[freeside-commits] branch master updated. bb3b0a3d1854fdf8e6de9038cea3f73ac4f9d817
Mark Wells
mark at 420.am
Sun Feb 8 14:19:27 PST 2015
The branch, master has been updated
via bb3b0a3d1854fdf8e6de9038cea3f73ac4f9d817 (commit)
from 4a9c7f72502c7d39e04c6d810b98000d3caab715 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit bb3b0a3d1854fdf8e6de9038cea3f73ac4f9d817
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date: Sun Feb 8 14:18:46 2015 -0800
paste into masked input fields, #26012
diff --git a/httemplate/elements/masked_input_1.1.js b/httemplate/elements/masked_input_1.1.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 05efa77..0000000
--- a/httemplate/elements/masked_input_1.1.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- Masked Input version 1.1
-Author: Kendall Conrad
-Home page: http://www.angelwatt.com/coding/masked_input.php
-Created: 2008-12-16
-Modified: 2010-04-14
-License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
- 3.0 United States License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/
-Argument pieces:
-- elm: [req] text input node to apply the mask on
-- format: [req] string format for the mask
-- allowed: [opt, '0123456789'] string with chars allowed to be typed
-- sep: [opt, '\/:-'] string of char(s) used as separators in mask
-- typeon: [opt, '_YMDhms'] string of chars in mask that can be typed on
-- onbadkey: [opt, null] function to run when user types a unallowed key
-- badkeywait: [opt, 0] used with onbadkey. Indicates how long (in ms) to lock
- text input for onbadkey function to run
-function MaskedInput(args)
- if (args['elm'] === null || args['format'] === null) { return false; }
- var el = args['elm'],
- format = args['format'],
- allowed = args['allowed'] || '0123456789',
- sep = args['separator'] || '\/:-',
- open = args['typeon'] || '_YMDhms',
- onbadkey = args['onbadkey'] || function(){},
- badwait = args['badkeywait'] || 0;
- var locked = false, hold = 0;
- el.value = format;
- // Assign events
- el.onkeydown = KeyHandlerDown; //
- el.onkeypress = KeyHandlerPress; // add event handlers to element
- el.onkeyup = KeyHandlerUp; //
- function GetKey(code)
- {
- code = code || window.event, ch = '';
- var keyCode = code.which, evt = code.type;
- if (keyCode == null) { keyCode = code.keyCode; }
- if (keyCode === null) { return ''; } // no key, no play
- // deal with special keys
- switch (keyCode) {
- case 8: ch = 'bksp'; break;
- case 46: // handle del and . both being 46
- ch = (evt == 'keydown') ? 'del' : '.'; break;
- case 16: ch = 'shift'; break;//shift
- case 0:/*CRAP*/ case 9:/*TAB*/ case 13:/*ENTER*/
- ch = 'etc'; break;
- case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40: // arrow keys
- ch = (!code.shiftKey &&
- (code.charCode != 39 && code.charCode !== undefined)) ?
- 'etc' : String.fromCharCode(keyCode);
- break;
- // default to thinking it's a character or digit
- default: ch = String.fromCharCode(keyCode);
- }
- return ch;
- }
- function KeyHandlerDown(e)
- {
- e = e || event;
- if (locked) { return false; }
- var key = GetKey(e);
- if (el.value == '') { el.value = format; SetTextCursor(el,0); }
- // Only do update for bksp del
- if (key == 'bksp' || key == 'del') { Update(key); return false; }
- else if (key == 'etc' || key == 'shift') { return true; }
- else { return true; }
- }
- function KeyHandlerPress(e)
- {
- e = e || event;
- if (locked) { return false; }
- var key = GetKey(e);
- // Check if modifier key is being pressed; command
- if (key=='etc' || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) { return true; }
- if (key != 'bksp' && key != 'del' && key != 'etc' && key != 'shift') {
- if (!GoodOnes(key)) { return false; }
- return Update(key);
- }
- else { return false; }
- }
- function KeyHandlerUp(e) { hold = 0; }
- function Update(key)
- {
- var p = GetTextCursor(el), c = el.value, val = '';
- // Handle keys now
- switch (true) {
- case (allowed.indexOf(key) != -1):
- if (++p > format.length) { return false; } // if text csor at end
- // Handle cases where user places csor before separator
- while (sep.indexOf(c.charAt(p-1)) != -1 && p <= format.length) { p++; }
- val = c.substr(0, p-1) + key + c.substr(p);
- // Move csor up a spot if next char is a separator char
- if (allowed.indexOf(c.charAt(p)) == -1
- && open.indexOf(c.charAt(p)) == -1) { p++; }
- break;
- case (key=='bksp'): // backspace
- if (--p < 0) return false; // at start of field
- // If previous char is a separator, move a little more
- while (allowed.indexOf(c.charAt(p)) == -1
- && open.indexOf(c.charAt(p)) == -1
- && p > 1) { p--; }
- val = c.substr(0, p) + format.substr(p,1) + c.substr(p+1);
- break;
- case (key=='del'): // forward delete
- if (p >= c.length) { return false; } // at end of field
- // If next char is a separator and not the end of the text field
- while (sep.indexOf(c.charAt(p)) != -1
- && c.charAt(p) != '') { p++; }
- val = c.substr(0, p) + format.substr(p,1) + c.substr(p+1);
- p++; // Move position forward
- break;
- case (key=='etc'): return true; // Catch other allowed chars
- default: return false; // Ignore the rest
- }
- el.value = ''; // blank it first (Firefox issue)
- el.value = val; // put updated value back in
- SetTextCursor(el, p); // Set the text cursor
- return false;
- }
- function GetTextCursor(node)
- {
- try {
- if (node.selectionStart >= 0) { return node.selectionStart; }
- else if (document.selection) {// IE
- var ntxt = node.value; // getting starting text
- var rng = document.selection.createRange();
- rng.text = '|%|';
- var start = node.value.indexOf('|%|');
- rng.moveStart('character', -3);
- rng.text = '';
- // put starting text back in,
- // fixes issue if all text was highlighted
- node.value = ntxt;
- return start;
- } return -1;
- } catch(e) { return false; }
- }
- function SetTextCursor(node, pos)
- {
- try {
- if (node.selectionStart) {
- node.focus();
- node.setSelectionRange(pos,pos);
- }
- else if (node.createTextRange) { // IE
- var rng = node.createTextRange();
- rng.move('character', pos);
- rng.select();
- }
- } catch(e) { return false; }
- }
- function GoodOnes(k)
- {
- if (allowed.indexOf(k) == -1 && k!='bksp' && k!='del' && k!='etc') {
- var p = GetTextCursor(el); // Need to ensure cursor position not lost
- locked = true; onbadkey();
- // Hold lock long enough for onbadkey function to run
- setTimeout(function(){locked=false; SetTextCursor(el,p);}, badwait);
- return false;
- } return true;
- }
- function resetField() {
- el.value = format;
- }
- function setAllowed(a) {
- allowed = a;
- resetField();
- }
- function setFormat(f) {
- format = f;
- resetField();
- }
- function setSeparator(s) {
- sep = s;
- resetField();
- }
- function setTypeon(t) {
- open = t;
- resetField();
- }
- return {
- resetField:resetField,
- setAllowed:setAllowed,
- setFormat:setFormat,
- setSeparator:setSeparator,
- setTypeon:setTypeon
- }
diff --git a/httemplate/elements/masked_input_1.3.js b/httemplate/elements/masked_input_1.3.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54e38ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/elements/masked_input_1.3.js
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+ * AW Masked Input
+ * @version 1.3
+ * @author Kendall Conrad
+ * @url http://www.angelwatt.com/coding/masked_input.php
+ * @created 2008-12-16
+ * @modified 2013-08-19
+ * @license This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
+ * Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License
+ * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/
+ *
+ * @param scope The object to attach MaskedInput to.
+ */
+(function(scope) {
+ 'use strict';
+ /**
+ * MaskedInput takes many possible arguments described below.
+ * Note: req = required, opt = optional
+ * @param {object} args {
+ * -elm [req] text input node to apply the mask on
+ * -format [req] string format for the mask
+ * -allowed [opt, '0123456789'] string with chars allowed to be typed
+ * -sep [opt, '\/:-'] string of char(s) used as separators in mask
+ * -typeon [opt, '_YMDhms'] string of chars in mask that can be typed on
+ * -onfilled [opt, null] function to run when the format is filled in
+ * -onbadkey [opt, null] function to run when user types a unallowed key
+ * -badkeywait [opt, 0] used with onbadkey. Indicates how long (in ms)
+ * to lock text input for onbadkey function to run
+ * -preserve [opt, true] whether to preserve existing text in
+ * field during init.
+ * }
+ * @returns MaskedInput
+ */
+ scope.MaskedInput = function(args) {
+ // Ensure passing in valid argument
+ if (!args || !args.elm || !args.format) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Ensure use of 'new'
+ if (!(this instanceof scope.MaskedInput)) {
+ return new scope.MaskedInput(args);
+ }
+ // Initialize variables
+ var self = this,
+ el = args.elm,
+ format = args.format,
+ allowed = args.allowed || '0123456789',
+ sep = args.separator || '\/:-',
+ open = args.typeon || '_YMDhms',
+ onbadkey = args.onbadkey || function() {},
+ onfilled = args.onfilled || function() {},
+ badwait = args.badkeywait || 0,
+ preserve = args.hasOwnProperty('preserve') ? !!args.preserve : true,
+ // ----
+ enabled = true,
+ locked = false,
+ startText = format,
+ /**
+ * Add events to objects.
+ */
+ evtAdd = (function() {
+ if (window.addEventListener) {
+ return function(obj, type, fx, capture) {
+ obj.addEventListener(type, fx,
+ (capture === undefined) ? false : capture);
+ };
+ }
+ if (window.attachEvent) {
+ return function(obj, type, fx) {
+ obj.attachEvent('on' + type, fx);
+ };
+ }
+ return function(obj, type, fx) {
+ obj['on' + type] = fx;
+ };
+ }()),
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the format has been completely filled out.
+ * @return boolean if all typeon chars have been filled.
+ */
+ isFilled = function() {
+ // Check if any typeon characters are left
+ // Work from end of string as it's usually last filled
+ for (var a = el.value.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
+ // Check against each typeon character
+ for (var c = 0, d = open.length; c < d; c++) {
+ // If one matches we don't need to check anymore
+ if (el.value[a] === open[c]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the current position of the text cursor in a text field.
+ * @param node a input or textarea HTML node.
+ * @return int text cursor position index, or -1 if there was a problem.
+ */
+ getTextCursor = function(node) {
+ try {
+ node.focus();
+ if (node.selectionStart >= 0) {
+ return node.selectionStart;
+ }
+ if (document.selection) {// IE
+ var rng = document.selection.createRange();
+ return -rng.moveStart('character', -node.value.length);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets the text cursor in a text field to a specific position.
+ * @param node a input or textarea HTML node.
+ * @param pos int of the position to be placed.
+ * @return boolean true is successful, false otherwise.
+ */
+ setTextCursor = function(node, pos) {
+ try {
+ if (node.selectionStart) {
+ node.focus();
+ node.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
+ }
+ else if (node.createTextRange) { // IE
+ var rng = node.createTextRange();
+ rng.move('character', pos);
+ rng.select();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Gets the keyboard input in usable way.
+ * @param code integer character code
+ * @return string representing character code
+ */
+ getKey = function(code) {
+ code = code || window.event;
+ var ch = '',
+ keyCode = code.which,
+ evt = code.type;
+ if (keyCode === undefined || keyCode === null) {
+ keyCode = code.keyCode;
+ }
+ // no key, no play
+ if (keyCode === undefined || keyCode === null) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ // deal with special keys
+ switch (keyCode) {
+ case 8:
+ ch = 'bksp';
+ break;
+ case 46: // handle del and . both being 46
+ ch = (evt === 'keydown') ? 'del' : '.';
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ ch = 'shift';
+ break;
+ case 0: /*CRAP*/
+ case 9: /*TAB*/
+ case 13:/*ENTER*/
+ ch = 'etc';
+ break;
+ case 37:
+ case 38:
+ case 39:
+ case 40: // arrow keys
+ ch = (!code.shiftKey &&
+ (code.charCode !== 39 && code.charCode !== undefined)) ?
+ 'etc' : String.fromCharCode(keyCode);
+ break;
+ // default to thinking it's a character or digit
+ default:
+ ch = String.fromCharCode(keyCode);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ch;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Stop the event propogation chain.
+ * @param evt Event to stop
+ * @param ret boolean, used for IE to prevent default event
+ */
+ stopEvent = function(evt, ret) {
+ // Stop default behavior the standard way
+ if (evt.preventDefault) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ // Then there's IE
+ evt.returnValue = ret || false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Updates the text field with the given key.
+ * @param key string keyboard input.
+ */
+ update = function(key) {
+ var p = getTextCursor(el),
+ c = el.value,
+ val = '',
+ cond = true;
+ // Handle keys now
+ switch (cond) {
+ // Allowed characters
+ case (allowed.indexOf(key) !== -1):
+ p = p + 1;
+ // if text cursor at end
+ if (p > format.length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Handle cases where user places cursor before separator
+ while (sep.indexOf(c.charAt(p - 1)) !== -1 && p <= format.length) {
+ p = p + 1;
+ }
+ val = c.substr(0, p - 1) + key + c.substr(p);
+ // Move csor up a spot if next char is a separator char
+ if (allowed.indexOf(c.charAt(p)) === -1
+ && open.indexOf(c.charAt(p)) === -1) {
+ p = p + 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case (key === 'bksp'): // backspace
+ p = p - 1;
+ // at start of field
+ if (p < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If previous char is a separator, move a little more
+ while (allowed.indexOf(c.charAt(p)) === -1
+ && open.indexOf(c.charAt(p)) === -1
+ && p > 1) {
+ p = p - 1;
+ }
+ val = c.substr(0, p) + format.substr(p, 1) + c.substr(p + 1);
+ break;
+ case (key === 'del'): // forward delete
+ // at end of field
+ if (p >= c.length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If next char is a separator and not the end of the text field
+ while (sep.indexOf(c.charAt(p)) !== -1
+ && c.charAt(p) !== '') {
+ p = p + 1;
+ }
+ val = c.substr(0, p) + format.substr(p, 1) + c.substr(p + 1);
+ p = p + 1; // Move position forward
+ break;
+ case (key === 'etc'):
+ // Catch other allowed chars
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false; // Ignore the rest
+ }
+ el.value = ''; // blank it first (Firefox issue)
+ el.value = val; // put updated value back in
+ setTextCursor(el, p); // Set the text cursor
+ return false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns whether or not a given input is valid for the mask.
+ * @param k string of character to check.
+ * @return bool true if it's a valid character.
+ */
+ goodOnes = function(k) {
+ // if not in allowed list, or invisible key action
+ if (allowed.indexOf(k) === -1 && k !== 'bksp' && k !== 'del' && k !== 'etc') {
+ // Need to ensure cursor position not lost
+ var p = getTextCursor(el);
+ locked = true;
+ onbadkey(k);
+ // Hold lock long enough for onbadkey function to run
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ locked = false;
+ setTextCursor(el, p);
+ }, badwait);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Handles the key down events.
+ * @param e Event
+ */
+ keyHandlerDown = function(e) {
+ if (!enabled) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (locked) {
+ stopEvent(e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ e = e || event;
+ var key = getKey(e);
+ // Stop copy and paste
+ if ((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && (key === 'X' || key === 'V')) {
+ stopEvent(e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Allow for OS commands
+ if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (el.value === '') {
+ el.value = format;
+ setTextCursor(el, 0);
+ }
+ // Only do update for bksp del
+ if (key === 'bksp' || key === 'del') {
+ update(key);
+ stopEvent(e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Handles the key press events.
+ * @param e Event
+ */
+ keyHandlerPress = function(e) {
+ if (!enabled) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (locked) {
+ stopEvent(e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ e = e || event;
+ var key = getKey(e);
+ // Check if modifier key is being pressed; command
+ if (key === 'etc' || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (key !== 'bksp' && key !== 'del' && key !== 'shift') {
+ if (!goodOnes(key)) {
+ stopEvent(e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (update(key)) {
+ if (isFilled()) {
+ onfilled();
+ }
+ stopEvent(e, true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (isFilled()) {
+ onfilled();
+ }
+ stopEvent(e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initialize the object.
+ */
+ init = function() {
+ // Check if an input or textarea tag was passed in
+ if (!el.tagName || (el.tagName.toUpperCase() !== 'INPUT'
+ && el.tagName.toUpperCase() !== 'TEXTAREA')) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Only place formatted text in field when not preserving
+ // text or it's empty.
+ if (!preserve || el.value === '') {
+ el.value = format;
+ }
+ // Assign events
+ evtAdd(el, 'keydown', function(e) {
+ keyHandlerDown(e);
+ });
+ evtAdd(el, 'keypress', function(e) {
+ keyHandlerPress(e);
+ });
+ // Let us set the initial text state when focused
+ evtAdd(el, 'focus', function() {
+ startText = el.value;
+ });
+ // Handle onChange event manually
+ evtAdd(el, 'blur', function() {
+ if (el.value !== startText && el.onchange) {
+ el.onchange();
+ }
+ });
+ return self;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Resets the text field so just the format is present.
+ */
+ self.resetField = function() {
+ el.value = format;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Set the allowed characters that can be used in the mask.
+ * @param a string of characters that can be used.
+ */
+ self.setAllowed = function(a) {
+ allowed = a;
+ self.resetField();
+ };
+ /**
+ * The format to be used in the mask.
+ * @param f string of the format.
+ */
+ self.setFormat = function(f) {
+ format = f;
+ self.resetField();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Set the characters to be used as separators.
+ * @param s string representing the separator characters.
+ */
+ self.setSeparator = function(s) {
+ sep = s;
+ self.resetField();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Set the characters that the user will be typing over.
+ * @param t string representing the characters that will be typed over.
+ */
+ self.setTypeon = function(t) {
+ open = t;
+ self.resetField();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets whether the mask is active.
+ */
+ self.setEnabled = function(enable) {
+ enabled = enable;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Local change for Freeside: sets the content of the field,
+ * respecting formatting rules
+ */
+ self.setValue = function(value) {
+ self.resetField();
+ setTextCursor(el, 0);
+ var i = 0; // index in value
+ while (i < value.length && !isFilled()) {
+ update(value[i]);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ return init();
+ };
diff --git a/httemplate/elements/tr-input-mask.html b/httemplate/elements/tr-input-mask.html
index 19942b5..fdd2096 100644
--- a/httemplate/elements/tr-input-mask.html
+++ b/httemplate/elements/tr-input-mask.html
@@ -1,52 +1,62 @@
% if ( !$init ) {
-<script type="text/javascript" src="<%$p%>elements/masked_input_1.1.js">
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<%$p%>elements/masked_input_1.3.js">
% $init++;
% }
<& /elements/tr-input-text.html, id => $id, @_ &>
<script type="text/javascript">
<&| /elements/onload.js &>
- elm: document.getElementById('<%$id%>'),
+var el = document.getElementById('<%$id%>');
+el.MaskedInput = window.MaskedInput({
+ elm: el,
format: '<% $opt{format} %>',
<% $opt{allowed} ? "allowed: '$opt{allowed}'," : '' %>
<% $opt{typeon} ? "typeon: '$opt{typeon}'," : '' %>
-document.getElementById('<%$id%>').value = <% $value |js_string %>;
+el.value = <% $value |js_string %>;
% if ( $clipboard_hack ) {
-var t = document.getElementById('<% $id %>');
var container = document.getElementById('<%$id%>_clipboard');
-var KeyHandlerDown = t.onkeydown
-t.onkeydown = function(e) {
- if (typeof(e) == 'undefined') {
- // ie8 hack
- e = event;
- }
+var KeyDownHandler = function(e) {
+ e = e || event; // IE8
// intercept ctrl-c and ctrl-x
// and cmd-c and cmd-x on mac
- // when text is selected
if ( ( e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ) ) {
- // do the dance
- var separators = /[\\/:-]/g;
- var s = t.value.substr(t.selectionStart, t.selectionEnd);
- if ( s ) {
- container.value = s.replace(separators, '');
- container.previous = t;
- container.focus();
- container.select();
- return true;
+ // grab contents of the field, strip out delimiters and copy to container,
+ // and select its contents so that the next "ctrl-c" copies it
+ el.select(); // just a visual hint to the user
+ var reject = /[^A-Za-z0-9]/g;
+ container.value = el.value.replace(reject, '');
+ container.focus();
+ container.select();
+ // don't confuse the maskedinput key handlers by letting them see this
+ if (e.stopImmediatePropagation) {
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ } else {
+ // IE8
+ e.returnValue = false;
+ e.cancelBubble = true;
- return KeyHandlerDown.call(t, e);
-container.onkeyup = function(e) {
- if ( container.previous ) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- //container.previous.value = container.value;
- container.previous.focus();
- }, 10);
- }
+var KeyUpHandler = function(e) {
+ e = e || event;
+ setTimeout( function() { el.focus() } , 10);
return true;
+var PasteHandler = function(e) {
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ el.MaskedInput.setValue(container.value);
+ }, 10);
+if ( el.addEventListener ) {
+ el.addEventListener('keydown', KeyDownHandler);
+ container.addEventListener('keyup', KeyUpHandler);
+ container.addEventListener('paste', PasteHandler);
+} else if ( el.attachEvent ) {
+ el.attachEvent('onkeydown', KeyDownHandler);
+ container.attachEvent('onkeyup', KeyUpHandler);
+ container.attachEvent('onpaste', PasteHandler);
% } # clipboard hack
Summary of changes:
httemplate/elements/masked_input_1.1.js | 195 -------------
httemplate/elements/masked_input_1.3.js | 462 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
httemplate/elements/tr-input-mask.html | 68 +++--
3 files changed, 501 insertions(+), 224 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 httemplate/elements/masked_input_1.1.js
create mode 100644 httemplate/elements/masked_input_1.3.js
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