[freeside-commits] branch master updated. f2248fc4efed88f10f74badea16cbf996ec118d1
ivan at 420.am
Tue Jun 17 05:31:44 PDT 2014
The branch, master has been updated
via f2248fc4efed88f10f74badea16cbf996ec118d1 (commit)
from fc7bc7a54a4e5447971b3565fb9e2d1b5d0a70e0 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit f2248fc4efed88f10f74badea16cbf996ec118d1
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date: Tue Jun 17 05:31:40 2014 -0700
IVR CDR import, RT#29055
diff --git a/FS/FS/cdr.pm b/FS/FS/cdr.pm
index 3af776b..0771a7b 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cdr.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cdr.pm
@@ -1519,8 +1519,8 @@ as keys (for use with batch_import) and "pretty" format names as values.
my %cdr_info;
foreach my $INC ( @INC ) {
- warn "globbing $INC/FS/cdr/*.pm\n" if $DEBUG;
- foreach my $file ( glob("$INC/FS/cdr/*.pm") ) {
+ warn "globbing $INC/FS/cdr/[a-z]*.pm\n" if $DEBUG;
+ foreach my $file ( glob("$INC/FS/cdr/[a-z]*.pm") ) {
warn "attempting to load CDR format info from $file\n" if $DEBUG;
$file =~ /\/(\w+)\.pm$/ or do {
warn "unrecognized file in $INC/FS/cdr/: $file\n";
diff --git a/FS/FS/cdr/Import.pm b/FS/FS/cdr/Import.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e13c682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/cdr/Import.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+package FS::cdr::Import;
+use strict;
+use Date::Format 'time2str';
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup dbh);
+use FS::cdr;
+use DBI;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use vars qw( $DEBUG );
+$DEBUG = 0;
+=head1 NAME
+FS::cdr::Import - CDR importing
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use FS::cdr::Import;
+ FS::cdr::Import->dbi_import(
+ 'dbd' => 'mysql', #Pg, Sybase, etc.
+ 'table' => 'TABLE_NAME',
+ 'primary_key' => 'BILLING_ID',
+ 'column_map' => { #freeside => remote_db
+ 'freeside_column' => 'remote_db_column',
+ 'freeside_column' => sub { my $row = shift; $row->{remote_db_column}; },
+ },
+ );
+CDR importing
+=item do_cli_import
+sub dbi_import {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %args = @_; #args are specifed by the script using this sub
+ my %opt; #opt is specified for each install / run of the script
+ getopts('H:U:P:D:T:c:L:', \%opt);
+ my $user = shift(@ARGV) or die $class->cli_usage;
+ $opt{D} ||= $args{database};
+ my $dsn = 'dbi:'. $args{dbd};
+ #$dsn .= ":host=$opt{H}"; #if $opt{H};
+ $dsn .= ":server=$opt{H}"; #if $opt{H};
+ $dsn .= ";database=$opt{D}" if $opt{D};
+ my $dbi = DBI->connect($dsn, $opt{U}, $opt{P})
+ or die $DBI::errstr;
+ adminsuidsetup $user;
+ #my $fsdbh = FS::UID::dbh;
+ my $table = $opt{T} || $args{table};
+ my $pkey = $args{primary_key};
+ #just doing this manually with IVR MSSQL databases for now
+ # # check for existence of freesidestatus
+ # my $status = $dbi->selectall_arrayref("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table WHERE Field = 'freesidestatus'");
+ # if( ! @$status ) {
+ # print "Adding freesidestatus column...\n";
+ # $dbi->do("ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN freesidestatus varchar(32)")
+ # or die $dbi->errstr;
+ # }
+ # else {
+ # print "freesidestatus column present\n";
+ # }
+ #my @cols = values %{ $args{column_map} };
+ my $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table ". # join(',', @cols). " FROM $table ".
+ ' WHERE freesidestatus IS NULL ';
+ #$sql .= ' LIMIT '. $opt{L} if $opt{L};
+ my $sth = $dbi->prepare($sql);
+ $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr. " executing $sql";
+ #MySQL-specific print "Importing ".$sth->rows." records...\n";
+ my $cdr_batch = new FS::cdr_batch({
+ 'cdrbatch' => 'IVR-import-'. time2str('%Y/%m/%d-%T',time),
+ });
+ my $error = $cdr_batch->insert;
+ die $error if $error;
+ my $cdrbatchnum = $cdr_batch->cdrbatchnum;
+ my $imported = 0;
+ my $row;
+ while ( $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
+ my %hash = ( 'cdrbatchnum' => $cdrbatchnum );
+ foreach my $field ( keys %{ $args{column_map} } ) {
+ my $col_or_coderef = $args{column_map}->{$field};
+ if ( ref($col_or_coderef) eq 'CODE' ) {
+ $hash{$field} = &{ $col_or_coderef }( $row );
+ } else {
+ $hash{$field} = $row->{ $col_or_coderef };
+ }
+ $hash{$field} = '' if $hash{$field} =~ /^\s+$/; #IVR (MSSQL?) bs
+ }
+ my $cdr = FS::cdr->new(\%hash);
+ $cdr->cdrtypenum($opt{c}) if $opt{c};
+ #print $row->{$pkey},"\n" if $opt{v};
+ my $error = $cdr->insert;
+ if ($error) {
+ #die $row->{$pkey} . ": failed import: $error\n";
+ print $row->{$pkey} . ": failed import: $error\n";
+ } else {
+ $imported++;
+ my $updated = $dbi->do(
+ "UPDATE $table SET freesidestatus = 'done' WHERE $pkey = ?",
+ undef,
+ $row->{'$pkey'}
+ );
+ #$updates += $updated;
+ die "failed to set status: ".$dbi->errstr."\n" unless $updated;
+ }
+ if ( $opt{L} && $imported >= $opt{L} ) {
+ $sth->finish;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ print "Done.\n";
+ print "Imported $imported CDRs.\n" if $imported;
+ $dbi->disconnect;
+sub cli_usage {
+ #"Usage: \n $0\n\t[ -H hostname ]\n\t-D database\n\t-U user\n\t-P password\n\tfreesideuser\n";
+ #"Usage: \n $0\n\t-H hostname\n\t-D database\n\t-U user\n\t-P password\n\t[ -c cdrtypenum ]\n\tfreesideuser\n";
+ "Usage: \n $0\n\t-H hostname\n\t[ -D database ]\n\t-U user\n\t-P password\n\t[ -c cdrtypenum ]\n\t[ -L num_cdrs_limit ]\n\tfreesideuser\n";
+=head1 BUGS
+Not everything has been refactored out of the various bin/cdr-*.import scripts,
+let alone other places.
+Sparse documentation.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/bin/cdr-ivr.import b/bin/cdr-ivr.import
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..07c180b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/cdr-ivr.import
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+use strict;
+use Date::Parse 'str2time';
+use FS::cdr::Import;
+ 'dbd' => 'Sybase',
+ 'database' => 'TEL_DATA',
+ 'table' => 'BILLING',
+ 'primary_key' => 'BILLING_ID',
+ 'column_map' => { #freeside => IVR
+ 'cdrid' => 'BILLING_ID', #Primary key
+ #'' => 'CALL_SESSION_ID', # Call Session Id (unique per call session – GUID)
+ 'uniqueid' => 'CALL_ID', #
+ #'' => 'ENTRY_TYPE', #
+ 'accountcode' => 'ACCOUNT_ID', #
+ #'' => 'ACCOUNT', #
+ #'' => 'ACCOUNT_GROUP', #
+ 'startdate' => sub { str2time(shift->{'START_DATE_TIME'}); },
+ 'answerdate' => sub { str2time(shift->{'CONNECT_DATE_TIME'}); },
+ 'enddate' => sub { str2time(shift->{'DISCONNECT_DATE_TIME'}); },
+ #'' => 'PARENT_ACCOUNT_ID', #
+ #'' => 'PARENT_ACCOUNT', #
+ #'' => 'LOGIN_NAME', #
+ #varchars not ints 'upstream_rateid' => 'RATE_SCHEDULE', #
+ #varchars not ints 'upstream_rateplanid' => 'RATE_PLAN', #
+ 'channel' => 'NODE', #
+ #'' => 'NODE_TYPE', #
+ #'' => 'ORIGIN', #
+ #'dst' => sub { $_[0]->{COUNTRY_CODE}. $_[0]->{NPA}.
+ # $_[0]->{NXX}. $_[0]->{LOCAL_NUMBER};
+ # },
+ 'description' => 'DESCRIPTION', # or upstream_dst_regionname ?
+ #'' => 'DETAIL', #
+ #'' => 'PER_CALL_CHARGE', #
+ #'' => 'PER_MINUTE_CHARGE', #
+ #'' => 'PER_CALL_SURCHARGE', #
+ 'duration' => 'ACTUAL_DURATION', #
+ 'billsec' => sub { int( shift->{'QUANTITY'} * 60 + .49 ); }, #
+ 'upstream_price' => 'AMOUNT', #
+ 'upstream_currency' => 'CURRENCY', #
+ #'' => 'CONVERSION_RATE', #
+ 'lastapp' => 'MODULE_NAME', #
+ 'src' => 'ANI', # 'clid' => 'ANI', #
+ 'dst' => 'DNIS',
+ #'' => 'SALES_GROUP', #
+ #'' => 'TAX_GROUP', #
+ 'userfield' => 'USER_1', #
+ #'' => 'USER_2', #
+ #'' => 'USER_3', #
+ #'' => 'USER_4', #
+ #'' => 'USER_5', #
+ #'' => 'USER_6', #
+ #'' => 'USER_7', #
+ #'' => 'USER_8', #
+ #'' => 'USER_9', #
+ #'' => 'USER_10', #
+ #'' => 'INFO_DIGITS', # VARCHAR(3) Info digits from the inbound leg, if applicable
+ #'' => 'RATE_INTERVAL', # TINYINT Rate interval used to bill the call (default: 60 seconds) ... create a new "upstream_granularity" field if we need this
+ #'' => 'DISCONNECT_CHARGE', # DECIMAL(15,4) The disconnect charge billed for the call
+ #'' => 'BILLING_DELAY', # SMALLINT Billing delay associated with the call
+ #'' => 'GRACE_PERIOD', # SMALLINT Grace period associated with the call
+ #'' => 'ACCOUNT_TYPE', # Account type from ACCOUNT_TYPES table
+ },
Summary of changes:
FS/FS/cdr.pm | 4 +-
FS/FS/cdr/Import.pm | 161 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
bin/cdr-ivr.import | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 FS/FS/cdr/Import.pm
create mode 100755 bin/cdr-ivr.import
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