[freeside-commits] branch FREESIDE_3_BRANCH updated. 38c28f5486c5fb02d1d6edfebf878b10a2a9239e

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Thu May 22 22:21:30 PDT 2014

The branch, FREESIDE_3_BRANCH has been updated
       via  38c28f5486c5fb02d1d6edfebf878b10a2a9239e (commit)
      from  1b4b00291c912647c6225f62c2e2be05b9be1f8f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 38c28f5486c5fb02d1d6edfebf878b10a2a9239e
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Thu May 22 22:21:10 2014 -0700

    fix bad race conditions in parallel schema upgrade, #29163

diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-upgrade b/FS/bin/freeside-upgrade
index 6c9c240..c3d070e 100755
--- a/FS/bin/freeside-upgrade
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-upgrade
@@ -182,54 +182,111 @@ if ( $opt_c ) {
+my $MAX_HANDLES; # undef for now, set it if you want a limit
 if ( $DRY_RUN ) {
     join(";\n", @statements ). ";\n";
-} else {
-  my @clones = ();
-  foreach my $statement ( @statements ) {
-    if ( $opt_a ) {
-      my $clone = '';
-      until ( $clone = $dbh->clone ) {
-        sleep 60; #too many database connections?  wait and retry
-      }
-      until ( $clone->do( $statement, {pg_async=>PG_ASYNC} ) ) {
-        sleep 60; #too many ... running queries?  wait and retry
-      }
-      warn "$statement\n";
-      push @clones, $clone;
+} elsif ( $opt_a ) {
+  my @phases = map { [] } 0..4;
+  my $fsupgrade_idx = 1;
+  my %idx_map;
+  foreach (@statements) {
+    if ( /^ *(CREATE|ALTER) +TABLE/ ) {
+      # phase 0: CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE
+      push @{ $phases[0] }, $_;
+    } elsif ( /^ *ALTER +INDEX.* RENAME TO dbs_temp(\d+)/ ) {
+      # phase 1: rename index to dbs_temp%d
+      # (see DBIx::DBSchema::Table)
+      # but in this case, uniqueify all the dbs_temps.  This method only works
+      # because they are in the right order to begin with...
+      my $dbstemp_idx = $1;
+      s/dbs_temp$dbstemp_idx/fsupgrade_temp$fsupgrade_idx/;
+      $idx_map{ $dbstemp_idx } = $fsupgrade_idx;
+      push @{ $phases[1] }, $_;
+      $fsupgrade_idx++;
+    } elsif ( /^ *(CREATE|DROP)( +UNIQUE)? +INDEX/ ) {
+      # phase 2: create/drop indices
+      push @{ $phases[2] }, $_;
+    } elsif ( /^ *ALTER +INDEX +dbs_temp(\d+) +RENAME/ ) {
+      # phase 3: rename temp indices back to real ones
+      my $dbstemp_idx = $1;
+      my $mapped_idx = $idx_map{ $dbstemp_idx }
+        or die "unable to remap dbs_temp$1 RENAME statement";
+      s/dbs_temp$dbstemp_idx/fsupgrade_temp$mapped_idx/;
+      push @{ $phases[3] }, $_;
     } else {
-      warn "$statement\n";
-      $dbh->do( $statement )
-        or die "Error: ". $dbh->errstr. "\n executing: $statement";
+      # phase 4: everything else (CREATE SEQUENCE, SELECT SETVAL, etc.)
+      push @{ $phases[4] }, $_;
-  warn "Waiting for all schema changes to complete\n" if @clones; # && $DEBUG;
-  while ( @clones ) {
-    my @newclones = ();
-    foreach my $clone ( @clones ) {
-      if ( $clone->pg_ready ) {
-        $clone->pg_result or die $clone->errstr;
-        $clone->commit    or die $clone->errstr;
-      } else {
-        push @newclones, $clone;
+  my $i = 0;
+  my @busy = ();
+  my @free = ();
+  foreach my $phase (@phases) {
+    warn "Starting schema changes, phase $i...\n";
+    while (@$phase or @busy) {
+      # check status of all running tasks
+      my @newbusy;
+      my $failed_clone;
+      for my $clone (@busy) {
+        if ( $clone->pg_ready ) {
+          # then clean it up
+          my $rv = $clone->pg_result && $clone->commit;
+          $failed_clone = $clone if !$rv;
+          push @free, $clone;
+        } else {
+          push @newbusy, $clone;
+        }
-    }
-    @clones = @newclones;
-    sleep 30 if @clones;
-  }
+      if ( $failed_clone ) {
+        my $errstr = $failed_clone->errstr;
+        foreach my $clone (@newbusy, $failed_clone) {
+          $clone->pg_cancel if $clone->{pg_async_status} == 1;
+          $clone->disconnect;
+        }
+        die "$errstr\n";
+      }
+      @busy = @newbusy;
+      if (my $statement = $phase->[0]) {
+        my $clone;
+        if ( @free ) {
+          $clone = shift(@free);
+        } elsif ( !$MAX_HANDLES or 
+                  scalar(@free) + scalar(@busy) < $MAX_HANDLES ) {
+          $clone = $dbh->clone; # this will fail if over the server limit
+        }
+        if ( $clone ) {
+          my $rv = $clone->do($statement, {pg_async => PG_ASYNC});
+          if ( $rv ) {
+            warn "$statement\n";
+            shift @{ $phase }; # and actually take the statement off the queue
+            push @busy, $clone;
+          } # else I don't know, wait and retry
+        } # else too many handles, wait and retry
+      } elsif (@busy) {
+        # all statements are dispatched
+        warn "Waiting for phase $i to complete\n";
+        sleep 30;
+      }
+    } # while @$phase or @busy
+    $i++;
+  } # foreach $phase
+  warn "Schema changes complete.\n";
 #  warn "Pre-schema change upgrades completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds\n"; # if $DEBUG;
 #  $start = time;
 #  dbdef->update_schema( dbdef_dist(datasrc), $dbh );
+} else { # normal case, run statements sequentially
+  foreach my $statement ( @statements ) {
+    warn "$statement\n";
+    $dbh->do( $statement )
+      or die "Error: ". $dbh->errstr. "\n executing: $statement";
+  }
 warn "Schema upgrade completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds\n"; # if $DEBUG;


Summary of changes:
 FS/bin/freeside-upgrade |  127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

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