[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 23db52e232596d87b97561f5f76f11668cbe33bd

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Sat Jun 29 09:24:08 PDT 2013

The branch, master has been updated
       via  23db52e232596d87b97561f5f76f11668cbe33bd (commit)
      from  3be3194b8429383cf47fde8ea662327a0a60d8b0 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 23db52e232596d87b97561f5f76f11668cbe33bd
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Sat Jun 29 09:24:00 2013 -0700

    Billing_ThirdParty.pm, missing file

diff --git a/FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_ThirdParty.pm b/FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_ThirdParty.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faced8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_ThirdParty.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+package FS::cust_main::Billing_ThirdParty;
+use strict;
+use vars qw( $DEBUG $me );
+use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs dbh );
+use FS::cust_pay;
+use FS::cust_pay_pending;
+$DEBUG = 0;
+$me = '[FS::cust_main::Billing_ThirdParty]';
+# arguably doesn't even belong under cust_main...
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item create_payment OPTIONS
+Create a pending payment for a third-party gateway.  OPTIONS must include:
+- method: a Business::OnlineThirdPartyPayment method argument.  Currently 
+  only supports PAYPAL.
+- amount: a decimal amount.  Unlike in Billing_Realtime, there is NO default.
+- session_id: the customer's self-service session ID.
+and may optionally include:
+- invnum: the invoice that this payment will apply to
+- pkgnum: the package balance that this payment will apply to.
+- description: the transaction description for the gateway.
+- payip: the IP address the payment is initiated from
+On failure, returns a simple string error message.  On success, returns 
+a hashref of 'url' => the URL to redirect the user to to complete payment,
+and optionally 'post_params' => a hashref of name/value pairs to be POSTed
+to that URL.
+my @methods = qw(PAYPAL CC);
+my %method2payby = ( 'PAYPAL' => 'PPAL', 'CC' => 'MCRD' );
+sub create_payment {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my %opt = @_;
+  # avoid duplicating this--we just need description and invnum
+  my $defaults;
+  $self->_bop_defaults($defaults);
+  my $method = $opt{'method'} or return 'method required';
+  my $amount = $opt{'amount'} or return 'amount required';
+  return "unknown method '$method'" unless grep {$_ eq $method} @methods;
+  return "amount must be > 0" unless $amount > 0;
+  return "session_id required" unless length($opt{'session_id'});
+  my $gateway = $self->agent->payment_gateway(
+    method      => $method,
+    nofatal     => 1,
+    thirdparty  => 1,
+  );
+  return "no third-party gateway enabled for method $method" if !$gateway;
+  # create pending record
+  $self->select_for_update;
+  my @pending = qsearch('cust_pay_pending', {
+      'custnum' => $self->custnum,
+      'status'  => { op=>'!=', value=>'done' }
+  });
+  # if there are pending payments in the 'thirdparty' state,
+  # we can safely remove them
+  foreach (@pending) {
+    if ( $_->status eq 'thirdparty' ) {
+      my $error = $_->delete;
+      return "Error deleting unfinished payment #".
+        $_->paypendingnum . ": $error\n" if $error;
+    } else {
+      return "A payment is already being processed for this customer.";
+    }
+  }
+  my $cpp = FS::cust_pay_pending->new({
+      'custnum'         => $self->custnum,
+      'status'          => 'new',
+      'gatewaynum'      => $gateway->gatewaynum,
+      'paid'            => sprintf('%.2f',$opt{'amount'}),
+      'payby'           => $method2payby{ $opt{'method'} },
+      'pkgnum'          => $opt{'pkgnum'},
+      'invnum'          => $opt{'invnum'} || $defaults->{'invnum'},
+      'session_id'      => $opt{'session_id'},
+  });
+  my $error = $cpp->insert;
+  return $error if $error;
+  my $transaction = $gateway->processor;
+  # Not included in this content hash:
+  # payinfo, paydate, paycvv, any kind of recurring billing indicator,
+  # paystate, paytype (account type), stateid, ss, payname
+  #
+  # Also, unlike bop_realtime, we don't allow the magical %options hash
+  # to override the customer's information.  If they need to enter a 
+  # different address or something for the billing provider, they can do 
+  # that after the redirect.
+  my %content = (
+    'action'      => 'create',
+    'description' => $opt{'description'} || $defaults->{'description'},
+    'amount'      => $amount,
+    'customer_id' => $self->custnum,
+    'email'       => $self->invoicing_list_emailonly_scalar,
+    'customer_ip' => $opt{'payip'},
+    'first_name'  => $self->first,
+    'last_name'   => $self->last,
+    'address1'    => $self->address1,
+    'address2'    => $self->address2,
+    'city'        => $self->city,
+    'state'       => $self->state,
+    'zip'         => $self->zip,
+    'country'     => $self->country,
+    'phone'       => ($self->daytime || $self->night),
+  );
+  {
+    local $@;
+    eval { $transaction->create(%content) };
+    if ( $@ ) {
+      warn "ERROR: Executing third-party payment:\n$@\n";
+      return { error => $@ };
+    }
+  }
+  if ($transaction->is_success) {
+    $cpp->status('thirdparty');
+    # for whatever is most identifiable as the "transaction ID"
+    $cpp->payinfo($transaction->token);
+    # for anything else the transaction needs to remember
+    $cpp->statustext($transaction->statustext);
+    $error = $cpp->replace;
+    return $error if $error;
+    return {url => $transaction->redirect,
+            post_params => $transaction->post_params};
+  } else {
+    $cpp->status('done');
+    $cpp->statustext($transaction->error_message);
+    $error = $cpp->replace;
+    return $error if $error;
+    return $transaction->error_message;
+  }
+=item execute_payment SESSION_ID, PARAMS
+Complete the payment and get the status.  Triggered from the return_url
+handler; PARAMS are all of the CGI parameters we received in the redirect.
+On failure, returns an error message.  On success, returns a hashref of 
+'paynum', 'paid', 'order_number', and 'auth'.
+sub execute_payment {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $session_id = shift;
+  my %params = @_;
+  my $cpp = qsearchs('cust_pay_pending', {
+      'session_id'  => uc($session_id),
+      'custnum'     => $self->custnum,
+      'status'      => 'thirdparty',
+  })
+    or return 'no payment in process for this session';
+  my $gateway = FS::payment_gateway->by_key( $cpp->gatewaynum );
+  my $transaction = $gateway->processor;
+  $transaction->token($cpp->payinfo);
+  $transaction->statustext($cpp->statustext);
+  {
+    local $@;
+    eval { $transaction->execute(%params) };
+    if ( $@ ) {
+      warn "ERROR: Executing third-party payment:\n$@\n";
+      return { error => $@ };
+    }
+  }
+  my $error;
+  if ( $transaction->is_success ) {
+    $error = $cpp->approve(
+                    'processor'     => $gateway->gateway_module,
+                    'order_number'  => $transaction->order_number,
+                    'auth'          => $transaction->authorization,
+                    'payinfo'       => '',
+                    'apply'         => 1,
+                  );
+    return $error if $error;
+    return {
+      'paynum'        => $cpp->paynum,
+      'paid'          => $cpp->paid,
+      'order_number'  => $transaction->order_number,
+      'auth'          => $transaction->authorization,
+    }
+  } else {
+    my $error = $gateway->gateway_module. " error: ".
+      $transaction->error_message;
+    my $jobnum = $cpp->jobnum;
+    if ( $jobnum ) {
+      my $placeholder = FS::queue->by_key($jobnum);
+      if ( $placeholder ) {
+        my $e = $placeholder->depended_delete || $placeholder->delete;
+        warn "error removing provisioning jobs after declined paypendingnum ".
+          $cpp->paypendingnum. ": $e\n\n"
+          if $e;
+      } else {
+        warn "error finding job $jobnum for declined paypendingnum ".
+          $cpp->paypendingnum. "\n\n";
+      }
+    }
+    # not needed here:
+    # the raw HTTP response thing when there's no error message
+    # decline notices (the customer has already seen the decline message)
+    # set the pending status
+    my $e = $cpp->decline($error);
+    if ( $e ) {
+      $e = "WARNING: payment declined but pending payment not resolved - ".
+           "error updating status for pendingnum :".$cpp->paypendingnum.
+           ": $e\n\n";
+      warn $e;
+      $error = "$e ($error)";
+    }
+    return $error;
+  }
+=item cancel_payment SESSION_ID
+Cancel a pending payment attempt.  This just cleans up the cust_pay_pending
+sub cancel_payment {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $session_id = shift;
+  my $cust_pay_pending = qsearchs('cust_pay_pending', {
+      'session_id'  => uc($session_id),
+      'status'      => 'thirdparty',
+  });
+  return { 'error' => $cust_pay_pending->delete };


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_ThirdParty.pm |  266 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_ThirdParty.pm

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