[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS Conf.pm, 1.503, 1.504 cust_pkg.pm, 1.223, 1.224

Mark Wells mark at wavetail.420.am
Thu Jan 26 13:18:24 PST 2012

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv17337/FS/FS

Modified Files:
	Conf.pm cust_pkg.pm 
Log Message:
credit on suspend, #16066

Index: Conf.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/Conf.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.503
retrieving revision 1.504
diff -u -w -d -r1.503 -r1.504
--- Conf.pm	15 Jan 2012 02:17:59 -0000	1.503
+++ Conf.pm	26 Jan 2012 21:18:20 -0000	1.504
@@ -632,6 +632,21 @@
+# takes the reason class (C, R, S) as an argument
+sub reason_type_options {
+  my $reason_class = shift;
+  'type'        => 'select-sub',
+  'options_sub' => sub {
+    map { $_->typenum => $_->type } 
+      qsearch('reason_type', { class => $reason_class });
+  },
+  'option_sub'  => sub {
+    my $type = FS::reason_type->by_key(shift);
+    $type ? $type->type : '';
+  }
 #Billing (81 items)
 #Invoicing (50 items)
 #UI (69 items)
@@ -3586,77 +3601,35 @@
     'key'         => 'cancel_credit_type',
     'section'     => 'billing',
     'description' => 'The group to use for new, automatically generated credit reasons resulting from cancellation.',
-    'type'        => 'select-sub',
-    'options_sub' => sub { require FS::Record;
-                           require FS::reason_type;
-			   map { $_->typenum => $_->type }
-                               FS::Record::qsearch('reason_type', { class=>'R' } );
-			 },
-    'option_sub'  => sub { require FS::Record;
-                           require FS::reason_type;
-			   my $reason_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
-			     'reason_type', { 'typenum' => shift }
-			   );
-                           $reason_type ? $reason_type->type : '';
+    reason_type_options('R'),
+  {
+    'key'         => 'suspend_credit_type',
+    'section'     => 'billing',
+    'description' => 'The group to use for new, automatically generated credit reasons resulting from package suspension.',
+    reason_type_options('R'),
     'key'         => 'referral_credit_type',
     'section'     => 'deprecated',
     'description' => 'Used to be the group to use for new, automatically generated credit reasons resulting from referrals.  Now set in a package billing event for the referral.',
-    'type'        => 'select-sub',
-    'options_sub' => sub { require FS::Record;
-                           require FS::reason_type;
-			   map { $_->typenum => $_->type }
-                               FS::Record::qsearch('reason_type', { class=>'R' } );
-			 },
-    'option_sub'  => sub { require FS::Record;
-                           require FS::reason_type;
-			   my $reason_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
-			     'reason_type', { 'typenum' => shift }
-			   );
-                           $reason_type ? $reason_type->type : '';
-			 },
+    reason_type_options('R'),
     'key'         => 'signup_credit_type',
     'section'     => 'billing', #self-service?
     'description' => 'The group to use for new, automatically generated credit reasons resulting from signup and self-service declines.',
-    'type'        => 'select-sub',
-    'options_sub' => sub { require FS::Record;
-                           require FS::reason_type;
-			   map { $_->typenum => $_->type }
-                               FS::Record::qsearch('reason_type', { class=>'R' } );
-			 },
-    'option_sub'  => sub { require FS::Record;
-                           require FS::reason_type;
-			   my $reason_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
-			     'reason_type', { 'typenum' => shift }
-			   );
-                           $reason_type ? $reason_type->type : '';
-			 },
+    reason_type_options('R'),
     'key'         => 'prepayment_discounts-credit_type',
     'section'     => 'billing',
     'description' => 'Enables the offering of prepayment discounts and establishes the credit reason type.',
-    'type'        => 'select-sub',
-    'options_sub' => sub { require FS::Record;
-                           require FS::reason_type;
-                           map { $_->typenum => $_->type }
-                               FS::Record::qsearch('reason_type', { class=>'R' } );
-                         },
-    'option_sub'  => sub { require FS::Record;
-                           require FS::reason_type;
-                           my $reason_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
-                             'reason_type', { 'typenum' => shift }
-                           );
-                           $reason_type ? $reason_type->type : '';
-                         },
+    reason_type_options('R'),

Index: cust_pkg.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/cust_pkg.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.223
retrieving revision 1.224
diff -u -w -d -r1.223 -r1.224
--- cust_pkg.pm	25 Jan 2012 04:31:41 -0000	1.223
+++ cust_pkg.pm	26 Jan 2012 21:18:21 -0000	1.224
@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@
       $do_credit = $self->part_pkg->option('unused_credit_cancel', 1);
     if ( $do_credit ) {
-      my $error = $self->credit_remaining($cancel_time);
+      my $error = $self->credit_remaining('cancel', $cancel_time);
       if ($error) {
         $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
         return $error;
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
   unless ( $date ) {
     # credit remaining time if appropriate
     if ( $self->part_pkg->option('unused_credit_suspend', 1) ) {
-      my $error = $self->credit_remaining($suspend_time);
+      my $error = $self->credit_remaining('suspend', $suspend_time);
       if ($error) {
         $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
         return $error;
@@ -1094,11 +1094,25 @@
   ''; #no errors
+=item credit_remaining MODE TIME
+Generate a credit for this package for the time remaining in the current 
+billing period.  MODE is either "suspend" or "cancel" (determines the 
+credit type).  TIME is the time of suspension/cancellation.  Both options
+are mandatory.
 sub credit_remaining {
   # Add a credit for remaining service
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $time = shift or die 'no suspend/cancel time';
+  my ($self, $mode, $time) = @_;
+  die 'credit_remaining requires suspend or cancel' 
+    unless $mode eq 'suspend' or $mode eq 'cancel';
+  die 'no suspend/cancel time' unless $time > 0;
   my $conf = FS::Conf->new;
+  my $reason_type = $conf->config($mode.'_credit_type');
   my $last_bill = $self->getfield('last_bill') || 0;
   my $next_bill = $self->getfield('bill') || 0;
   if ( $last_bill > 0         # the package has been billed
@@ -1112,8 +1126,8 @@
       my $error = $self->cust_main->credit(
         'Credit for unused time on '. $self->part_pkg->pkg,
-        'reason_type' => $conf->config('cancel_credit_type'),
-      ); # need 'suspend_credit_type'?
+        'reason_type' => $reason_type,
+      );
       return "Error crediting customer \$$remaining_value for unused time".
         " on ". $self->part_pkg->pkg. ": $error"
         if $error;

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