[freeside-commits] branch FREESIDE_3_BRANCH updated. b205131f91a5cdb5d1fe113518f6212d32c91d88

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Mon Aug 12 17:41:16 PDT 2013

The branch, FREESIDE_3_BRANCH has been updated
       via  b205131f91a5cdb5d1fe113518f6212d32c91d88 (commit)
      from  f70f7b76620d071676d83eb9bad90338f1556ab5 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b205131f91a5cdb5d1fe113518f6212d32c91d88
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Mon Aug 12 17:40:58 2013 -0700

    cursored search, conserve memory during 3.x cust_pay upgrade, #23725

diff --git a/FS/FS/Cursor.pm b/FS/FS/Cursor.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3bc1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/Cursor.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+package FS::Cursor;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($DEBUG $buffer);
+use base qw( Exporter );
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch dbdef dbh);
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
+$DEBUG = 0;
+# this might become a parameter at some point, but right now, you can
+# "local $FS::Cursor::buffer = X;"
+$buffer = 200;
+=head1 NAME
+FS::Cursor - Iterator for querying large data sets
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+use FS::Cursor;
+my $search = FS::Cursor->new('table', { field => 'value' ... });
+while ( my $row = $search->fetch ) {
+=over 4
+=item new ARGUMENTS
+Constructs a cursored search.  Accepts all the same arguments as qsearch,
+and returns an FS::Cursor object to fetch the rows one at a time.
+sub new {
+  my $class = shift;
+  my $q = FS::Record::_query(@_); # builds the statement and parameter list
+  my $self = {
+    query => $q,
+    class => 'FS::' . ($q->{table} || 'Record'),
+    buffer => [],
+  };
+  bless $self, $class;
+  # the class of record object to return
+  $self->{class} = "FS::".($q->{table} || 'Record');
+  $self->{id} = sprintf('cursor%08x', refaddr($self));
+  my $statement = "DECLARE ".$self->{id}." CURSOR FOR ".$q->{statement};
+  my $dbh = dbh;
+  my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement)
+    or die $dbh->errstr;
+  my $bind = 0;
+  foreach my $value ( @{ $q->{value} } ) {
+    my $bind_type = shift @{ $q->{bind_type} };
+    $sth->bind_param($bind++, $value, $bind_type );
+  }
+  $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+  $self->{fetch} = $dbh->prepare("FETCH FORWARD $buffer FROM ".$self->{id});
+  $self;
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item fetch
+Fetch the next row from the search results.
+sub fetch {
+  # might be a little more efficient to do a FETCH NEXT 1000 or something
+  # and buffer them locally, but the semantics are simpler this way
+  my $self = shift;
+  if (@{ $self->{buffer} } == 0) {
+    my $rows = $self->refill;
+    return undef if !$rows;
+  }
+  $self->{class}->new(shift @{ $self->{buffer} });
+sub refill {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $sth = $self->{fetch};
+  $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+  my $result = $self->{fetch}->fetchall_arrayref( {} );
+  $self->{buffer} = $result;
+  scalar @$result;
+=head1 TO DO
+Replace all uses of qsearch with this.
+=head1 BUGS
+Doesn't support MySQL.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/FS/FS/PagedSearch.pm b/FS/FS/PagedSearch.pm
index 09d05c4..e740965 100644
--- a/FS/FS/PagedSearch.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/PagedSearch.pm
@@ -184,6 +184,8 @@ sub refill {
+L<FS::Cursor> is an eventual replacement for this.
diff --git a/FS/FS/Record.pm b/FS/FS/Record.pm
index 87947f0..e6fbf92 100644
--- a/FS/FS/Record.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/Record.pm
@@ -529,6 +529,215 @@ sub qsearch {
   return @return;
+=item _query
+Construct the SQL statement and parameter-binding list for qsearch.  Takes
+the qsearch parameters.
+Returns a hash containing:
+'table':      The primary table name (if there is one).
+'statement':  The SQL statement itself.
+'bind_type':  An arrayref of bind types.
+'value':      An arrayref of parameter values.
+'cache':      The cache object, if one was passed.
+sub _query {
+  my( @stable, @record, @cache );
+  my( @select, @extra_sql, @extra_param, @order_by, @addl_from );
+  my @debug = ();
+  my $cursor = '';
+  my %union_options = ();
+  if ( ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+    my $optlist = shift;
+    %union_options = @_;
+    foreach my $href ( @$optlist ) {
+      push @stable,      ( $href->{'table'} or die "table name is required" );
+      push @record,      ( $href->{'hashref'}     || {} );
+      push @select,      ( $href->{'select'}      || '*' );
+      push @extra_sql,   ( $href->{'extra_sql'}   || '' );
+      push @extra_param, ( $href->{'extra_param'} || [] );
+      push @order_by,    ( $href->{'order_by'}    || '' );
+      push @cache,       ( $href->{'cache_obj'}   || '' );
+      push @addl_from,   ( $href->{'addl_from'}   || '' );
+      push @debug,       ( $href->{'debug'}       || '' );
+    }
+    die "at least one hashref is required" unless scalar(@stable);
+  } elsif ( ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ) {
+    my $opt = shift;
+    $stable[0]      = $opt->{'table'}       or die "table name is required";
+    $record[0]      = $opt->{'hashref'}     || {};
+    $select[0]      = $opt->{'select'}      || '*';
+    $extra_sql[0]   = $opt->{'extra_sql'}   || '';
+    $extra_param[0] = $opt->{'extra_param'} || [];
+    $order_by[0]    = $opt->{'order_by'}    || '';
+    $cache[0]       = $opt->{'cache_obj'}   || '';
+    $addl_from[0]   = $opt->{'addl_from'}   || '';
+    $debug[0]       = $opt->{'debug'}       || '';
+  } else {
+    ( $stable[0],
+      $record[0],
+      $select[0],
+      $extra_sql[0],
+      $cache[0],
+      $addl_from[0]
+    ) = @_;
+    $select[0] ||= '*';
+  }
+  my $cache = $cache[0];
+  my @statement = ();
+  my @value = ();
+  my @bind_type = ();
+  my $result_table = $stable[0];
+  foreach my $stable ( @stable ) {
+    #stop altering the caller's hashref
+    my $record      = { %{ shift(@record) || {} } };#and be liberal in receipt
+    my $select      = shift @select;
+    my $extra_sql   = shift @extra_sql;
+    my $extra_param = shift @extra_param;
+    my $order_by    = shift @order_by;
+    my $cache       = shift @cache;
+    my $addl_from   = shift @addl_from;
+    my $debug       = shift @debug;
+    #$stable =~ /^([\w\_]+)$/ or die "Illegal table: $table";
+    #for jsearch
+    $stable =~ /^([\w\s\(\)\.\,\=]+)$/ or die "Illegal table: $stable";
+    $stable = $1;
+    $result_table = '' if $result_table ne $stable;
+    my $table = $cache ? $cache->table : $stable;
+    my $dbdef_table = dbdef->table($table)
+      or die "No schema for table $table found - ".
+             "do you need to run freeside-upgrade?";
+    my $pkey = $dbdef_table->primary_key;
+    my @real_fields = grep exists($record->{$_}), real_fields($table);
+    my $statement .= "SELECT $select FROM $stable";
+    $statement .= " $addl_from" if $addl_from;
+    if ( @real_fields ) {
+      $statement .= ' WHERE '. join(' AND ',
+        get_real_fields($table, $record, \@real_fields));
+    }
+    $statement .= " $extra_sql" if defined($extra_sql);
+    $statement .= " $order_by"  if defined($order_by);
+    push @statement, $statement;
+    warn "[debug]$me $statement\n" if $DEBUG > 1 || $debug;
+    foreach my $field (
+      grep defined( $record->{$_} ) && $record->{$_} ne '', @real_fields
+    ) {
+      my $value = $record->{$field};
+      my $op = (ref($value) && $value->{op}) ? $value->{op} : '=';
+      $value = $value->{'value'} if ref($value);
+      my $type = dbdef->table($table)->column($field)->type;
+      my $bind_type = _bind_type($type, $value);
+      #if ( $DEBUG > 2 ) {
+      #  no strict 'refs';
+      #  %TYPE = map { &{"DBI::$_"}() => $_ } @{ $DBI::EXPORT_TAGS{sql_types} }
+      #    unless keys %TYPE;
+      #  warn "  bind_param $bind (for field $field), $value, TYPE $TYPE{$TYPE}\n";
+      #}
+      push @value, $value;
+      push @bind_type, $bind_type;
+    }
+    foreach my $param ( @$extra_param ) {
+      my $bind_type = { TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR };
+      my $value = $param;
+      if ( ref($param) ) {
+        $value = $param->[0];
+        my $type = $param->[1];
+        $bind_type = _bind_type($type, $value);
+      }
+      push @value, $value;
+      push @bind_type, $bind_type;
+    }
+  }
+  my $statement = join( ' ) UNION ( ', @statement );
+  $statement = "( $statement )" if scalar(@statement) > 1;
+  $statement .= " $union_options{order_by}" if $union_options{order_by};
+  return {
+    statement => $statement,
+    bind_type => \@bind_type,
+    value     => \@value,
+    table     => $result_table,
+    cache     => $cache,
+  };
+# qsearch should eventually use this
+sub _from_hashref {
+  my ($table, $cache, @hashrefs) = @_;
+  my @return;
+  # XXX get rid of these string evals at some point
+  # (when we have time to test it)
+  # my $class = "FS::$table" if $table;
+  # if ( $class and $class->isa('FS::Record') )
+  #   if ( $class->can('new') eq \&new )
+  #
+  if ( $table && eval 'scalar(@FS::'. $table. '::ISA);' ) {
+    if ( eval 'FS::'. $table. '->can(\'new\')' eq \&new ) {
+      #derivied class didn't override new method, so this optimization is safe
+      if ( $cache ) {
+        @return = map {
+          new_or_cached( "FS::$table", { %{$_} }, $cache )
+        } @hashrefs;
+      } else {
+        @return = map {
+          new( "FS::$table", { %{$_} } )
+        } @hashrefs;
+      }
+    } else {
+      #okay, its been tested
+      # warn "untested code (class FS::$table uses custom new method)";
+      @return = map {
+        eval 'FS::'. $table. '->new( { %{$_} } )';
+      } @hashrefs;
+    }
+    # Check for encrypted fields and decrypt them.
+   ## only in the local copy, not the cached object
+    if ( $conf_encryption 
+         && eval 'defined(@FS::'. $table . '::encrypted_fields)' ) {
+      foreach my $record (@return) {
+        foreach my $field (eval '@FS::'. $table . '::encrypted_fields') {
+          next if $field eq 'payinfo' 
+                    && ($record->isa('FS::payinfo_transaction_Mixin') 
+                        || $record->isa('FS::payinfo_Mixin') )
+                    && $record->payby
+                    && !grep { $record->payby eq $_ } @encrypt_payby;
+          # Set it directly... This may cause a problem in the future...
+          $record->setfield($field, $record->decrypt($record->getfield($field)));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    cluck "warning: FS::$table not loaded; returning FS::Record objects"
+      unless $nowarn_classload;
+    @return = map {
+      FS::Record->new( $table, { %{$_} } );
+    } @hashrefs;
+  }
+  return @return;
 ## makes this easier to read
 sub get_real_fields {
diff --git a/FS/FS/cust_pay.pm b/FS/FS/cust_pay.pm
index 2e97429..605f21c 100644
--- a/FS/FS/cust_pay.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/cust_pay.pm
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ use FS::cust_main;
 use FS::cust_pkg;
 use FS::cust_pay_void;
 use FS::upgrade_journal;
+use FS::Cursor;
 $DEBUG = 0;
@@ -1037,11 +1038,11 @@ sub _upgrade_data {  #class method
   # migrate batchnums from the misused 'paybatch' field to 'batchnum'
-  my @cust_pay = qsearch( {
-      'table'     => 'cust_pay',
-      'addl_from' => ' JOIN pay_batch ON cust_pay.paybatch = CAST(pay_batch.batchnum AS text) ',
+  my $search = FS::Cursor->new( {
+    'table'     => 'cust_pay',
+    'addl_from' => ' JOIN pay_batch ON cust_pay.paybatch = CAST(pay_batch.batchnum AS text) ',
   } );
-  foreach my $cust_pay (@cust_pay) {
+  while (my $cust_pay = $search->fetch) {
     $cust_pay->set('batchnum' => $cust_pay->paybatch);
     $cust_pay->set('paybatch' => '');
     my $error = $cust_pay->replace;
@@ -1060,14 +1061,14 @@ sub _upgrade_data {  #class method
     foreach my $table (qw(cust_pay cust_pay_void cust_refund)) {
       my $and_batchnum_is_null =
         ( $table =~ /^cust_pay/ ? ' AND batchnum IS NULL' : '' );
-      foreach my $object ( qsearch({
-            table     => $table,
-            extra_sql => "WHERE payby IN('CARD','CHEK') ".
-                         "AND (paybatch IS NOT NULL ".
-                         "OR (paybatch IS NULL AND auth IS NULL
-                         $and_batchnum_is_null ) )",
-          }) )
-      {
+      my $search = FS::Cursor->new({
+        table     => $table,
+        extra_sql => "WHERE payby IN('CARD','CHEK') ".
+                     "AND (paybatch IS NOT NULL ".
+                     "OR (paybatch IS NULL AND auth IS NULL
+                     $and_batchnum_is_null ) )",
+      });
+      while ( my $object = $search->fetch ) {
         if ( $object->paybatch eq '' ) {
           # repair for a previous upgrade that didn't save 'auth'
           my $pkey = $object->primary_key;


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/Cursor.pm      |  120 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 FS/FS/PagedSearch.pm |    2 +
 FS/FS/Record.pm      |  209 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 FS/FS/cust_pay.pm    |   25 +++---
 4 files changed, 344 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 FS/FS/Cursor.pm

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