[freeside-commits] branch master updated. a10c9fb8cece00fc3b996f56c61b6841e93c1551

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Fri Sep 28 16:56:17 PDT 2012

The branch, master has been updated
       via  a10c9fb8cece00fc3b996f56c61b6841e93c1551 (commit)
      from  962cd26e8e33bf3653cca439dbd9bd52f46bad29 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a10c9fb8cece00fc3b996f56c61b6841e93c1551
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Fri Sep 28 16:55:34 2012 -0700

    speed fix for dashboard, from #17067

diff --git a/httemplate/elements/dashboard-toplist.html b/httemplate/elements/dashboard-toplist.html
index f6ebb60..c6362e0 100644
--- a/httemplate/elements/dashboard-toplist.html
+++ b/httemplate/elements/dashboard-toplist.html
@@ -122,41 +122,62 @@ my %num_tickets_by_priority = map { $_ => {} } @custom_priorities;
 # "optimization" (i.e. "terrible hack") to avoid constructing 
 # (@custom_priorities) x (cust_main) queries with a bazillion 
 # joins each just to count tickets
-if ( $FS::TicketSystem::system eq 'RT_Internal' ) {
+if ( $FS::TicketSystem::system eq 'RT_Internal' 
+  and $conf->config('dashboard-toplist') )
   my $text = (driver_name =~ /^Pg/) ? 'text' : 'char';
   # The RT API does not play nicely with aggregate queries,
   # so we're going to go around it.
-  my $sql = 
-  "SELECT cust_main.custnum AS custnum,
-          ObjectCustomFieldValues.Content as priority,
-          COUNT(DISTINCT Tickets.Id) AS num_tickets
-   FROM cust_main 
-      LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING (custnum)
-      LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING (pkgnum)
-      JOIN Links ON (
-        ( Links.Target = 'freeside://freeside/cust_main/' || CAST(cust_main.custnum AS $text) OR
-          Links.Target = 'freeside://freeside/cust_svc/'  || CAST(cust_svc.svcnum AS $text)
-        ) AND 
-        Links.Base LIKE '%rt://%/ticket/%' AND 
-        Links.Type = 'MemberOf'
-      )
-      JOIN Tickets ON (Links.LocalBase = Tickets.Id)
-      LEFT JOIN ObjectCustomFields ON (
-        ObjectCustomFields.ObjectId = '0' OR 
-        ObjectCustomFields.ObjectId = Tickets.Queue
-      )
-      LEFT JOIN CustomFields ON (
-        ObjectCustomFields.CustomField = CustomFields.Id AND
-        CustomFields.Name = '$custom_priority_field'
-      )
-      LEFT JOIN ObjectCustomFieldValues ON (
-        ObjectCustomFieldValues.CustomField = CustomFields.Id AND
-        ObjectCustomFieldValues.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket' AND
-        ObjectCustomFieldValues.Disabled = '0' AND
-        ObjectCustomFieldValues.ObjectId = Tickets.Id
-      )
-    GROUP BY cust_main.custnum, ObjectCustomFieldValues.Content";
-    #warn $sql."\n";
+  my $sql;
+  # optimization to keep this from taking a million years
+  my $cust_tickets =
+  "SELECT custnum, Tickets.Id, Tickets.Queue
+  FROM cust_main
+  JOIN Links ON (
+    Links.Target = 'freeside://freeside/cust_main/' || CAST(cust_main.custnum AS $text)
+    AND Links.Base LIKE '%rt://%/ticket/%'
+    AND Links.Type = 'MemberOf'
+  ) JOIN Tickets ON (Links.LocalBase = Tickets.Id)
+  SELECT custnum, Tickets.Id, Tickets.Queue
+  FROM cust_pkg JOIN cust_svc USING (pkgnum)
+  JOIN Links ON (
+    Links.Target = 'freeside://freeside/cust_svc/' || CAST(cust_svc.svcnum AS $text)
+    AND Links.Base LIKE '%rt://%/ticket/%'
+    AND Links.Type = 'MemberOf'
+  ) JOIN Tickets ON (Links.LocalBase = Tickets.Id)
+  ";
+  if ( $custom_priority_field )  {
+    $sql = 
+    "SELECT cust_tickets.custnum AS custnum,
+            ObjectCustomFieldValues.Content as priority,
+            COUNT(DISTINCT cust_tickets.Id) AS num_tickets
+     FROM ($cust_tickets) AS cust_tickets
+        LEFT JOIN ObjectCustomFields ON (
+          ObjectCustomFields.ObjectId = '0' OR 
+          ObjectCustomFields.ObjectId = cust_tickets.Queue
+        )
+        LEFT JOIN CustomFields ON (
+          ObjectCustomFields.CustomField = CustomFields.Id AND
+          CustomFields.Name = '$custom_priority_field'
+        )
+        LEFT JOIN ObjectCustomFieldValues ON (
+          ObjectCustomFieldValues.CustomField = CustomFields.Id AND
+          ObjectCustomFieldValues.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket' AND
+          ObjectCustomFieldValues.Disabled = '0' AND
+          ObjectCustomFieldValues.ObjectId = cust_tickets.Id
+        )
+      GROUP BY cust_tickets.custnum, ObjectCustomFieldValues.Content";
+      #warn $sql."\n";
+  } else { # no custom_priority_field
+    $sql =
+    "SELECT cust_tickets.custnum,
+            '' as priority,
+            COUNT(DISTINCT cust_tickets.Id) AS num_tickets
+     FROM ($cust_tickets) AS cust_tickets
+      GROUP BY cust_tickets.custnum";
+  }
   my $sth = dbh->prepare($sql) or die dbh->errstr;
   $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
   while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
@@ -165,4 +186,5 @@ if ( $FS::TicketSystem::system eq 'RT_Internal' ) {
+#warn Dumper \%num_tickets_by_priority;
diff --git a/httemplate/index.html b/httemplate/index.html
index ae15096..71926aa 100644
--- a/httemplate/index.html
+++ b/httemplate/index.html
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
+<%init>my $debug = $cgi->param('debug');</%init>
+% warn time.": header.html\n" if $debug;
 <& /elements/header.html, mt('Billing Main') &>
+% warn time.": dashboard-install_welcome.html\n" if $debug;
 <& /elements/dashboard-install_welcome.html &>
+% warn time.": dashboard-toplist.html\n" if $debug;
 <& /elements/dashboard-toplist.html &>
+% warn time.": fetching recently changed customers\n" if $debug;
 %  my $sth = dbh->prepare(
 %    #"SELECT DISTINCT custnum FROM h_cust_main JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )
 %    "SELECT custnum FROM h_cust_main JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )
@@ -20,6 +29,7 @@
 %  @custnums = splice(@custnums, 0, 10);
 %  if ( @custnums ) {
+%    warn time.": displaying recently changed customers\n" if $debug;
   <& /elements/table-grid.html &>


Summary of changes:
 httemplate/elements/dashboard-toplist.html |   86 +++++++++++++++++----------
 httemplate/index.html                      |   10 +++
 2 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

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