[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS cust_bill.pm, 1.358, 1.359 cust_pay.pm, 1.94, 1.95

Mark Wells mark at wavetail.420.am
Thu Oct 13 00:56:01 PDT 2011

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv29808/FS/FS

Modified Files:
	cust_bill.pm cust_pay.pm 
Log Message:
fix payment application to term discounts, #14524

Index: cust_pay.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/cust_pay.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.94
retrieving revision 1.95
diff -u -w -d -r1.94 -r1.95
--- cust_pay.pm	31 Aug 2011 08:26:29 -0000	1.94
+++ cust_pay.pm	13 Oct 2011 07:55:59 -0000	1.95
@@ -189,28 +189,42 @@
   if ( my $credit_type = $conf->config('prepayment_discounts-credit_type') ) {
     if ( my $months = $self->discount_term ) {
-      #hmmm... error handling
-      my ($credit, $savings, $total) = 
-        $cust_main->discount_term_values($months);
+      # XXX this should be moved out somewhere, but discount_term_values
+      # doesn't fit right
+      my ($cust_bill) = ($cust_main->cust_bill)[-1]; # most recent invoice
+      return "can't accept prepayment for an unbilled customer" if !$cust_bill;
+      my %billing_pkgs = map { $_->pkgnum => $_ } $cust_main->billing_pkgs;
+      my $credit = 0; # sum of recurring charges from that invoice
+      my $last_bill_date = 0; # the real bill date
+      foreach my $item ( $cust_bill->cust_bill_pkg ) {
+        next if !exists($billing_pkgs{$item->pkgnum}); # skip inactive packages
+        $credit += $item->recur;
+        $last_bill_date = $item->cust_pkg->last_bill 
+          if defined($item->cust_pkg) 
+            and $item->cust_pkg->last_bill > $last_bill_date
+      }
       my $cust_credit = new FS::cust_credit {
         'custnum' => $self->custnum,
-        'amount'  => $credit,
+        'amount'  => sprintf('%.2f', $credit),
         'reason'  => 'customer chose to prepay for discount',
       $error = $cust_credit->insert('reason_type' => $credit_type);
       if ( $error ) {
         $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
-        return "error inserting cust_pay: $error";
+        return "error inserting prepayment credit: $error";
-      my @pkgs = $cust_main->_discount_pkgs_and_bill;
-      my $cust_bill = shift(@pkgs);
-      @pkgs = &FS::cust_main::Billing_Discount::_discountable_pkgs_at_term($months, @pkgs);
-      $_->bill($_->last_bill) foreach @pkgs;
+      # don't apply it yet
+      # bill for the entire term
+      $_->bill($_->last_bill) foreach (values %billing_pkgs);
       $error = $cust_main->bill( 
-        'recurring_only' => 1,
-        'time'           => $cust_bill->invoice_date,
+        # no recurring_only, we want unbilled packages with start dates to 
+        # get billed
         'no_usage_reset' => 1,
-        'pkg_list'       => \@pkgs,
+        'time'           => $last_bill_date, # not $cust_bill->_date
+        'pkg_list'       => [ values %billing_pkgs ],
         'freq_override'   => $months,
       if ( $error ) {
@@ -227,6 +241,8 @@
         $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
         return "balance after prepay discount attempt: $new_balance";
+      # user friendly: override the "apply only to this invoice" mode
+      $self->invnum('');

Index: cust_bill.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/cust_bill.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.358
retrieving revision 1.359
diff -u -w -d -r1.358 -r1.359
--- cust_bill.pm	1 Oct 2011 02:25:04 -0000	1.358
+++ cust_bill.pm	13 Oct 2011 07:55:58 -0000	1.359
@@ -5181,105 +5181,100 @@
 sub _items_discounts_avail {
   my $self = shift;
-  my %total;
-  my $pkgnums = 0;
-  my $pkgnums_times_discounts = 0;
+  my %terms;
+  my $list_pkgnums = 0; # if any packages are not eligible for all discounts
+  my ($previous_balance) = $self->previous;
+  foreach (qsearch('discount',{ 'months' => { op => '>', value => 1} })) {
+    $terms{$_->months} = {
+      pkgnums       => [],
+      base          => $previous_balance || 0, # pre-discount sum of charges
+      discounted    => $previous_balance || 0, # post-discount sum
+      list_pkgnums  => 0, # whether any packages are not discounted
+    }
+  }
+  foreach my $months (keys %terms) {
+    my $hash = $terms{$months};
   # tricky, because packages may not all be eligible for the same discounts
   foreach my $cust_bill_pkg ( $self->cust_bill_pkg ) {
     my $cust_pkg = $cust_bill_pkg->cust_pkg or next;
     my $part_pkg = $cust_pkg->part_pkg or next;
-    # for simplicity, skip all this if the customer already has a term discount
-    return () if $cust_pkg->cust_pkg_discount_active;
-    $pkgnums++;
     next if $part_pkg->freq ne '1';
+      my $setup = $cust_bill_pkg->setup || 0;
+      my $recur = $cust_bill_pkg->recur || 0;
+      my $permonth = $part_pkg->base_recur_permonth || 0;
-    foreach my $discount ( 
-      map { $_->discount } $part_pkg->part_pkg_discount 
-    ) {
+      my ($discount) = grep { $_->months == $months } 
+                       map { $_->discount } $part_pkg->part_pkg_discount;
-      $total{$discount->discountnum} ||= 
-        { 
-          discount      => $discount,
-          pkgnums       => [],
-          base_current  => 0,
-          base_permonth => 0,
-          setup_include => 0,
-          setup_exclude => 0,
-        };
-      my $hash = $total{$discount->discountnum};
-      $hash->{discount} = $discount;
-      $hash->{thismonth}      += $cust_bill_pkg->recur || 0;
-      $hash->{setup}          += $cust_bill_pkg->setup || 0;
-      $hash->{base_permonth}  += $part_pkg->base_recur_permonth;
+      $hash->{base} += $setup + $recur + ($months - 1) * $permonth;
+      if ($discount) {
-      # and make a list of pkgnums
-      push @{ $hash->{pkgnums} }, $cust_pkg->pkgnum;
-      $pkgnums_times_discounts++;
+        my $discountable;
+        if ( $discount->setup ) {
+          $discountable += $setup;
+        else {
+          $hash->{discounted} += $setup;
-  # Test for the simple case where all packages on the invoice 
-  # are eligible for the same set of discounts.  If not, we need 
-  # to list eligibility in the ext_description.
-  my $list_pkgnums = ( $pkgnums_times_discounts != $pkgnums * keys(%total) );
-  foreach my $hash (values %total) {
-    my $discount = $hash->{discount};
-    my ($amount, $term_total, $percent, $permonth);
-    my $months = $discount->months;
-    $hash->{months} = $months;
     if ( $discount->percent ) {
+          $discountable += $months * $permonth;
+          $discountable -= ($discountable * $discount->percent / 100);
+          $discountable -= ($permonth - $recur); # correct for prorate
+          $hash->{discounted} += $discountable;
+        }
+        else {
+          $discountable += $recur;
+          $discountable -= $discount->amount * $recur/$permonth;
-      # per discount_Mixin, percent discounts are calculated on the base 
-      # recurring fee, not the prorated fee.
-      $percent = $discount->percent;
-      $amount = sprintf('%.2f', 0.01 * $percent * $hash->{base_permonth});
-      # percent discounts apply to setup fee
-      if ( $discount->setup ) {
-        $hash->{setup} *= (1 - 0.01*$percent);
+          $discountable += ($months - 1) * max($permonth - $discount->amount,0);
+        $hash->{discounted} += $discountable;
+        push @{ $hash->{pkgnums} }, $cust_pkg->pkgnum;
-    elsif ( $discount->amount > 0 ) {
+      else { #no discount
+        $hash->{discounted} += $setup + $recur + ($months - 1) * $permonth;
+        $hash->{list_pkgnums} = 1;
+      }
+    } #foreach $cust_bill_pkg
-      # amount discounts are amount * number of packages
-      $amount = $discount->amount * scalar(@{ $hash->{pkgnums} });
-      $percent = sprintf('%.0f', 100 * $amount / $hash->{base_permonth});
+    # don't show this line if no packages have discounts at this term
+    # or if there are no new charges to apply the discount to
+    delete $terms{$months} if $hash->{base} == $hash->{discounted}
+                           or $hash->{base} == 0;
-      # flat discounts are applied to setup and recur together
-      if ( $discount->setup ) {
-        $hash->{thismonth} += $hash->{setup};
-        $hash->{setup} = 0;
-    }
+  $list_pkgnums = grep { $_->{list_pkgnums} > 0 } values %terms;
-    $permonth = max( $hash->{base_permonth} - $amount, 0);
-    $term_total = max( $hash->{thismonth} - $amount , 0 ) # this month
-                  + $permonth * ($months - 1) # rest of the term
-                  + $hash->{setup}; # setup fee
+  foreach my $months (keys %terms) {
+    my $hash = $terms{$months};
+    my $term_total = sprintf('%.2f', $hash->{discounted});
+    # possibly shouldn't include previous balance in these?
+    my $percent = sprintf('%.0f', 100 * (1 - $term_total / $hash->{base}) );
+    my $permonth = sprintf('%.2f', $term_total / $months);
     $hash->{description} = $self->mt('Save [_1]% by paying for [_2] months',
-      $percent, $months,
+      $percent, $months
     $hash->{amount} = $self->mt('[_1] ([_2] per month)', 
-      sprintf('%.2f',$term_total), #no money_char to accommodate template quirk
-      $money_char.sprintf('%.2f',$permonth) );
+      $term_total, $money_char.$permonth
+    );
     my @detail;
     if ( $list_pkgnums ) {
-      push @detail, $self->mt('for item'). ' '.
+      push @detail, $self->mt('discount on item'). ' '.
                 join(', ', map { "#$_" } @{ $hash->{pkgnums} });
-    if ( !$discount->setup and $hash->{setup} ) {
-      push @detail, $self->mt('excluding setup fees');
-    }
     $hash->{ext_description} = join ', ', @detail;
-  sort { -( $a->{months} <=> $b->{months} ) } values(%total);
+  map { $terms{$_} } sort {$b <=> $a} keys %terms;
 =item call_details [ OPTION => VALUE ... ]

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