[freeside-commits] branch master updated. 765a5c92d73a39836999c8442e70dc0bfb1f995d

Ivan ivan at 420.am
Tue Aug 7 23:51:46 PDT 2012

The branch, master has been updated
       via  765a5c92d73a39836999c8442e70dc0bfb1f995d (commit)
       via  21b2bb8d5920e3aee36fd00bfcab1835ec7214ea (commit)
      from  94c1d035193d1eabb1820e62bce96438f11f870a (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 765a5c92d73a39836999c8442e70dc0bfb1f995d
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date:   Tue Aug 7 23:51:43 2012 -0700

    port our RT.pm.in changes to RT.pm in RT4

diff --git a/rt/lib/RT.pm.in b/rt/lib/RT.pm.in
deleted file mode 100644
index fafd2b7..0000000
--- a/rt/lib/RT.pm.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
-# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2011 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
-#                                          <sales at bestpractical.com>
-# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
-# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
-# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
-# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
-# from www.gnu.org.
-# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
-# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
-# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
-# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
-# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
-# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
-# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
-# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
-# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
-# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
-# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
-# Best Practical Solutions,  LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
-# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
-# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
-# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-package RT;
-use File::Spec ();
-use Cwd ();
-use vars qw($Config $System $SystemUser $Nobody $Handle $Logger $_INSTALL_MODE);
-our $BasePath = '@RT_PATH@';
-our $EtcPath = '@RT_ETC_PATH@';
-our $BinPath = '@RT_BIN_PATH@';
-our $SbinPath = '@RT_SBIN_PATH@';
-our $VarPath = '@RT_VAR_PATH@';
-our $PluginPath = '@RT_PLUGIN_PATH@';
-our $LocalPath = '@RT_LOCAL_PATH@';
-our $LocalEtcPath = '@LOCAL_ETC_PATH@';
-our $LocalLibPath        =    '@LOCAL_LIB_PATH@';
-our $LocalLexiconPath = '@LOCAL_LEXICON_PATH@';
-our $LocalPluginPath = $LocalPath."/plugins";
-# $MasonComponentRoot is where your rt instance keeps its mason html files
-our $MasonComponentRoot = '@MASON_HTML_PATH@';
-# $MasonLocalComponentRoot is where your rt instance keeps its site-local
-# mason html files.
-our $MasonLocalComponentRoot = '@MASON_LOCAL_HTML_PATH@';
-# $MasonDataDir Where mason keeps its datafiles
-our $MasonDataDir = '@MASON_DATA_PATH@';
-# RT needs to put session data (for preserving state between connections
-# via the web interface)
-our $MasonSessionDir = '@MASON_SESSION_PATH@';
-unless (  File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($EtcPath) ) {
-# if BasePath exists and is absolute, we won't infer it from $INC{'RT.pm'}.
-# otherwise RT.pm will make src dir(where we configure RT) be the BasePath 
-# instead of the --prefix one
-    unless ( -d $BasePath && File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($BasePath) ) {
-        my $pm_path = ( File::Spec->splitpath( $INC{'RT.pm'} ) )[1];
-       # need rel2abs here is to make sure path is absolute, since $INC{'RT.pm'}
-       # is not always absolute
-        $BasePath =
-          File::Spec->rel2abs(
-            File::Spec->catdir( $pm_path, File::Spec->updir ) );
-    }
-    $BasePath = Cwd::realpath( $BasePath );
-    for my $path ( qw/EtcPath BinPath SbinPath VarPath LocalPath LocalEtcPath
-            LocalLibPath LocalLexiconPath PluginPath LocalPluginPath 
-            MasonComponentRoot MasonLocalComponentRoot MasonDataDir 
-            MasonSessionDir/ ) {
-        no strict 'refs';
-        # just change relative ones
-        $$path = File::Spec->catfile( $BasePath, $$path )
-          unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $$path );
-    }
-=head1 NAME
-RT - Request Tracker
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-A fully featured request tracker package
-=head2 LoadConfig
-Load RT's config file.  First, the site configuration file
-(F<RT_SiteConfig.pm>) is loaded, in order to establish overall site
-settings like hostname and name of RT instance.  Then, the core
-configuration file (F<RT_Config.pm>) is loaded to set fallback values
-for all settings; it bases some values on settings from the site
-configuration file.
-In order for the core configuration to not override the site's
-settings, the function C<Set> is used; it only sets values if they
-have not been set already.
-sub LoadConfig {
-    require RT::Config;
-    $Config = new RT::Config;
-    $Config->LoadConfigs;
-    require RT::I18N;
-    # RT::Essentials mistakenly recommends that WebPath be set to '/'.
-    # If the user does that, do what they mean.
-    $RT::WebPath = '' if ($RT::WebPath eq '/');
-    # fix relative LogDir and GnuPG homedir
-    unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $Config->Get('LogDir') ) ) {
-        $Config->Set( LogDir =>
-              File::Spec->catfile( $BasePath, $Config->Get('LogDir') ) );
-    }
-    my $gpgopts = $Config->Get('GnuPGOptions');
-    unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $gpgopts->{homedir} ) ) {
-        $gpgopts->{homedir} = File::Spec->catfile( $BasePath, $gpgopts->{homedir} );
-    }
-    RT::I18N->Init;
-=head2 Init
-L<Connect to the database /ConnectToDatabase>, L<initilizes system objects /InitSystemObjects>,
-L<preloads classes /InitClasses> and L<set up logging /InitLogging>.
-sub Init {
-    my @arg = @_;
-    CheckPerlRequirements();
-    InitPluginPaths();
-    #Get a database connection
-    ConnectToDatabase();
-    InitSystemObjects();
-    InitClasses();
-    InitLogging(@arg); 
-    InitPlugins();
-    RT->Config->PostLoadCheck;
-=head2 ConnectToDatabase
-Get a database connection. See also </Handle>.
-sub ConnectToDatabase {
-    require RT::Handle;
-    $Handle = new RT::Handle unless $Handle;
-    $Handle->Connect;
-    return $Handle;
-=head2 InitLogging
-Create the Logger object and set up signal handlers.
-sub InitLogging {
-    my %arg = @_;
-    # We have to set the record separator ($, man perlvar)
-    # or Log::Dispatch starts getting
-    # really pissy, as some other module we use unsets it.
-    $, = '';
-    use Log::Dispatch 1.6;
-    my %level_to_num = (
-        map( { $_ => } 0..7 ),
-        debug     => 0,
-        info      => 1,
-        notice    => 2,
-        warning   => 3,
-        error     => 4, 'err' => 4,
-        critical  => 5, crit  => 5,
-        alert     => 6, 
-        emergency => 7, emerg => 7,
-    );
-    unless ( $RT::Logger ) {
-        $RT::Logger = Log::Dispatch->new;
-        my $stack_from_level;
-        if ( $stack_from_level = RT->Config->Get('LogStackTraces') ) {
-            # if option has old style '\d'(true) value
-            $stack_from_level = 0 if $stack_from_level =~ /^\d+$/;
-            $stack_from_level = $level_to_num{ $stack_from_level } || 0;
-        } else {
-            $stack_from_level = 99; # don't log
-        }
-        my $simple_cb = sub {
-            # if this code throw any warning we can get segfault
-            no warnings;
-            my %p = @_;
-            # skip Log::* stack frames
-            my $frame = 0;
-            $frame++ while caller($frame) && caller($frame) =~ /^Log::/;
-            my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller($frame);
-            $p{'message'} =~ s/(?:\r*\n)+$//;
-            return "[". gmtime(time) ."] [". $p{'level'} ."]: "
-                . $p{'message'} ." ($filename:$line)\n";
-        };
-        my $syslog_cb = sub {
-            # if this code throw any warning we can get segfault
-            no warnings;
-            my %p = @_;
-            my $frame = 0; # stack frame index
-            # skip Log::* stack frames
-            $frame++ while caller($frame) && caller($frame) =~ /^Log::/;
-            my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller($frame);
-            # syswrite() cannot take utf8; turn it off here.
-            Encode::_utf8_off($p{message});
-            $p{message} =~ s/(?:\r*\n)+$//;
-            if ($p{level} eq 'debug') {
-                return "$p{message}\n";
-            } else {
-                return "$p{message} ($filename:$line)\n";
-            }
-        };
-        my $stack_cb = sub {
-            no warnings;
-            my %p = @_;
-            return $p{'message'} unless $level_to_num{ $p{'level'} } >= $stack_from_level;
-            require Devel::StackTrace;
-            my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new( ignore_class => [ 'Log::Dispatch', 'Log::Dispatch::Base' ] );
-            return $p{'message'} . $trace->as_string;
-            # skip calling of the Log::* subroutins
-            my $frame = 0;
-            $frame++ while caller($frame) && caller($frame) =~ /^Log::/;
-            $frame++ while caller($frame) && (caller($frame))[3] =~ /^Log::/;
-            $p{'message'} .= "\nStack trace:\n";
-            while( my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller($frame++) ) {
-                $p{'message'} .= "\t$sub(...) called at $filename:$line\n";
-            }
-            return $p{'message'};
-        };
-        if ( $Config->Get('LogToFile') ) {
-            my ($filename, $logdir) = (
-                $Config->Get('LogToFileNamed') || 'rt.log',
-                $Config->Get('LogDir') || File::Spec->catdir( $VarPath, 'log' ),
-            );
-            if ( $filename =~ m![/\\]! ) { # looks like an absolute path.
-                ($logdir) = $filename =~ m{^(.*[/\\])};
-            }
-            else {
-                $filename = File::Spec->catfile( $logdir, $filename );
-            }
-            unless ( -d $logdir && ( ( -f $filename && -w $filename ) || -w $logdir ) ) {
-                # localizing here would be hard when we don't have a current user yet
-                die "Log file '$filename' couldn't be written or created.\n RT can't run.";
-            }
-            require Log::Dispatch::File;
-            $RT::Logger->add( Log::Dispatch::File->new
-                           ( name=>'file',
-                             min_level=> $Config->Get('LogToFile'),
-                             filename=> $filename,
-                             mode=>'append',
-                             callbacks => [ $simple_cb, $stack_cb ],
-                           ));
-        }
-        if ( $Config->Get('LogToScreen') ) {
-            require Log::Dispatch::Screen;
-            $RT::Logger->add( Log::Dispatch::Screen->new
-                         ( name => 'screen',
-                           min_level => $Config->Get('LogToScreen'),
-                           callbacks => [ $simple_cb, $stack_cb ],
-                           stderr => 1,
-                         ));
-        }
-        if ( $Config->Get('LogToSyslog') ) {
-            require Log::Dispatch::Syslog;
-            $RT::Logger->add(Log::Dispatch::Syslog->new
-                         ( name => 'syslog',
-                           ident => 'RT',
-                           min_level => $Config->Get('LogToSyslog'),
-                           callbacks => [ $syslog_cb, $stack_cb ],
-                           stderr => 1,
-                           $Config->Get('LogToSyslogConf'),
-                         ));
-        }
-    }
-    InitSignalHandlers(%arg);
-sub InitSignalHandlers {
-    my %arg = @_;
-# Signal handlers
-## This is the default handling of warnings and die'ings in the code
-## (including other used modules - maybe except for errors catched by
-## Mason).  It will log all problems through the standard logging
-## mechanism (see above).
-    unless ( $arg{'NoSignalHandlers'} ) {
-        $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
-            # The 'wide character' warnings has to be silenced for now, at least
-            # until HTML::Mason offers a sane way to process both raw output and
-            # unicode strings.
-            # use 'goto &foo' syntax to hide ANON sub from stack
-            if( index($_[0], 'Wide character in ') != 0 ) {
-                unshift @_, $RT::Logger, qw(level warning message);
-                goto &Log::Dispatch::log;
-            }
-        };
-        #When we call die, trap it and log->crit with the value of the die.
-        $SIG{__DIE__}  = sub {
-            # if we are not in eval and perl is not parsing code
-            # then rollback transactions and log RT error
-            unless ($^S || !defined $^S ) {
-                $RT::Handle->Rollback(1) if $RT::Handle;
-                $RT::Logger->crit("$_[0]") if $RT::Logger;
-            }
-            die $_[0];
-        };
-    }
-sub CheckPerlRequirements {
-    if ($^V < 5.008003) {
-        die sprintf "RT requires Perl v5.8.3 or newer.  Your current Perl is v%vd\n", $^V; 
-    }
-    # use $error here so the following "die" can still affect the global $@
-    my $error;
-    {
-        local $@;
-        eval {
-            my $x = '';
-            my $y = \$x;
-            require Scalar::Util;
-            Scalar::Util::weaken($y);
-        };
-        $error = $@;
-    }
-    if ($error) {
-        die <<"EOF";
-RT requires the Scalar::Util module be built with support for  the 'weaken'
-It is sometimes the case that operating system upgrades will replace 
-a working Scalar::Util with a non-working one. If your system was working
-correctly up until now, this is likely the cause of the problem.
-Please reinstall Scalar::Util, being careful to let it build with your C 
-compiler. Ususally this is as simple as running the following command as
-    perl -MCPAN -e'install Scalar::Util'
-    }
-=head2 InitClasses
-Load all modules that define base classes.
-sub InitClasses {
-    shift if @_%2; # so we can call it as a function or method
-    my %args = (@_);
-    require RT::Tickets;
-    require RT::Transactions;
-    require RT::Attachments;
-    require RT::Users;
-    require RT::Principals;
-    require RT::CurrentUser;
-    require RT::Templates;
-    require RT::Queues;
-    require RT::ScripActions;
-    require RT::ScripConditions;
-    require RT::Scrips;
-    require RT::Groups;
-    require RT::GroupMembers;
-    require RT::CustomFields;
-    require RT::CustomFieldValues;
-    require RT::ObjectCustomFields;
-    require RT::ObjectCustomFieldValues;
-    require RT::Attributes;
-    require RT::Dashboard;
-    require RT::Approval;
-    # on a cold server (just after restart) people could have an object
-    # in the session, as we deserialize it so we never call constructor
-    # of the class, so the list of accessible fields is empty and we die
-    # with "Method xxx is not implemented in RT::SomeClass"
-    $_->_BuildTableAttributes foreach qw(
-        RT::Ticket
-        RT::Transaction
-        RT::Attachment
-        RT::User
-        RT::Principal
-        RT::Template
-        RT::Queue
-        RT::ScripAction
-        RT::ScripCondition
-        RT::Scrip
-        RT::Group
-        RT::GroupMember
-        RT::CustomField
-        RT::CustomFieldValue
-        RT::ObjectCustomField
-        RT::ObjectCustomFieldValue
-        RT::Attribute
-    );
-    if ( $args{'Heavy'} ) {
-        # load scrips' modules
-        my $scrips = RT::Scrips->new($RT::SystemUser);
-        $scrips->Limit( FIELD => 'Stage', OPERATOR => '!=', VALUE => 'Disabled' );
-        while ( my $scrip = $scrips->Next ) {
-            local $@;
-            eval { $scrip->LoadModules } or
-                $RT::Logger->error("Invalid Scrip ".$scrip->Id.".  Unable to load the Action or Condition.  ".
-                                   "You should delete or repair this Scrip in the admin UI.\n$@\n");
-        }
-	foreach my $class ( grep $_, RT->Config->Get('CustomFieldValuesSources') ) {
-            local $@;
-            eval "require $class; 1" or $RT::Logger->error(
-                "Class '$class' is listed in CustomFieldValuesSources option"
-                ." in the config, but we failed to load it:\n$@\n"
-            );
-        }
-        RT::I18N->LoadLexicons;
-    }
-=head2 InitSystemObjects
-Initializes system objects: C<$RT::System>, C<$RT::SystemUser>
-and C<$RT::Nobody>.
-sub InitSystemObjects {
-    #RT's system user is a genuine database user. its id lives here
-    require RT::CurrentUser;
-    $SystemUser = new RT::CurrentUser;
-    $SystemUser->LoadByName('RT_System');
-    #RT's "nobody user" is a genuine database user. its ID lives here.
-    $Nobody = new RT::CurrentUser;
-    $Nobody->LoadByName('Nobody');
-    require RT::System;
-    $System = RT::System->new( $SystemUser );
-=head2 Config
-Returns the current L<config object RT::Config>, but note that
-you must L<load config /LoadConfig> first otherwise this method
-returns undef.
-Method can be called as class method.
-sub Config { return $Config }
-=head2 DatabaseHandle
-Returns the current L<database handle object RT::Handle>.
-See also L</ConnectToDatabase>.
-sub DatabaseHandle { return $Handle }
-=head2 Logger
-Returns the logger. See also L</InitLogging>.
-sub Logger { return $Logger }
-=head2 System
-Returns the current L<system object RT::System>. See also
-sub System { return $System }
-=head2 SystemUser
-Returns the system user's object, it's object of
-L<RT::CurrentUser> class that represents the system. See also
-sub SystemUser { return $SystemUser }
-=head2 Nobody
-Returns object of Nobody. It's object of L<RT::CurrentUser> class
-that represents a user who can own ticket and nothing else. See
-also L</InitSystemObjects>.
-sub Nobody { return $Nobody }
-=head2 Plugins
-Returns a listref of all Plugins currently configured for this RT instance.
-You can define plugins by adding them to the @Plugins list in your RT_SiteConfig
-our @PLUGINS = ();
-sub Plugins {
-    my $self = shift;
-    unless (@PLUGINS) {
-        $self->InitPluginPaths;
-        @PLUGINS = $self->InitPlugins;
-    }
-    return \@PLUGINS;
-=head2 PluginDirs
-Takes optional subdir (e.g. po, lib, etc.) and return plugins' dirs that exist.
-This code chacke plugins names or anything else and required when main config
-is loaded to load plugins' configs.
-sub PluginDirs {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $subdir = shift;
-    require RT::Plugin;
-    my @res;
-    foreach my $plugin (grep $_, RT->Config->Get('Plugins')) {
-        my $path = RT::Plugin->new( name => $plugin )->Path( $subdir );
-        next unless -d $path;
-        push @res, $path;
-    }
-    return @res;
-=head2 InitPluginPaths
-Push plugins' lib paths into @INC right after F<local/lib>.
-In case F<local/lib> isn't in @INC, append them to @INC
-sub InitPluginPaths {
-    my $self = shift || __PACKAGE__;
-    my @lib_dirs = $self->PluginDirs('lib');
-    my @tmp_inc;
-    my $added;
-    for (@INC) {
-        if ( Cwd::realpath($_) eq $RT::LocalLibPath) {
-            push @tmp_inc, $_, @lib_dirs;
-            $added = 1;
-        } else {
-            push @tmp_inc, $_;
-        }
-    }
-    # append @lib_dirs in case $RT::LocalLibPath isn't in @INC
-    push @tmp_inc, @lib_dirs unless $added;
-    my %seen;
-    @INC = grep !$seen{$_}++, @tmp_inc;
-=head2 InitPlugins
-Initialze all Plugins found in the RT configuration file, setting up their lib and HTML::Mason component roots.
-sub InitPlugins {
-    my $self    = shift;
-    my @plugins;
-    require RT::Plugin;
-    foreach my $plugin (grep $_, RT->Config->Get('Plugins')) {
-        $plugin->require;
-        die $UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR if ($UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR);
-        push @plugins, RT::Plugin->new(name =>$plugin);
-    }
-    return @plugins;
-sub InstallMode {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (@_) {
-         $_INSTALL_MODE = shift;
-         if($_INSTALL_MODE) {
-             require RT::CurrentUser;
-            $SystemUser = RT::CurrentUser->new();
-         }
-    }
-    return $_INSTALL_MODE;
-=head1 BUGS
-Please report them to rt-bugs at bestpractical.com, if you know what's
-broken and have at least some idea of what needs to be fixed.
-If you're not sure what's going on, report them rt-devel at lists.bestpractical.com.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-require RT::Base;

commit 21b2bb8d5920e3aee36fd00bfcab1835ec7214ea
Author: Ivan Kohler <ivan at freeside.biz>
Date:   Tue Aug 7 23:51:25 2012 -0700

    port our RT.pm.in changes to RT.pm in RT4

diff --git a/rt/lib/RT.pm b/rt/lib/RT.pm
index 063f7f7..b375c43 100644
--- a/rt/lib/RT.pm
+++ b/rt/lib/RT.pm
@@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ Create the Logger object and set up signal handlers.
 sub InitLogging {
+    my %arg = @_;
     # We have to set the record separator ($, man perlvar)
     # or Log::Dispatch starts getting
     # really pissy, as some other module we use unsets it.
@@ -309,11 +311,14 @@ sub InitLogging {
-    InitSignalHandlers();
+    InitSignalHandlers(%arg);
 sub InitSignalHandlers {
+    my %arg = @_;
+    return if $arg{'NoSignalHandlers'};
 # Signal handlers
 ## This is the default handling of warnings and die'ings in the code
 ## (including other used modules - maybe except for errors catched by


Summary of changes:
 rt/lib/RT.pm    |    7 +-
 rt/lib/RT.pm.in |  719 -------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 720 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 rt/lib/RT.pm.in

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