[freeside-commits] branch master updated. dd204a0e9ccfd6374b843fa8e5ad4585768d11e0

Mark Wells mark at 420.am
Thu Sep 20 01:25:13 PDT 2012

The branch, master has been updated
       via  dd204a0e9ccfd6374b843fa8e5ad4585768d11e0 (commit)
      from  3aea51067b7a187e6725c6677226819863b71fb7 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit dd204a0e9ccfd6374b843fa8e5ad4585768d11e0
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date:   Thu Sep 20 01:24:52 2012 -0700

    fix part_pkg upgrade, fallout from 18503

diff --git a/FS/FS/part_pkg.pm b/FS/FS/part_pkg.pm
index 91bcdc5..70b2d4d 100644
--- a/FS/FS/part_pkg.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/part_pkg.pm
@@ -1598,18 +1598,79 @@ sub _upgrade_data { # class method
   # set any package with FCC voice lines to the "VoIP with broadband" category
   # for backward compatibility
-  my $journal = 'part_pkg_fcc_voip_class';
-  if (!FS::upgrade_journal->is_done($journal)) {
-    @part_pkg = qsearch('part_pkg', { 
-        fcc_ds0s        => { op => '>', value => 0 },
-        fcc_voip_class  => ''
-    });
-    foreach my $part_pkg (@part_pkg) {
-      $part_pkg->set(fcc_voip_class => 2);
-      my $error = $part_pkg->replace;
-      die $error if $error;
+  #
+  # recover from a bad upgrade bug
+  my $upgrade = 'part_pkg_fcc_voip_class_FIX';
+  if (!FS::upgrade_journal->is_done($upgrade)) {
+    my $bad_upgrade = qsearchs('upgrade_journal', 
+      { upgrade => 'part_pkg_fcc_voip_class' }
+    );
+    if ( $bad_upgrade ) {
+      my $where = 'WHERE history_date <= '.$bad_upgrade->_date.
+                  ' AND  history_date >  '.($bad_upgrade->_date - 600);
+      my @h_part_pkg_option = map { FS::part_pkg_option->new($_->hashref) }
+        qsearch({
+          'select'    => '*',
+          'table'     => 'h_part_pkg_option',
+          'hashref'   => {},
+          'extra_sql' => "$where AND history_action = 'delete'",
+          'order_by'  => 'ORDER BY history_date ASC',
+        });
+      my @h_pkg_svc = map { FS::pkg_svc->new($_->hashref) }
+        qsearch({
+          'select'    => '*',
+          'table'     => 'h_pkg_svc',
+          'hashref'   => {},
+          'extra_sql' => "$where AND history_action = 'replace_old'",
+          'order_by'  => 'ORDER BY history_date ASC',
+        });
+      my %opt;
+      foreach my $deleted (@h_part_pkg_option, @h_pkg_svc) {
+        my $pkgpart ||= $deleted->pkgpart;
+        $opt{$pkgpart} ||= {
+          options => {},
+          pkg_svc => {},
+          primary_svc => '',
+          hidden_svc => {},
+        };
+        if ( $deleted->isa('FS::part_pkg_option') ) {
+          $opt{$pkgpart}{options}{ $deleted->optionname } = $deleted->optionvalue;
+        } else { # pkg_svc
+          my $svcpart = $deleted->svcpart;
+          $opt{$pkgpart}{pkg_svc}{$svcpart} = $deleted->quantity;
+          $opt{$pkgpart}{hidden_svc}{$svcpart} ||= $deleted->hidden;
+          $opt{$pkgpart}{primary_svc} = $svcpart if $deleted->primary_svc;
+        }
+      }
+      foreach my $pkgpart (keys %opt) {
+        my $part_pkg = FS::part_pkg->by_key($pkgpart);
+        my $error = $part_pkg->replace( $part_pkg->replace_old, $opt{$pkgpart} );
+        if ( $error ) {
+          die "error recovering damaged pkgpart $pkgpart:\n$error\n";
+        }
+      }
+    } # $bad_upgrade exists
+    else { # do the original upgrade, but correctly this time
+      @part_pkg = qsearch('part_pkg', {
+          fcc_ds0s        => { op => '>', value => 0 },
+          fcc_voip_class  => ''
+      });
+      foreach my $part_pkg (@part_pkg) {
+        $part_pkg->set(fcc_voip_class => 2);
+        my @pkg_svc = $part_pkg->pkg_svc;
+        my %quantity = map {$_->svcpart, $_->quantity} @pkg_svc;
+        my %hidden   = map {$_->svcpart, $_->hidden  } @pkg_svc;
+        my $error = $part_pkg->replace(
+          $part_pkg->replace_old,
+          options     => { $part_pkg->options },
+          pkg_svc     => \%quantity,
+          hidden_svc  => \%hidden,
+          primary_svc => ($part_pkg->svcpart || ''),
+        );
+        die $error if $error;
+      }
-    FS::upgrade_journal->set_done($journal);
+    FS::upgrade_journal->set_done($upgrade);


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/part_pkg.pm |   83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

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