[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 04ea9274b34b21b515891b781b37d05b6aba5eda
ivan at 420.am
Sun Jan 13 23:16:58 PST 2013
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via 04ea9274b34b21b515891b781b37d05b6aba5eda (commit)
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 04ea9274b34b21b515891b781b37d05b6aba5eda
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date: Sun Jan 13 23:16:54 2013 -0800
GSM TAP3.12 export, RT#20768
diff --git a/FS/FS/Conf.pm b/FS/FS/Conf.pm
index 2ce0c57..6fc952f 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Conf.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Conf.pm
@@ -985,6 +985,14 @@ sub reason_type_options {
+ 'key' => 'currency',
+ 'section' => 'billing',
+ 'description' => 'Currency',
+ 'type' => 'select',
+ 'select_enum' => [ '', qw( USD AUD CAD DKK EUR GBP ILS JPY NZD XAF ) ],
+ },
+ {
'key' => 'business-batchpayment-test_transaction',
'section' => 'billing',
'description' => 'Turns on the Business::BatchPayment test_mode flag. Note that not all gateway modules support this flag; if yours does not, using the batch gateway will fail.',
@@ -4726,6 +4734,13 @@ and customer address. Include units.',
+ 'key' => 'cdr-gsm_tap3-sender',
+ 'section' => 'telephony',
+ 'description' => 'GSM TAP3 Sender network (5 letter code)',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ },
+ {
'key' => 'cust_pkg-show_autosuspend',
'section' => 'UI',
'description' => 'Show package auto-suspend dates. Use with caution for now; can slow down customer view for large insallations.',
diff --git a/FS/FS/cdr/gsm_tap3_12.pm b/FS/FS/cdr/gsm_tap3_12.pm
index dbf83d0..b1496ac 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cdr/gsm_tap3_12.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cdr/gsm_tap3_12.pm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use base qw( FS::cdr );
use strict;
use vars qw( %info %TZ );
use Time::Local;
-use Data::Dumper;
+#use Data::Dumper;
%TZ = (
'+0000' => 'XXX-0',
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ use Data::Dumper;
#old-style qsearch('cdr', { field=>'value' })
use Date::Format;
+use FS::Conf;
sub tap3_12_export {
my %qsearch = ();
if ( ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ) {
@@ -115,6 +116,8 @@ sub tap3_12_export {
#if these get huge we might need to get a count and do a paged search
my @cdrs = qsearch({ 'table'=>'cdr', %qsearch, 'order_by'=>'calldate ASC' });
+ my $conf = new FS::Conf;
eval "use Convert::ASN1";
die $@ if $@;
@@ -125,14 +128,16 @@ sub tap3_12_export {
my %hash = _TransferBatch(); #static information etc.
- my $utcTimeOffset = '+0300'; #XXX local timezone at least
my $now = time;
+ my $utcTimeOffset = time2str('%z', $now);
# accountingInfo
+ #mandatory
+ $hash{localCurrency} = $conf->config('currency') || 'USD';
# batchControlInfo
@@ -141,19 +146,36 @@ sub tap3_12_export {
$hash{batchControlInfo}->{fileCreationTimeStamp} = { 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $now),
'utcTimeOffset' => $utcTimeOffset,
- #XXX what do these do? do they need to be different from fileCreationTimeStamp?
- $hash{batchControlInfo}->{transferCutOffTimeStamp} = { 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $now),
+ #The timestamp used to select calls for transfer. All call records available prior to the timestamp are transferred.
+ # This gives an indication to the HPMN as to how ‘up-to-date’ the information is.
+ $hash{batchControlInfo}->{transferCutOffTimeStamp} = { 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $cdrs[-1]->calldate_unix ),
'utcTimeOffset' => $utcTimeOffset,
+ #The date and time at which the file was made available to the Recipient PMN.
+ # Physically this will normally be the timestamp when the file transfer
+ # commenced to the Recipient PMN, i.e. start of push, however on some systems
+ # this will be the timestamp when the file was made available to be pulled.
$hash{batchControlInfo}->{fileAvailableTimeStamp} = { 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $now),
'utcTimeOffset' => $utcTimeOffset,
- #XXX
- $hash{batchControlInfo}->{sender} = 'MDGTM';
+ # A unique identifier used to determine the network which is the Sender of the data.
+ # The full list of codes in use is given in TADIG PRD TD.13: PMN Naming Conventions.
+ $hash{batchControlInfo}->{sender} = $conf->config('cdr-gsm_tap3-sender') || 'ZZZZZ'; #reserved: Y*, ZO-ZZ
+ #XXX customer or agent field of some sort
+ # A unique identifier used to determine which network the data is being sent to,
+ # i.e. the Recipient.
+ # Derivation: GSM Association PRD TD.13: PMN Naming Conventions.
$hash{batchControlInfo}->{recipient} = 'GNQHT';
- $hash{batchControlInfo}->{fileSequenceNumber} = '00178'; #XXX global? per recipient?
+ #XXX
+ #A unique reference which identifies each TAP Data Interchange sent by one PMN to another, specific, PMN.
+ # The sequence commences at 1 and is incremented by one for each subsequent TAP Data Interchange sent by the Sender PMN to a particular Recipient PMN.
+ # Separate sequence numbering must be used for Test Data and Chargeable Data. Having reached the maximum value (99999) the number must recycle to 1.
+ $hash{batchControlInfo}->{fileSequenceNumber} = '00178';
# networkInfo
@@ -189,339 +211,348 @@ sub tap3_12_export {
# callEventDetails
- #one of Mobile Originated Call, Mobile Terminated Call, Mobile Session, Messaging Event, Supplementary Service Event, Service Centre Usage, GPRS Call, Content Transaction or Location Service
- # Each occurrence must have no more than one of these present
+ $hash{callEventDetails} = [ map tap3_12_export_cdr($_), @cdrs ];
- $hash{callEventDetails} = [
- map {
- { #either tele or bearer service usage originated by the mobile subscription (others?)
- 'mobileOriginatedCall' => {
- #identifies the Network Location, which includes the MSC responsible for handling
- # the call and, where appropriate, the Geographical Location of the mobile
- 'locationInformation' => {
- 'networkLocation' => {
- 'recEntityCode' => $_->carrierid, #XXX Recording Entity (per 2.5, from "Reference Tables")
- }
- },
- #Operator Specific Information: beyond the scope of TAP and has been bilaterally agreed
- 'operatorSpecInformation' => [
- $_->userfield, ##'|Seq: 178 Loc: 1|'
- ],
- #The type of service used together with all related charging information
- 'basicServiceUsedList' => [
- {
- #identifies the actual Basic Service used
- 'basicService' => {
- #one of Teleservice Code or Bearer Service Code as determined by the service type used
- 'serviceCode' => {
- #XXX
- #00 All teleservices
- #10 All Speech transmission services
- #11 Telephony
- #12 Emergency calls
- #20 All SMS Services
- #21 Short Message MT/PP
- #22 Short Message MO/PP
- #60 All Fax Services
- #61 Facsimile Group 3 & alternative speech
- #62 Automatic Facsimile Group 3
- #63 Automatic Facsimile Group 4
- #70 All data teleservices (compound)
- #80 All teleservices except SMS (compound)
- #90 All voice group call services
- #91 Voice group call
- #92 Voice broadcast call
- 'teleServiceCode' => $_->servicecode, #'11'
- #Bearer Service Code
- # Must be present within group Service Code where the type of service used
- # was a bearer service. Must not be present when the type of service used
- # was a tele service and, therefore, Teleservice Code is present.
- # Group Bearer Codes, identifiable by the description ‘All’, should only
- # be used where details of the specific services affected are not
- # available from the network.
- #00 All Bearer Services
- #20 All Data Circuit Asynchronous Services
- #21 Duplex Asynch. 300bps data circuit
- #22 Duplex Asynch. 1200bps data circuit
- #23 Duplex Asynch. 1200/75bps data circuit
- #24 Duplex Asynch. 2400bps data circuit
- #25 Duplex Asynch. 4800bps data circuit
- #26 Duplex Asynch. 9600bps data circuit
- #27 General Data Circuit Asynchronous Service
- #30 All Data Circuit Synchronous Services
- #32 Duplex Synch. 1200bps data circuit
- #34 Duplex Synch. 2400bps data circuit
- #35 Duplex Synch. 4800bps data circuit
- #36 Duplex Synch. 9600bps data circuit
- #37 General Data Circuit Synchronous Service
- #40 All Dedicated PAD Access Services
- #41 Duplex Asynch. 300bps PAD access
- #42 Duplex Asynch. 1200bps PAD access
- #43 Duplex Asynch. 1200/75bps PAD access
- #44 Duplex Asynch. 2400bps PAD access
- #45 Duplex Asynch. 4800bps PAD access
- #46 Duplex Asynch. 9600bps PAD access
- #47 General PAD Access Service
- #50 All Dedicated Packet Access Services
- #54 Duplex Synch. 2400bps PAD access
- #55 Duplex Synch. 4800bps PAD access
- #56 Duplex Synch. 9600bps PAD access
- #57 General Packet Access Service
- #60 All Alternat Speech/Asynchronous Services
- #70 All Alternate Speech/Synchronous Services
- #80 All Speech followed by Data Asynchronous Services
- #90 All Speech followed by Data Synchronous Services
- #A0 All Data Circuit Asynchronous Services (compound)
- #B0 All Data Circuit Synchronous Services (compound)
- #C0 All Asynchronous Services (compound)
- }
- #conditionally also contain the following for UMTS: Transparency Indicator, Fixed Network User
- # Rate, User Protocol Indicator, Guaranteed Bit Rate and Maximum Bit Rate
- },
- #Charge information is provided for all chargeable elements except within Messaging Event and Mobile Session call events
- # must contain Charged Item and at least one occurrence of Charge Detail
- 'chargeInformationList' => [
- {
- #XXX
- #mandatory
- # the charging principle applied and the unitisation of Chargeable Units. It
- # is not intended to identify the service used.
- #A: Call set up attempt
- #C: Content
- #D: Duration based charge
- #E: Event based charge
- #F: Fixed (one-off) charge
- #L: Calendar (for example daily usage charge)
- #V: Volume (outgoing) based charge
- #W: Volume (incoming) based charge
- #X: Volume (total volume) based charge
- #(?? fields to be used as a basis for the calculation of the correct Charge
- # A: Chargeable Units (if present)
- # D,V,W,X: Chargeable Units
- # C: Depends on the content
- # E: Not Applicable
- # F: Not Applicable
- # L: Call Event Start Timestamp)
- 'chargedItem' => 'D',
- # the IOT used by the VPMN to price the call
- 'callTypeGroup' => {
- #The highest category call type in respect of the destination of the call
- #0: Unknown/Not Applicable
- #1: National
- #2: International
- #10: HGGSN/HP-GW
- #11: VGGSN/VP-GW
- #12: Other GGSN/Other P-GW
- #100: WLAN
- 'callTypeLevel1' => $_->calltypenum,
- #the sub category of Call Type Level 1
- #0: Unknown/Not Applicable
- #1: Mobile
- #2: PSTN
- #3: Non Geographic
- #4: Premium Rate
- #5: Satellite destination
- #6: Forwarded call
- #7: Non forwarded call
- #10: Broadband
- #11: Narrowband
- #12: Conversational
- #13: Streaming
- #14: Interactive
- #15: Background
- 'callTypeLevel2' => 0,
- #the sub category of Call Type Level 2
- 'callTypeLevel3' => 0,
- },
- #mandatory, at least one occurence must be present
- #A repeating group detailing the Charge and/or charge element
- # Note that, where a Charge has been levied, even where that Charge is zero,
- # there must be one occurance, and only one, with a Charge Type of '00'
- 'chargeDetailList' => [
- {
- #mandatory
- # after discounts have been deducted but before any tax is added
- 'charge' => $_->rated_price * 100000, #XXX numberOfDecimalPlaces
- #mandatory
- # the type of charge represented
- #00: Total charge for Charge Information (the invoiceable value)
- #01: Airtime charge
- #02: reserved
- #03: Toll charge
- #04: Directory assistance
- #05–20: reserved
- #21: VPMN surcharge
- #50: Total charge for Charge Information according to the published IOT
- # Note that the use of value 50 is only for use by bilateral agreement, use without
- # bilateral agreement can be treated as per reserved values, that is ‘out of range’
- #69–99: reserved
- 'chargeType' => '00',
- #conditional
- # the number of units which are chargeable within the Charge Detail, this may not
- # correspond to the number of rounded units charged.
- # The item Charged Item defines what the units represent.
- 'chargeableUnits' => $_->quantity_able,
- #optional
- # the rounded number of units which are actually charged for
- 'chargedUnits' => $_->quantity,
- }
- ],
- 'exchangeRateCode' => 1, #from header
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- #MO Basic Call Information provides the basic detail of who made the call and where to in respect of mobile originated traffic.
- 'basicCallInformation' => {
- #mandatory
- # the identification of the chargeable subscriber.
- # The group must contain either the IMSI or the MIN of the Chargeable Subscriber, but not both.
- 'chargeableSubscriber' => {
- 'simChargeableSubscriber' => {
- 'msisdn' => $_->charged_party, #src
- 'imsi' => $_->charged_party_imsi,
- }
- },
- # the start of the call event
- 'callEventStartTimeStamp' => {
- 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $_->startdate),
- 'utcTimeOffsetCode' => 1
- },
- # the actual total duration of a call event as a number of seconds
- 'totalCallEventDuration' => $_->duration,
- #conditional
- # the number dialled by the subscriber (Called Number)
- # or the SMSC Address in case of SMS usage or in cases involving supplementary services
- # such as call forwarding or transfer etc., the number to which the call is routed
- 'destination' => {
- #the international representation of the destination
- 'calledNumber' => $_->dst,
- #the actual digits as dialled by the subscriber, i.e. unmodified, in establishing a call
- # This will contain ‘+’ and ‘#’ where appropriate.
- #'dialledDigits' => '322221350'
- },
- }
- }
- };
- }
- @cdrs
- ];
+ ###
+ $TransferBatch->encode( \%hash );
- ###
+sub _TransferBatch {
- my $pdu = $TransferBatch->encode( \%hash );
+ #accounting related information
+ 'accountingInfo' => {
+ #mandatory
+ #'localCurrency' => 'USD',
+ 'tapDecimalPlaces' => 5,
+ 'currencyConversionInfo' => [
+ {
+ 'numberOfDecimalPlaces' => 5,
+ 'exchangeRate' => 152549, #XXX ??? "exchange rate +VAT" ?
+ 'exchangeRateCode' => 1
+ }
+ ],
+ #optional: may conditionally include taxation and discounting tables, and, optionally, TAP currency
+ },
+ 'batchControlInfo' => {
+ #mandatory
+ 'specificationVersionNumber' => 3,
+ 'releaseVersionNumber' => 12,
+ #'sender' => 'MDGTM',
+ #'recipient' => 'GNQHT',
+ #'fileSequenceNumber' => '00178',
+ #'transferCutOffTimeStamp' => {
+ # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121230050222',
+ # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300'
+ # },
+ #'fileAvailableTimeStamp' => {
+ # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121230035052',
+ # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0100'
+ # }
+ #optional
+ #'fileCreationTimeStamp' => {
+ # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121230050222',
+ # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300'
+ # },
+ #optional: file type indicator which will only be present where the file represents test data
+ #optional: RAP File Sequence Number (used where the batch has previously been returned with a fatal error and is now being resubmitted) (not fileSequenceNumber?)
+ #optional: beyond the scope of TAP and has been bilaterally agreed
+ #'operatorSpecInformation' => [
+ # '', # '|File proc MTH LUXMA: 1285348027|' Operator Specific Information
+ # # probably just leave out
+ # ],
+ },
+ #Network Information is a group of related information which pertains to the Sender PMN
+ 'networkInfo' => {
+ #must be present where Recording Entity Codes are present within the TAP file
+ 'recEntityInfo' => [
+ {
+ 'recEntityCode' => 1,
+ 'recEntityType' => 1, #MSC
+ #'recEntityId' => '340010100',
+ },
+ {
+ 'recEntityCode' => 2,
+ 'recEntityType' => 2, #SMSC
+ #'recEntityId' => '240556000000',
+ },
+ ],
+ #mandatory
+ 'utcTimeOffsetInfo' => [
+ {
+ 'utcTimeOffsetCode' => 1,
+ #'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300',
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ #identifies the end of the Transfer Batch
+ 'auditControlInfo' => {
+ #mandatory
+ #'callEventDetailsCount' => 4,
+ 'totalTaxValue' => 0,
+ 'totalDiscountValue' => 0,
+ #'totalCharge' => 50474,
+ #these two are optional
+ #'earliestCallTimeStamp' => {
+ # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121229102501',
+ # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300'
+ # },
+ #'latestCallTimeStamp' => {
+ # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121229102807',
+ # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300'
+ # }
+ #optional: beyond the scope of TAP and has been bilaterally agreed
+ #'operatorSpecInformation' => [
+ # '',
+ # ],
+ },
+sub tap3_12_export_cdr {
+ my $self = shift;
- return $pdu;
+ #one of Mobile Originated Call, Mobile Terminated Call, Mobile Session, Messaging Event, Supplementary Service Event, Service Centre Usage, GPRS Call, Content Transaction or Location Service
+ # Each occurrence must have no more than one of these present
+ { #either tele or bearer service usage originated by the mobile subscription (others?)
+ 'mobileOriginatedCall' => {
-sub _TransferBatch {
- 'accountingInfo' => {
- #mandatory
- 'localCurrency' => 'USD',
- 'currencyConversionInfo' => [
- {
- 'numberOfDecimalPlaces' => 5,
- 'exchangeRate' => 152549, #???
- 'exchangeRateCode' => 1
- }
- ],
- 'tapDecimalPlaces' => 5,
- #optional: may conditionally include taxation and discounting tables, and, optionally, TAP currency
- },
- 'batchControlInfo' => {
- #mandatory
- 'specificationVersionNumber' => 3,
- 'releaseVersionNumber' => 12, #11?
- #'sender' => 'MDGTM',
- #'recipient' => 'GNQHT',
- #'fileSequenceNumber' => '00178',
- #'transferCutOffTimeStamp' => {
- # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121230050222',
- # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300'
- # },
- #'fileAvailableTimeStamp' => {
- # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121230035052',
- # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0100'
- # }
- #optional
- #'fileCreationTimeStamp' => {
- # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121230050222',
- # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300'
- # },
- #optional: file type indicator which will only be present where the file represents test data
- #optional: RAP File Sequence Number (used where the batch has previously been returned with a fatal error and is now being resubmitted) (not fileSequenceNumber?)
- #optional: beyond the scope of TAP and has been bilaterally agreed
- 'operatorSpecInformation' => [
- '', # XXX '|File proc MTH LUXMA: 1285348027|' Operator Specific Information
- ],
- },
- #Network Information is a group of related information which pertains to the Sender PMN
- 'networkInfo' => {
- #must be present where Recording Entity Codes are present within the TAP file
- 'recEntityInfo' => [
- {
- 'recEntityType' => 1, #MSC
- #'recEntityId' => '340010100',
- 'recEntityCode' => 1
- },
- {
- 'recEntityType' => 2, #SMSC
- #'recEntityId' => '240556000000',
- 'recEntityCode' => 2
- },
- ],
- #mandatory
- 'utcTimeOffsetInfo' => [
- {
- 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300',
- 'utcTimeOffsetCode' => 1
+ #identifies the Network Location, which includes the MSC responsible for handling
+ # the call and, where appropriate, the Geographical Location of the mobile
+ 'locationInformation' => {
+ 'networkLocation' => {
+ 'recEntityCode' => $self->carrierid, #XXX Recording Entity (per 2.5, from "Reference Tables")
- ]
- },
- 'auditControlInfo' => {
- #'callEventDetailsCount' => 4, #mandatory
- 'totalTaxValue' => 0, #mandatory
- 'totalDiscountValue' => 0, #mandatory
- #'totalCharge' => 50474, #mandatory
- #these two are optional
- #'earliestCallTimeStamp' => {
- # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121229102501',
- # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300'
- # },
- #'latestCallTimeStamp' => {
- # 'localTimeStamp' => '20121229102807',
- # 'utcTimeOffset' => '+0300'
- # }
- },
+ },
+ #Operator Specific Information: beyond the scope of TAP and has been bilaterally agreed
+ 'operatorSpecInformation' => [
+ $self->userfield, ##'|Seq: 178 Loc: 1|'
+ ],
+ #The type of service used together with all related charging information
+ 'basicServiceUsedList' => [
+ {
+ #identifies the actual Basic Service used
+ 'basicService' => {
+ #one of Teleservice Code or Bearer Service Code as determined by the service type used
+ 'serviceCode' => {
+ #XXX
+ #00 All teleservices
+ #10 All Speech transmission services
+ #11 Telephony
+ #12 Emergency calls
+ #20 All SMS Services
+ #21 Short Message MT/PP
+ #22 Short Message MO/PP
+ #60 All Fax Services
+ #61 Facsimile Group 3 & alternative speech
+ #62 Automatic Facsimile Group 3
+ #63 Automatic Facsimile Group 4
+ #70 All data teleservices (compound)
+ #80 All teleservices except SMS (compound)
+ #90 All voice group call services
+ #91 Voice group call
+ #92 Voice broadcast call
+ 'teleServiceCode' => $self->servicecode, #'11'
+ #Bearer Service Code
+ # Must be present within group Service Code where the type of service used
+ # was a bearer service. Must not be present when the type of service used
+ # was a tele service and, therefore, Teleservice Code is present.
+ # Group Bearer Codes, identifiable by the description ‘All’, should only
+ # be used where details of the specific services affected are not
+ # available from the network.
+ #00 All Bearer Services
+ #20 All Data Circuit Asynchronous Services
+ #21 Duplex Asynch. 300bps data circuit
+ #22 Duplex Asynch. 1200bps data circuit
+ #23 Duplex Asynch. 1200/75bps data circuit
+ #24 Duplex Asynch. 2400bps data circuit
+ #25 Duplex Asynch. 4800bps data circuit
+ #26 Duplex Asynch. 9600bps data circuit
+ #27 General Data Circuit Asynchronous Service
+ #30 All Data Circuit Synchronous Services
+ #32 Duplex Synch. 1200bps data circuit
+ #34 Duplex Synch. 2400bps data circuit
+ #35 Duplex Synch. 4800bps data circuit
+ #36 Duplex Synch. 9600bps data circuit
+ #37 General Data Circuit Synchronous Service
+ #40 All Dedicated PAD Access Services
+ #41 Duplex Asynch. 300bps PAD access
+ #42 Duplex Asynch. 1200bps PAD access
+ #43 Duplex Asynch. 1200/75bps PAD access
+ #44 Duplex Asynch. 2400bps PAD access
+ #45 Duplex Asynch. 4800bps PAD access
+ #46 Duplex Asynch. 9600bps PAD access
+ #47 General PAD Access Service
+ #50 All Dedicated Packet Access Services
+ #54 Duplex Synch. 2400bps PAD access
+ #55 Duplex Synch. 4800bps PAD access
+ #56 Duplex Synch. 9600bps PAD access
+ #57 General Packet Access Service
+ #60 All Alternat Speech/Asynchronous Services
+ #70 All Alternate Speech/Synchronous Services
+ #80 All Speech followed by Data Asynchronous Services
+ #90 All Speech followed by Data Synchronous Services
+ #A0 All Data Circuit Asynchronous Services (compound)
+ #B0 All Data Circuit Synchronous Services (compound)
+ #C0 All Asynchronous Services (compound)
+ }
+ #conditionally also contain the following for UMTS: Transparency Indicator, Fixed Network User
+ # Rate, User Protocol Indicator, Guaranteed Bit Rate and Maximum Bit Rate
+ },
+ #Charge information is provided for all chargeable elements except within Messaging Event and Mobile Session call events
+ # must contain Charged Item and at least one occurrence of Charge Detail
+ 'chargeInformationList' => [
+ {
+ #XXX
+ #mandatory
+ # the charging principle applied and the unitisation of Chargeable Units. It
+ # is not intended to identify the service used.
+ #A: Call set up attempt
+ #C: Content
+ #D: Duration based charge
+ #E: Event based charge
+ #F: Fixed (one-off) charge
+ #L: Calendar (for example daily usage charge)
+ #V: Volume (outgoing) based charge
+ #W: Volume (incoming) based charge
+ #X: Volume (total volume) based charge
+ #(?? fields to be used as a basis for the calculation of the correct Charge
+ # A: Chargeable Units (if present)
+ # D,V,W,X: Chargeable Units
+ # C: Depends on the content
+ # E: Not Applicable
+ # F: Not Applicable
+ # L: Call Event Start Timestamp)
+ 'chargedItem' => 'D',
+ # the IOT used by the VPMN to price the call
+ 'callTypeGroup' => {
+ #The highest category call type in respect of the destination of the call
+ #0: Unknown/Not Applicable
+ #1: National
+ #2: International
+ #10: HGGSN/HP-GW
+ #11: VGGSN/VP-GW
+ #12: Other GGSN/Other P-GW
+ #100: WLAN
+ 'callTypeLevel1' => $self->calltypenum,
+ #the sub category of Call Type Level 1
+ #0: Unknown/Not Applicable
+ #1: Mobile
+ #2: PSTN
+ #3: Non Geographic
+ #4: Premium Rate
+ #5: Satellite destination
+ #6: Forwarded call
+ #7: Non forwarded call
+ #10: Broadband
+ #11: Narrowband
+ #12: Conversational
+ #13: Streaming
+ #14: Interactive
+ #15: Background
+ 'callTypeLevel2' => 0,
+ #the sub category of Call Type Level 2
+ 'callTypeLevel3' => 0,
+ },
+ #mandatory, at least one occurence must be present
+ #A repeating group detailing the Charge and/or charge element
+ # Note that, where a Charge has been levied, even where that Charge is zero,
+ # there must be one occurance, and only one, with a Charge Type of '00'
+ 'chargeDetailList' => [
+ {
+ #mandatory
+ # after discounts have been deducted but before any tax is added
+ 'charge' => $self->rated_price * 100000, #XXX numberOfDecimalPlaces
+ #mandatory
+ # the type of charge represented
+ #00: Total charge for Charge Information (the invoiceable value)
+ #01: Airtime charge
+ #02: reserved
+ #03: Toll charge
+ #04: Directory assistance
+ #05–20: reserved
+ #21: VPMN surcharge
+ #50: Total charge for Charge Information according to the published IOT
+ # Note that the use of value 50 is only for use by bilateral agreement, use without
+ # bilateral agreement can be treated as per reserved values, that is ‘out of range’
+ #69–99: reserved
+ 'chargeType' => '00',
+ #conditional
+ # the number of units which are chargeable within the Charge Detail, this may not
+ # correspond to the number of rounded units charged.
+ # The item Charged Item defines what the units represent.
+ 'chargeableUnits' => $self->quantity_able,
+ #optional
+ # the rounded number of units which are actually charged for
+ 'chargedUnits' => $self->quantity,
+ }
+ ],
+ 'exchangeRateCode' => 1, #from header
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ #MO Basic Call Information provides the basic detail of who made the call and where to in respect of mobile originated traffic.
+ 'basicCallInformation' => {
+ #mandatory
+ # the identification of the chargeable subscriber.
+ # The group must contain either the IMSI or the MIN of the Chargeable Subscriber, but not both.
+ 'chargeableSubscriber' => {
+ 'simChargeableSubscriber' => {
+ 'msisdn' => $self->charged_party, #src
+ 'imsi' => $self->charged_party_imsi,
+ }
+ },
+ # the start of the call event
+ 'callEventStartTimeStamp' => {
+ 'localTimeStamp' => time2str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $self->startdate),
+ 'utcTimeOffsetCode' => 1
+ },
+ # the actual total duration of a call event as a number of seconds
+ 'totalCallEventDuration' => $self->duration,
+ #conditional
+ # the number dialled by the subscriber (Called Number)
+ # or the SMSC Address in case of SMS usage or in cases involving supplementary services
+ # such as call forwarding or transfer etc., the number to which the call is routed
+ 'destination' => {
+ #the international representation of the destination
+ 'calledNumber' => $self->dst,
+ #the actual digits as dialled by the subscriber, i.e. unmodified, in establishing a call
+ # This will contain ‘+’ and ‘#’ where appropriate.
+ #'dialledDigits' => '322221350'
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ };
sub _asn_spec {
Summary of changes:
FS/FS/Conf.pm | 15 +
FS/FS/cdr/gsm_tap3_12.pm | 695 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
2 files changed, 378 insertions(+), 332 deletions(-)
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