defined($close_condition) ) {
+ # Allow the module to decide whether to close the batch.
+ # $close_condition can also die() to abort the whole import.
+ $close = eval { $close_condition->($pay_batch) };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ $dbh->rollback;
+ die $@;
+ }
- }
- if ( $close ) {
- my $error = $self->set_status('R');
- if ( $error ) {
- $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
- return $error;
+ if ( $close ) {
+ my $error = $pay_batch->set_status('R');
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-rbc-download b/FS/bin/freeside-rbc-download
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..376b839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-rbc-download
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Date::Format qw(time2str);
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir); #0.19 for ->newdir() interface, not in 5.10.0
+use Net::FTPSSL;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup dbh);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+use FS::pay_batch;
+use FS::Conf;
+use vars qw( $opt_v $opt_a $opt_f );
+#$Net::SFTP::Foreign::debug = -1;
+sub usage { "
+ Usage:
+ freeside-rbc-download [ -v ] [ -a archivedir ] [ -f filename ] user\n
+" }
+sub debug {
+ print STDERR $_[0] if $opt_v;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+$FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+my $dbh = dbh;
+if ( $opt_a ) {
+ die "no such directory: $opt_a\n"
+ unless -d $opt_a;
+ die "archive directory $opt_a is not writable by the freeside user\n"
+ unless -w $opt_a;
+my $tmpdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); #DIR=>somewhere?
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my ($username, $password) = $conf->config('batchconfig-RBC-login');
+$username and $password
+ or die "RBC FTP login not configured. Enter your username and password in 'batchconfig-rbc-login'.\n";
+my $host = 'ftpssl.rbc.com';
+debug "Connecting to $username\@$host...\n";
+my $ftp = Net::FTPSSL->new($host,
+ Timeout => 30,
+ Debug => ($opt_v ? 1 : 0),
+ Croak => 1, # rely on auto-rollback when dbh closes
+ );
+$ftp->login($username, $password);
+# directory layout:
+# ~/ # upload to here
+# ~/inbound
+# ~/inbound/valid # batches move here while being processed
+# ~/outbound
+# ~/outbound/XXXX # string of four characters; results arrive here
+for my $dir ( $ftp->nlst ) {
+ debug "Entering outbound/$dir\n";
+ $ftp->cwd($dir);
+ FILE: for my $filename ( $ftp->nlst ) {
+ debug "$filename...";
+ # filenames look like "RPT9999X.111".
+ # 9999 is the four-digit report type
+ # X is "P" for production or "T" for test
+ # 111 is the sequential file number
+ if ( $opt_f ) {
+ if ( $filename ne $opt_f ) {
+ debug "is not the requested file.\n";
+ next FILE;
+ }
+ # -f can be used to download/process any file, even one that doesn't fit
+ # the naming rule (e.g. those that are already downloaded).
+ } elsif ( $filename =~ /^RPT(\d{4})[PT]\.\d{3}$/ ) {
+ # fallthrough; don't currently reject files based on RPT type, because
+ # our parser should be able to figure it out
+ } else {
+ debug "skipped.\n";
+ next FILE;
+ }
+ debug "downloading.\n";
+ $ftp->get($filename, "$tmpdir/$filename");
+ #copy to archive dir
+ if ( $opt_a ) {
+ debug "Copying to archive dir $opt_a\n";
+ system 'cp', "$tmpdir/$filename", $opt_a;
+ warn "failed to copy $tmpdir/$filename to $opt_a: $!\n" if $!;
+ }
+ debug "Processing batch...";
+ open(my $fh, '<', "$tmpdir/$filename")
+ or die "couldn't read temp file: $!\n";
+ my $error = FS::pay_batch->import_results(
+ filehandle => $fh,
+ format => 'RBC',
+ );
+ if ( $error ) {
+ die "Processing $filename failed:\n$error\n\n";
+ }
+ debug "done.\n";
+ } # FILE
+ $ftp->cdup();
+} # $dir
+debug "Finished.\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-rbc-download - Retrieve payment batch responses from RBC.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-rbc-download [ -v ] [ -f filename ] [ -a archivedir ] user
+Command line tool to download payment batch responses from the Royal Bank of
+Canada ACH service. These files are fixed-width data files containing some
+combination of valid, returned, or reversed payment records.
+By default, the script will download any files with names like "RPT9999X.111"
+where 9999 is a four-digit document type code (like "0900", all records), X is
+the letter "P" for production or "T" for test mode, and 111 is a counter
+incremented with each new response file. After the files are downloaded, RBC's
+server will automatically rename them with the suffix '.downloaded%FTPS' to
+avoid double-processing them.
+-v: Be verbose.
+-f filename: Download a file with a specific name, instead of all files
+matching the pattern. This can be used to reprocess a specific file.
+-a directory: Archive the files in the specified directory.
+user: freeside username
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-rbc-upload b/FS/bin/freeside-rbc-upload
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5250102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-rbc-upload
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use DateTime;
+use Net::FTPSSL;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::Slurp 'write_file';
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup dbh);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+use FS::pay_batch;
+use FS::Conf;
+use vars qw( $opt_a $opt_v $opt_p );
+sub usage { "
+ Usage:
+ freeside-rbc-upload [ -v ] user batchnum
+ freeside-rbc-upload -a [ -p payby ] [ -v ] user\n
+" }
+sub debug {
+ print STDERR $_[0] if $opt_v;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+my @batches;
+# copied from freeside-paymentech-upload, obviously
+if($opt_a) {
+ my %criteria = (status => 'O');
+ $criteria{'payby'} = uc($opt_p) if $opt_p;
+ @batches = qsearch('pay_batch', \%criteria);
+ die "No open batches found".($opt_p ? " of type '$opt_p'" : '').".\n"
+ if !@batches;
+else {
+ my $batchnum = shift;
+ die &usage if !$batchnum;
+ @batches = qsearchs('pay_batch', { batchnum => $batchnum } );
+ die "Can't find payment batch '$batchnum'\n" if !@batches;
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my ($username, $password) = $conf->config('batchconfig-RBC-login');
+$username and $password
+ or die "RBC FTP login not configured. Enter your username and password in 'batchconfig-rbc-login'.\n";
+my $host = 'ftpssl.rbc.com';
+debug "Connecting to $username\@$host...\n";
+my $date = DateTime->now->strftime('%Y%m%d');
+my $ftp = Net::FTPSSL->new($host,
+ Timeout => 30,
+ Debug => ($opt_v ? 1 : 0),
+ Croak => 1, # rely on auto-rollback when dbh closes
+ );
+$ftp->login($username, $password);
+my $tmpdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+foreach my $pay_batch (@batches) {
+ my $batchnum = $pay_batch->batchnum;
+ my $filename = $date . '.' . sprintf('%06d', $batchnum);
+ debug "Exporting batch $batchnum to $filename\n";
+ my $text = $pay_batch->export_batch(format => 'RBC');
+ write_file("$tmpdir/$filename", $text);
+ debug "Uploading $filename...";
+ $ftp->put("$tmpdir/$filename", $filename);
+ debug "done.\n";
+debug "Finished.\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-rbc-upload - Transmit a payment batch to RBC via FTP/TLS.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-rbc-upload [ -a [ -p PAYBY ] ] [ -v ] user batchnum
+Command line tool to upload a payment batch to the Royal Bank of Canada
+ACH service. Use L<freeside-rbc-download> to retrieve the response file.
+-a: Send all open batches, instead of specifying a batchnum.
+-p PAYBY: With -a, limit to batches of that payment type, e.g. -p CARD.
+-v: Be verbose.
+user: freeside username
+batchnum: pay_batch primary key
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
Summary of changes:
FS/FS/Conf.pm | 7 ++
FS/FS/pay_batch.pm | 58 +++++++++------
FS/bin/freeside-rbc-download | 160 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
FS/bin/freeside-rbc-upload | 115 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 FS/bin/freeside-rbc-download
create mode 100755 FS/bin/freeside-rbc-upload
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