[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/elements select-tiered.html, NONE, select-hardware_type.html, 1.1,
Mark Wells
mark at wavetail.420.am
Wed Feb 15 18:13:40 PST 2012
- Previous message: [freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/search report_svc_hardware.html, 1.2, 1.3 svc_hardware.cgi, 1.2, 1.3
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Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv1487/httemplate/elements
Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
svc_hardware revision number, #16266
Index: select-hardware_type.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements/select-hardware_type.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision
diff -u -w -d -r1.1 -r1.1.2.1
--- select-hardware_type.html 1 Apr 2011 02:52:16 -0000 1.1
+++ select-hardware_type.html 16 Feb 2012 02:13:38 -0000
@@ -1,14 +1,36 @@
-<% include( '/elements/select-table.html',
- 'table' => 'hardware_type',
- 'name_col' => 'model',
- 'hashref' => $hashref,
+<& /elements/select-tiered.html, tiers => [
+ {
+ field => 'classnum',
+ table => 'hardware_class',
+ hashref => ($classnum ? { classnum => $classnum } : {}),
+ name_col => 'classname',
+ empty_label => '(all)',
+ },
+ {
+ field => 'model',
+ table => 'hardware_type',
+ select => 'classnum, model',
+ name_col => 'model',
+ value_col => 'model',
+ link_col => 'classnum',
+ hashref => $hashref,
+ extra_sql => 'GROUP BY classnum, model',
+ empty_label => '(all)',
+ },
+ {
+ table => 'hardware_type',
+ name_col => 'revision',
+ value_col => 'typenum',
+ link_col => 'model',
+ empty_label => $opt{'empty_label'},
+ },
+ field => 'typenum',
- )
my %opt = @_;
-my $classnum = delete $opt{'classnum'};
my $hashref = $opt{'hashref'} || {};
-$hashref->{'classnum'} = $classnum if $classnum;
+my $classnum = $hashref->{classnum};
--- NEW FILE: select-tiered.html ---
<& /elements/select-tiered.html,
tiers => [
{ table => 'table1', ... }, # most select-table options are supported
{ table => 'table2', ..., link_col = 't2num' }, # foreign key in table1
prefix => '', # to avoid name conflicts
curr_value => 42, # in the last table
field => 'fieldname', # NAME attribute of the last element
This creates a group of SELECT elements (similar to select-table.html) for
drill-down navigation of data with one-to-many relationships.
'tiers' is required, and must be an arrayref of hashes, each describing one
tier of selection (from most general to most specific). Each tier can
contain the following:
- table, select, addl_from, hashref, extra_sql: as in FS::Record::qsearch.
- records, an arrayref of exact records. Either this or "table" must be
- field: the NAME attribute of the select element. Optional.
- name_col: the column/method name to obtain the record's text label in the
select element.
- value_col: the column/method name to obtain the record's value, which is
sent on form submission. Defaults to the primary key.
- link_col: the column/method name to associate the record to the value_col
of a record in the previous table's value_col. (That is, the foreign key.)
- empty_label: the label to use for an option with the logical meaning of
"all of these" and a value of ''.
- curr_value: the currently selected value. This will constrain the current
values of preceding tiers.
- multiple: set to true for a multiple-style selector. This should work but
isn't fully tested.
- after: an HTML string to be inserted after the select element, before
the next one. By default there's nothing between them.
For convenience, "curr_value" and "field" can be passed as part of the
main argument list, and will be applied to the last tier.
% $i = 0;
% foreach my $tier (@$tiers) {
% my $onchange;
% $onchange="onchange='${pre}select_change(this, $i)'"
% if $i < scalar(@$tiers) - 1;
NAME="<% $tier->{field} %>"
ID="<% $pre."select_".$i %>"
<% $tier->{multiple} ? 'MULTIPLE' : '' %>
% if ( $i == 0 ) {
% my $options = $tiers_by_key->[0]->{''};
% foreach ( sort keys %$options ) {
<OPTION VALUE="<%$_ |h%>"><% $options->{$_} |h%></OPTION>
% }
% }
% $i++;
<% $tier->{after} %>
% } #foreach $tier
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
% my $json = JSON->new->canonical; #sort
var <% $pre %>tiers = <% $json->encode($tiers_by_key) %>;
var <% $pre %>curr_values = <% $json->encode($curr_values) %>;
function <% $pre %>select_change(select_this, i) {
i++; // operate on the next tier selector
var next_options = new Object; // use like a hash
// slight hack here: empty_label implies not multiple, so if the 'all'
// option is selected, it will be the "value" property of the select.
var all = (select_this.value == '');
// combine all of the options of this one
for (var j = 0; j < select_this.options.length; j++) {
var this_opt = select_this.options[j];
if ( this_opt.selected || all ) {
for (var next_key in <% $pre %>tiers[i][this_opt.value]) {
next_options[next_key] = <% $pre %>tiers[i][this_opt.value][next_key];
} // for next_key
} // if selected
} // for this_opt
var select_next = document.getElementById('<% $pre."select_" %>' + i);
select_next.options.length = 0; // clear it
for (var next_key in next_options) {
var o = document.createElement('OPTION');
o.value = next_key;
o.text = next_options[next_key];
if ( next_key == '' ) {
select_next.add(o, select_next.options[0]); //insert at top
} else {
select_next.add(o, null); //append
// then select it if we're selecting them all, or if it's the only one,
// or if it's the current value at that tier
o.selected = select_next.multiple
|| (next_options.length == 1)
|| (next_key == <% $pre %>curr_values[i])
if ( i < <% scalar(@$tiers) - 1 %> ) {
<% $pre %>select_change(select_next, i);
<% $pre %>select_change(document.getElementById('<% $pre %>select_0'), 0);
my %opt = @_;
my $pre = $opt{prefix} || '';
my $tiers = $opt{tiers} or die "no tiers defined";
my $i;
for( $i = 0; $i < @$tiers; $i++ ) {
my $tier = $tiers->[$i];
my $key = $tier->{value_col};
my $name_col = $tier->{name_col};
if ( !exists($tier->{records}) ) {
# minor false laziness w/ select-table
my $dbdef_table = dbdef->table($tier->{table})
or die "can't find dbdef for ".$tier->{table}." table\n";
$key ||= $dbdef_table->primary_key;
my $hashref = $tier->{hashref} || {};
my $select = $tier->{select} || '*';
# we don't yet support agent_virt
$tier->{records} = [ qsearch({
'select' => $select, # the real magic
'table' => $tier->{table},
'addl_from' => $tier->{addl_from},
'hashref' => $hashref,
'extra_sql' => $tier->{extra_sql},
}) ];
# set up options
my %children_of;
if ( $i == 0 ) {
$children_of{''} = {
map { $_->$key => $_->$name_col } @{ $tier->{records} }
else {
my $link_col = $tier->{link_col}
or die "no link_col in '".$tier->{table}."' tier\n";
# %children_of maps the option values in the previous tier
# to hashes of their linked options in this tier.
foreach my $rec (@{ $tier->{records} }) {
$children_of{ $rec->$link_col } ||= {};
$children_of{ $rec->$link_col }->{ $rec->$key } = $rec->$name_col;
if ( defined $tier->{empty_label} ) {
foreach my $key (keys %children_of) {
# only create "all" options if there are multiple choices
if ( scalar(keys %{ $children_of{$key} }) > 1 ) {
$children_of{$key}->{''} = $tier->{empty_label};
$tier->{by_key} = \%children_of;
$i = scalar(@$tiers) - 1;
$tiers->[$i]->{curr_value} ||= $opt{curr_value};
$tiers->[$i]->{field} ||= $opt{field};
# We expect the usual case to be $opt{curr_value}, i.e.
# current value in the last tier. So trace it backward.
while($i >= 1) {
my $curr_value = $tiers->[$i]->{curr_value};
last if !defined($curr_value);
my $tier = $tiers->[$i];
foreach my $key ( %{ $tier->{by_key} } ) {
my $options = $tier->{by_key}->{$key};
if ( exists( $options->{$curr_value} ) ) {
warn "tier $i curr_value ($curr_value) found under key $key\n";
$tiers->[$i-1]->{curr_value} = $key;
my $tiers_by_key = [ map { $_->{by_key} } @$tiers ];
my $curr_values = [ map { $_->{curr_value} || '' } @$tiers ];
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