[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 3107476389f090334fe1d92df6fab68c366408b4

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Fri Jul 19 17:25:32 PDT 2013

The branch, master has been updated
       via  3107476389f090334fe1d92df6fab68c366408b4 (commit)
      from  3fa4e563b63c858ed8ab518bf6a7286622424435 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 3107476389f090334fe1d92df6fab68c366408b4
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Fri Jul 19 17:25:25 2013 -0700

    BulkVS E911 provisioning, #23894

diff --git a/FS/FS/part_export/bulkvs_e911.pm b/FS/FS/part_export/bulkvs_e911.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c66305b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/part_export/bulkvs_e911.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+package FS::part_export::bulkvs_e911;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(%info $me $DEBUG);
+use base 'FS::part_export';
+use FS::svc_phone;
+use Tie::IxHash;
+use SOAP::Lite;
+use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
+use Data::Dumper;
+$DEBUG = 2;
+$me = '['.__PACKAGE__.']';
+tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', (
+  'apikey'    => { label=>'Bulkvs.com API key' },
+  'password'  => { label=>'Bulkvs.com website password' },
+%info = (
+  'svc'     => 'svc_phone',
+  'desc'    => 'Provision e911 services via BulkVS',
+  'notes'   => <<END
+<p>Provision e911 services via BulkVS.  Currently does not support provisioning
+phone numbers, only e911 service itself.</p>
+<p><i>apikey</i> is available through the web interface (look under the E911 
+Portal submenu). <i>password</i> is your password for the website, which will
+be used to calculate your API password.</p>
+  ,
+  'no_machine' => 1,
+  'options' => \%options,
+my $client;
+sub client {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $endpoint = 'https://portal.bulkvs.com/api';
+  my $wsdl = $endpoint . '?wsdl';
+  # it's expensive to create but completely stateless, so cache it freely
+  $client ||= SOAP::Lite->service( $wsdl )->proxy( $endpoint );
+sub login {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $apikey = $self->option('apikey')
+      or die "no Bulkvs.com API key configured";
+  my $pass = $self->option('password')
+      or die "no Bulkvs.com password configured";
+  ( $apikey, md5_hex($pass) );
+sub _export_insert {
+  my ($self, $svc_phone) = @_;
+  my @login = $self->login;
+  my $location = $svc_phone->cust_location
+    or return 'no e911 location defined for this phone service';
+  warn "$me validating address for svcnum ".$svc_phone->svcnum."\n"
+    if $DEBUG;
+  my $result = $self->client->e911validateAddress( @login,
+    $location->address1,
+    $location->address2,
+    $location->city,
+    $location->state,
+    $location->zip,
+  );
+  warn Dumper $result if $DEBUG > 1;
+  if ( $result->{'faultstring'} ) {
+    return "E911 provisioning error: ".$result->{'faultstring'};
+  } elsif ( !exists($result->{entry0}->{addressid}) ) {
+    return "E911 provisioning error: server returned no address ID";
+  }
+  my $caller_name = $svc_phone->cust_linked ?
+                    $svc_phone->cust_main->name_short :
+                    'unknown';
+  warn "$me provisioning address for svcnum ".$svc_phone->svcnum."\n"
+    if $DEBUG;
+  $result = $self->client->e911provisionAddress( @login,
+    '1'.$svc_phone->phonenum,
+    $caller_name,
+    $result->{entry0}->{addressid},
+  );
+  warn Dumper $result if $DEBUG > 1;
+  if ( $result->{'faultstring'} ) {
+    return "E911 provisioning error: ".$result->{'faultstring'};
+  }
+  '';
+sub _export_delete {
+  my ($self, $svc_phone) = @_;
+  my @login = $self->login;
+  warn "$me removing address for svcnum ".$svc_phone->svcnum."\n"
+    if $DEBUG;
+  my $result = $self->client->e911removeRecord( @login,
+    '1'.$svc_phone->phonenum
+  );
+  warn Dumper $result if $DEBUG > 1;
+  if ( $result->{'faultstring'} ) {
+    return "E911 unprovisioning error: ".$result->{'faultstring'};
+  }
+  '';
+sub _export_replace {
+  my ($self, $new, $old) = @_;
+  # BulkVS says that to change an address for an existing number,
+  # we should reprovision it without removing the old record.
+  if ( $new->phonenum ne $old->phonenum ) {
+    my $error = $self->_export_delete($old);
+    return $error if $error;
+  }
+  $self->_export_insert($new);


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/part_export/bulkvs_e911.pm |  124 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 FS/FS/part_export/bulkvs_e911.pm

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