[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 3aec21e14476ee3d33d4cf92e029e8543dabf009
Jeremy Davis
jeremyd at 420.am
Mon May 5 09:56:40 PDT 2014
The branch, master has been updated
via 3aec21e14476ee3d33d4cf92e029e8543dabf009 (commit)
from 0576052155894acbda02aac05e136ed030b5707f (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 3aec21e14476ee3d33d4cf92e029e8543dabf009
Author: Jeremy Davis <jeremyd at freeside.biz>
Date: Fri May 16 14:32:04 2014 -0400
#28898 Cisco Unifed Call Manager CDR format
diff --git a/FS/FS/cdr/cisco.pm b/FS/FS/cdr/cisco.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9359901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/cdr/cisco.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+package FS::cdr::cisco;
+use strict;
+use base qw( FS::cdr );
+use vars qw( %info );
+use FS::cdr qw( _cdr_date_parser_maker _cdr_min_parser_maker );
+%info = (
+ 'name' => 'Cisco Unified Call Manager',
+ 'weight' => 160,
+ 'header' => 2, #0 default, set to 1 to ignore the first line, or
+ # to higher numbers to ignore that number of lines
+ 'type' => 'csv', #csv (default), fixedlength or xls
+ 'sep_char' => ',', #for csv, defaults to ,
+ 'disabled' => 0, #0 default, set to 1 to disable
+ 'import_fields' => [
+ skip(2), #cdrRecordType
+ #globalCallID_callManagerId
+ 'clid', #globalCallID_callId
+ skip(1), #origLegCallIdentifier
+ 'startdate', #dateTimeOrigination
+ skip(3), #origNodeId
+ #origSpan
+ #origIpAddr
+ 'src', #callingPartyNumber
+ skip(20), #callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID
+ #origCause_location
+ #origCause_value
+ #origPrecedenceLevel
+ #origMediaTransportAddress_IP
+ #origMediaTransportAddress_Port
+ #origMediaCap_payloadCapability
+ #origMediaCap_maxFramesPerPacket
+ #origMediaCap_g723BitRate
+ #origVideoCap_Codec
+ #origVideoCap_Bandwidth
+ #origVideoCap_Resolution
+ #origVideoTransportAddress_IP
+ #origVideoTransportAddress_Port
+ #origRSVPAudioStat
+ #origRSVPVideoStat
+ #destLegIdentifier
+ #destNodeId
+ #destSpan
+ #destIpAddr
+ 'dst', #originalCalledPartyNumber
+ skip(17), #finalCalledPartyNumber
+ #finalCalledPartyUnicodeLoginUserID
+ #destCause_location
+ #destCause_value
+ #destPrecedenceLevel
+ #destMediaTransportAddress_IP
+ #destMediaTransportAddress_Port
+ #destMediaCap_payloadCapability
+ #destMediaCap_maxFramesPerPacket
+ #destMediaCap_g723BitRate
+ #destVideoCap_Codec
+ #destVideoCap_Bandwidth
+ #destVideoCap_Resolution
+ #destVideoTransportAddress_IP
+ #destVideoTransportAddress_Port
+ #destRSVPAudioStat
+ #destRSVPVideoStat
+ 'answerdate', #dateTimeConnect
+ 'enddate', #dateTimeDisconnect
+ skip(6), #lastRedirectDn
+ #pkid
+ #originalCalledPartyNumberPartition
+ #callingPartyNumberPartition
+ #finalCalledPartyNumberPartition
+ #lastRedirectDnPartition
+ 'billsec', #duration
+ skip(48), #origDeviceName
+ #destDeviceName
+ #origCallTerminationOnBehalfOf
+ #destCallTerminationOnBehalfOf
+ #origCalledPartyRedirectOnBehalfOf
+ #lastRedirectRedirectOnBehalfOf
+ #origCalledPartyRedirectReason
+ #lastRedirectRedirectReason
+ #destConversationId
+ #globalCallId_ClusterID
+ #joinOnBehalfOf
+ #comment
+ #authCodeDescription
+ #authorizationLevel
+ #clientMatterCode
+ #origDTMFMethod
+ #destDTMFMethod
+ #callSecuredStatus
+ #origConversationId
+ #origMediaCap_Bandwidth
+ #destMediaCap_Bandwidth
+ #authorizationCodeValue
+ #outpulsedCallingPartyNumber
+ #outpulsedCalledPartyNumber
+ #origIpv4v6Addr
+ #destIpv4v6Addr
+ #origVideoCap_Codec_Channel2
+ #origVideoCap_Bandwidth_Channel2
+ #origVideoCap_Resolution_Channel2
+ #origVideoTransportAddress_IP_Channel2
+ #origVideoTransportAddress_Port_Channel2
+ #origVideoChannel_Role_Channel2
+ #destVideoCap_Codec_Channel2
+ #destVideoCap_Bandwidth_Channel2
+ #destVideoCap_Resolution_Channel2
+ #destVideoTransportAddress_IP_Channel2
+ #destVideoTransportAddress_Port_Channel2
+ #destVideoChannel_Role_Channel2
+ #IncomingProtocolID
+ #IncomingProtocolCallRef
+ #OutgoingProtocolID
+ #OutgoingProtocolCallRef
+ #currentRoutingReason
+ #origRoutingReason
+ #lastRedirectingRoutingReason
+ #huntPilotPartition
+ #huntPilotDN
+ #calledPartyPatternUsage
+ ],
+sub skip { map {''} (1..$_[0]) }
Summary of changes:
FS/FS/cdr/cisco.pm | 133 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 FS/FS/cdr/cisco.pm
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