[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 01ffb4debe929b4d28f2ff9aee2f2bfc9b67fb47
ivan at 420.am
Mon Apr 14 01:17:12 PDT 2014
The branch, master has been updated
via 01ffb4debe929b4d28f2ff9aee2f2bfc9b67fb47 (commit)
from 49ab5818ef56a8758548396033388187b123f8ed (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 01ffb4debe929b4d28f2ff9aee2f2bfc9b67fb47
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date: Mon Apr 14 01:17:11 2014 -0700
installers (calendaring), RT#16584
diff --git a/rt/lib/RTx/Schedule.pm b/rt/lib/RTx/Schedule.pm
index c143277..167019d 100644
--- a/rt/lib/RTx/Schedule.pm
+++ b/rt/lib/RTx/Schedule.pm
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ sub UserDaySchedule {
#XXX color code existing appointments by... city? proximity? etc.
- my $col = '99ff99'; #green for now
+ #my $col = '99ff99'; #green for now
+ my $col = 'a097ed'; #any of green/red/yellow-like would be confusing as a placeholder color, so.. blue-ish/purple
$_->Id => [ $starts, $due, $col, $_ ];
diff --git a/rt/share/html/Elements/CalendarDaySchedule b/rt/share/html/Elements/CalendarDaySchedule
index a8cda65..5be5b06 100644
--- a/rt/share/html/Elements/CalendarDaySchedule
+++ b/rt/share/html/Elements/CalendarDaySchedule
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ $CurrentUser => undef
% my $s = int(($starts-$stime)/10);
% my $e = int(($due-$stime)/10)-1;
- onmouseover = "overlib('<%$id%>: XX miles away<BR>more info', WRAP, BGCOLOR, '#000000', FGCOLOR, '#<%$col%>')"
+ onmouseover = "overlib('<%$id%>: <% FS::sched_avail::pretty_time($starts). '-'. FS::sched_avail::pretty_time($due) %><BR>XX miles away<BR>more info', WRAP, BGCOLOR, '#000000', FGCOLOR, '#<%$col%>')"
onmouseout = "nd(); return true;"
shape = "rect"
coords = "<%$s%>,0,<%$e%>,<%$height%>"
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ my $height = 12; #Schedule/UserBar
use RTx::Schedule qw( UserDaySchedule );
+use FS::sched_avail; #just for pretty_time
#my( $date, $time ) = split('T', $Date);
my $date = $Date->strftime('%F');
diff --git a/rt/share/html/Elements/CalendarSlotSchedule b/rt/share/html/Elements/CalendarSlotSchedule
index 5b40040..55c45cd 100644
--- a/rt/share/html/Elements/CalendarSlotSchedule
+++ b/rt/share/html/Elements/CalendarSlotSchedule
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
$timestep => $default_timestep
@username => ()
$LengthMin => $default_timestep
+ $custnum => undef
+ $pkgnum => undef
% foreach my $username ( @username ) {
@@ -17,43 +19,80 @@
% my $bgcolor = '666666;border-color:#555555';
% my $content = '';
-% my $onmouse = 0;
+% my $selectable = 0;
% #white out available times
% foreach my $avail ( @{ $schedule{'avail'} } ) {
% my( $start, $end ) = @$avail;
% next if $start >= ($tod_row+$timestep) || $end <= $tod_row;
% $bgcolor = 'FFFFFF';
-% $onmouse = 1
+% $selectable = 1
% if $LengthMin <= $end - $tod_row #the slot is long enough
% && ! grep { $_ > $tod_row && $LengthMin > $_ - $tod_row }
% map $_->[0], values %{ $schedule{'scheduled'} };
% }
% #block out / show / color code existing appointments
+% #my %line = ();
% foreach my $id ( keys %{ $schedule{'scheduled'} } ) {
% my( $starts, $due, $col, $t ) = @{ $schedule{'scheduled'}->{$id} };
-% next if $starts >= ($tod_row+$timestep) || $due < $tod_row;
+% next if $starts >= ($tod_row+$timestep) || $due <= $tod_row;
% $bgcolor = $col;
-% $onmouse = 0;
+% $selectable = 0;
% if ( $starts >= $tod_row ) { #first row
-% $content .= ($content?', ':''). $id; #XXX more
+% $content .= ($content?', ':''). $id.
+% ': '. FS::sched_avail::pretty_time($starts). '-'.
+% FS::sched_avail::pretty_time($due);
+% #'install for custname XX miles away'; #XXX placeholder/more
+% #} else {
+% # $content .= ($content?', ':''). $id;
% }
% }
- <td style="background:#<%$bgcolor%>" class="weekly"
+ <td style="background:#<%$bgcolor%>"
+ class="<% $selectable ? 'weeklyselectable' : 'weekly' %>"
%# <% $is_today ? 'today'
%# : $is_yesterday ? 'yesterday'
%# : $is_aweekago ? 'aweekago'
%# : ''
%# %>"
-% if ( $onmouse ) {
- onmouseover="boxon(this);"
- onmouseout ="boxoff(this);"
+% if ( $selectable ) {
+% #XXX for now, construct a ticket creation URL
+% # eventually, do much the same, but say "appointment made", show time
+% # and date, have # options to do things with it? etc.
+% # then redir back to customer/appointment view i guess
+% #abstraction is leaking like a sieve... linking back to freeside cust
+% # (XXX and eventually, package)
+% my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { custnum=>$custnum } )
+% or die "unknown custnum $custnum";
+% my $Queue = $cust_main->agent->ticketing_queueid || 1; # || $default_queueid;#XXX really, pick pkg_category queue
+% my $member = "freeside://freeside/cust_main/$custnum";
+%warn my $Starts = int($tod_row/60). ':'. sprintf('%02d',$tod_row%60). ':00';
+%warn my $Due = int(($tod_row+$LengthMin)/60). ':'.
+% sprintf('%02d',($tod_row+$LengthMin)%60). ':00';
+% my $url = $RT::WebPath. '/Ticket/Display.html?id=new'.
+% "&Queue=$Queue".
+% "&Owner=$username".
+% '&Starts='. $Date->strftime('%F').'%20'. $Starts.
+% '&Due='. $Date->strftime('%F').'%20'. $Due.
+% '&new-MemberOf='. $member; #XXX uri_escape?
+% #'&Requestors='. #XXX Freeside customer requestor(s) (package?
+ onmouseover = "boxon(this);"
+ onmouseout = "boxoff(this);"
+ title = "<% 'Make appointment for '.
+ FS::sched_avail::pretty_time($tod_row). '-'.
+ FS::sched_avail::pretty_time($tod_row+$LengthMin)
+ %>"
+ onclick = "window.location.href = '<% $url %>'"
% }
><% $content %></td>
% }
@@ -64,5 +103,10 @@ my $default_timestep = RT->Config->Get('CalendarWeeklySizeMin') || 30; #1/2h
use RTx::Schedule qw( UserDaySchedule );
+use FS::sched_avail; #just for pretty_time
+#what happened? alas. for constructing the ticket creation links
+use FS::Record qw( qsearchs );
+use FS::cust_main;
diff --git a/rt/share/html/Search/Schedule.html b/rt/share/html/Search/Schedule.html
index 4bc5134..8290472 100644
--- a/rt/share/html/Search/Schedule.html
+++ b/rt/share/html/Search/Schedule.html
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@
Display => 'Schedule',
DisplayArgs => [ username => $ARGS{username},
LengthMin => $LengthMin,
+ #oops, more freeside abstraction-leaking
+ custnum => $ARGS{custnum},
+ pkgnum => $ARGS{pkgnum},
@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ my @files = ();
push @files, map { "${_}contentmws" } qw( iframe ajax );
-my $LengthMin = 180; #XXX $ARGS{LengthMin};, passed in
+( my $LengthMin = $ARGS{LengthMin} ) =~ /^\d+$/ or die 'non-numeric LengthMin';
my $cells = int($LengthMin / $timestep);
$cells++ if $LengthMin % $timestep;
Summary of changes:
rt/lib/RTx/Schedule.pm | 3 +-
rt/share/html/Elements/CalendarDaySchedule | 3 +-
rt/share/html/Elements/CalendarSlotSchedule | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++----
rt/share/html/Search/Schedule.html | 5 ++-
4 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
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