[freeside-commits] branch FREESIDE_3_BRANCH updated. b4cbc3a5ceeb64f3671e5b1be70a331d6af3fe69

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Tue Nov 4 13:57:57 PST 2014

The branch, FREESIDE_3_BRANCH has been updated
       via  b4cbc3a5ceeb64f3671e5b1be70a331d6af3fe69 (commit)
      from  df8fe44f26084604b3a58a47651840b30bdff533 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b4cbc3a5ceeb64f3671e5b1be70a331d6af3fe69
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Tue Nov 4 13:56:12 2014 -0800

    bring new tax liability report to 3.x, #25935, #26589, #27698

diff --git a/FS/FS/Mason.pm b/FS/FS/Mason.pm
index 660ae25..b9a45e9 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Mason.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Mason.pm
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ if ( -e $addl_handler_use_file ) {
   use FS::Report::Table;
   use FS::Report::Table::Monthly;
   use FS::Report::Table::Daily;
+  use FS::Report::Tax;
   use FS::TicketSystem;
   use FS::NetworkMonitoringSystem;
   use FS::Tron qw( tron_lint );
diff --git a/FS/FS/Report/Tax.pm b/FS/FS/Report/Tax.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f53414b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/Report/Tax.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+package FS::Report::Tax;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($DEBUG);
+use FS::Record qw(dbh qsearch qsearchs);
+use Date::Format qw( time2str );
+use Data::Dumper;
+$DEBUG = 2;
+=item report_internal OPTIONS
+Constructor.  Generates a tax report using the internal tax rate system 
+Required parameters:
+- beginning, ending: the date range as Unix timestamps.
+- taxname: the name of the tax (corresponds to C<cust_bill_pkg.itemdesc>).
+- country: the country code.
+Optional parameters:
+- agentnum: limit to this agentnum.num.
+- breakdown: hashref of the fields to group by.  Keys can be 'city', 'district',
+  'pkgclass', or 'taxclass'; values should be true.
+- debug: sets the debug level.  1 will warn the data collected for the report;
+  2 will also warn all of the SQL statements.
+sub report_internal {
+  my $class = shift;
+  my %opt = @_;
+  $DEBUG ||= $opt{debug};
+  my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+  my($beginning, $ending) = @opt{'beginning', 'ending'};
+  my ($taxname, $country, %breakdown);
+  # purify taxname properly here, as we're going to include it in lots of 
+  # SQL statements using single quotes only
+  if ( $opt{taxname} =~ /^([\w\s]+)$/ ) {
+    $taxname = $1;
+  } else {
+    die "taxname required"; # UI prevents this
+  }
+  if ( $opt{country} =~ /^(\w\w)$/ ) {
+    $country = $1;
+  } else {
+    die "country required";
+  }
+  # %breakdown: short name => field identifier
+  %breakdown = (
+    'taxclass'  => 'cust_main_county.taxclass',
+    'pkgclass'  => 'part_pkg.classnum',
+    'city'      => 'cust_main_county.city',
+    'district'  => 'cust_main_county.district',
+    'state'     => 'cust_main_county.state',
+    'county'    => 'cust_main_county.county',
+  );
+  foreach (qw(taxclass pkgclass city district)) {
+    delete $breakdown{$_} unless $opt{breakdown}->{$_};
+  }
+  my $join_cust =     '      JOIN cust_bill     USING ( invnum  )
+                        LEFT JOIN cust_main     USING ( custnum ) ';
+  my $join_cust_pkg = $join_cust.
+                      ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg      USING ( pkgnum  )
+                        LEFT JOIN part_pkg      USING ( pkgpart ) ';
+  my $from_join_cust_pkg = " FROM cust_bill_pkg $join_cust_pkg "; 
+  # all queries MUST be linked to both cust_bill and cust_main_county
+  # Either or both of these can be used to link cust_bill_pkg to 
+  # cust_main_county. This one links a taxed line item (billpkgnum) to a tax rate
+  # (taxnum), and gives the amount of tax charged on that line item under that
+  # rate (as tax_amount).
+  my $pkg_tax = "SELECT SUM(amount) as tax_amount, taxnum, ".
+    "taxable_billpkgnum AS billpkgnum ".
+    "FROM cust_bill_pkg_tax_location JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum) ".
+    "GROUP BY taxable_billpkgnum, taxnum";
+  # This one links a tax-exempted line item (billpkgnum) to a tax rate (taxnum),
+  # and gives the amount of the tax exemption.  EXEMPT_WHERE should be replaced 
+  # with a real WHERE clause to further limit the tax exemptions that will be
+  # included.
+  my $pkg_tax_exempt = "SELECT SUM(amount) AS exempt_charged, billpkgnum, taxnum ".
+    "FROM cust_tax_exempt_pkg EXEMPT_WHERE GROUP BY billpkgnum, taxnum";
+  my $where = "WHERE cust_bill._date >= $beginning AND cust_bill._date <= $ending ".
+              "AND COALESCE(cust_main_county.taxname,'Tax') = '$taxname' ".
+              "AND cust_main_county.country = '$country'";
+  # SELECT/GROUP clauses for first-level queries
+  my $select = "SELECT ";
+  my $group = "GROUP BY ";
+  foreach (qw(pkgclass taxclass state county city district)) {
+    if ( $breakdown{$_} ) {
+      $select .= "$breakdown{$_} AS $_, ";
+      $group  .= "$breakdown{$_}, ";
+    } else {
+      $select .= "NULL AS $_, ";
+    }
+  }
+  $select .= "array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT(cust_main_county.taxnum)), ',') AS taxnums, ";
+  $group =~ s/, $//;
+  # SELECT/GROUP clauses for second-level (totals) queries
+  # breakdown by package class only, if anything
+  my $select_all = "SELECT NULL AS pkgclass, ";
+  my $group_all = "";
+  if ( $breakdown{pkgclass} ) {
+    $select_all = "SELECT $breakdown{pkgclass} AS pkgclass, ";
+    $group_all = "GROUP BY $breakdown{pkgclass}";
+  }
+  $select_all .= "array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT(cust_main_county.taxnum)), ',') AS taxnums, ";
+  my $agentnum;
+  if ( $opt{agentnum} and $opt{agentnum} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+    $agentnum = $1;
+    my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $agentnum } );
+    die "agent not found" unless $agent;
+    $where .= " AND cust_main.agentnum = $agentnum";
+  }
+  my $nottax = 
+    '(cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum != 0 OR cust_bill_pkg.feepart IS NOT NULL)';
+  # one query for each column of the report
+  # plus separate queries for the totals row
+  my (%sql, %all_sql);
+  # SALES QUERIES (taxable sales, all types of exempt sales)
+  # -------------
+  # general form
+  my $exempt = "$select SUM(exempt_charged)
+    FROM cust_main_county
+    JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt
+    USING (taxnum)
+    JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
+    $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax
+    $group";
+  my $all_exempt = "$select_all SUM(exempt_charged)
+    FROM cust_main_county
+    JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt
+    USING (taxnum)
+    JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
+    $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax
+    $group_all";
+  # sales to tax-exempt customers
+  $sql{exempt_cust} = $exempt;
+  $sql{exempt_cust} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_cust = 'Y' OR exempt_cust_taxname = 'Y'/;
+  $all_sql{exempt_cust} = $all_exempt;
+  $all_sql{exempt_cust} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_cust = 'Y' OR exempt_cust_taxname = 'Y'/;
+  # sales of tax-exempt packages
+  $sql{exempt_pkg} = $exempt;
+  $sql{exempt_pkg} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_setup = 'Y' OR exempt_recur = 'Y'/;
+  $all_sql{exempt_pkg} = $all_exempt;
+  $all_sql{exempt_pkg} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_setup = 'Y' OR exempt_recur = 'Y'/;
+  # monthly per-customer exemptions
+  $sql{exempt_monthly} = $exempt;
+  $sql{exempt_monthly} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_monthly = 'Y'/;
+  $all_sql{exempt_monthly} = $all_exempt;
+  $all_sql{exempt_monthly} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_monthly = 'Y'/;
+  # taxable sales
+  $sql{taxable} = "$select
+    SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur - COALESCE(exempt_charged, 0))
+    FROM cust_main_county
+    JOIN ($pkg_tax) AS pkg_tax USING (taxnum)
+    JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
+    LEFT JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt
+      ON (pkg_tax_exempt.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum 
+          AND pkg_tax_exempt.taxnum = cust_main_county.taxnum)
+    $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax 
+    $group";
+  $all_sql{taxable} = "$select_all
+    SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur - COALESCE(exempt_charged, 0))
+    FROM cust_main_county
+    JOIN ($pkg_tax) AS pkg_tax USING (taxnum)
+    JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
+    LEFT JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt
+      ON (pkg_tax_exempt.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum 
+          AND pkg_tax_exempt.taxnum = cust_main_county.taxnum)
+    $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax 
+    $group_all";
+  $sql{taxable} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE//; # unrestricted
+  $all_sql{taxable} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE//;
+  # estimated tax (taxable * rate)
+  $sql{estimated} = "$select
+    SUM(cust_main_county.tax / 100 * 
+      (cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur - COALESCE(exempt_charged, 0))
+    )
+    FROM cust_main_county
+    JOIN ($pkg_tax) AS pkg_tax USING (taxnum)
+    JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
+    LEFT JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt
+      ON (pkg_tax_exempt.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum 
+          AND pkg_tax_exempt.taxnum = cust_main_county.taxnum)
+    $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax 
+    $group";
+  $all_sql{estimated} = "$select_all
+    SUM(cust_main_county.tax / 100 * 
+      (cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur - COALESCE(exempt_charged, 0))
+    )
+    FROM cust_main_county
+    JOIN ($pkg_tax) AS pkg_tax USING (taxnum)
+    JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
+    LEFT JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt
+      ON (pkg_tax_exempt.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum 
+          AND pkg_tax_exempt.taxnum = cust_main_county.taxnum)
+    $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax 
+    $group_all";
+  # there isn't one for 'sales', because we calculate sales by adding up 
+  # the taxable and exempt columns.
+  # TAX QUERIES (billed tax, credited tax)
+  # -----------
+  # sum of billed tax:
+  # join cust_bill_pkg to cust_main_county via cust_bill_pkg_tax_location
+  my $taxfrom = " FROM cust_bill_pkg 
+                  $join_cust 
+                  LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg_tax_location USING ( billpkgnum )
+                  LEFT JOIN cust_main_county USING ( taxnum )";
+  if ( $breakdown{pkgclass} ) {
+    # If we're not grouping by package class, this is unnecessary, and
+    # probably really expensive.
+    $taxfrom .= "
+                  LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg AS taxable
+                    ON (cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.taxable_billpkgnum = taxable.billpkgnum)
+                  LEFT JOIN cust_pkg ON (taxable.pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum)
+                  LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING (pkgpart)";
+  }
+  my $istax = "cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum = 0";
+  $sql{tax} = "$select SUM(cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.amount)
+               $taxfrom
+               $where AND $istax
+               $group";
+  $all_sql{tax} = "$select_all SUM(cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.amount)
+               $taxfrom
+               $where AND $istax
+               $group_all";
+  # sum of credits applied against billed tax
+  # ($creditfrom includes join of taxable item to part_pkg if with_pkgclass
+  # is on)
+  my $creditfrom = $taxfrom .
+    ' JOIN cust_credit_bill_pkg USING (billpkgtaxlocationnum)' .
+    ' JOIN cust_credit_bill     USING (creditbillnum)';
+  my $creditwhere = $where . 
+    ' AND billpkgtaxratelocationnum IS NULL';
+  # if the credit_date option is set to application date, change
+  # $creditwhere accordingly
+  if ( $opt{credit_date} eq 'cust_credit_bill' ) {
+    $creditwhere     =~ s/cust_bill._date/cust_credit_bill._date/g;
+  }
+  $sql{credit} = "$select SUM(cust_credit_bill_pkg.amount)
+                  $creditfrom
+                  $creditwhere AND $istax
+                  $group";
+  $all_sql{credit} = "$select_all SUM(cust_credit_bill_pkg.amount)
+                  $creditfrom
+                  $creditwhere AND $istax
+                  $group_all";
+  my %data;
+  my %total;
+  # note that we use keys(%sql) here and keys(%all_sql) later. nothing
+  # obligates us to use the same set of variables for the total query 
+  # as for the individual category queries
+  foreach my $k (keys(%sql)) {
+    my $stmt = $sql{$k};
+    warn "\n".uc($k).":\n".$stmt."\n" if $DEBUG;
+    my $sth = dbh->prepare($stmt);
+    # eight columns: pkgclass, taxclass, state, county, city, district
+    # taxnums (comma separated), value
+    $sth->execute 
+      or die "failed to execute $k query: ".$sth->errstr;
+    while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
+      my $bin = $data
+                {$row->[0]} # pkgclass
+                {$row->[1]  # taxclass
+                  || ($breakdown{taxclass} ? 'Unclassified' : '')}
+                {$row->[2]} # state
+                {$row->[3] ? $row->[3] . ' County' : ''} # county
+                {$row->[4]} # city
+                {$row->[5]} # district
+              ||= [];
+      push @$bin, [ $k, $row->[6], $row->[7] ];
+    }
+  }
+  warn "DATA:\n".Dumper(\%data) if $DEBUG > 1;
+  foreach my $k (keys %all_sql) {
+    warn "\nTOTAL ".uc($k).":\n".$all_sql{$k}."\n" if $DEBUG;
+    my $sth = dbh->prepare($all_sql{$k});
+    # three columns: pkgclass, taxnums (comma separated), value
+    $sth->execute 
+      or die "failed to execute $k totals query: ".$sth->errstr;
+    while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
+      my $bin = $total{$row->[0]} ||= [];
+      push @$bin, [ $k, $row->[1], $row->[2] ];
+    }
+  }
+  warn "TOTALS:\n".Dumper(\%total) if $DEBUG > 1;
+  # $data{$pkgclass}{$taxclass}{$state}{$county}{$city}{$district} = [
+  #   [ 'taxable',     taxnums, amount ],
+  #   [ 'exempt_cust', taxnums, amount ],
+  #   ...
+  # ]
+  # non-requested grouping levels simply collapse into key = ''
+  # the much-maligned "out of taxable region"...
+  # find sales that are not linked to any tax with this name
+  # but are still inside the date range/agent criteria.
+  #
+  # This doesn't use $select_all/$group_all because we want a single number,
+  # not a breakdown by pkgclass. Unless someone needs that eventually, 
+  # in which case we'll turn it into an %all_sql query.
+  my $outside_where =
+    "WHERE cust_bill._date >= $beginning AND cust_bill._date <= $ending";
+  if ( $agentnum ) {
+    $outside_where .= " AND cust_main.agentnum = $agentnum";
+  }
+  my $sql_outside = "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur)
+    FROM cust_bill_pkg
+    $join_cust_pkg
+    $outside_where
+    AND $nottax
+      SELECT 1 FROM cust_tax_exempt_pkg
+        JOIN cust_main_county USING (taxnum)
+        WHERE cust_tax_exempt_pkg.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum
+          AND cust_main_county.taxname = '$taxname'
+    )
+      SELECT 1 FROM cust_bill_pkg_tax_location
+        JOIN cust_main_county USING (taxnum)
+        WHERE cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.taxable_billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum
+          AND cust_main_county.taxname = '$taxname'
+    )
+  ";
+  warn "\nOUTSIDE:\n$sql_outside\n" if $DEBUG;
+  my $total_outside = FS::Record->scalar_sql($sql_outside);
+  my %taxrates;
+  foreach my $tax (
+    qsearch('cust_main_county', {
+              country => $country,
+              tax => { op => '>', value => 0 }
+            }) )
+    {
+    $taxrates{$tax->taxnum} = $tax->tax;
+  }
+  # return the data
+  bless {
+    'opt'       => \%opt,
+    'data'      => \%data,
+    'total'     => \%total,
+    'taxrates'  => \%taxrates,
+    'outside'   => $total_outside,
+  }, $class;
+sub opt {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{opt};
+sub data {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{data};
+# sub fetchall_array...
+sub table {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my @columns = (qw(pkgclass taxclass state county city district));
+  # taxnums, field headings, and amounts
+  my @rows;
+  my %row_template;
+  # de-treeify this thing
+  my $descend;
+  $descend = sub {
+    my ($tree, $level) = @_;
+    if ( ref($tree) eq 'HASH' ) {
+      foreach my $k ( sort {
+           -1*($b eq '')    # sort '' to the end
+          or  ($a eq '')    # sort '' to the end
+          or  ($a <=> $b)   # sort numbers as numbers
+          or  ($a cmp $b)   # sort alphabetics as alphabetics
+        } keys %$tree )
+      {
+        $row_template{ $columns[$level] } = $k;
+        &{ $descend }($tree->{$k}, $level + 1);
+        if ( $level == 0 ) {
+          # then insert the total row for the pkgclass
+          $row_template{'total'} = 1; # flag it as a total
+          &{ $descend }($self->{total}->{$k}, 1);
+          $row_template{'total'} = 0;
+        }
+      }
+    } elsif ( ref($tree) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+      # then we've reached the bottom; elements of this array are arrayrefs
+      # of [ field, taxnums, amount ].
+      # start with the inherited location-element fields
+      my %this_row = %row_template;
+      my %taxnums;
+      foreach my $x (@$tree) {
+        # accumulate taxnums
+        foreach (split(',', $x->[1])) {
+          $taxnums{$_} = 1;
+        }
+        # and money values
+        $this_row{ $x->[0] } = $x->[2];
+      }
+      # store combined taxnums
+      $this_row{taxnums} = join(',', sort { $a cmp $b } keys %taxnums);
+      # and calculate row totals
+      $this_row{sales} = sprintf('%.2f',
+                          $this_row{taxable} +
+                          $this_row{exempt_cust} +
+                          $this_row{exempt_pkg} + 
+                          $this_row{exempt_monthly}
+                        );
+      # and give it a label
+      if ( $this_row{total} ) {
+        $this_row{label} = 'Total';
+      } else {
+        $this_row{label} = join(', ', grep $_,
+                            $this_row{taxclass},
+                            $this_row{state},
+                            $this_row{county}, # already has ' County' suffix
+                            $this_row{city},
+                            $this_row{district}
+                           );
+      }
+      # and indicate the tax rate, if any
+      my $rate;
+      foreach (keys %taxnums) {
+        $rate ||= $self->{taxrates}->{$_};
+        if ( $rate != $self->{taxrates}->{$_} ) {
+          $rate = 'variable';
+          last;
+        }
+      }
+      if ( $rate eq 'variable' ) {
+        $this_row{rate} = 'variable';
+      } elsif ( $rate > 0 ) {
+        $this_row{rate} = sprintf('%.2f', $rate);
+      }
+      push @rows, \%this_row;
+    }
+  };
+  &{ $descend }($self->{data}, 0);
+  warn "TABLE:\n".Dumper(\@rows) if $self->{opt}->{debug};
+  return @rows;
+sub taxrates {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{taxrates}
+sub title {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $string = '';
+  if ( $self->{opt}->{agentnum} ) {
+    my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { agentnum => $self->{opt}->{agentnum} });
+    $string .= $agent->agent . ' ';
+    warn $string;
+  }
+  $string .= 'Tax Report: '; # XXX localization
+  if ( $self->{opt}->{beginning} ) {
+    $string .= time2str('%h %o %Y ', $self->{opt}->{beginning});
+  }
+  $string .= 'through ';
+  if ( $self->{opt}->{ending} and $self->{opt}->{ending} < 4294967295 ) {
+    $string .= time2str('%h %o %Y', $self->{opt}->{ending});
+  } else {
+    $string .= 'now';
+  }
+  $string .= ' - ' . $self->{opt}->{taxname};
+  return $string;
diff --git a/httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi b/httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi
index 6bb09d7..c254b2d 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi
@@ -388,12 +388,8 @@ if ( $cgi->param('nottax') ) {
   # specific taxnums
-  if ( $cgi->param('taxnum') ) {
-    my $taxnum_in = join(',', 
-      grep /^\d+$/, $cgi->param('taxnum')
-    );
-    push @tax_where, "cust_main_county.taxnum IN ($taxnum_in)"
-      if $taxnum_in;
+  if ( $cgi->param('taxnum') =~ /^([0-9,]+)$/ ) {
+    push @tax_where, "cust_main_county.taxnum IN ($1)";
   # If we're showing exempt items, we need to find those with 
@@ -557,12 +553,8 @@ if ( $cgi->param('nottax') ) {
   # specific taxnums
-  if ( $cgi->param('taxnum') ) {
-    my $taxnum_in = join(',', 
-      grep /^\d+$/, $cgi->param('taxnum')
-    );
-    push @where, "cust_main_county.taxnum IN ($taxnum_in)"
-      if $taxnum_in;
+  if ( $cgi->param('taxnum') =~ /^([0-9,]+)$/ ) {
+    push @where, "cust_main_county.taxnum IN ($1)";
   # report group (itemdesc)
diff --git a/httemplate/search/report_tax-xls.cgi b/httemplate/search/report_tax-xls.cgi
index bb843a7..d0ef434 100755
--- a/httemplate/search/report_tax-xls.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/search/report_tax-xls.cgi
@@ -1,15 +1,43 @@
-my $htmldoc = include('report_tax.cgi');
-my ($title) = ($htmldoc =~ /<title>\s*(.*)\s*<\/title>/i);
+die "access denied"
+  unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports');
-# do this first so we can override the format if it's too many rows
-# attribs option: how to locate the table?  It's the only one with class="grid".
-my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new(attribs => {class => 'grid'});
-my $table = $te->first_table_found;
+my $DEBUG = $cgi->param('debug') || 0;
-my $override = ($table->row_count >= 65536 ? 'XLSX' : '');
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
+my %params = (
+  beginning => $beginning,
+  ending    => $ending,
+$params{country} = $cgi->param('country');
+$params{debug}   = $DEBUG;
+$params{breakdown} = { map { $_ => 1 } $cgi->param('breakdown') };
+my $agentname;
+if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+  my $agent = FS::agent->by_key($1) or die "unknown agentnum $1";
+  $params{agentnum} = $1;
+  $agentname = $agent->agentname;
+if ( $cgi->param('taxname') =~ /^([\w ]+)$/ ) {
+  $params{taxname} = $1;
+} else {
+  die "taxname required";
+# generate the report
+my $report = FS::Report::Tax->report_internal(%params);
+my @rows = $report->table; # array of hashrefs
+my %pkgclass_name = map { $_->classnum, $_->classname } qsearch('pkg_class');
+$pkgclass_name{''} = 'Unclassified';
+my $override = (scalar(@rows) >= 65536 ? 'XLSX' : '');
 my $format = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->spreadsheet_format($override);
 my $filename = 'report_tax'.$format->{extension};
@@ -23,12 +51,17 @@ my $workbook = $format->{class}->new($XLS)
 # hardcoded formats, this could be handled better
 my $light_gray = $workbook->set_custom_color(63, '#eeeeee');
-my %format = (
+my %formatdef = (
   title => {
     size      => 24,
     align     => 'center',
     bg_color  => 'silver',
+  sectionhead => {
+    size      => 11,
+    bold      => 1,
+    bg_color  => 'silver',
+  },
   colhead => {
     size      => 11,
     bold      => 1,
@@ -36,118 +69,159 @@ my %format = (
     valign    => 'vcenter',
     text_wrap => 1,
+  colhead_small => {
+    size      => 8,
+    bold      => 1,
+    align     => 'center',
+    valign    => 'vcenter',
+    text_wrap => 1,
+  },
   rowhead => {
     size      => 11,
     valign    => 'bottom',
     text_wrap => 1,
-  amount  => {
+  currency => {
+    size      => 11,
+    align     => 'right',
+    valign    => 'bottom',
+    num_format=> 8, # ($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)
+  },
+  number  => {
     size      => 11,
     align     => 'right',
     valign    => 'bottom',
-    num_format=> 8,
+    num_format=> 10, # 0.00%
-  'size-1' => {
-    size      => 7.5,
+  bigmath => {
+    size      => 12,
     align     => 'center',
     valign    => 'vcenter',
     bold      => 1,
-    text_wrap => 1,
-  'size+1' => {
-    size      => 12,
-    align     => 'center',
+  rowhead_outside => {
+    size      => 11,
+    align     => 'left',
     valign    => 'vcenter',
+    bg_color  => 'gray',
     bold      => 1,
+    italic    => 1,
-  text => {
+  currency_outside => {
     size      => 11,
-    text_wrap => 1,
+    align     => 'right',
+    valign    => 'vcenter',
+    bg_color  => 'gray',
+    italic    => 1,
+    num_format=> 8, # ($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)
 my %default = (
   font      => 'Calibri',
-  bg_color  => $light_gray,
   border    => 1,
 my @widths = ( #ick
-  18, (10.5, 3) x 6, 10.5, 10.5, 3, 10.5, 3, 10.5, 3, 10.5
+  30, (13) x 5, 3, 7.5, 3, 11, 11, 3, 11, 3, 11
-foreach (keys(%format)) {
-  my %f = (%default, %{$format{$_}});
-  $format{$_} = $workbook->add_format(%f);
-  $format{"m_$_"} = $workbook->add_format(%f); # for merged cells
-  $format{"t_$_"} = $workbook->add_format(%f, bg_color => 'yellow'); # totals
+my @format = ( {}, {}, {} ); # white row, gray row, yellow (totals) row
+foreach (keys(%formatdef)) {
+  my %f = (%default, %{$formatdef{$_}});
+  $format[0]->{$_} = $workbook->add_format(%f);
+  $format[1]->{$_} = $workbook->add_format(bg_color => $light_gray, %f);
+  $format[2]->{$_} = $workbook->add_format(bg_color => 'yellow',
+                                           italic   => 1,
+                                           %f);
 my $ws = $workbook->add_worksheet('taxreport');
-my @sheet;
-$sheet[0][0] = {
-  text    => $title,
-  format  => 'title',
-  colspan => '18',
+# main title
+$ws->merge_range(0, 0, 0, 14, $report->title, $format[0]->{title});
 # excel position
 my $x = 0;
-my $y = 3;
-foreach my $row ($table->rows()) {
+my $y = 2;
+my $colhead = $format[0]->{colhead};
+# print header
+$ws->merge_range($y, 1, $y, 5, 'Sales', $colhead);
+$ws->merge_range($y, 6, $y+1, 8, 'Rate', $colhead);
+$ws->merge_range($y, 9, $y, 14, 'Tax', $colhead);
+$colhead = $format[0]->{colhead_small};
+$ws->write($y, 1, [ 'Total', 'Exempt customer', 'Exempt package', 'Monthly exemption',
+                    'Taxable' ], $colhead);
+$ws->write($y, 9, 'Estimated', $colhead);
+$ws->write($y, 10, 'Invoiced', $colhead);
+$ws->write($y, 12, 'Credited', $colhead);
+$ws->write($y, 14, 'Net due',  $colhead);
+# print data
+my $rownum = 0;
+my $prev_row = { pkgclass => 'DUMMY PKGCLASS' };
+foreach my $row (@rows) {
   $x = 0;
-  $sheet[$y] = [];
-  foreach my $cell (@$row) {
-    if ($cell and ref($cell) eq 'HTML::ElementTable::DataElement') {
-      my $f = 'text';
-      if ( $cell->as_HTML =~ /font/i ) {
-        my ($el) = $cell->content_list;
-        $f = 'size'.$el->attr('size') if $el->attr('size');
-      }
-      elsif ( $cell->as_text =~ /^\$/ ) {
-        $f = 'amount'
-      }
-      elsif ( $cell->tag eq 'th' ) {
-        $f = 'colhead';
-      }
-      elsif ( $x == 0 ) {
-        $f = 'rowhead';
-      }
-      $sheet[$y][$x] = {
-        text    => $cell->as_text,
-        format  => $f,
-        rowspan => $cell->attr('rowspan'),
-        colspan => $cell->attr('colspan'),
-      };
+  if ( $row->{pkgclass} ne $prev_row->{pkgclass} ) {
+    $rownum = 0;
+    if ( $params{breakdown}->{pkgclass} ) {
+      $ws->merge_range($y, 0, $y, 14,
+        $pkgclass_name{$row->{pkgclass}},
+        $format[0]->{sectionhead}
+      );
+      $y++;
+  }
+  # pick a format set
+  my $f = $format[$rownum % 2];
+  if ( $row->{total} ) {
+    $f = $format[2];
+  }
+  $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{label}, $f->{rowhead});
+  $x++;
+  foreach (qw(sales exempt_cust exempt_pkg exempt_monthly taxable)) {
+    $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{$_} || 0, $f->{currency});
-  } #for $cell
+  }
+  $ws->write_string($y, $x, " \N{U+00D7} ", $f->{bigmath}); # MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+  $x++;
+  my $rate = $row->{rate};
+  $rate = $rate / 100 if $rate =~ /^[\d\.]+$/;
+  $ws->write($y, $x, $rate, $f->{number});
+  $x++;
+  $ws->write_string($y, $x, " = ", $f->{bigmath});
+  $x++;
+  my $estimated = $row->{estimated} || 0;
+  $estimated = '' if $rate eq 'variable';
+  $ws->write($y, $x, $estimated, $f->{currency});
+  $x++;
+  $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{tax} || 0, $f->{currency});
+  $x++;
+  $ws->write_string($y, $x, " \N{U+2212} ", $f->{bigmath}); # MINUS SIGN
+  $x++;
+  $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{credit} || 0, $f->{currency});
+  $x++;
+  $ws->write_string($y, $x, " = ", $f->{bigmath});
+  $x++;
+  $ws->write($y, $x, $row->{tax} - $row->{credit}, $f->{currency});
+  $rownum++;
+  $prev_row = $row;
-$y = 0;
-foreach my $row (@sheet) {
-  $x = 0;
-  my $t_row = 1 if($row->[0]->{'text'} eq 'Total');
-  foreach my $cell (@$row) {
-    if ($cell) {
-      my $f = $cell->{format};
-      if ($cell->{rowspan} > 1 or $cell->{colspan} > 1) {
-        my $range = xl_range_formula(
-          'Taxreport', 
-          $y,
-          $y - 1 + ($cell->{rowspan} || 1),
-          $x,
-          $x - 1 + ($cell->{colspan} || 1)
-        );
-        $ws->merge_range($range, $cell->{text}, $format{"m_$f"});
-      }
-      else {
-        $f = "t_$f" if $t_row;
-        $ws->write($y, $x, $cell->{text}, $format{$f});
-      }
-    } #if $cell
-    $x++;
-  }
+# at the end of everything
+if ( $report->{outside} > 0 ) {
+  my $f = $format[0];
+  $ws->set_row($y, 30); # height
+  $ws->write($y, 0, mt('Out of taxable region'), $f->{rowhead_outside});
+  $ws->write($y, 1, $report->{outside}, $f->{currency_outside});
+# ewwwww...
 for my $x (0..scalar(@widths)-1) {
   $ws->set_column($x, $x, $widths[$x]);
diff --git a/httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi b/httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 9926133..bf3b3d8
--- a/httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi
@@ -1,283 +1,162 @@
-<% include("/elements/header.html", "$agentname Tax Report - ".
-              ( $beginning
-                  ? time2str('%h %o %Y ', $beginning )
-                  : ''
-              ).
-              'through '.
-              ( $ending == 4294967295
-                  ? 'now'
-                  : time2str('%h %o %Y', $ending )
-              )
-          )
+<& /elements/header.html, $report->title &>
 <TD ALIGN="right">
 Download full results<BR>
 as <A HREF="<% $p.'search/report_tax-xls.cgi?'.$cgi->query_string%>">Excel spreadsheet</A>
 <STYLE type="text/css">
-td.sectionhead {
+TD.sectionhead {
   background-color: #777777;
   color: #ffffff;
   font-weight: bold;
   text-align: left;
+.grid TH { background-color: #cccccc; padding: 0px 3px 2px }
+.row0 TD { background-color: #eeeeee; padding: 0px 3px 2px; text-align: right}
+.row1 TD { background-color: #ffffff; padding: 0px 3px 2px; text-align: right}
+TD.rowhead { font-weight: bold; text-align: left; padding: 0px 3px }
+.bigmath { font-size: large; font-weight: bold; font: sans-serif; text-align: center }
+.total { font-style: italic }
-<% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
+<& /elements/table-grid.html &>
+  <THEAD>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=3></TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" COLSPAN=9>Sales</TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=3></TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=3>Rate</TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=3></TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=3>Tax owed</TH>
-% unless ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) { 
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=3>Tax invoiced</TH>
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=3></TH>
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=3>Tax credited</TH>
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=3></TH>
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=3>Tax collected</TH>
-% } 
+    <TH ROWSPAN=3></TH>
+    <TH COLSPAN=5>Sales</TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=3></TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=3>Rate</TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=3></TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=3>Estimated tax</TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=3>Tax invoiced</TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=3></TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=3>Tax credited</TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=3></TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=3>Net tax due</TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2>Total</TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2></TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=1>Non-taxable</TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2></TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=1>Non-taxable</TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2></TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=1>Non-taxable</TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2></TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2>Taxable</TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=2>Total</TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=1>Non-taxable</TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=1>Non-taxable</TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=1>Non-taxable</TH>
+    <TH ROWSPAN=2>Taxable</TH>
-  <TR>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"><FONT SIZE=-1>(tax-exempt customer)</FONT></TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"><FONT SIZE=-1>(tax-exempt package)</FONT></TH>
-    <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"><FONT SIZE=-1>(monthly exemption)</FONT></TH>
+  <TR STYLE="font-size:small">
+    <TH>(tax-exempt customer)</TH>
+    <TH>(tax-exempt package)</TH>
+    <TH>(monthly exemption)</TH>
-% foreach my $class (@pkgclasses ) {
-%   next if @{ $class->{regions} } == 0;
-%   if ( $class->{classname} ) {
+  </THEAD>
+% my $rownum = 0;
+% my $prev_row = { pkgclass => 'DUMMY PKGCLASS' };
+  <TBODY>
+% foreach my $row (@rows) {
+%   # before anything else: if this row's pkgclass is not the same as the 
+%   # previous row's, then:
+%   if ( $row->{pkgclass} ne $prev_row->{pkgclass} ) {
+%     if ( $rownum > 0 ) { # start a new section
+%       $rownum = 0;
+%     }
+%     if ( $params{breakdown}->{pkgclass} ) { # and caption the new section
-    <TD COLSPAN=19 CLASS="sectionhead"><% $class->{classname} %></TD>
+    <TD COLSPAN=19 CLASS="sectionhead">
+      <% $pkgclass_name{$row->{pkgclass}} %>
+    </TD>
-%   }
-% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-% my $bgcolor;
+%     }
+%   } # if $row->{pkgclass} ne ...
-% my @regions = @{ $class->{regions} };
-% foreach my $region ( @regions ) {
-%   my $link = '';
-%   if ( $with_pkgclass and length($class->{classnum}) ) {
-%     $link = ';classnum='.$class->{classnum};
-%   } # else we're not breaking down pkg class, or this is the grand total
-%   if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
-%     $link .= ';out=1';
-%   } elsif ( $region->{'taxnums'} ) {
-%     # might be nicer to specify this as country:state:city
-%     $link .= ';'.join(';', map { "taxnum=$_" } @{ $region->{'taxnums'} });
-%   }
+%   # construct base links that limit to the tax rates described by this row
+%   my $rowlink = ';taxnum=' . $row->{taxnums};
+%   # and also the package class, if we're limiting package class
+%   $rowlink .= ';pkgclass='.$row->{pkgclass}
+%     if $params{breakdown}->{pkgclass};
-%   if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-%     $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-%   } else {
-%     $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
+%   if ( $row->{total} ) {
+  </TBODY><TBODY CLASS="total">
 %   }
-%   my $hicolor = $bgcolor;
-%   unless ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) {
-%     my $diff = abs(   sprintf( '%.2f', $region->{'owed'} )
-%                     - sprintf( '%.2f', $region->{'tax'}  )
-%                   );
-%     if ( $diff > 0.02 ) {
-%       $hicolor = $hicolor eq '#eeeeee' ? '#eeee99' : '#ffffcc';
-%     }
+  <TR CLASS="row<% $rownum % 2 %>">
+%   # Row label
+    <TD CLASS="rowhead"><% $row->{label} |h %></TD>
+    <TD>
+%   # Total sales
+      <A HREF="<% $saleslink . $rowlink %>">
+        <% $money_sprintf->( $row->{sales} ) %>
+      </A>
+    </TD>
+%   # Exemptions: customer
+    <TD>
+      <A HREF="<% $saleslink . $rowlink . ';exempt_cust=Y' %>">
+        <% $money_sprintf->( $row->{exempt_cust} ) %>
+      </A>
+    </TD>
+%   # package
+    <TD>
+      <A HREF="<% $saleslink . $rowlink . ';exempt_pkg=Y' %>">
+        <% $money_sprintf->( $row->{exempt_pkg} ) %>
+      </A>
+    </TD>
+%   # monthly (note this uses $exemptlink; it's a completely separate report)
+    <TD>
+      <A HREF="<% $exemptlink . $rowlink %>">
+        <% $money_sprintf->( $row->{exempt_monthly} ) %>
+      </A>
+    </TD>
+%   # taxable sales
+    <TD>
+      <A HREF="<% $saleslink . $rowlink . ";taxable=1" %>">
+        <% $money_sprintf->( $row->{taxable} ) %>
+      </A>
+    </TD>
+    <TD CLASS="bigmath"> × </TD>
+    <TD><% $row->{rate} %></TD>
+%   # estimated tax
+    <TD CLASS="bigmath"> = </TD>
+    <TD>
+%   if ( $row->{estimated} ) {
+      <% $money_sprintf->( $row->{estimated} ) %>
 %   }
-%   my $td = qq(TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$bgcolor");
-%   my $tdh = qq(TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$hicolor");
-%   my $bigmath = '<FONT FACE="sans-serif" SIZE="+1"><B>';
-%   my $bme = '</B></FONT>';
-%   if ( $region->{'is_total'} ) {
-    <TR STYLE="font-style: italic">
-      <TD STYLE="text-align: right; padding-right: 1ex; background-color:<%$bgcolor%>">Total</TD>
-%   } else {
+    </TD>
+%   # invoiced tax
+    <TD>
+      <A HREF="<% $taxlink . $rowlink %>">
+        <% $money_sprintf->( $row->{tax} ) %>
+      </A>
+    </TD>
+%   # credited tax
+    <TD CLASS="bigmath"> − </TD>
+    <TD>
+      <A HREF="<% $creditlink . $rowlink %>">
+        <% $money_sprintf->( $row->{credit} ) %>
+      </A>
+    </TD>
+%   # net tax due
+    <TD CLASS="bigmath"> = </TD>
+    <TD><% $money_sprintf->( $row->{tax} - $row->{credit} ) %></TD>
+  </TR>
+%   $rownum++;
+%   $prev_row = $row;
+% } # foreach my $row
+% # at the end of everything
+  </TBODY>
+% if ( $report->{outside} > 0 ) {
+  <TBODY CLASS="total" STYLE="background-color: #cccccc; line-height: 3">
-      <<%$td%>><% $region->{'label'} %></TD>
-%   }
-      <<%$td%> ALIGN="right">
-        <A HREF="<% $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1"
-        ><% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'sales'} ) %></A>
+      <TD CLASS="rowhead">
+        <% emt('Out of taxable region') %>
-%   if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
-      <<%$td%> COLSPAN=12></TD>
-%   } else { #not $out
-      <<%$td%>><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
-      <<%$td%> ALIGN="right">
-        <A HREF="<% $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1;exempt_cust=Y"
-        ><% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'exempt_cust'} ) %></A>
-      </TD>
-      <<%$td%>><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
-      <<%$td%> ALIGN="right">
-        <A HREF="<% $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1;exempt_pkg=Y"
-        ><% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'exempt_pkg'} ) %></A>
-      </TD>
-      <<%$td%>><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
-      <<%$td%> ALIGN="right">
-        <A HREF="<% $exemptlink. $link %>"
-        ><% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'exempt_monthly'} ) %></A>
-        </TD>
-      <<%$td%>><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> = </B></FONT></TD>
-      <<%$td%> ALIGN="right">
-        <A HREF="<% $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1;taxable=1"
-        ><% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'taxable'} ) %></A>
-      </TD>
-      <<%$td%>><% $region->{'label'} eq 'Total' ? '' : "$bigmath X $bme" %></TD>
-      <<%$td%> ALIGN="right"><% $region->{'rate'} %></TD>
-      <<%$td%>><% $region->{'label'} eq 'Total' ? '' : "$bigmath = $bme" %></TD>
-      <<%$tdh%> ALIGN="right">
-        <% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'owed'} ) %>
-      </TD>
-%   } # if !$out
-%   unless ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) {
-%     my $invlink = $region->{'url_param_inv'}
-%                       ? ';'. $region->{'url_param_inv'}
-%                       : $link;
-%     if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
-        <<%$td%> ALIGN="right">
-          <A HREF="<% $baselink. $invlink %>;istax=1"
-          ><% &$money_sprintf_nonzero( $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
-        </TD>
-        <<%$td%>></TD>
-        <<%$td%> ALIGN="right">
-          <A HREF="<% $creditlink. $invlink %>;istax=1"
-          ><% &$money_sprintf_nonzero( $region->{'credit'} ) %></A>
-        </TD>
-        <<%$td%> COLSPAN=2></TD>
-%     } else { #not $out
-        <<%$tdh%> ALIGN="right">
-          <A HREF="<% $baselink. $invlink %>;istax=1"
-          ><% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
-        </TD>
-        <<%$tdh%>><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
-        <<%$tdh%> ALIGN="right">
-          <A HREF="<% $creditlink. $invlink %>;istax=1"
-          ><% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'credit'} ) %></A>
-        </TD>
-        <<%$tdh%>><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> = </B></FONT></TD>
-        <<%$tdh%> ALIGN="right">
-          <% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'tax'} - $region->{'credit'} ) %>
-        </TD>
-%     }
-%   } # show_taxclasses
+      <TD><% $money_sprintf->( $report->{outside } ) %></TD>
+      <TD COLSPAN=0></TD>
-% } # foreach $region
-%} # foreach $class
+  </TBODY>
+% }
-% if ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) {
-    <BR>
-    <% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
-    <TR>
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Tax invoiced</TH>
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Tax credited</TH>
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>
-      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Tax collected</TH>
-    </TR>
-%   #some false laziness w/above
-%   foreach my $class (@pkgclasses) {
-%   if ( $class->{classname} ) {
-    <TR>
-      <TD COLSPAN=6 CLASS="sectionhead"><% $class->{classname} %></TD>
-    </TR>
-%   }
-%   my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-%   my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-%   my $bgcolor;
-%   foreach my $region ( @{ $class->{base_regions} } ) {
-%     my $link = '';
-%     if ( $with_pkgclass and length($class->{classnum}) ) {
-%       $link = ';classnum='.$class->{classnum};
-%     }
-%     if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
-%       $link .= ';out=1';
-%     } else {
-%       $link .= ';'. $region->{'url_param'}
-%         if $region->{'url_param'};
-%     }
-%     if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-%       $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-%     } else {
-%       $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-%     }
-%     my $td = qq(TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$bgcolor");
-%     my $tdh = qq(TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$bgcolor");
-%     #?
-%     my $invlink = $region->{'url_param_inv'}
-%                     ? ';'. $region->{'url_param_inv'}
-%                     : $link;
-      <TR>
-        <<%$td%>><% $region->{'label'} %></TD>
-%     if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
-        <<%$td%> ALIGN="right">
-          <A HREF="<% $baselink. $invlink %>;istax=1"
-          ><% &$money_sprintf_nonzero( $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
-        </TD>
-        <<%$td%>></TD>
-        <<%$td%> ALIGN="right">
-          <A HREF="<% $creditlink. $invlink %>;istax=1"
-          ><% &$money_sprintf_nonzero( $region->{'credit'} ) %></A>
-        </TD>
-        <<%$td%> COLSPAN=2></TD>
-%     } else { #not $out
-        <<%$td%> ALIGN="right">
-          <A HREF="<% $baselink. $link %>;istax=1"
-          ><% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
-        </TD>
-        <<%$td%>><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
-        <<%$tdh%> ALIGN="right">
-          <A HREF="<% $creditlink. $invlink %>;istax=1"
-          ><% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'credit'} ) %></A>
-        </TD>
-        <<%$td%>><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> = </B></FONT></TD>
-        <<%$tdh%> ALIGN="right">
-          <% &$money_sprintf( $region->{'tax'} - $region->{'credit'} ) %>
-        </TD>
-      </TR>
-%     } # if $out
-%   } #foreach $region
-% } #foreach $class
-  </TABLE>
-% } # if show_taxclasses
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
+<& /elements/footer.html &>
 die "access denied"
@@ -287,531 +166,58 @@ my $DEBUG = $cgi->param('debug') || 0;
 my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $out = 'Out of taxable region(s)';
-my %label_opt = ( out => 1 ); #enable 'Out of Taxable Region' label
-$label_opt{with_city} = 1     if $cgi->param('show_cities');
-$label_opt{with_district} = 1 if $cgi->param('show_districts');
-$label_opt{with_taxclass} = 1 if $cgi->param('show_taxclasses');
 my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
-my $join_cust =     '     JOIN cust_bill      USING ( invnum  ) 
-                      LEFT JOIN cust_main     USING ( custnum ) ';
-my $join_cust_pkg = $join_cust.
-                    ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg      USING ( pkgnum  )
-                      LEFT JOIN part_pkg      USING ( pkgpart ) ';
-my $from_join_cust_pkg = " FROM cust_bill_pkg $join_cust_pkg "; 
-my $with_pkgclass = $cgi->param('show_pkgclasses');
-# Either or both of these can be used to link cust_bill_pkg to 
-# cust_main_county. This one links a taxed line item (billpkgnum) to a tax rate
-# (taxnum), and gives the amount of tax charged on that line item under that
-# rate (as tax_amount).
-my $pkg_tax = "SELECT SUM(amount) as tax_amount, taxnum, ".
-  "taxable_billpkgnum AS billpkgnum ".
-  "FROM cust_bill_pkg_tax_location JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum) ".
-  "GROUP BY taxable_billpkgnum, taxnum";
-# This one links a tax-exempted line item (billpkgnum) to a tax rate (taxnum),
-# and gives the amount of the tax exemption.  EXEMPT_WHERE should be replaced 
-# with a real WHERE clause to further limit the tax exemptions that will be
-# included.
-my $pkg_tax_exempt = "SELECT SUM(amount) AS exempt_charged, billpkgnum, taxnum ".
-  "FROM cust_tax_exempt_pkg EXEMPT_WHERE GROUP BY billpkgnum, taxnum";
-my $where = "WHERE cust_bill._date >= $beginning AND cust_bill._date <= $ending ";
-# SELECT/GROUP clauses for first-level queries
-# classnum is a placeholder; they all go in one class in this case.
-my $select = "SELECT NULL AS classnum, cust_main_county.taxnum, ";
-my $group =  "GROUP BY cust_main_county.taxnum";
-# SELECT/GROUP clauses for second-level (totals) queries
-my $select_all = "SELECT NULL AS classnum, ";
-my $group_all =  "";
-if ( $with_pkgclass ) {
-  $select = "SELECT COALESCE(part_pkg.classnum,0), cust_main_county.taxnum, ";
-  $group =  "GROUP BY part_pkg.classnum, cust_main_county.taxnum";
-  $select_all = "SELECT COALESCE(part_pkg.classnum,0), ";
-  $group_all  = "GROUP BY COALESCE(part_pkg.classnum,0)";
+my %params = (
+  beginning => $beginning,
+  ending    => $ending,
+$params{country} = $cgi->param('country');
+$params{debug}   = $DEBUG;
+$params{breakdown} = { map { $_ => 1 } $cgi->param('breakdown') };
-my $agentname = '';
+my $agentname;
 if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
-  my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $1 } );
-  die "agent not found" unless $agent;
-  $agentname = $agent->agent;
-  $where .= ' AND cust_main.agentnum = '. $agent->agentnum;
+  my $agent = FS::agent->by_key($1) or die "unknown agentnum $1";
+  $params{agentnum} = $1;
+  $agentname = $agent->agentname;
-my $nottax = 
-  '(cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum != 0 OR cust_bill_pkg.feepart IS NOT NULL)';
-# one query for each column of the report
-# plus separate queries for the totals row
-my (%sql, %all_sql);
-# SALES QUERIES (taxable sales, all types of exempt sales)
-# -------------
-# general form
-my $exempt = "$select SUM(exempt_charged)
-  FROM cust_main_county
-  JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt
-  USING (taxnum)
-  JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
-  $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax $group";
-my $all_exempt = "$select_all SUM(exempt_charged)
-  FROM cust_main_county
-  JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt
-  USING (taxnum)
-  JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
-  $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax
-  $group_all";
-# sales to tax-exempt customers
-$sql{exempt_cust} = $exempt;
-$sql{exempt_cust} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_cust = 'Y' OR exempt_cust_taxname = 'Y'/;
-$all_sql{exempt_cust} = $all_exempt;
-$all_sql{exempt_cust} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_cust = 'Y' OR exempt_cust_taxname = 'Y'/;
-# sales of tax-exempt packages
-$sql{exempt_pkg} = $exempt;
-$sql{exempt_pkg} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_setup = 'Y' OR exempt_recur = 'Y'/;
-$all_sql{exempt_pkg} = $all_exempt;
-$all_sql{exempt_pkg} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_setup = 'Y' OR exempt_recur = 'Y'/;
-# monthly per-customer exemptions
-$sql{exempt_monthly} = $exempt;
-$sql{exempt_monthly} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_monthly = 'Y'/;
-$all_sql{exempt_monthly} = $all_exempt;
-$all_sql{exempt_monthly} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE/WHERE exempt_monthly = 'Y'/;
-# taxable sales
-$sql{taxable} = "$select
-  SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur - COALESCE(exempt_charged, 0))
-  FROM cust_main_county
-  JOIN ($pkg_tax) AS pkg_tax USING (taxnum)
-  JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
-  LEFT JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt
-    ON (pkg_tax_exempt.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum 
-        AND pkg_tax_exempt.taxnum = cust_main_county.taxnum)
-  $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax $group";
-# Here we're going to sum all line items that are taxable _at all_,
-# under any tax.  exempt_charged is the sum of all exemptions for a 
-# particular billpkgnum + taxnum; we take the taxnum that has the 
-# smallest sum of exemptions and subtract that from the charged amount.
-# (This isn't an exact result, since line items can be taxable under 
-# one tax and not another.  Under 4.x the tax report is designed to 
-# consider only one variety of tax at a time, which should solve this.)
-$all_sql{taxable} = "$select_all
-  SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur - COALESCE(min_exempt, 0))
-  FROM cust_bill_pkg
-  JOIN (
-    SELECT billpkgnum, MIN(exempt_charged) AS min_exempt
-    FROM ($pkg_tax) AS pkg_tax
-    JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
-    LEFT JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt USING (billpkgnum, taxnum)
-    GROUP BY billpkgnum
-  ) AS pkg_is_taxable 
-  USING (billpkgnum)
-  $join_cust_pkg $where AND $nottax $group_all";
-$sql{taxable} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE//; # unrestricted
-$all_sql{taxable} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE//;
-# there isn't one for 'sales', because we calculate sales by adding up 
-# the taxable and exempt columns.
-# TAX QUERIES (billed tax, credited tax)
-# -----------
-# sum of billed tax:
-# join cust_bill_pkg to cust_main_county via cust_bill_pkg_tax_location
-my $taxfrom = " FROM cust_bill_pkg 
-                $join_cust 
-                LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg_tax_location USING ( billpkgnum )
-                LEFT JOIN cust_main_county USING ( taxnum )";
-if ( $with_pkgclass ) {
-  # If we're not grouping by package class, this is unnecessary, and
-  # probably really expensive.
-  $taxfrom .= "
-                LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg AS taxable
-                  ON (cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.taxable_billpkgnum = taxable.billpkgnum)
-                LEFT JOIN cust_pkg ON (taxable.pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum)
-                LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING (pkgpart)";
+if ( $cgi->param('taxname') =~ /^([\w ]+)$/ ) {
+  $params{taxname} = $1;
+} else {
+  die "taxname required";
-my $istax = "cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum = 0";
-my $named_tax =
-  "COALESCE(taxname,'Tax') = COALESCE(cust_bill_pkg.itemdesc,'Tax')";
-$sql{tax} = "$select SUM(cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.amount)
-             $taxfrom
-             $where AND $istax AND $named_tax
-             $group";
-$all_sql{tax} = "$select_all SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup)
-             FROM cust_bill_pkg
-             $join_cust
-             $where AND $istax
-             $group_all";
-# sum of credits applied against billed tax
-# ($creditfrom includes join of taxable item to part_pkg if with_pkgclass
-# is on)
-my $creditfrom = $taxfrom .
-  ' JOIN cust_credit_bill_pkg USING (billpkgtaxlocationnum)' .
-  ' JOIN cust_credit_bill     USING (creditbillnum)';
-my $creditwhere = $where . 
-  ' AND billpkgtaxratelocationnum IS NULL';
-my $creditwhere_all = $where;
-# if the credit_date option is set to application date, change
-# $creditwhere accordingly
 if ( $cgi->param('credit_date') eq 'cust_credit_bill' ) {
-  $creditwhere     =~ s/cust_bill._date/cust_credit_bill._date/g;
-  $creditwhere_all =~ s/cust_bill._date/cust_credit_bill._date/g;
-$sql{credit} = "$select SUM(cust_credit_bill_pkg.amount)
-                $creditfrom
-                $creditwhere AND $istax AND $named_tax
-                $group";
-$all_sql{credit} = "$select_all SUM(cust_credit_bill_pkg.amount)
-                FROM cust_credit_bill_pkg
-                JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
-                $join_cust
-                JOIN cust_credit_bill USING (creditbillnum)
-                $creditwhere_all AND $istax
-                $group_all";
-warn "\n\n$all_sql{credit}\n\n";
-if ( $with_pkgclass ) {
-  # the slightly more complicated version, with lots of joins that are 
-  # unnecessary if you're not breaking down by package class
-  $all_sql{tax} = "$select_all SUM(cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.amount)
-             $taxfrom
-             $where AND $istax
-             $group_all";
-  $all_sql{credit} = "$select_all SUM(cust_credit_bill_pkg.amount)
-                      $creditfrom
-                      $creditwhere_all AND $istax
-                      $group_all";
-# "out of taxable region" sales
-$all_sql{out_sales} = 
-  "$select_all SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur)
-  FROM (cust_bill_pkg $join_cust_pkg)
-  LEFT JOIN ($pkg_tax) AS pkg_tax USING (billpkgnum)
-  LEFT JOIN ($pkg_tax_exempt) AS pkg_tax_exempt USING (billpkgnum)
-  $where AND $nottax
-  AND pkg_tax.taxnum IS NULL AND pkg_tax_exempt.taxnum IS NULL
-  $group_all"
-$all_sql{out_sales} =~ s/EXEMPT_WHERE//;
-my %data;
-my %total;
-foreach my $k (keys(%sql)) {
-  my $stmt = $sql{$k};
-  warn "\n".uc($k).":\n".$stmt."\n" if $DEBUG;
-  my $sth = dbh->prepare($stmt);
-  # three columns: classnum, taxnum, value
-  $sth->execute 
-    or die "failed to execute $k query: ".$sth->errstr;
-  while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
-    $data{$k}{$row->[0]}{$row->[1]} = $row->[2];
-  }
-warn "DATA:\n".Dumper(\%data) if $DEBUG > 1;
-foreach my $k (keys %all_sql) {
-  warn "\n".$all_sql{$k}."\n" if $DEBUG;
-  my $sth = dbh->prepare($all_sql{$k});
-  # two columns: classnum, value
-  $sth->execute 
-    or die "failed to execute $k totals query: ".$sth->errstr;
-  while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
-    $total{$k}{$row->[0]} = $row->[1];
-  }
-warn "TOTALS:\n".Dumper(\%total);# if $DEBUG > 1;
-# so $data{tax}, for example, is now a hash with one entry
-# for each classnum, containing a hash with one entry for each
-# taxnum, containing the tax billed on that taxnum.
-# if with_pkgclass is off, then the classnum is always null.
-# integrity checks
-# unlinked tax collected
-my $out_tax_sql =
-  "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup)
-  FROM (cust_bill_pkg $join_cust)
-  LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg_tax_location USING (billpkgnum)
-  $where AND $istax AND cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.billpkgnum IS NULL"
-my $unlinked_tax = FS::Record->scalar_sql($out_tax_sql);
-# unlinked tax credited
-my $out_credit_sql =
-  "SELECT SUM(cust_credit_bill_pkg.amount)
-  FROM cust_credit_bill_pkg
-  JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum)
-  $join_cust
-  $where AND $istax AND cust_credit_bill_pkg.billpkgtaxlocationnum IS NULL"
-my $unlinked_credit = FS::Record->scalar_sql($out_credit_sql);
-# all sales
-my $all_sales = FS::Record->scalar_sql(
-  "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur)
-  FROM cust_bill_pkg $join_cust $where AND $nottax"
-#tax-report_groups filtering
-my($group_op, $group_value) = ( '', '' );
-if ( $cgi->param('report_group') =~ /^(=|!=) (.*)$/ ) {
-  ( $group_op, $group_value ) = ( $1, $2 );
-my $group_test = sub { # to be applied to a tax label
-  my $label = shift;
-  return 1 unless $group_op; #in case we get called inadvertantly
-  if ( $label eq $out ) { #don't display "out of taxable region" in this case
-    0;
-  } elsif ( $group_op eq '=' ) {
-    $label =~ /^$group_value/;
-  } elsif ( $group_op eq '!=' ) {
-    $label !~ /^$group_value/;
-  } else {
-    die "guru meditation #00de: group_op $group_op\n";
-  }
-my @pkgclasses;
-if ($with_pkgclass) {
-  @pkgclasses = qsearch('pkg_class', {});
-  push @pkgclasses, FS::pkg_class->new({
-    classnum  => '0',
-    classname => 'Unclassified',
-  });
+  $params{credit_date} = 'cust_credit_bill';
 } else {
-  @pkgclasses = ( FS::pkg_class->new({
-    classnum  => '',
-    classname => '',
-  }) );
+  $params{credit_date} = 'cust_bill';
-my %pkgclass_data;
-foreach my $class (@pkgclasses) {
-  my $classnum = $class->classnum;
-  my $classname = $class->classname;
+warn "PARAMS:\n".Dumper(\%params)."\n\n" if $DEBUG;
-  # if show_taxclasses is on, %base_regions will contain the same data
-  # as %regions, but with taxclasses merged together (and ignoring report_group
-  # filtering).
-  my (%regions, %base_regions);
-  my @loc_params = qw(country state county);
-  push @loc_params, 'city' if $cgi->param('show_cities');
-  push @loc_params, 'district' if $cgi->param('show_districts');
-  foreach my $r ( qsearch({ 'table'     => 'cust_main_county', })) {
-    my $taxnum = $r->taxnum;
-    # set up a %regions entry for this region's tax label
-    my $label = $r->label(%label_opt);
-    next if $label eq $out;
-    $regions{$label} ||= { label => $label };
-    $regions{$label}->{$_} = $r->get($_) foreach @loc_params;
-    $regions{$label}->{taxnums} ||= [];
-    push @{ $regions{$label}->{taxnums} }, $r->taxnum;
-    my %x; # keys are data items (like 'tax', 'exempt_cust', etc.)
-    foreach my $k (keys %data) {
-      next unless exists($data{$k}{$classnum}{$taxnum});
-      $x{$k} = $data{$k}{$classnum}{$taxnum};
-      $regions{$label}{$k} += $x{$k};
-      if ( $k eq 'taxable' or $k =~ /^exempt/ ) {
-        $regions{$label}->{'sales'} += $x{$k};
-      }
-    }
-    my $owed = $data{'taxable'}{$classnum}{$taxnum} * ($r->tax/100);
-    $regions{$label}->{'owed'} += $owed;
-    $total{'owed'}{$classnum} += $owed;
-    if ( defined($regions{$label}->{'rate'})
-         && $regions{$label}->{'rate'} != $r->tax.'%' ) {
-      $regions{$label}->{'rate'} = 'variable';
-    } else {
-      $regions{$label}->{'rate'} = $r->tax.'%';
-    }
-    if ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) {
-      my $base_label = $r->label(%label_opt, 'with_taxclass' => 0);
-      $base_regions{$base_label} ||=
-      {
-        label   => $base_label,
-        tax     => 0,
-        credit  => 0,
-      };
-      $base_regions{$base_label}->{tax}    += $x{tax};
-      $base_regions{$base_label}->{credit} += $x{credit};
-    }
-  }
-  my @regions = map { $_->{label} }
-    sort {
-      ($b eq $out) <=> ($a eq $out)
-      or $a->{country} cmp $b->{country}
-      or $a->{state}   cmp $b->{state}
-      or $a->{county}  cmp $b->{county}
-      or $a->{city}    cmp $b->{city}
-    } 
-    grep { $_->{sales} > 0 or $_->{tax} > 0 or $_->{credit} > 0 }
-    values %regions;
-  #tax-report_groups filtering
-  @regions = grep &{$group_test}($_), @regions
-    if $group_op;
-  #calculate totals
-  my %taxclasses = ();
-  my %county = ();
-  my %state = ();
-  my %country = ();
-  foreach my $label (@regions) {
-    $taxclasses{$regions{$_}->{'taxclass'}} = 1
-      if $regions{$_}->{'taxclass'};
-    $county{$regions{$_}->{'county'}} = 1;
-    $state{$regions{$_}->{'state'}} = 1;
-    $country{$regions{$_}->{'country'}} = 1;
-  }
-  my $total_url_param = '';
-  my $total_url_param_invoiced = '';
-  if ( $group_op ) {
-    my @country = keys %country;
-    warn "WARNING: multiple countries on this grouped report; total links broken"
-      if scalar(@country) > 1;
-    my $country = $country[0];
-    my @state = keys %state;
-    warn "WARNING: multiple countries on this grouped report; total links broken"
-      if scalar(@state) > 1;
-    my $state = $state[0];
-    $total_url_param_invoiced =
-    $total_url_param =
-      'report_group='.uri_escape("$group_op $group_value").';'.
-      join(';', map 'taxclass='.uri_escape($_), keys %taxclasses );
-    $total_url_param .= ';'.
-      "country=$country;state=".uri_escape($state).';'.
-      join(';', map 'county='.uri_escape($_), keys %county ) ;
-  }
-  #ordering
-  @regions =
-    map $regions{$_},
-    sort { $a cmp $b }
-    @regions;
-  my @base_regions =
-    map $base_regions{$_},
-    sort { $a cmp $b }
-    keys %base_regions;
-  #add "Out of taxable" and total lines
-  if ( $total{out_sales}{$classnum} ) {
-    my %out = (
-      'sales' => $total{out_sales}{$classnum},
-      'label' => $out,
-      'rate' => ''
-    );
-    push @regions, \%out;
-    push @base_regions, \%out;
-  }
-  if ( @regions ) {
-    my %class_total = map { $_ => $total{$_}{$classnum} } keys(%total);
-    $class_total{is_total} = 1;
-    $class_total{sales} = sum(
-      @class_total{ 'taxable',
-                    'out_sales',
-                    grep(/^exempt/, keys %class_total) }
-    );
-    push @regions,      \%class_total;
-    push @base_regions, \%class_total;
-  }
-  $pkgclass_data{$classname} = {
-    classnum      => $classnum,
-    classname     => $classname,
-    regions       => \@regions,
-    base_regions  => \@base_regions,
-  };
-if ( $with_pkgclass ) {
-  my $class_zero = delete( $pkgclass_data{'Unclassified'} );
-  @pkgclasses = map { $pkgclass_data{$_} }
-                sort { $a cmp $b }
-                keys %pkgclass_data;
-  push @pkgclasses, $class_zero;
-  my %grand_total = map {
-    $_ => sum( values(%{ $total{$_} }) )
-  } keys(%total);
-  $grand_total{sales} = $all_sales;
-  push @pkgclasses, {
-    classnum      => '',
-    classname     => 'Total',
-    regions       => [ \%grand_total ],
-    base_regions  => [ \%grand_total ],
-  }
-} else {
-  @pkgclasses = $pkgclass_data{''};
+my $report = FS::Report::Tax->report_internal(%params);
+my @rows = $report->table; # array of hashrefs
 my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
 my $money_sprintf = sub {
-  $money_char. sprintf('%.2f', shift );
-my $money_sprintf_nonzero = sub {
-  $_[0] == 0 ? '' : &$money_sprintf($_[0])
+  $money_char. sprintf('%.2f', shift);
 my $dateagentlink = "begin=$beginning;end=$ending";
-$dateagentlink .= ';agentnum='. $cgi->param('agentnum')
-  if length($agentname);
-my $baselink   = $p. "search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
+$dateagentlink .= $params{agentnum} if $params{agentnum};
+my $saleslink  = $p. "search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink;nottax=1";
+my $taxlink    = $p. "search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink;istax=1";
 my $exemptlink = $p. "search/cust_tax_exempt_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
+my $creditlink = $p. "search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink;credit=1;istax=1";
-my $creditlink = $baselink . ";credit=1";
-if ( $cgi->param('credit_date') eq 'cust_credit_bill' ) {
+if ( $params{'credit_date'} eq 'cust_credit_bill' ) {
   $creditlink =~ s/begin/credit_begin/;
   $creditlink =~ s/end/credit_end/;
-warn $creditlink;
+my %pkgclass_name = map { $_->classnum, $_->classname } qsearch('pkg_class');
+$pkgclass_name{''} = 'Unclassified';
diff --git a/httemplate/search/report_tax.html b/httemplate/search/report_tax.html
index 00cb3e8..8d8d108 100755
--- a/httemplate/search/report_tax.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/report_tax.html
@@ -4,67 +4,35 @@
-% if ( $conf->config('tax-report_groups') ) {
-%   my @lines = $conf->config('tax-report_groups');
-  <TR>
-    <TD ALIGN="right">Tax group</TD>
-    <TD>
-      <SELECT NAME="report_group">
-        <OPTION VALUE="">all</OPTION>
-%       foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
-%         $line =~ /^\s*(.+)\s+(=|!=)\s+(.*)\s*$/ #or next;
-%           or do { warn "bad report_group line: $line\n"; next; };
-%         my($label, $op, $value) = ($1, $2, $3);
-          <OPTION VALUE="<% "$op $value" %>"><% $label %></OPTION>
-%       }
-      </SELECT>
-    </TD>
-  </TR>
-% }
- <% include( '/elements/tr-select-agent.html', 'disable_empty'=>0 ) %>
- <% include( '/elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html' ) %>
-%    if ( $city ) {
-   <TR>
-     <TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="show_cities" VALUE="1" onclick="toggle_show_cities(this)"></TD>
-     <TD>Show cities</TD>
-   </TR>
-   <TR>
-     <TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="show_districts" VALUE="1" DISABLED></TD>
-     <TD>Show districts</TD>
-   </TR>
-  <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-  function toggle_show_cities() {
-    what = document.getElementsByName('show_cities')[0];
-    what.form.show_districts.disabled = !what.checked;
-    what.form.show_districts.checked  = what.checked;
-  }
-  toggle_show_cities();
-  </SCRIPT>
-% } 
-%    if ( $conf->exists('enable_taxclasses') ) {
-   <TR>
-     <TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="show_taxclasses" VALUE="1"></TD>
-     <TD>Show tax classes</TD>
-   </TR>
-% } 
-% my @pkg_class = qsearch('pkg_class', {});
-% if ( @pkg_class ) {
-   <TR>
-     <TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="show_pkgclasses" VALUE="1"></TD>
-     <TD>Show package classes</TD>
-   </TR>
-% } 
+  <& /elements/tr-select-agent.html, 'disable_empty'=>0 &>
+  <& /elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html &>
+  <& /elements/tr-select.html,
+    'label'         => 'Country',
+    'field'         => 'country',
+    'options'       => \@countries,
+    'curr_value'    => ($conf->config('countrydefault') || 'US'),
+  &>
+  <& /elements/tr-select.html,
+    'label'         => 'For tax named ',
+    'field'         => 'taxname',
+    'options'       => \@taxnames,
+    'disable_empty' => 1,
+  &>
+  <& /elements/tr-checkbox-multiple.html,
+    'label'         => 'Break down by ',
+    'field'         => 'breakdown',
+    'options'       => \@breakdown,
+    'option_labels' => {
+      taxclass  => 'Tax class',
+      pkgclass  => 'Package class',
+      city      => 'City',
+      district  => 'District',
+    },
+  &>
     <TD>Deduct credited tax if it was 
@@ -89,12 +57,26 @@ die "access denied"
 my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $city_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main_county
-                  WHERE city != '' AND city IS NOT NULL
-                  LIMIT 1";
-my $city_sth = dbh->prepare($city_sql) or die dbh->errstr;
-$city_sth->execute or die $city_sth->errstr;
-my $city = $city_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
+my $sth = dbh->prepare('SELECT DISTINCT(COALESCE(taxname, \'Tax\')) FROM cust_main_county');
+$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+my @taxnames = map { $_->[0] } @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref };
+$sth = dbh->prepare('SELECT DISTINCT(country) FROM cust_location');
+$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+my @countries = map { $_->[0] } @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref };
+my @breakdown;
+if ( $conf->exists('enable_taxclasses') ) {
+  push @breakdown, 'taxclass';
+if ( FS::pkg_class->count() > 0 ) {
+  push @breakdown, 'pkgclass';
+if ( FS::cust_main_county->count("city is not null and city != ''") > 0 ) {
+  push @breakdown, 'city';
+if ( FS::cust_main_county->count("district is not null") > 0 ) {
+  push @breakdown, 'district';


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/Mason.pm                       |    1 +
 FS/FS/Report/Tax.pm                  |  519 +++++++++++++++++++
 httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi  |   16 +-
 httemplate/search/report_tax-xls.cgi |  238 ++++++---
 httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi     |  908 ++++++----------------------------
 httemplate/search/report_tax.html    |  118 ++---
 6 files changed, 887 insertions(+), 913 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 FS/FS/Report/Tax.pm
 mode change 100755 => 100644 httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi

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