[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS TicketSystem.pm,,
Mark Wells
mark at wavetail.420.am
Tue May 10 16:23:00 PDT 2011
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv12847/FS/FS
Modified Files:
Log Message:
replace missing RT scrips on upgrade, #9569
Index: TicketSystem.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/TicketSystem.pm,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -w -d -r1.3.12.1 -r1.3.12.2
--- TicketSystem.pm 30 Nov 2010 20:24:19 -0000
+++ TicketSystem.pm 10 May 2011 23:22:58 -0000
@@ -29,23 +29,80 @@
sub _upgrade_data {
return if $system ne 'RT_Internal';
my ($class, %opts) = @_;
- my ($t, $exec, @fields) = map { driver_name =~ /^mysql/i ? $_ : lc($_) }
- (qw( ScripConditions ExecModule
- Name Description ExecModule ApplicableTransTypes
- Creator Created LastUpdatedBy LastUpdated));
- my $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $t WHERE $exec = 'CustomFieldChange'";
- my $sth = dbh->prepare($count_sql) or die dbh->errstr;
- $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
- my $total = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
- return if $total > 0;
- my $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO $t (".join(',', at fields).") VALUES (".
- "'On Custom Field Change', 'When a custom field is changed to some value',
- 'CustomFieldChange', 'Any', 1, CURRENT_DATE, 1, CURRENT_DATE )";
- $sth = dbh->prepare($insert_sql) or die dbh->errstr;
- $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+ # go ahead and use the RT API for this
+ FS::TicketSystem->init;
+ my $session = FS::TicketSystem->session();
+ my $CurrentUser = $session->{'CurrentUser'}
+ or die 'freeside-upgrade must run as a valid RT user';
+ # CustomFieldChange scrip condition
+ my $ScripCondition = RT::ScripCondition->new($CurrentUser);
+ $ScripCondition->LoadByCols('ExecModule' => 'CustomFieldChange');
+ if (!defined($ScripCondition->Id)) {
+ my ($val, $msg) = $ScripCondition->Create(
+ 'Name' => 'On Custom Field Change',
+ 'Description' => 'When a custom field is changed to some value',
+ 'ExecModule' => 'CustomFieldChange',
+ 'ApplicableTransTypes' => 'Any',
+ );
+ die $msg if !$val;
+ }
+ # Create any missing scrips
+ our (@Groups, @Users, @ACL, @Queues, @ScripActions, @ScripConditions,
+ @Templates, @CustomFields, @Scrips, @Attributes, @Initial, @Final);
+ my $datafile = '%%%RT_PATH%%%/etc/initialdata';
+ eval { require $datafile };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ warn "Couldn't load RT data from '$datafile': $@\n(skipping)\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $search = RT::ScripConditions->new($CurrentUser);
+ $search->UnLimit;
+ my %condition = map { lc($_->Name), $_->Id } @{ $search->ItemsArrayRef };
+ $search = RT::ScripActions->new($CurrentUser);
+ $search->UnLimit;
+ my %action = map { lc($_->Name), $_->Id } @{ $search->ItemsArrayRef };
+ $search = RT::Templates->new($CurrentUser);
+ $search->UnLimit;
+ my %template = map { lc($_->Name), $_->Id } @{ $search->ItemsArrayRef };
+ my $Scrip = RT::Scrip->new($CurrentUser);
+ foreach my $s ( @Scrips ) {
+ my $desc = $s->{'Description'};
+ my ($c, $a, $t) = map lc,
+ @{ $s }{'ScripCondition', 'ScripAction', 'Template'};
+ if ( !$condition{$c} ) {
+ warn "ScripCondition '$c' not found.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( !$action{$a} ) {
+ warn "ScripAction '$a' not found.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( !$template{$t} ) {
+ warn "Template '$t' not found.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my %param = (
+ ScripCondition => $condition{$c},
+ ScripAction => $action{$a},
+ Template => $template{$t},
+ Queue => 0,
+ );
+ $Scrip->LoadByCols(%param);
+ if (!defined($Scrip->Id)) {
+ my ($val, $msg) = $Scrip->Create(%param, Description => $desc);
+ die $msg if !$val;
+ }
+ } #foreach (@Scrips)
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