[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 87a04d60dab0fb437da08ee0350cab0a79d671a7
Mark Wells
mark at 420.am
Sat Jun 9 20:34:08 PDT 2012
The branch, master has been updated
via 87a04d60dab0fb437da08ee0350cab0a79d671a7 (commit)
from 10d114817c3d17c778444cc96a799d9d2b042224 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 87a04d60dab0fb437da08ee0350cab0a79d671a7
Author: Mark Wells <mark at freeside.biz>
Date: Sat Jun 9 20:33:47 2012 -0700
missing file for #13289
diff --git a/httemplate/search/unearned_detail.html b/httemplate/search/unearned_detail.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..831625e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/search/unearned_detail.html
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+<& elements/search.html,
+ 'title' => emt("Unearned revenue - ".ucfirst($unearned_mode)),
+ 'name' => emt('line items'),
+ 'query' => $query,
+ 'count_query' => $count_query,
+ 'count_addl' => [ $money_char. '%.2f total',
+ $money_char. '%.2f unearned revenue'
+ ],
+ 'header' => [ map( {emt $_}
+ 'Description',
+ 'Unearned', # depends on mode
+ 'Recurring charge', #recur - usage
+ 'Owed', #recur - usage - credits - payments
+ 'Paid', #payments
+ 'Payment date', #of last payment
+ 'Credit date', #of last credit
+ 'Charge start',
+ 'Charge end',
+ 'Invoice',
+ 'Date'
+ ),
+ FS::UI::Web::cust_header(),
+ ],
+ 'fields' => [
+ #Description
+ sub { $_[0]->pkgnum > 0
+ ? $_[0]->get('pkg') # possibly use override.pkg
+ : $_[0]->get('itemdesc') # but i think this correct
+ },
+ #Unearned
+ money_sub('unearned_revenue'),
+ #Recurring charge
+ money_sub('recur_no_usage'),
+ #Owed
+ money_sub('owed_no_usage'),
+ #Paid
+ money_sub('paid_no_usage'),
+ #Payment date
+ date_sub('last_pay'),
+ #Credit date
+ date_sub('last_credit'),
+ #Charge start
+ date_sub('sdate'),
+ #Charge end
+ date_sub('edate'),
+ #Invoice
+ 'invnum',
+ #Invoice date
+ date_sub('_date'),
+ \&FS::UI::Web::cust_fields,
+ ],
+ 'sort_fields' => [
+ 'pkg',
+ # SQL expressions work as sort keys...
+ 'unearned_revenue',
+ 'recur_no_usage',
+ 'owed_no_usage',
+ 'paid_no_usage',
+ 'last_pay',
+ 'last_credit',
+ 'sdate',
+ 'edate',
+ 'invnum',
+ '_date',
+ ],
+ 'links' => [
+ ('' x 9),
+ $ilink,
+ $ilink,
+ ( map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $clink : '' }
+ FS::UI::Web::cust_header()
+ ),
+ ],
+ 'align' => 'lrrcrccrc'. FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns(),
+ 'color' => [
+ ('' x 11),
+ FS::UI::Web::cust_colors(),
+ ],
+ 'style' => [
+ ('' x 11),
+ FS::UI::Web::cust_styles(),
+ ],
+# Separated from cust_bill_pkg.cgi to simplify things.
+die "access denied"
+ unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports');
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my $unearned = '';
+my $unearned_mode = '';
+my $unearned_base = '';
+my $unearned_sql = '';
+my @select = ( 'cust_bill_pkg.*', 'cust_bill._date' );
+my ($join_cust, $join_pkg ) = ('', '');
+#here is the agent virtualization
+my $agentnums_sql =
+ $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql( 'table' => 'cust_main' );
+my @where = ( $agentnums_sql );
+my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
+if ( $cgi->param('status') =~ /^([a-z]+)$/ ) {
+ push @where, FS::cust_main->cust_status_sql . " = '$1'";
+push @where, "cust_bill._date >= $beginning",
+ "cust_bill._date <= $ending";
+if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+ push @where, "cust_main.agentnum = $1";
+# no pkgclass, no taxclass, no tax location...
+# unearned revenue mode
+$cgi->param('date') =~ /^(\d+)$/
+ or die "date required";
+$unearned = $1;
+$unearned_mode = $cgi->param('mode');
+push @where, "cust_bill_pkg.sdate < $unearned",
+ "cust_bill_pkg.edate > $unearned",
+ "cust_bill_pkg.recur != 0",
+ "part_pkg.freq != '0'";
+if ( !$cgi->param('include_monthly') ) {
+ push @where,
+ "part_pkg.freq != '1'",
+ "part_pkg.freq NOT LIKE '%h'",
+ "part_pkg.freq NOT LIKE '%d'",
+ "part_pkg.freq NOT LIKE '%w'";
+my @opt = (
+ $unearned, #before this date
+ '', #after this date
+ setuprecur => 'recur',
+ no_usage => 1
+my $charged = FS::cust_bill_pkg->charged_sql(@opt);
+push @select, "($charged) AS recur_no_usage";
+my $owed_sql = FS::cust_bill_pkg->owed_sql(@opt);
+push @select, "($owed_sql) AS owed_no_usage";
+my $paid_sql = FS::cust_bill_pkg->paid_sql(@opt);
+push @select, "$paid_sql AS paid_no_usage";
+if ( $unearned_mode eq 'paid' ) {
+ # then use the amount paid, minus usage charges
+ $unearned_base = $paid_sql;
+else {
+ # use the amount billed, minus usage charges and credits
+ $unearned_base = "( $charged - " .
+ FS::cust_bill_pkg->credited_sql(@opt) . ' )';
+# whatever we're using as the base, only show rows where it's positive
+push @where, "$unearned_base > 0";
+my $period = "CAST(cust_bill_pkg.edate - cust_bill_pkg.sdate AS REAL)";
+my $elapsed = "GREATEST( $unearned - cust_bill_pkg.sdate, 0 )";
+my $remaining = "(1 - $elapsed/$period)";
+$unearned_sql = "CAST( $unearned_base * $remaining AS DECIMAL(10,2) )";
+push @select, "$unearned_sql AS unearned_revenue";
+# last payment/credit date
+my %t = (pay => 'cust_bill_pay', credit => 'cust_credit_bill');
+foreach my $x (qw(pay credit)) {
+ my $table = $t{$x};
+ my $link = $table.'_pkg';
+ my $pkey = dbdef->table($table)->primary_key;
+ my $last_date_sql = "SELECT MAX(_date)
+ FROM $table JOIN $link USING ($pkey)
+ WHERE $link.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum
+ AND $table._date <= $unearned";
+ push @select, "($last_date_sql) AS last_$x";
+#no itemdesc
+#no tax report group kludge
+#no tax exemption
+#usage always excluded
+# always 'nottax', not 'istax'
+$join_cust = ' JOIN cust_bill USING ( invnum )
+ LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ';
+$join_pkg .= ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )
+ LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )
+ LEFT JOIN part_pkg AS override
+ ON pkgpart_override = override.pkgpart ';
+my $where = ' WHERE '. join(' AND ', @where);
+my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT billpkgnum),
+ SUM( $unearned_base ), SUM( $unearned_sql )
+ FROM cust_bill_pkg $join_cust $join_pkg $where";
+push @select, 'part_pkg.pkg',
+ 'part_pkg.freq',
+ 'cust_main.custnum',
+ FS::UI::Web::cust_sql_fields();
+my $query = {
+ 'table' => 'cust_bill_pkg',
+ 'addl_from' => "$join_cust $join_pkg",
+ 'hashref' => {},
+ 'select' => join(",\n", @select ),
+ 'extra_sql' => $where,
+ 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY cust_bill._date, billpkgnum',
+my $ilink = [ "${p}view/cust_bill.cgi?", 'invnum' ];
+my $clink = [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", 'custnum' ];
+my $money_char;
+sub money_sub {
+ $conf ||= new FS::Conf;
+ $money_char ||= $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
+ my $field = shift;
+ sub {
+ $money_char . sprintf('%.2f', $_[0]->get($field));
+ };
+sub date_sub {
+ my $field = shift;
+ sub {
+ my $value = $_[0]->get($field);
+ $value ? time2str('%b %d %Y', $value) : '';
+ };
Summary of changes:
httemplate/search/unearned_detail.html | 246 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 httemplate/search/unearned_detail.html
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