[freeside-commits] branch master updated. bf4ca4ff3981225a2b80e3951284df60de078c68

Ivan ivan at 420.am
Thu Nov 1 21:33:55 PDT 2012

The branch, master has been updated
       via  bf4ca4ff3981225a2b80e3951284df60de078c68 (commit)
      from  7d2e3190dd3b3de0c8adbfb742b24f5f686d785f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit bf4ca4ff3981225a2b80e3951284df60de078c68
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date:   Thu Nov 1 21:33:52 2012 -0700

    better name for RADIUS usage price plan

diff --git a/FS/FS/part_pkg/sqlradacct_hour.pm b/FS/FS/part_pkg/sqlradacct_hour.pm
index a2b64c7..c9fdb36 100644
--- a/FS/FS/part_pkg/sqlradacct_hour.pm
+++ b/FS/FS/part_pkg/sqlradacct_hour.pm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use FS::part_pkg::flat;
 @ISA = qw(FS::part_pkg::flat);
 %info = (
-  'name' => 'Base charge plus per-hour (and for data) from an SQL RADIUS radacct table',
+  'name' => 'Time and data charges from an SQL RADIUS radacct table',
   'shortname' => 'Usage charges from RADIUS',
   'inherit_fields' => [ 'global_Mixin' ],
   'fields' => {
@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ use FS::part_pkg::flat;
   'fieldorder' => [qw( recur_included_hours recur_hourly_charge recur_hourly_cap recur_included_input recur_input_charge recur_input_cap recur_included_output recur_output_charge recur_output_cap recur_included_total recur_total_charge recur_total_cap global_cap )],
-  #'setup' => 'what.setup_fee.value',
-  #'recur' => '\'my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->last_bill; my $hours = $cust_pkg->seconds_since_sqlradacct($last_bill, $sdate ) / 3600 - \' + what.recur_included_hours.value + \'; $hours = 0 if $hours < 0; my $input = $cust_pkg->attribute_since_sqlradacct($last_bill, $sdate, \"AcctInputOctets\" ) / 1048576; my $output = $cust_pkg->attribute_since_sqlradacct($last_bill, $sdate, \"AcctOutputOctets\" ) / 1048576; my $total = $input + $output - \' + what.recur_included_total.value + \'; $total = 0 if $total < 0; my $input = $input - \' + what.recur_included_input.value + \'; $input = 0 if $input < 0; my $output = $output - \' + what.recur_included_output.value + \'; $output = 0 if $output < 0; my $totalcharge = sprintf(\"%.2f\", \' + what.recur_total_charge.value + \' * $total); my $inputcharge = sprintf(\"%.2f\", \' + what.recur_input_charge.value + \' * $input); my $outputcharge = sprintf(\"%.2f\", \' + what.recur_output_charge.value + \' * $output); my $hourscharge = sprintf(\"%.2f\", \' + what.recur_hourly_charge.value + \' * $hours); if ( \' + what.recur_total_charge.value + \' > 0 ) { push @details, \"Last month\\\'s data \". sprintf(\"%.1f\", $total). \" megs: \\\$$totalcharge\" } if ( \' + what.recur_input_charge.value + \' > 0 ) { push @details, \"Last month\\\'s download \". sprintf(\"%.1f\", $input). \" megs: \\\$$inputcharge\" } if ( \' + what.recur_output_charge.value + \' > 0 ) { push @details, \"Last month\\\'s upload \". sprintf(\"%.1f\", $output). \" megs: \\\$$outputcharge\" } if ( \' + what.recur_hourly_charge.value + \' > 0 ) { push @details, \"Last month\\\'s time \". sprintf(\"%.1f\", $hours). \" hours: \\\$$hourscharge\"; } \' + what.recur_fee.value + \' + $hourscharge + $inputcharge + $outputcharge + $totalcharge ;\'',
   'weight' => 40,


Summary of changes:
 FS/FS/part_pkg/sqlradacct_hour.pm |    4 +---
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

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